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Forbidden Love

Page 10

by Freda Ann

  She paced around the room trying to gather her thoughts and figure out what to say to him. But more importantly, she wanted to trouble shoot how to handle the different excuses he may come up with. She couldn’t walk away from this conversation with more egg on her face. She didn’t know if she could recover from that so she wouldn’t let it happen.

  Mindy walked in from the balcony feeling clearer with fresh ideas in her head. Before she could second guess herself, she walked over to the phone, picked it up and dialed the number he wrote on the folded up paper.

  She heard the first ring, then the second as her mind started to wander. - If he didn’t answer would she have the nerve to call him again?

  “This is Chase.” He spoke so quickly she almost thought she had the wrong number.


  Hesitating before he answered, “Yeah, this is him.”

  “It’s Mindy.” She was trying not to sound overly friendly but didn’t want to appear rude either.

  He paused again. “Wow - Mindy! I honestly didn’t think you’d call. Uh - how have you been?”

  “I’ve been doing really well. And you?” She regretted asking him as soon as the question came out of her mouth. She didn’t want him to think she even cared about him but she was trying to keep it casual. She needed closure and that’s what this call was about.

  “I’m doing pretty good. Doing what I always loved doing, working on boats. I haven’t bought my own yet but I think I will soon. That way I can go wherever I want to work.” He got quiet for several seconds. “ - Do you still live in Florida?”

  No - he has no right to know where she lived any more. Part of her decision was not allowing him to know any of her personal details. She really didn’t want him trying to find her, not that she thought he’d do that. After all, he’s the one who left her.

  “The reason I called you Chase was to ask you what happened? Why did you check out that night two years ago?” That’s right Mindy, keep it brief. Don’t over-share. You don’t want him to know how devastated he left you. That would take some of your pride that you’ve fought hard to keep. Hold your head up and just get the answer you need to fully move on.

  He took a deep breath letting it out near the phone. “Mindy - can’t we meet to talk about this? I’d really like to see you. Just the two of us. We can meet in a public place if you’d like. I promise to tell you whatever you want to know.” He grunted before continuing. “ - Mindy, seeing you really caught me off guard. It brought back a lot of memories we shared.”

  Seriously? Is he really going there? - A lot of memories we shared? What about the memory where you left me when I told you I loved you? She felt the anger starting to build inside her. But she told herself to maintain control, - breathe through the frustration and don’t let him get the upper hand.

  “Chase, it’s best for both of us if we talk on the phone.” Taking a relaxing breath before she spoke again. “I was just as surprised to see you too. Honestly, I haven’t thought of you for quite a while.” What a liar! But he’ll never know that. “But once in a while I can’t help but wonder why you got so weird when I told you how I felt about you. It’s not like I asked you for a commitment or to feel the same about me. - In the moment I just wanted you to know how I felt. Period. But for my honesty, you rewarded me with a cold shoulder and lots of excuses. It’s like we suddenly became strangers. I found it puzzling - that’s all.”

  Mindy was trying to sound casual but would he believe it? Was she even the slightest bit convincing? Maybe she said too much. Damn it! Had she over-shared when she told herself she wouldn’t? Breathe Mindy, just breathe and think with your head and not your emotions she told herself. You have the upper hand here. He’s the one who wants to see you face to face. Wait - why does he want to meet me alone? He wouldn’t think I’d entertain the idea of being with him again would he? When hell freezes over!

  “I - I know I didn’t handle things very well that night or even afterward. I was surprised by what you said and I just shut my emotions down. - I don’t always deal with emotional conflict very well.”

  She could hear him breathing on the other end. She wasn’t going to let him draw her in. He’s not going to get any sympathy from her. “Was there someone else?” She had to know.

  “There had been before I moved to Florida. We were together a few years. But it had been over for a while. She had been communicating with me for the past few months before I left for Alaska. - Through letters and a few phone calls some of the old feelings we shared resurfaced. I was trying to figure out how to handle them and how I felt.”

  Not letting him continue. “You could’ve been up front with me. I never pushed you for anything more than what we had. Though there was every indication that you and I were building a special relationship. You led me to believe there was more than just sex between us. - I mean we were together several times a week for nine months and not just in bed.”

  “I found out that week that she had my kid without even letting me know she was pregnant. I didn’t know what to do. It seemed like too much to handle so I tried being with you as much as I could to keep my mind occupied so I didn’t have to think about what it meant. And the night when you told me how you felt - that just made me more confused. I wanted to just shut my emotions down and I know that wasn’t fair to anyone.”

  “You’re right, it wasn’t fair to anyone. I would’ve understood though and helped you through whatever you’d let me. But I guess that’s not what you wanted or needed.” She was trying not to be sarcastic.

  “I’m sorry Mindy. I really am. I handled that night and every day after it just as bad. With you and also with her. I guess I’m not too good at dealing with serious stuff.” He cleared his throat a few times.

  She knew she couldn’t let him continue with his excuses. The conversation had to end. She will not let him make her feel sorry for him. He didn’t deserve it after the way he ended their relationship. So before he could say another word, Mindy spoke up. “I accept your apology Chase. I just wish you thought enough of me to tell me this two years ago. I really would’ve understood if you needed to be with her. - Anyway, thank you for finally telling me. I hope you’re happy with your life now. I’m glad we got to speak one more time. I have to go. Good night Chase.”

  But before she could move the phone away from her ear, he yelled her name. “Mindy! Please don’t hang up yet. I’ve been wrong about a lot of things. Can’t we just meet for coffee or dinner sometime and talk some more? Please?”

  “I’m sorry but I can’t. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us or to the man I’m seeing. And those feelings we shared are in the past where they belong. Good night Chase.” And she hung up the phone before he could utter another word.

  Mindy sat there without moving for several minutes. She was trying to figure out her feelings now that it was over. She realized for once she actually felt relief inside when she thought of Chase. All of the tension in her body was gone.

  When he was telling her everything that happened towards the end of their relationship, she knew it never would’ve worked in the long run. The man he turned out to be was so different than the man he let her see three years ago. The man she’d fallen in love with no longer existed. She almost felt sorry for him. Almost. But she knew after that phone call that she no longer felt anxiety about what happened. She finally had the closure she desperately needed. That made her so happy inside, knowing that she can move forward with her life and not fear relationships any longer.

  Brandon. - She wanted nothing more than to be with him - in every way. She didn’t want to wait any longer. She only had one more full day in Maui and she wasn’t wasting any more time. She wasn’t leaving this island without experiencing every intimate part of him and she knew without a doubt he felt the same.

  Mindy picked up her phone, brought up his name and typed ‘I’ll be there in 15 minutes’ and hit send. She jumped up out of the chair and headed for the bathroom to freshen up and change
into something more comfortable and easier to take off in a moments notice.

  Before she could turn the light on in the bathroom she heard her phone chime. She ran back to the little table next to the chair to grab it, reading the text on the way back to the bathroom. ‘Can you get here any sooner?!!’ Her face lit up and she knew he was somehow reading her mind. They really had an uncanny connection which made her want him all the more.

  She quickly changed into a white and blue halter style boho dress that went just above the knee and changed out of her black thong into a nude colored one so it wouldn’t show through. The dress had a lining in the straps that covered her breast so she didn’t bother with a bra. Since it was going to be their first time together, she didn’t want to waist time having him trying to get her bra off. The anticipation of finally being with someone she’s wanted so bad was unlike anything else. It may be all she can do to not have an orgasm during foreplay.

  Mindy swooshed a little mouthwash in her mouth, gave her hair a quick brush, and went to the table to write Faith a note. She told her not to worry if she was either late coming back tonight or if she wasn’t there when she woke up because she was going to see Brandon for a late night rendezvous. She knew Faith would know exactly what she meant.

  Grabbing a small purse to put her brush in along with a travel size bottle of mouthwash, Mindy took one more look in the mirror feeling a smile coming on at what was about to happen. She reached on the counter for her favorite lip gloss before heading to the door, picking up her key card on the way.

  She opened the door and walked out into the hall, pulling the door closed behind her. Taking a deep breath, she blew it out slowly before practically running down the hallway to the elevators. The elevator seemed like it was taking forever so she walked a few steps to the door where the stairs were and ran down three flights to the bottom.

  Mindy tried to calm her heart and slow her breathing as she walked across the courtyard towards Brandon’s building. She was doing her best not to anticipate what was coming. She wanted to feel every single thing as it was happening and not spoil any of it by trying to think of how it will unfold. So she decided to take in the well manicured grounds of the resort as she walked to occupy her mind.

  She passed a beautiful man made pond with lots of koi fish that was surrounded by tropical plants, plenty of palms and also plumeria trees blooming with various color flowers. She passed some palm trees that had hammocks tied to them, one was occupied but the other two were empty. Hmm . . . it would be quite interesting trying to make love on one of those. She shook her head and smiled at the thought. Thankfully she was almost to Brandon’s front door. She was having a really hard time not thinking of what awaited her.

  As she stood in front of his door, she took one more slow, deep breath to cleanse her mind again. Blowing it out, she knocked three times and no sooner moved her hand when it opened. She knew he had to be standing just inside the door which made a tingle run from her head to her toes.

  Mindy took two steps inside before Brandon wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him, picking her up in the process. She looked deep in his eyes and he saw the excitement. She was free of the pain she’d been holding onto. That was what he hoped for, which excited him all the more.

  He leaned in holding her gaze until both their eyes slowly closed and he claimed her mouth. He took a step back and kicked the door closed before he opened his mouth wider, taking in every bit of her lips, intensifying the kiss and exploring the inside of her mouth with his tongue.

  Brandon pushed his mouth harder against hers. He let up a little, sucking her tongue as he pulled his head back a bit then sucked on her bottom lip before releasing it. He repeated this again, lowering her feet to the floor, making out with her over and over like they were college kids.

  His hands lowered from her waist down to her hips and around to her buttocks, grabbing the bottom and sliding his hands up and over the cheeks and down again as if massaging them. His hands felt so good on her body, especially as he slid his hands up and down her cheeks. The motion pulled her against the firmness building in his pants.

  Continuing to kiss her, he gently eased her around so he was facing the bed and she was now facing the door. He opened his eyes for a brief second to make sure nothing was in the way, then he carefully walked her backwards to the edge of the bed. Brandon gave her one more deep, sensuous kiss before pulling his lips from hers.

  Mindy opened her eyes, taking in every inch of his face. He raised his hands to the band around the collar of his pullover shirt, slid his fingers inside and yanked it off, tossing it to the floor on the side of the bed. Before he could move, she crossed her arms grabbing the sides of her dress pulling it up and over her head, tossing it to the floor near his shirt.

  Brandon’s jaw dropped as his eyes left hers lowering slowly, taking in every inch of her body starting with her full breasts, stopping briefly to notice her nude thong before continuing to her thighs.

  Mindy felt her nipples harden and warmth flood her body as she watched him look her over. She reached out for the waistband of his lounge pants when his eyes moved back to hers. Mindy licked the middle of her bottom lip before she slid both hands inside his boxer briefs and pants working them down until they dropped to his feet.

  He stepped out with one foot and flung them out of the way with the other. He raised his hands to her waist and kissed her lips then moved to her jaw, and her left earlobe, making his way down to her neck, her collarbone, and the top of her breast. He licked and kissed all the way to the tip of her left nipple until he sent shock waves through her body as he claimed her nipple fully into his mouth. He drove her crazy and left her wanting more.

  Before she knew it, Brandon was reaching his arms behind her and picking her up to lay her in the middle of his bed. After he laid her down, he pulled his arms from behind her and straightened up while kneeling on his knees on the bed. She finally got a good look at his hard body. All of him. Oh my God! This man was so gorgeous - all over.

  He loved how she was looking him over with a lustful eye. He felt his manhood quiver with excitement. It made him want her all the more. He leaned closer putting his hands on the bed on both sides of her arms as he leaned down on all fours with a leg on each side of hers.

  His mouth took over her right breast, then her left again before he kissed his way down to her belly button. He kissed a circle around it before swirling his tongue on the inside of it then kissing his way to the top of her thong.

  It was all Mindy could do to stay still. She wanted him so bad but she also wanted to enjoy every minute of foreplay with him. Because it had been years since she was with a man, she wanted to feel and sense everything he was doing to her.

  He kissed her soft skin just above her thong before he outlined the shape of it with his tongue, making his way to the left side as far as he could go. Then he made his way back to the middle leaving a kiss in the soft spot below her belly button. He continued outlining her thong with his tongue following it to the right as far as he could go, kissing and licking along the side. He heard her moan while he explored, which excited him to no end.

  He slid his right arm gently behind Mindy’s back to the opposite side grabbing her waist with his hand and before she knew it, he flipped her over onto her stomach then continued licking along the edge of her thong until he got to the middle of it near her tailbone. His mouth kept moving, suckling her butt cheeks and outlining the shapes of each one nice and slow before coming back to the middle part of her thong.

  She didn’t know how much more she could take. Her senses were so heightened that she was afraid she’d have an orgasm before they had sex. When his tongue made it’s way to the side of her thong again, Mindy was half expecting him to flip her back over but instead, he made his way to the middle of her back.

  He lifted his lips off her, pushing himself up as she felt him slide his index finger under the string of her thong and worked it down with both hands as he sl
id his body down the bed towards her feet so he could take it off then he tossed it to the side.

  She felt him put his hands back on the bed licking and kissing his way up her left ankle then the inside of her leg and buttocks, ending in the middle of her back.

  Supporting his body with his arms, Brandon leaned on the back of Mindy with his manhood pressing firm against her tailbone as he moved her hair to one side kissing her neck all the way to her right ear. Her senses were going so crazy with anticipation of what was coming next.

  She felt him reach to the right side of the bed and open the drawer of the end table. When she heard a foil packet being ripped open, she knew he was sheathing himself before he went any further. The thought of feeling him make love to her made her wetter than she was already.

  She wanted to turn over so she could see him but before she could move, Brandon lowered himself on top of her back with his firmness landing between her legs. Oh God! She tried her best to keep her orgasm under control when he kissed and suckled her neck then her right ear.

  “Brandon . . . “ was all she could get out as her breathing was getting faster.

  He lifted his head to her ear and whispered. “Yes baby.”

  The heat from his breath and those two words he spoke just about drove Mindy over the edge. She involuntarily shifted her right hip slightly up, moving her right knee with it leaving an opening between her legs. “I want you Brandon. I need you - “

  Before she could get the words out, he was inside of her. “Ahhh - ahh - “ She tried to fight the orgasm for a bit longer. She wanted to enjoy him as long as possible but didn’t know if she could hold out. She gripped the sheets as tight as she could in her hands trying to maintain control.

  He rocked back and forth going deeper as she raised her hips allowing him full access. After rocking her one more time and feeling her fighting the urge, he leaned into her so he could whisper in her ear. “Hold on baby - not yet.”


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