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Claiming the Evil Dead

Page 12

by Mary Abshire

  "What did you think?" asked a soft, familiar voice in my right ear.

  I glanced over my shoulder. Drake's soothing energy continued to brush over me like a gentle breeze because he stood so close. One nudge and he'd bump into me.

  "She's…um…an interesting person."

  "I wasn't referring to Lila," he said with a touch of disappointment in his tone.

  Lights flashed over us from the dance floor. I surveyed his face and noticed his skin tone was a darker hue from earlier. How could…? Holy hell, I knew the answer, but had to ask.

  "Did you feed while I was with Lila?"

  He placed his hand on my bare arm. "We should go."

  His gentle touch cooled my warm flesh. I fought to ignore the excitement building within me. "I'd like another drink."

  Drake leaned closer to my ear and brushed the back of his fingers along my arm. "You can have one at the next club."

  Tingles of desire raced through me. My womanly parts awakened quickly and hungered for more. Damn them. I didn't want to disappoint Drake, so I slid off my stool. I wrapped my arm around his and we headed for the exit.

  "Where to now?" I asked.

  "You'll see."

  We left the club side by side, arms still locked together. His energy strengthened and appeased my heated body. I couldn't deny I enjoyed his closeness. But did he feel the same? Not once did he attempt to pull away from me. He likes you, Lila had said. Okay, maybe he did.

  As we walked along the sidewalk, I tilted my head back and gazed up. A cloud hid a quarter of the moon. Stars glittered among the peaceful, dark sky. I pondered over my card reading yet again.

  "Are you all right?" Drake asked, bringing my attention down to earth.

  "Those cards…" I shook my head, not really knowing how to put my thoughts into words. "I don't know what to think."

  "Want to talk about them?"

  I met his dark eyes, and for the first time I wondered if I had misjudged him. Instead of cruelty and deception—typical of his kind—sympathy and kindness emanated from him. He's a man with a noble soul. Lila's words repeated in my head.

  "Not yet. I don't understand them." I paused and took a deep breath. "I need a little time."

  He gave me a single nod of understanding.

  I was so confused and my emotions were mixed. Everything I'd believed about vampires was in question, at least with him. I had to find a way to make sense of everything.

  We reached the car and Drake headed toward our next destination. I sat quietly, staring out the window. The buildings and people going by were a blur. A thick haze engulfed my mind, and it wasn't because of the liquor. Desperate to make it through the dense miasma, I rummaged through Lila's words and her analysis of the cards I had selected.

  According to the first cards revealed to me, I was on an uncertain path, and my soul was searching for something. What could it be? What did I want? World peace? I'd settle for an end to all the evil monstrosities in the world. Who didn't want that? Perhaps I needed to scale down my answers.

  I turned my gaze to Drake as I revisited my question. What did I want? A man? Love? How about to be loved and cherished? To share my life—my past, present, and future—with someone who cared. To be understood. To not be feared. And to engage in intoxicating sex whenever I wanted, or my lover wanted. My heart rapped a beat faster. Yes, that was it. I answered the question.

  I looked out the window again. In a new partnership…feel an attachment, Lila had said. Could it be? I closed my eyes. His energy subdued my soul. There was no denying it. And yes, I liked his touch. It soothed me every time. Attracted to him? I wanted to melt from his warm, caring eyes. I wanted his cool hands to caress every bit of my feverish skin. I wanted to feel his hard body pressed against mine. I wanted him to quench my desires and appease my demon. An attachment? I was fooling myself if I said no.

  The thick cloud in my mind turned into a fine mist. Lila said I had feelings for Drake. I didn't want to admit she was right. As usual, I bottled them up. That was in the cards, too. But was it love or just an intense longing to get my groove on with him? Let my true feelings guide me. Why not? What was I afraid of? Change? If I couldn't change, I'd lose something valuable—according to the cards. What was I going to do about it?

  "Are you all right?" Drake asked, jarring me from my thoughts.

  I faced him and studied his face. He held a calm, concerned expression. Though I'd only spent a short time with the vampire, I knew with certainty that he was different.

  "I'm fine."

  "Your heart is beating faster than it was earlier." He brought the car to a stop in front of a red light glowing above us, then reached over and brushed the hair away from my face. He tucked it behind my ear. The delicate touch on my earlobe sent a tingle down my neck.

  "I was just…" I swallowed. "Thinking."

  I gazed into his compassionate eyes and wondered how a vampire and a demon could find an attraction to one another. We were two opposites—living and dead—hot and cold. Yet, the attraction was there. The way he touched me was soft and loving. Maybe opposites did attract each other. When the green light illuminated, his attention shifted back to the road.

  He wanted my trust. Maybe I should give it to him on a trial basis. Lila trusted him. Was I stubborn enough to think he'd deceive me when he flat-out promised no harm would come to me? The cards had said I was holding myself back. Perhaps this was the opportunity to test that theory.

  "Lila seemed very fond of you," I said.

  Drake turned the car into a small parking lot filled with vehicles. I waited patiently for his response while he surveyed the area. Upon locating an empty spot, he parked and cut the engine. Keys in hand, he twisted in the leather seat.

  "She is an old friend. I've known her family for a long time."

  "That's what she said."

  "Centuries ago, her family was about to be slaughtered. The local villagers in the town I was staying in believed her family caused the death of their livestock and had inflicted diseases upon their children. They were driven by their religious beliefs." He sneered and averted his gaze past me. "When they attacked, I fought as many as I could. I tried to protect her family. Many of them died. The few that lived, I helped them escape. They are good people. They have never harmed anyone."

  Speechless, I stared at him. He was a vampire—a commonly known killer—yet he held sympathy for human life. Maybe I had him pegged all wrong.

  "I thought the reading was insightful." I released the seatbelt. "The cards told me we would succeed with our goal."

  Drake's lips curled into a light grin. "Perhaps we should see if her cards are right." He was out the door a second later.

  I strode next to him along the sidewalk. The populated area looked familiar. When I saw the stone castle on the corner and illuminated Excalibur sign, I knew exactly where we were heading.

  "Are you coming in with me?" I asked, cheerful.

  "Yes. You may not see me, but I'll be around."

  I bit my lip as I wondered why he'd go off on his own instead of stay with me inside the club. After I'd wasted a minute to ponder, I finally asked. "Why not stick with me?"

  He kept his attention ahead of him. "I'd like to look around for myself."

  Realization came to me in a snap. The vampire needed to feed.

  "Okay, so what should I do if I feel Alexander's presence? Should I just follow him since you will be…busy?"

  He faced me. "Finding Alexander is top priority. Say my name and I'll find you."

  "It's crowded and the music is loud."

  "I'll hear you. I would recognize your voice anywhere."

  I pressed my lips together and nodded. Okay, I was impressed and a bit scared that a vampire could hear that well.

  When we reached the door, Drake met the bouncer's gazes with glowing eyes. They let us walk by without checking our ID or giving us a pat down. Maybe having a vampire as a friend was a good idea after all. Free and easy access to clubs was a good th
ing. Right?

  I paused past the front door and surveyed the club. Similar to the night before, men and women crowded around the bar and stood in groups, socializing, while loud music played. I opened my mouth to comment to Drake, but stopped short after I noticed he was gone. And he hadn't even said a farewell. With a heavy sigh, I squeezed through bodies and headed for the bar.

  After a ten-minute wait at the bar and a couple of nudges from passing patrons, I finally ordered my drink. Mouth as dry as the Nevada desert, I swallowed my vodka fast and spun my glass on the counter. The shot went down smooth and painless with a slight rush of heat warming me from within. Seeing I'd have to wait for an additional drink, I decided one was enough and stepped away from the bar.

  As I headed toward the dance floor, the warmth slipped away from me, and a chill passed through me, eerily noticeable but not bone-chilling. I glided my hands over my arms. They were cool too. Strange, I thought. Drake's presence felt light and delicate. Alexander's presence made me feel as if I’d stepped into an ice age, frost bitten and numb. This new chill fell somewhere in the middle.

  Frowning in confusion, I sauntered around the mass of swaying bodies. Energy stirred inside me, along with a faint ringing in my ears. I slid one hand over my arm and still felt chilled. Someone dead was here and it wasn't Alexander.

  I scoped the floor, searching for Drake. Bobbing heads and swaying arms blocked my view. Meandering near the back of the dance floor, I wondered if I should call Drake. If another vampire were around, then they would sense him eventually. I had to warn him.

  "Drake," I called out in my normal voice. I barely heard myself over the loud music.

  Standing on the tip of my toes, I peered through the crowd, trying to find him. The ringing in my ears irked me. Where the hell was he?


  "I'm here," he said, pressing his lips over my ear. His hard body mashed into the back of mine. He wrapped one arm around my abdomen and held me. "Is he here?"

  A soft quiver slid through me, excited from his touch. "No."

  He held me firmly while he swayed ever so gently. His cool touch seeped through the thin fabric of my blouse, arousing a starving need deep inside of me. My body relaxed and I couldn’t help but move in tune to his seductive rhythm. I slid my hand over his and rested my head against his shoulder.

  He nuzzled near my ear. "Why did you call me?"

  God help me, I wanted to melt in his arms. He glided his soft fingers down my arm, sending a stimulating signal to my inner core. My heart thumped faster.

  "Your skin is cool."

  My body tingled, electrified by his touch. He felt so good, soothing to my heated flesh. Then a chill crawled through me, triggering an internal alarm. I lifted my head from his shoulder. "Someone is here."

  He spun me around and stared deep into my eyes. "Do you feel something?"

  I nodded. "I think it might be—"

  Drake's head jerked up before I could finish. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me through the crowd. I bumped into several people trying to keep up with him. Apologies flew from my mouth, though I doubted anyone heard me. Past the exit, Drake led me off to the side in the large hallway. He backed me up against the wall.

  "Don't move. Don't say anything." He released my hand from his grasp, then spun to face the open doorway.

  The ringing in my ears slowly intensified. I peeked around him, looking for the source of the annoying ring. Although I saw no one, I trusted my radar. I had never been wrong on detecting others. "Whoever it is, I think they're coming."

  Drake took a small step forward. We both stared at the open doorway, waiting for someone to walk through. A few heartbeats later, a group of three young women emerged. One giggled while another clutched the arm of the wobbling female. I sighed with relief. They were all human and a little intoxicated.

  Seconds ticked by. Nobody else appeared from the doorway. As my anxiety rose, I stiffened my back against the wall. My heart thudded. Drake's head inched my way and I wondered if he was hearing the vibrant beat within my chest.

  Two people—a man and a tall thin woman—emerged, walking hand-in-hand. Drake stepped into the woman's path, bringing her and her companion to an immediate halt.

  "Veronica," Drake said in a contemptuous voice. "How nice to see you."

  "Drake, what a pleasant surprise." She brushed her bangs away from her eyes. She had short, black hair, luscious red lips, and long, thin legs. Her style reminded me of Betty Boop, minus the voluptuous curves.

  The large man standing next to Veronica didn't blink or say a word. His wide, glassy eyes led me to believe she had his mind under her control.

  Drake shifted his hands behind him. "Were you leaving? We haven’t spoken in such a long time."

  I stayed silent, my back against the wall and head lowered while I listened to their conversation. Whatever Drake's plan was, I didn't want to interfere. He had told me to be quiet, so my lips remained zipped.

  "Actually, I am leaving. I have important matters to take care of," she said, and directed a hungry gaze over her companion.

  A couple strolled out from the dance floor, capturing everyone's attention. The woman was groaning loudly with her head and legs wobbling. The man holding her upright guided her forward. He exchanged glances with Drake and Veronica as he passed by them. Once he was out of sight, Veronica and Drake glanced my way.

  Thinking fast so Veronica wouldn’t suspect my involvement with Drake, I covered my mouth with my hand, clutched my stomach, and twisted away from them. I had to put on a good show, so I made a gagging sound and leaned over. Hey, there were plenty of drunks in the club. Why not blend in with them? If I was lucky, she’d think I was a regular, warm-blooded human. There wasn’t any reason for her to think I was something else. After all, vampires couldn't sense I was a demon unless they saw me do something irregular, such as spin my head around, put my bones in unnatural positions, or suck in a soul. Nothing said demon faster than a backwards head or an upside down spider crawl. As for my rosy scent that Drake said I had, I could explain it as perfume or incense. Otherwise, I was another warm body with a pulse.

  Bending over, I made another throaty gurgling noise.

  "Humans can be so disgusting." Veronica sneered.

  I chocked on a laugh.

  "Veronica, I must insist we have a talk," Drake asserted.

  Holding my hand to my mouth, I glanced over my shoulder. Drake stepped closer to Veronica. Grimacing, she turned and faced her companion. As she gazed into his dreamy eyes, she stroked her fingers through his wavy hair.

  "Wayne, be a dear and wait for me at the bar." She practically purred, treating him as a pet.

  With my head tilted down, I watched from the corner of my eye as the man walked away from them, then disappeared through the open doorway.

  Still acting sick and intoxicated, I staggered slowly away from them with my hand against the wall. My intoxication act needed to appear real. I was shooting for a Grammy award.

  "To the basement," Drake said.

  I paused and snuck a glimpse their way. Veronica strode past Drake with a malicious glare that clearly showed her disapproval. He stayed obnoxiously close to her heels as she headed for the stairs. Maybe he thought she might run. When they were out of sight, I gave up the drunk act and headed for the stairs. I followed behind them at a distance, then stopped as they reached the last step. After they disappeared, I descended the rest of the stairway.

  The basement was half as crowded as the main floor, but populated enough for me to hide from Veronica. I ambled around clusters of gossipers while I searched for Drake. I found him sitting with Veronica in plush chairs several feet from the end of the bar. Veronica's back faced the bar. A crooked smile formed on my face as I spotted a couple unoccupied stools. I had to give Drake credit. He knew how to work as a team and set up a situation where his partner could sit close by and listen. Either that or he wanted to keep an eye on me. Whichever way, I claimed the empty seat next to a
young woman and two men at the bar.

  The tall bartender with spiked brown hair and a fitted black button-down shirt approached me as I sat down.

  "A dry martini, please." I pulled out the cash I'd tucked in my bra earlier. I held no shame in where I kept my money.

  The trio sitting next to me continued with their conversation as if I were a ghost. Bad dates seemed to be the topic. As the bartender handed me my drink, I overheard one of the men say one of his dates vomited in his car, and it took months to get the smell out. I hid a smile behind my martini glass before I took a sip.

  "Have you seen Alexander?" Drake asked.

  "I've seen him a few times," Veronica responded in a deceptive tone.

  "Where is he?"

  There was a lengthy pause. I sipped my martini, wishing I could see the expression on her face.

  "Why are you looking for him?"

  "I have business to discuss with him. Urgent business," Drake replied sharply.

  "Well, I don't know where he is. I can't help you."

  "Veronica," Drake's voice mellowed. "I don't have any reason to quarrel with you. I will walk out of here and forget I even saw you. To make that happen, all I need is for you to tell me where he is."

  Oh, he was good. Real smooth. I fought an uncontrollable temptation to look at him. I wanted to see his face and how he was looking at her.

  "We had arrangements to meet at Beaumont later," she replied.

  "In the morning?" Drake inquired.

  "Yes, of course," she replied, as if he should have known the answer.

  "I would appreciate if you would keep our conversation private."

  I downed the rest of my drink, then scooted off my chair. If they were getting ready to leave, I had to get out before they did. I took a step away from the bar.

  "Of course," she replied. "But why don't you stay for awhile?"

  Hearing her playful voice gave me pause and I almost spun around and went back for another drink at the bar. But I couldn’t risk being recognized by her. I ambled near where they sat and made sure I was well hidden amongst the crowd chatting and drinking. One man gave me a flirtatious smile.

  "No. As I said, I have business to attend to," Drake said flatly.


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