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NYC Vamps: Roman: Vampire Romance

Page 157

by Sky Winters

  “You didn’t hear me speak to you?” Savannah asked.

  Marissa's face lit up with realization. “It was you.”

  “It was,” Savannah said, nodding. “I've always been sensitive to other people’s auras, but this was the first time I ever tried communicating with anyone. I thought you might have heard me.”

  “I did,” Marissa said, “but they weren’t words…more like…feelings."

  “Feelings,” Savannah said, thinking that sounded about right.


  Marissa and Savannah stared at each other for an awkward moment. Marissa was the first one to break the gaze. “I wanted to say…thank you,” she said tentatively, “for saving me from…for saving all of us.”

  Savannah had not been expecting an apology, and she was at a loss for words.

  “I also want to say…I’m sorry,” Marissa continued. “For how I treated you and for what I did to get back at you.”

  “I.. that’s okay,” Savannah managed.

  Marissa nodded and then she left the room quickly, leaving Savannah and Xander alone.

  Xander gave Savannah a smile.

  “You still haven’t told me what happened after Marissa stabbed me,” Savannah reminded him.

  “I told you: the spell…potion…whatever it was, broke,” Xander said. “And when it did, Abel and Dominic were caught by surprise. We were able to attack them, and they were completely outnumbered.”


  “More than half of Dominic’s pack abandoned him in the end,” Xander said with a small smile. “Some of them didn’t know he'd aligned himself with a witch. When they realized what he'd done, they took the first opportunity they could to leave. We cornered Dominic, but when it was clear that we had won--”

  “What?” Savannah asked, though she sensed Dominic’s fate as a result of Xander’s aura.

  “He killed himself,” Xander said. “To avoid being taken captive.”

  Savannah and Xander were silent for a moment. “And Abel?” Savannah asked after she'd taken a moment to process Dominic’s death.

  Xander’s face turned hard. “Abel was harder to corner--he is a witch after all. We were all in our wolf forms. Elvira and Malick had him cornered, and Elvira had him by the leg.”

  “And then?”

  Xander sighed. “He was badly wounded,” Xander said, “but then he used some sort of magic on Elvira, forcing her to let him go. By the time the smoke had cleared and we could see again, he was gone.”

  “So he’s still out there somewhere?”

  “Yes, but he’s not in Grey Mountain any longer,” Xander said, hastening to assure her.

  “How can you be sure?”

  “We scoured the forest in search of him. The cabin he used to occupy was completely empty, except for the body of an old woman.”

  “His grandmother,” Savannah said quietly. “There was nothing else?”

  “Nothing.” Xander shook his head. “The place was completely bare. There was no trace of magic remaining. I don’t think Abel will ever return to Grey Mountain.”

  Savannah nodded. “Are the rest of the pack okay?” she asked, concerned.

  “Everyone has minor injuries,” Xander replied, “but no serious damage has been done.”

  “But there so easily could have been,” Savannah said. “Xander, I’m so, so sorry."

  “Don’t,” Xander said. “You don’t have to apologize to me. It’s because of you we’re all still alive and in control of our own minds.”

  “It’s because of me that we were even in that situation in the first place,” Savannah said. She grabbed Xander's arm. “I should never have gone to Abel.”

  “Maybe not,” Xander conceded, “but you were forced to go to him because I wouldn’t listen to what you had to say or believe you. If you hadn’t felt so alone then you would never have turned to him. He was right about that--I should have taught you better. We all should have.”

  “You had other things to worry about.”

  “Nothing is more important than protecting your pack,” Xander said firmly. “We all forgot that shifter or not, you are now a part of our pack.”

  Savannah’s hands went instinctively to her stomach. “Our baby is strong.”

  “I know,” Xander said. He put his hand on top of Savannah’s, bent slowly down, and kissed her softly on the lips.

  “How did you know about the lake?” Xander asked after a moment.

  Savannah shrugged. “I'd felt its magic before, but I never connected the dots. It wasn’t until I remembered my vision that I realized what it all meant.”

  “Marissa running toward you with a blue bladed dagger,” Xander said.

  Savannah nodded. “It wasn’t until we were all standing in that clearing that I realized the vision I'd seen wasn't what I thought it was. I hadn’t seen my death--I'd seen my salvation, but I was the only one who knew what to do. So I cut off the world and relied on my sense.”

  “How did you know Marissa would get your message?”

  “I didn’t,” Savannah said. “I just… followed my instincts.”

  “That’s a good way to life your life,” Xander said. He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled softly. “I’m going to need your help when I’m alpha. I’m going to be counting on those instincts of yours to guide me through my life and my duties as a leader.”

  Savannah leaned in and kissed Xander gently on the lips, then she whispered into his ear, “You can count on me. Always.”

  Xander placed his hand protectively over Savannah’s belly. He slipped in beside her on the bed, and his lips closed around hers. It was a gentle kiss at first, but then it deepened, and Savannah felt the burning heat that lay just underneath.

  They were finally free to live their lives without having to look over their shoulders. They were finally able to be together without fear or worry. Xander slipped his hand under her shirt, his fingers warm against her naked skin. This was the start of their real adventure together. Savannah was finally ready to take her place by Xander’s side, as his wife and as a true member of the pack.

  Xander began teasing off her clothes, and Savannah gave herself over to him wholeheartedly, reveling in the intoxicating need for their bodies to become one.

  - The End –

  About The Author

  Sky Winters is drawn to writing paranormal fairy tales with bad-ass shapeshifters. She likes her heroes and heroines to be the unexpected ones, and their passion to be steamy! She writes these sizzl'n and surreal tales for you, late at night, when the wolves are howling from her Northwestern home.

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  * * *

  [CC1]End of sentence?

  [T2]This has already been said a few times




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