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Claiming the Evil Dead

Page 29

by Mary Abshire

  Damn it, where was his knife? I looked around and found the bloodied metal blade near my feet along with something small and white.

  "Please tell me that isn't what I think it is," I said, unable to take my eyes away from it.

  Jeremy picked it up. "I think you should keep this as a trophy." He handed me the fang.

  A loud grunt jarred me away from the inch-long fang in Jeremy's hand. Alexander had pinned Drake to the ground. He held Drake's head by his hair and smashed his fist into Drake's face. Drake braced his hands against Alexander's chest, trying to push him away, but his effort was not working.

  "I have to do something," I grabbed Drake's knife and rose. The cold and sticky handle made my stomach tighten with disgust.

  Jeremy stood. "Jessie, what are you going to do?"

  Alexander was beating Drake to a pulp. I had to help. I had to do something. Clenching the knife in my hand, I stepped forward.

  "Jessie." Jeremy grabbed my arm. "Let them fight."

  "Alexander is stronger. I'm not going to stand here and watch him smash Drake into the pavement." I yanked my arm away from him.

  Knife tight in my hand, I ran toward Alexander. His back faced me so he couldn't see me. As I drew nearer, I waited until he swung his arm. Then I jumped on his back and shoved the knife into the side of his throat.

  Alexander leaped to his feet. He threw me off his back and I fell. I crashed my head and back on the pavement. Glitter sparkled in front of my eyes as I lay on the hard ground. The muffled sound of my name kept me from drowning in a sea of sparkles.

  A warm hand touched my face.

  "Jessie!" Jeremy yelled, patting the sides of my face.

  "Help me up," I mumbled.

  Jeremy sat me up in his arms. I blinked several times until the sparklers disappeared from my vision. Not far from us, Alexander staggered in a circle in front of Drake with the knife in his hand.

  "Damn it to hell!" I leaned forward and a sharp, burning pain pierced my spine. "Fuck," I yelped before I fell back into Jeremy's arms. My back burned at a thousand degrees Fahrenheit. I must have broken a few bones and they needed time to heal.

  Drake mimicked Alexander's movements. Glowing eyes among bloodied faces stared at each other. Alexander swung the knife sideways. The blade swooshed through the air and Drake jumped back. Alexander wasted no time and swung again. Drake stumbled back. The blade was close, but missed him.

  "Do you really think you can destroy me?" the one-fang-wonder asked as he swung the knife again, missing Drake within inches.

  "I don't think it. I know it."

  Drake lunged forward. Alexander lifted the knife and shoved into Drake's chest. Drake grunted and I screamed. Why would he do that? Why would he let Alexander stab him?

  I pushed myself to my feet, ignoring the pain in my back. My legs quavered, but I knew I would be okay. I had to help Drake somehow.

  Jeremy stopped me before I could do anything. He stood behind me, cocooning me with his arms.

  "Let me go," I grumbled while I twisted for freedom.

  He held me firmly in place since he'd locked his arms together. Drake stumbled away from Alexander. Bending over, fluid blood spilled from his mouth and splattered on the ground. As he straightened, he gripped the knife lodged in his chest. Fear shot through me when I realized how close the blade was to his heart. With a knowing gaze, his glowing eyes stared at me and he yanked the knife out of his chest.

  Alexander sprung from behind him and secured his arms around Drake. Grunting, Drake pushed all his weight against Alexander, smashing him into the building. He did it again and again, thrusting Alexander into the bricks while he held the knife in his hand. Finally, Alexander's grip weakened and Drake broke free. He spun and sliced Alexander's throat.

  Blood spilled out fast from the long gash. Stunned, Alexander's eyes enlarged as he held his hands over his throat. Drake grabbed a hand full of Alexander's hair, dragged him forward, then threw him to the ground.

  "Let me go," I grunted, twisting in Jeremy's arms. My chance to claim Alexander's soul was approaching.

  Drake sat on Alexander's chest. The gash across Alexander's throat would heal soon. Drake had to act quickly before the cut healed and Alexander regained his strength to fight. Thinking fast, I lifted my knee and stomped on Jeremy's toes once, twice, and again.

  "Fuck!" Jeremy released me.

  I ran toward the two vampires. Drake lifted his arm, then slammed the knife into the center of Alexander's throat. I stopped above Alexander's head.

  Drake looked up at me. Orange orbs glowed while he held the knife in Alexander's throat. His battered and bloodied face frightened and sickened me.

  "I have a soul for you to claim," he said, his voice ragged.

  I looked at Alexander's eyes. He couldn't move his head, but he lifted his eyes and saw me. I kneeled on the ground and bent over him.

  "I have a confession, Alex," I said with a bright grin. "I didn't come here with Drake to track you down. I came here to claim your soul. You will be the only one taking a ride, to Hell, where you belong."

  He choked. "Fucking bitch."

  Drake gripped the hair above Alexander's forehead. Holding him still, he lifted the knife up, then slammed it back down and dragged it sideways. Alexander's throat opened up and more blood spilled onto the pavement. Drake lifted the knife and held it, ready to finish the job.

  "Ready?" he asked, determination firm in his eyes.

  "Ready," I answered.

  Holding Alexander's head still by his hair, Drake cut across Alexander's remaining flesh and severed the spine. Blood poured out of his body. Alexander's soul rolled to the side, away from me. Seeing his spirit free, I rushed over to grab him.

  Alexander jumped to his feet. I snatched his forearm. He gave a look of pure shock, then jerked his arm back. His spiritual strength was nothing compared to my physical strength.

  "Don't think you're getting away from me," I said. His ghostly image shimmered. "You can't escape me."

  His resolve strengthened and he tugged harder, trying to break free. "Let go of me you little bitch."

  I snatched his other forearm as he attempted to hit me. "Time to go."

  I opened my mouth wide and inhaled. His life force froze and his expression changed to fear. The fire in my gut flamed, wanting to claim the evil spirit. Still, he resisted, twisting his body.

  "No," he groaned. "I won't go."

  I inhaled again, silently calling his soul to come to me. His spirit inched forward. The strain in his face was intense from his tight eyes, lips, and cheeks. He fought the lure as he tugged his arms and tilted his head back. But I had him. He was mine. Inch by inch, his soul moved closer to me.

  "No," he grunted.

  Heat swelled within me as I added more vigor to my pull. His soul stretched as part of him entered my mouth. The taste of rank garbage brushed my tongue and I wanted to puke. With thoughts of Alexander wiped off the face of the earth and spending eternity in Hell, I held back my gag reflex and focused on taking him all in.

  My stomach was a furnace, ready to devour him. I'd sucked in his head and when his shoulders reached my lips, I inhaled again. More of his soul disappeared into my mouth. His arms were shaking as he still tried to resist me. Stretched thin, half his soul was on the way to Hell with half still resisting. Past my throat, he prodded my esophagus and chest. Even inside of me, he fought.

  Irritated with his resistance, I called upon more energy and my body temperature rose. His arms and torso dissolved quickly. The pungent taste over my tongue magnified. I fought the urge to spew because, if I did, his soul would come back out. He could run free. Determined to send him to Hell, I plugged my nose.

  His fight lessened as his stretched soul became a thin blur. Beads of sweat trickled from my forehead. I was winning the war, but the fight continued inside of me with rough pokes and nudges. I might be sore for a few days and have to live off crackers and soup, but it would be well worth it. An exhilarating wave of rel
ief swept over me when only his lower legs and feet were left.

  With one last deep inhalation, the remains of his spirit disappeared. I closed my mouth. I had him. Every bit of his evil soul was mine. Well, maybe not mine, but he belonged where he was going.

  My insides twisted and ballooned, expanding to accommodate him. Pain spread through me. The urge to vomit hit me hard again and I wished Hell would hurry up and take him. When the aches started to lessen, I suspected he was losing his battle. Hell was welcoming him.

  I unplugged my nose, then spun to face Drake. He stood a few feet from me with the same I-can't-believe-you-did-that expression he had when he saw me perform on the fifty-ninth floor of his condominium. I inhaled through my nose and retched. The disgusting taste hadn't gone away. In fact, it returned with a powerful bite.

  I bent over, cupping my hand over my mouth. Another spasm hit me and vomit rose, burning my insides. Damn Alexander, he wasn't giving up yet.

  "Drake," I called out, muffling my voice with my hand.

  "What's wrong?" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

  Tears swelled in my eyes and I blinked, trying to clear them. I plugged my nose again and kept my lips shut. I couldn't let Alexander get free. Another convulsion rippled through me and burning fluid spilled into my mouth. Without a second thought, I swallowed it back down. Yes, it was beyond horrid, but I refused to let Alexander get away from me.

  Holding my nose, I gasped for air. "Help me. He wants out."

  Another violent spasm hit me and I moaned. I wasn't sure how much more I could take. The burning in my throat and chest matched the worst case of heartburn and acid reflux imaginable.

  Drake stared at me in bewilderment. "Tell me what to do."

  Alexander wanted out of me. I had to stop him. Not knowing what else to do, I placed my hand around my throat and hoped Drake would understand me.

  Another fierce attack stabbed me. I stared at Drake and pointed at my neck. He caught on to my signal and wrapped his cool hand around my throat.

  "What are you doing?" Jeremy rushed toward us. "Let her go!"

  "No," I squealed out. I wrapped my hands around his arm and held onto him for support. "Don't…let…go."

  Drake kept a firm grasp around my throat, nearly cutting off my oxygen supply. His eyes stayed on me as I struggled to breathe. I tightened my grasp on his forearm when another vicious jolt struck me. He squeezed more.

  "Let her go!" Jeremy slapped his hand on Drake's shoulder. "Let go of her now!"

  "If I let go, Alexander will come back. She wants me to do this," he snarled with a malevolent glare at Jeremy. "Ask her."

  Both men looked at me. Sweat poured from me. I blinked, trying to keep the salty drops out of my eyes. The tiny bit of air I was taking in wasn't enough and I was going to choke at any moment. Trying to remain calm, I focused on what I had to do, even if it killed me.

  Pain illuminated in Drake's eyes and he flashed his fangs at Jeremy. I removed a hand from Drake's arm and waved at Jeremy to get his attention. With Jeremy's attention on me, I mouthed the words “please don't.”

  Slowly, Jeremy slid his hand off Drake's shoulder. "This is fucking crazy! You could kill her!"

  I dug my nails into Drake's forearm. My head felt ready to explode, my heart wanted to jump out from my chest, and my gut retched painfully. I needed more air, but I couldn't risk setting Alexander free. Panic gripped me and I choked.

  Drake's eyes held a trace of fear. "I'm going to move around behind you." He did, then he wrapped his free arm around my abdomen. "Calm down, Jessie. You can do this. Calm down," he whispered in my ear, cajoling me.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded. The pain overwhelmed me as I choked for air. Damn it, why was my gut still convulsing?

  "Be still, Jessie. Don't think about the pain."

  I rested my head against his shoulder. He had no idea how much pain I was feeling. I couldn't breathe. I needed air. Don't think about the pain? How could I not? I dug my nails deeper into his arm, breaking his skin. Tears dripped from my eyes. Air. I needed some fucking air.

  Drake pressed his lips to my ear. "If you die, I will bring you back. I promise."

  Bring me back? Oh God, please don't let me die. The pain overwhelmed me. I gritted my teeth and squeezed his arm with all the energy I had left in me.

  "You're killing her!" Jeremy shouted. He stepped in front of me and grabbed Drake’s arm. "Let her go now!"

  Gasping for life, I braced my hands on Jeremy's chest. He gripped Drake's arm around my waist and pulled. Anger shot through me. I didn't have time for this. I balled my fists and hit him.

  "She will be fine." Drake stepped back with me wedged under his arm.

  Jeremy let go of Drake and grabbed my wrists. "Jessie, you don't want to do this. Listen to me!" He yanked my wrists toward him. "Don't do this! Stop it right now!"

  Thinking fast, I swung my leg up and kneed him between his legs.

  "Fuck!" He crouched and put his hands over his groin. I hated kicking him in his most sensitive spot, but I needed him to back away.

  Drake took a few more steps back, creating more distance between Jeremy and us. "Good thinking," he said in my ear.

  My strength was dwindling. Pain turned into numbness. Exhausted, I gave up struggling and rested my head against Drake's shoulders.

  "Easy, love. Stay with me. Just a little longer." His soft voice relaxed me. He rocked back and forth gently on his feet. My legs felt weak, but I followed his movements, rocking on my left foot and then to my right. "Stay with me, Jessie."

  I closed my eyes and freed my mind. Forget air, forget life, forget pain—forget everything. Free as a bird, my body felt weightless. And for a brief second, I felt peace.

  The heat within me extinguished and a cool breeze washed over my skin. Then a gust of air filled my lungs. I fluttered my eyes and saw Drake looming over me. He pressed his lips to mine. Another blast of air shot through me. I started choking.

  "Breathe slowly," he said, lifting me up with his arm under my neck.

  I sucked in air frantically. How did I get on the ground?

  Drake glided his hand over my back as I leaned against his body for support. I inhaled deeply and filled my lungs with air. My heart pumped hard and fast while my stomach ached as if someone had punched me. At least the convulsions had stopped.

  "Drake," I said between breaths. "He's gone."

  Relief gave me a surge of energy. I wanted to jump up and scream with joy. Well, later.

  I turned my head and found Jeremy standing to the side. Lips pressed together, he held a pained expression on his face.

  "Sorry, Jeremy," I breathed out.

  He sauntered over to me with slow steps. He stopped in front of me and extended his arm. I slid my hand into his and he helped me stand.

  "That was the weirdest fucking thing I've seen a demon do, and the most frightening. I hope I never have to see you suck down a soul again."

  Breathing regularly, I shrugged. "Welcome to my world."


  Four days later

  "Are you sure you don't want me to stop by for a visit?" Jeremy asked for the third time.

  "No, I'm fine," I answered sourly. His persistence annoyed me.

  I relaxed on the sofa with my feet resting on the wooden coffee table as I held the phone near my ear. Kyle sat at the other end, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. Dani and Lester were finishing the last of the pizza at the dining room table. The three were going out to a bar as soon as my date arrived. After spending a week club hopping in Chicago, I wanted to steer clear of any bars or clubs for a while. Plus, I was downright homesick and longed for a peaceful night at home.

  "I can't take off from work anyway. I used up all my vacation time when I was in Chicago." It was a small white lie. I had a couple of days left. He didn't need to know.

  "I could talk to your boss—"

  "No-no," I hastily interrupted. "I like my job and it pays the bills. You'll just have t
o wait until I can go up there for a visit."

  He sighed. "All right, but you still owe me."

  I rolled my eyes. How could I forget the deal with him when he reminded me every time we spoke?

  "I haven't forgotten. Hockey season doesn't start for a few months. I'm hoping to make good on some of those dates when you start playing again."

  Kyle turned his head and gave me a quizzical look. I shook my head at him and mouthed the words “long story.” Kyle rose, then headed toward Dani and Lester at the table.

  "I'm not waiting that long to see you," he bitterly protested.

  "I may come up for a weekend visit in a few weeks. Right now, I'm trying to get back into my regular routine."

  The doorbell rang. I jerked my knees up, then stood.

  "I'll get it." Kyle glanced at me as he passed by.

  "Jer, I gotta go. Drake is here."

  "Another good reason I should visit you. I don't want that bloodsucker bleeding you dry."

  Kyle opened the door. Drake introduced himself to Kyle, then the two shook hands. Kyle granted him entrance and Drake stepped into the apartment. His aura of confidence shined as he headed toward me.

  My heart gained extra beats as he drew near, smiling. I hadn't seen him since he had dropped me off in the early hours on Monday. I missed his dark eyes, the cool brush of his energy over my skin, and his passionate touch. Seeing him now, I wanted to spend a little one on one time with him in my bedroom.

  "I'll give you a call sometime next week," I said, eager to end the conversation.

  "Sure. And if you don't, I know where to find you."

  "Bye." Before he could say another word, I ended the call and set the phone on the table.

  Drake greeted me with a gentle kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressed my body next to his, and returned one equally arousing. Okay, maybe more so. He felt oh-so-cool, solid, and just right. I couldn't help but give him a more stimulating kiss.

  "Jeremy still bothering you?" he asked as he gave me a tight hug.

  "Checking up on me, again," I lightly complained. "He wants to come down for a visit and I keep telling him I can't take off from work."


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