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Gabe (Moon Hunter's Inc. Book 6)

Page 5

by Catty Diva

  “Want to go to supper with me?” Donnie asked as Hildy looked at her owlishly struggling to wake up and understand what she was being asked.

  “It’s supper time?” Hildy asked and her stomach rumbled. Both women broke into giggles.

  “Yes. It’s been an exhausting day, but we need to eat to build up our strength,” Donnie suggested.

  “Okay, you and my stomach have ganged up on me. Let me freshen up and we’ll go.” Hildy went into the bathroom and came out a few minutes later looking fully awake. “Let’s go get fed!”

  Donnie led the way and she managed to get them to the cafeteria without losing her way. The cafeteria was nearly full and they got their trays and got little of everything again since only a few of the choices were ones they’d tried.

  “They sure know how to provide a feast,” Hildy whispered.

  “Well, we’re learning how to feast so that makes us even,” Donnie replied. She headed to a table with some empty seats. “Do you mind if we sit here?”

  One of the guys looked up. “Please do. We never turn beautiful ladies away.”

  “Thank you,” Donnie said while Hildy giggled.

  They sat down and began to eat. The food was as good as it had been last time. The men at the table continued to talk and Donnie listened in shamelessly. It would have been hard not to hear since they were sitting among them.

  “Hey, Isis. Come sit with us!” One of the men yelled at a muscular woman with dark hair. She waved at them and went to get her tray.

  “Nathan, she may come over here and kick your ass for bothering her,” one of the guys said.

  “She’s a friend of mine. Even if she could kick my ass, she wouldn’t,” Nathan answered.

  “Do you think she’d go out with me if I asked her?” The other guy asked.

  “She has more taste than that,” Nathan answered and all the guys started laughing and teasing the other guy.

  Isis made her way over and sat down next to Donnie. “How are you doing, Nathan?” Isis asked.

  “I’m doing alright. Where’s my manners? Ladies, my name is Nathan and this guy is Filas. This lovely lady is Isis.”

  “I’m Donnie and my friend is Hildy.”

  “Aren’t you two from Space Station Theta?” Isis asked.

  “Yes, we are,” Donnie answered.

  “Did you see Gabe before you left?”

  “Yes, he was alright last time I saw him,” Donnie replied. Gabe certainly had friends. Female friends at that.

  “Everyone is worried about him. We’ll see him soon, though.” Isis added. She offered no explanation and her demeanor didn’t encourage questions.

  Donnie and Hildy finished eating and said their goodbyes. They walked back to their room without speaking, both lost in their thoughts. Donnie could see they were as different as could be but she was sure they would become friends. They had a terrible past in common and they were both working toward a much better future.

  Once they were in their room, they both got on their computers. Hildy searched looking for games while Donnie worked on her next lesson, language this time.

  Chapter 8


  Gabe was mentally exhausted and concerned about Donnie and the other people who were missing from the lab. His nerves were strung out and the raid couldn’t come soon enough. He lay in bed with a hundred thoughts running through his head and no way to quiet them.

  It was a relief when he heard the sounds of fighting echoing down the hall. Finally, the raid was on and he could kick some ass. These people deserved everything they would get and more. Dressing for a fight, he dug his weapon out of the false bottom on his case. Now he was armed and dangerous.

  As he hit the hallway, chaos was all around him. “Help me, Gabe.” One of the guards who hung out with Darren yelled. He slipped up behind him and punched him in the head. The man dropped no longer conscious.

  “Glad to see you, man.” Duke shared as he slapped him on the back.

  They moved together like a team taking out everyone in their path. Gabe was looking for the Devil. He’d go to hell and back to find that asshole. The man deserved what he was about to get. The plan was to capture him alive so the Mazlans could question him. Gabe had heard their interrogation tactics were impressive and painful for those they questioned.

  They moved toward the gym, not that he expected anyone to be there. It was just on their way to the office where the time clock and the files on guards were. It was where Darren hung out when he wasn’t on duty in a section. Surprisingly, as they got near the gym, he heard the Devil yelling instructions to his guards.

  One of their men was in trouble and Darren was dealing out pain. Duke and Gabe rushed into the room and discovered they were seriously outnumbered. Duggin was close on their heels, thank goodness for the help. Gabe was glad they were all top notch fighters and Darren’s men weren’t.

  “Gabe, I want you!” Darren yelled. “You’re a traitor and I plan to beat you to death.”

  “This coming from a guy that sold assets from the people he worked for without their knowledge? Bring it on, fucker!” Gabe yelled back as he moved toward the man and everyone else seemed to take a break to watch the battle.

  They ran toward each other at a dizzying speed. Gabe ducked under the punch Darren sent towards his head and returned a hit to his stomach. The Devil winced, but recovered and came back with a kick that Gabe caught with his hands and used to flip him. He rolled as soon as he hit the ground and managed to right himself. That was damn impressive.

  Gabe tried a sweep quick but Darren dodged it and got a hit in to his shoulder. The hits just kept coming on both sides as desperation gave Darren strength he hadn’t seemed to have in their first fight. Gabe was still landing two hits to every one Darren got in. He was wearing him down slowly but surely. The man got in a lucky hit to his gut, but Gabe recovered quickly. It was time to end this.

  He did a sweep and took him to the floor than jumped on him his weight knocking the breath right out of him. Wrestling him into position, he got a sleeper hold around his neck and took the Devil out. With him out of commission, his men stopped fighting. They probably thought they would just get sent home after they were questioned. Gabe had spoken to enough of them that he was aware they felt it was just a job. That made them feel they weren’t doing anything wrong. Yet, they knew what was going on and had chosen to stay.

  Those guards would all be punished in some way. Their punishments would depend on how involved they were, how they had treated the subjects, and how hard they had fought during the raid. If they had killed any of his people, that would be considered murder. It was a good thing that the Devil had been the most skilled fighter and Gabe had taken him out. It didn’t look like he’d actually done any other fighting before that.

  His guards, all the ones Gabe had met, were soft and couldn’t hold their own against the males Cash had sent in. Looking up, he saw Isis striding toward him fast and furious. “You shouldn’t have picked a fight with that man as soon as you got here.”

  “I didn’t. He picked a fight with me. How did you know?” Gabe asked.

  “Donnie told me.”

  “You have her? How is she?”

  “She’s fine. Cash bought the people Darren sold. He intercepted messages where Darren was trying to sell people. He left a tracker on the money and has it back plus everything else in his account. This asshole,” Isis kicked his head, “paid for the raid. We’ll all be getting a small bonus. Cash will also look into the other accounts. You weren’t the only one undercover. Were you aware?”


  “Maybe. Was he a medic?”

  “Yup. He was too nice for this place.”

  “That would be him, then. We need to get out of here. The place is completely under our control and they don’t need us. I think Donnie is worried about you,” Isis admitted.

  Hell, Gabe was worried about her too and ready to get the hell out of here. He had some leave saved up and if Donni
e agreed, they could take a vacation somewhere, just the two of them. He nodded and followed Isis as she made it to the door.

  She led him out to a ship in the bay and she hopped into the pilot’s seat. Gabe dropped into the copilot’s seat because it wasn’t worth a fight. It wasn’t like Isis wasn’t a top notch pilot. Isis took off and they were headed straight to the ship he assumed Donnie was on. He’d thought about nothing but that woman since he’d met her. Hopefully, she felt the same way or he’d be devastated. They landed in the bay and he knew he’d find out the answer to his questions soon.

  Gabe could admit, he was worried. He wanted Donnie. She spoke to some part of his soul. The problem was he didn’t know if she wanted him. It was clear she didn’t understand much about relationships between males and females. Never would he want to take advantage or press her to do anything she felt uncomfortable with. His reservations still didn’t cool the heat in his blood or the need for her that pulsed deep inside him.

  Gabe just knew she was meant to be his in a way he could never explain. Would she understand and believe it if he told her? “Where do you think she’ll be right now?”

  Isis gave him her room number. “It is lunch time so she may be in the cafeteria,” Isis added.

  Gabe went there first and scanned the crowd that was in there. There were some females that looked familiar and he was sure they were from the lab but Donnie wasn’t among them. Now, it was time to check out her room and he hurried there. He approached the door and knocked then waited. There was noise inside and he heard someone approach the door.

  “Donnie,” He greeted.

  “Oh, my goodness, Gabe!” She exclaimed. Donnie jumped up and put her arms around him and he caught her in a hug. He noticed someone else was in the room behind her.

  “So you’re the famous Gabe? I’m Hildy, Donnie’s roommate.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m going to take Donnie somewhere so we can speak privately.” Hildy stared at Donnie no doubt wanting to make sure she was alright with it.

  “It’s fine. I’ll see you later, Hildy. Go eat before your stomach becomes a growling monster.”

  “Okay. See you later,” Hildy agreed and headed toward the cafeteria.

  Gabe headed toward his room. Luckily, he had a single so they would have complete privacy. Donnie dropped her arms from around his neck and stepped back, her face bright red. She was embarrassed for her enthusiastic greeting.

  “I was worried about you until Isis told me you were here,” Gabe admitted.

  “I was worried about you too until I saw you just now.”

  “Everything went well and all the residents were either freed or if they were employees they were arrested.”

  “What about the Devil?”

  “I took him down. He’s under arrest. The Mazlans will get whatever is needed out of him. They never fail to get answers if the prisoner has them.”

  “It makes me sad when I think of all the people that died over the years that never got a taste of freedom.”

  “There’s nothing we can do for them, but there’s a lot of people we did save that need our help.”

  “Jazzy has been helping us. She’s nice and capable. It helps that she can understand what we’ve been through.”

  “You might not understand this, but I think all Moon Hunter’s came from labs. I know I did.”

  “How did you get free?”

  “A few labs were reported to the government. Some of the officials at the time didn’t like the experiments and shut them down. Unfortunately, they didn’t give the newly freed people any support. We all ended up on the streets. Cash, our boss, was one of the older children and he learned to fight and used that skill to become a guard. He was careful and learned skills so he could start a business in security. When he needed guards, he started finding us and hired us.”

  “He sounds amazing.”

  “Cash is. He’s more than just a boss, he has our backs. These lab raids aren’t something he’s been hired to do, it’s personal.”

  “It’s a lot to do. He’s taking a hell of a risk, but I appreciate what he’s done for me and my fellow lab rats.”

  “You’re not lab rats. The Mazlans are willing to take you and train you.”

  Donnie felt a deep disappointment at his words. “That’s nice of them.”

  “They are nice people. You have a choice though. I want you to stay with me. If it doesn’t work out, the Mazlans will let you come back,” Gabe said as they stopped in front of his door and he got them inside.

  It was a nice luxurious room like all the rooms on board. The only difference between it and the one Donnie had was it was set up for one person or a couple that was together. That’s what he wanted desperately, to be a couple with Donnie. Gabe wanted to possess her and give himself to her.

  Pulling her into his arms, his lips dropped to hers and he consumed her. He was hungry and her taste drew him in even more. Her lush body pressed against his and his cock raged. Gabe knew he should slow down and give her a chance to decide what she wanted but her body pressed against his, her lips opened to him, and her moan made heat shoot through him.

  His hands stroked her body and her hands returned the favor. This female was his, and no one had better try to take her from him. He stripped his shirt then pulled hers over her head. She wore nothing under it and that pleased him greatly. He continued to kiss her as he unbuckled his belt and pulled it off. Unsnapping his pants, he lowered the zipper, and kicked off his boots. Donnie had removed her pants and shoes and stood before him naked and proud.

  He slid down his pants and joined her with his sizable cock hard as a rock. It didn’t intimidate her, she reached out and grabbed it. Donnie stroked it up and down until it began to weep. Gabe groaned with pleasure as need began to take over.

  “Get on the bed, Baby.” He encouraged and she immediately laid down. She was sexy as hell and she moved her fingers down her body.

  Gabe knew she was an innocent, but clearly she was a natural at seduction because he was enthralled. He joined her on the bed caging her in and ready to give her pleasure beyond anything she could imagine. Kissing her, he licked the seam of her mouth until he coaxed it open. His tongue speared its way inside. Tasting and exploring, his tongue went into every nook and cranny finding all her secrets.

  Her moans of pleasure when he moved down her body, just made him harder. He worked his mouth down her throat to her breasts sucking one nipple into his mouth and tugging on it before moving to the other one.

  “I’m so hot and wet,” She said. That made him growl like a feral animal.

  Gabe moved down kissing her all the way to her hot and soaking pussy. He breathed in the sweet musky scent and it made his mouth water. His heated breath blew out on her wet folds and he saw her shiver. Now, his tongue delved in for a taste and he moaned. It was sweet and satisfying and he wanted more.

  He returned to lick up and down her folds before returning to her clit to work it. One finger slid into her channel, which clenched and squeezed his finger tight. Gabe pumped it into her over and over and as he nibbled and worked her clit with his tongue. Once she relaxed a little, he added a finger. Just before she climaxed, he added another finger to prepare her for his big cock.

  Donnie screamed as her climax rolled over her and her channel clutched at his finger. Her juices flowed and he licked them as they dripped around his finger. It was time, so he moved up her body and positioned his cock head at her entrance. Gabe slid it around in her honey so it was well lubricated.

  “Argh!” He groaned as he enjoyed the feeling of sliding into her tight, wet heat. Never had anything felt so wonderful.

  Donnie moved under him and her legs wrapped around his hips, intensifying the way everything felt. He drilled so deep inside her it felt like he was in the most blissful place. Her body hugged his and her warmth added to his enjoyment. He’d been moving slowly, but now he moved faster and faster again.

  They were slamming together as the need built. N
othing could stop them from reaching their peak and it was coming soon. The sounds as their bodies came together echoed throughout the room and it was clear it wouldn’t be long. She exploded around him and her orgasm set off his. Nothing had prepared him for the physical or the emotional energy that washed over him. He wasn’t prepared, nor had he ever anticipated anything like it. Pulses of pleasure washed over him.

  Once they were both completely exhausted from pleasure, he rolled over to pull her on top of him. It hadn’t been his intention, but they both fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up hours later, he was starving and he bet she was too.

  “What’s wrong?” Donnie whispered still half asleep. He’d noticed she had put on some weight and her skin looked healthier.

  “We need to go eat. You can’t be skipping meals.”

  “It’s too late to eat.”

  “No, the cafeteria doesn’t close. Ships have night shifts and they need to eat too. We’ll take a shower then go eat.”

  “A shower together?”

  “If you don’t mind?”

  “It sounds like fun,” She admitted with a giggle.

  “Thinking of your naked body in the shower with me and water running over us turns me on.”

  That’s when they slipped out of bed. He led the way to the bathroom, turning the water on and setting the temperature. He was planning a hot sexy scene as Donnie came up behind him and pressed her nude body against him. Gabe moaned as lust washed over him. It wasn’t a reaction he usually had in the shower. This woman turned him on like no one ever had before.

  Stepping into the shower together, the fun started as he pulled her under the water with him. He picked her up and her legs wrapped around his hips as her pressed her against the wall. His hand moved his cock to her entrance and he slammed in.


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