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Claiming the Evil Dead

Page 3

by Mary Abshire

  I stepped off the curb and turned away from him. Halfway down the alley, a gust of wind blew past me, and Drake magically appeared a few feet in front of me. I stopped and glared at him. If I could spit fireballs, I would've spit them right at his feet.

  "I do not think you are a fucking idiot." The emphasis had a foreign sound coming from him, and I half chuckled. "At least allow me to explain."

  I crossed my arms. Why not hear him out? I'd come this far. "Go on."

  "I have tracked down a very old vampire who shows no mercy to his victims," he said with a very businesslike attitude.

  "Isn't that what you vamps do, kill people?" I gave him a devilish grin.

  He glowered at me with brutally cold eyes. Was he trying to frighten me? He didn't, and I wasn't in the mood to play since I had to be at work in a few hours.

  "Go on," I said.

  "He has killed at least a thousand innocent people—men, women, and children—during his time here on earth. Over the last century, he has taken a strong liking to children under the age of fourteen."

  My stomach churned. I teetered on the edge of vomiting. Some monster spent a century slaughtering children. How cruel. How heartless. How evil. How could anyone in their right mind not be sickened?

  "Why don't you just destroy him?" At least it would end the killing.

  "That would be too easy. Would you not agree?" He arched a brow.

  Oh yeah, I definitely agreed. The vamp deserved more than a simple end to his existence. And it was no surprise to me that vampires had souls, even though their bodies were dead. Sean had told me the soul stayed with the body during the transformation process, which often varied from a day to several. While this would make my first vampire soul to claim, catching it couldn't be any more difficult than a regular human soul. Moreover, Hell was a fitting destination for this deadbeat.

  "Where is he?" I asked with a trace of intrigue.

  "He is in Chicago. I will pay you the money for a week's worth of your time and the disposal of his soul."

  "Why a week?"

  "I don't know where he is staying, but I am familiar with his patterns. It may take a little time to draw him out."

  "And what if a week isn't enough?" After all, I had a real day job that paid my bills. His offer tempted me, but given the economy, I couldn't easily find a new job if I lost the one I had.

  "I will pay you an extra twenty-five thousand for an additional week if the job takes longer."

  "Cash, check, or charge?" I asked, adding a little humor to a deadly serious proposition.

  "Are you accepting my offer?" he asked with a hint of pleasantry I hadn't heard before.

  "No, not yet. I need time to consider it."

  "I plan on leaving this evening around ten. I will need your answer by then."

  "All right." I sighed. That didn't give me much time to contemplate. Maybe that was the point. "How do I contact you?"

  Drake reached into the lining of his jacket. "Give me your hand."

  Although I couldn't see what he was withdrawing, I held my palm toward him anyway. Curiosity is such a bitch. He placed something lightweight into my hand, but it was his gentle touch I noticed more. A chill crawled up my arm, cooling my hot skin. I peeked at his face and his lips twitched.

  "Call me." He withdrew his hand.

  Looking down, I saw a black cell phone. "Day or night?" I smirked.


  "Really?" Don't vampires sleep during the day? It was on the tip of my tongue to ask.

  "I will expect to hear from you."

  "You will," I assured him.

  Drake gave me a nod, then passed by me. His shoes tapped lightly on the pavement while his energy brushed over me. A faint, magnetic pull electrified the tiny hairs on my arms. I glided my hands over my arms, hoping to ease the sensation. Hearing silence, I glanced over my shoulder. Drake had stopped and was facing me.

  "Do you ever wonder where your soul will go when you die?" he asked with a soft and charismatic voice.

  What a strange question. Didn't he know there was Heaven, Hell, and the world in between where spirits wandered?

  "I have demon blood in me. I know where my soul will go." The truth was not something I liked, but it I was damned thanks to my demon blood. Hell would be my final resting place and I doubted my good deeds to send bad souls where they belonged would make a difference. But I would rack up as many good points as I could. Hope never dies.

  I turned and walked away from him.

  "Blood alone doesn't dictate where your soul belongs. Your actions and the choices you make will determine where your soul shall reside," he said.

  I stopped and spun around. "Yeah, ri—" Before I finished, I realized Drake had vanished. "Right." I whispered to myself.

  Chapter Three

  I stared at the computer monitor with a haze distorting my vision. Numbers blurred on the screen. My left hand laid idle over the keyboard while my other hand rested on the mouse. The clicking of keys, soft chatter of co-workers, and intermittent buzz from the copier fostered my drowsiness. I should've gone to bed after I'd gotten home from meeting with Drake.

  Blinking to clear the layer of fog covering my eyes, I tried to wake up and focus on work, but it was a lost cause. I couldn't stop mulling over my early morning chat with Drake. I'd formed a list of reasons to help him and found only one excuse not to—I didn't like vampires. Why? Because they got away with killing, they were greedy, self-righteous, egotistical, and just plain assholes. But I’d never really gotten to know one or carried a conversation with one until today. He didn't seem threatening or out for blood. Maybe he was different from the others.

  No. The man wasn't too different. He had stalked me. That little fact confirmed he was a creep. But would I let my opinion of Drake stop me from sending some evil vampire's soul to Hell?

  "Jessie," a soft, feminine voice came from behind me. "Are you okay?"

  "What?" I tilted my head toward the voice.

  "Are you all right?" Dani asked with a laugh.

  "I'm fine."

  She narrowed her bluish-gray eyes at me. "Are you sure? You seem out of it."

  "Eighty percent sure." I half smiled.

  Dani gazed at me as if she were trying to figure me out. She was a dear friend and I loved her like a sister. We'd met a little over three years ago during my first day on the job. She showed me around, introduced me to the decent people, and warned me to steer clear from others she labeled as trouble. She was two years older than me and had a keen interest in the paranormal, so we got along splendidly. Her witty personality and exceptional sense of humor always kept me on my toes.

  "What about the other twenty percent?" Dani leaned her shoulder on the side of the cubicle wall separating my desk from my neighbor's.

  "Still up for debate."

  "Uh-huh." She eyed me suspiciously and leaned down closer. "I've been watching you for the last twenty minutes, and you haven't moved an inch."

  I bit into my tongue to hold back a nasty comment. I really hated people spying on me. It seemed to be occurring a little too often these days. In Dani's case, I shouldn't be surprised. She sat in the row behind me, three desks down. Most of the time, her back faced me. Apparently, not today.

  Dani put her hand on my shoulder and whispered into my ear. "Are you going to tell me what's on your mind, or am I going to have to invite Kyle over so we can gang up on you?"

  I half laughed and half sighed. God love her. She acted just like a sister, concerned and throwing out false threats in hopes of intimidating me.

  Leaning back in my chair, I pondered my next words. I didn't know what to tell her. How did I tell my roommate, co-worker, and best friend that I needed to leave for a week with someone I'd just met? And that was the cleaned-up version. I sure couldn't say I'm going to spend a week with a vampire so we can hunt another vampire. If I did, she'd want to be invited. And then I'd have to turn her down. And then she'd have hurt feelings. Without further thought, I decide
d to supply her with a fib in an effort to avoid any drama.

  "Sean has some business to take care of in Chicago and wants me to visit."

  "Why didn't you just say so?" She backed up. "You act like he's family every time he calls. You should spend time with him. Get away from here for a while."

  "I couldn't decide if I should go or not. It's for a week, and a mutual friend of ours would take me."

  "What's making you hesitate?" She looked at me, perplexed.

  "It's just…" I fumbled with my words. "Sudden."

  "When do you leave?"


  "Have you told Greg?" She glanced in the direction of our boss's office.

  "No, I haven't mentioned it to him yet." I wasn't worried about getting his approval for the time off. Since I always met my quota, and he never complained, I figured he'd approve my leave request.

  "You should tell him soon."

  "I will. I just need to call Sean first and let him know that I will be coming." I opened my desk drawer and pulled out the cell phone Drake gave me. As I held the phone in my hand, it finally hit me—I had made the decision to go. I was going to spend a week with a bloodsucker and I wasn't scared.

  "If you need help with anything, let me know. We don't have any investigations scheduled for three weeks, so you won't miss anything here."

  I grinned. "Maybe you can help me pack when we get home."

  "Sure, as long as I'm not touching your dirty laundry." She snickered.

  "Thanks, Dani."

  "Yeah, yeah. Just bring me back a souvenir or something." She flashed another brilliant smile and went back to her desk.

  I left my desk with Drake's phone in my hand. Two blocks from my office, I stepped into an alley and called him. Tiny cigarette butts littered the ground while the stench of smoke lingered. Farther away, two smokers stood near a door conversing. I dismissed their presence. Unless they had Superman's hearing, they were too far away to hear me.

  "Have you decided?" he asked by way of greeting.

  "Did I wake you?"

  "I don't sleep much. Did you decide?"

  Straight to business. Right.

  "I have a few conditions before I answer that."

  "Name them."

  "I want half the money in my account within the hour. I want the other half at the end of the week, regardless if we catch this guy or not."

  "Anything else?"

  His calm tone surprised me. It was as if he'd already accepted my request. Perhaps I should've asked for a bonus and a new car.

  "I'm not helping you destroy him."

  "I will not need your help with that part."

  "Good." I paused for a moment. "And I'm not a blood donor, so don't ask me—"

  "Yes, yes. I understand and agree to all your conditions. Are you willing to assist me or not?"

  Well, he sounded like such the happy camper. Not. In the short amount of time I had listened to his voice, I started having second thoughts. Could I survive a week with this arrogant vampire? My life was at risk just by being in his presence. Worse, my life would be at risk by searching out a vampire that killed for sport. Was I making the right decision to assist Drake?

  "One more thing," I said. "I want your personal guarantee that I will return home alive and in one piece." The seriousness of my tone couldn't have been clearer.

  "You have my word," he said firmly and without the slightest hesitation.

  He sounded sincere. How could I say no now?

  "Okay. I'll do it."

  Chapter Four

  I sat on the edge of my messy bed with the cordless phone pressed to my ear. On the other end of the line, the animated female voice from my bank informed me I had an extra twenty-five thousand in my account. This was the third time I'd called since I'd spoken with Drake. A chill spread through me and it swiftly transformed into excitement when I heard my new balance. I wanted to jump up and cheer. I'd never had so much money in my life.

  Having confirmed the amount in my account again, I set the phone down and twisted to face Dani. She stood over my suitcase, rechecking everything she'd packed for me. While I'd run around the house after work, washing laundry, cleaning up the apartment, putting clothes away, and bathing, she spent her time packing and organizing my suitcase. I wasn't about to complain, but I was fearful what she packed for me. A glance at the clock on the nightstand told me ten o'clock was quickly approaching.

  "Makeup." Dani pointed to one of the sealed compartments on the outside of the suitcase.

  "Got it," I confirmed with my eyes fixed on the spot. "Did you pack my toothbrush?"

  "It's here." She showed me where to find it.


  "Here"—she tapped on the compartment—"and sexy lingerie…" She flipped open the top and slid her hand over the clothes. My gaze jumped from the suitcase to her.

  "Don't worry, I packed a couple for you." She tried to conceal a smile.

  Grinning, I shook my head. I wasn't surprised she'd snuck something naughty inside my luggage. Her mischievous personality was one I admired. Had she packed other secret goodies? Note to self—be careful unpacking in front of others. I'd hate for condoms or a sex toy to accidently fall out. God, that would be so embarrassing. I'd have to find a way to pay her back in spades.

  "Thank you, Dani." I zipped the suitcase shut. "I think I'm ready."

  I carried the luggage into the living room, then set it near the front door. Dani stood at a distance with her arms crossed. Her droopy eyes and lips reminded me of a sad puppy dog.

  "Give me a call when you settle in," she said in her motherly voice.

  "Don't worry, I won't take any drugs, and I won't stay out past three."

  She stepped forward and hugged me. "Don't come home until you get laid."

  "Dani!" I promptly stepped back from her embrace. "You're horrible."

  The doorbell chimed and my fun-loving happiness quickly disintegrated. Duty called.

  I opened the door and found Drake dressed in jeans and a dark green sweater under his brown leather jacket.

  "Ready?" he asked.

  I studied his face for a moment. He looked different from when I met him in the early morning hours. He looked lively, if that was even possible. His skin, still fair in hue, had tinted slightly. Holy crap! In an instant, I figured out the reason why he appeared the way he did. At least now I didn't need to fret about him being hungry.

  Holding up my forefinger to him, I turned around to Dani. She stood a few feet away from me with sad eyes. Talk about emotional. She acted as if I were going away for a long time. What a dear, concerned friend. I hugged her one last time with a breathtaking squeeze.

  "I'll be back in a week," I said, hopeful.

  "I know." She sighed, squeezing me. "Oh my."

  Her change of tone startled me. I backed away from her. The sad expression she'd held was gone. Her eyes were now wide and her mouth hinted at a smile. Her gaze pointed at the door.

  I peered over my shoulder. Drake stood in our apartment with his hands in his pockets. He was staring at Dani. Invitation only before entrance was clearly a myth for vampires.

  Dani pinched me. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" Her eyes were glazed over with lust.

  Dear lord, I'd really hoped to avoid introductions. The last thing I needed was for her to ask me a ton of questions. Worse yet, I didn't want her to think he was a man to befriend. Hell no. The best thing I could think of was to keep the meeting short. I stepped aside and looked at Drake. His wry smile made me wonder if he’d charmed her…or whatever vampires called it. If he had, I was going to kick his ass later.

  "Drake, this is Dani, my roommate." I gave him a baleful glare.

  He nodded. "Hello."

  Oh, she gets a hello, but I don't? I mentally cursed him.

  "Hello." Dani twirled her long blonde hair between her fingers.

  Time to go!

  "Get my luggage," I spat at Drake, and then faced Dani. "I'll call you
when I get there."

  She hugged me again. "If you don't fuck him, I will," she whispered in my ear.

  A cough echoed from out in the hallway. Peachy. I had a feeling Drake's vampire ears probably picked up Dani's comment.

  "Behave." I planted a kiss on her cheek.

  "You don't have to worry about me."

  True. Kyle and Lester would undoubtedly keep her company in my absence. Grinning, I walked out the door and shut it behind me.

  Outside, I spotted Drake standing behind a black Mercedes with darkened windows, loading my luggage into the back. The vehicle looked nice and expensive. The silver trim on the front and on the fancy logo shined under the small amount of lighting from the building. The car reeked of wealth and arrogance. He shut the trunk and it made a loud thump. I paused next to the passenger side door. Could I manage a week with this bloodsucking, egotistical asshole?

  Drake stopped at his door and opened it. "Get in."

  "Fucker," I whispered as I opened the door. I hoped he heard me.

  His rudeness sparked my anger and caused my temperature to rise. We had a long way to go and I didn't want to start any trouble. Biting my tongue to keep from spewing any hostile words, I settled into my seat and strapped the seatbelt over me.

  "Nice friend," he said as he backed out of the parking spot.

  I glowered at him. "Don't even think of touching her."

  He regarded me with a sly grin. "I won't think of it."

  I balled my hands in my lap and turned my head away from him. Why did I have a feeling this would be the most hellish week of my life?

  After my temperature cooled, I stretched out my legs and leaned back in my seat. The quiet throttle of the car and the lack of conversation calmed me. I stared out the window at the carless Interstate. The I-465 interchange was drawing near, which meant the airport was only fifteen minutes away. I prayed the silence would stretch that long.

  The scent of oiled leather lingered in the clean car. Everything was black, and with the tinted windows, the inside seemed as dark as the outside. Blue and orange lights on the dashboard glowed softly. The GPS in the center of the dash illuminated the front. Fancy indeed and way out of my price range for a vehicle. While he tapped on the screen, he sped past the interchange.


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