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Mystery: The Merlon Murders II: A Duncan Dewar Mystery of Murder and Romantic Suspense (Duncan Dewar Mysteries Book 2)

Page 6

by Victoria Benchley

  "Angela, you're a genius!" Duncan exclaimed. Why didn't I think of doing that?

  "When are you coming into the office?" Angela asked.

  "I'm going to try and make it in this afternoon. Send me an email with the brand name of that fertilizer, will you? Oh, and how did you determine which type Stuart used?" he asked, curious.

  "Robert had receipts from a wholesaler, but those receipts included many items denoted only by numbers. I called the wholesaler and pretended I worked for the estate. I said I was doing an accounting of materials and needed to know how many units of fertilizer had been purchased over a specific time period. Then I asked them to confirm the brand. It was easy after Robert sent me photos of the receipts," she confessed.

  Duncan was amazed. Angela had become quite the little investigator. He told her he was going to rest a while longer and get something to eat. Then, he'd stop by the office.

  He dressed, grabbed the newspaper he purchased that morning, and sat in his living room. A large window provided a lovely view of Regent's Park. The pop of bright blue his decorator used in this room reflected the sky perfectly today. Shades of gray that Duncan found so relaxing completed the color scheme. He stretched out on a modern sofa that still felt plush and read the paper. Twin sofas faced each other separated by a modern glass and metal coffee table. A fireplace, resurfaced with tiny iridescent glass tiles to appear sleek and modern, anchored the room, while a polished nickel lighting fixture hung overhead. White upholstered cubes sat in front of the fireplace and would provide additional seating, if Duncan ever entertained. At the end of the room opposite the fireplace stood a dining table made of wood and glass with six chairs covered in the same bright blue fabric used as an accent color throughout the flat. The square footage wasn't large, but the layout, furniture placement, and the materials used made his home seem bigger than it actually was.

  After reading the newspaper cover to cover, Duncan placed the items he needed in his briefcase and walked to the nearest Tube station. He took the underground to the Insurance District in the eastern part of the City. Lawful and General's main office was located in the City or the Square Mile, both terms used to describe the area where the United Kingdom's financial services and trading companies converged.

  Duncan had always found this part of London exciting. The Romans located their settlement here and a fragment of the London Wall, built by them, remained near Tower Hill. Every weekday over 300,000 people commuted to work in the City, not to be confused with London. When people referred to the city of London, they meant greater London and all its boroughs, not the City where the Insurance District was found.

  Lawful and General's building had a view of the Thames, which skirted the district, and a view of 30 St. Mary Axe, or the Gherkin. The Gherkin gained its nickname from its appearance, and became an instant landmark once built.

  Duncan arrived at his office and went straight to work. He did not spot Angela, but he did access her email regarding the fertilizer. Stuart used Ace Program fertilizer. A quick check of the internet revealed wholesalers imported the substance from Israel, and it contained a high percentage of muriatic acid. Duncan knew this was just another name for hydrochloric acid. He had found another piece to his puzzle.

  While he waited for Angela, Duncan admired the view from his office. Not only could he see the Gherkin, he also could observe the newer Shard, located across the Thames River. The Qatar owned Shard was 87 floors tall and named for its appearance, just like the Gherkin. It looked like a giant shard of glass. He had to admit, the view from his office was unbeatable.

  He spent the rest of the afternoon working on his fault tree analysis. It wasn't progressing well. His neck hurt and his muscles formed knots near his shoulders. He checked the time. He had been at it for three hours without a break.

  Duncan turned to enjoy the night view out his window. The diagonal stripes twisting around the Gherkin were lit, and he could see Tearcy's Restaurant and Club, glowing under the glass dome atop the building. He had enjoyed several meals there, and his boss had taken him to Tearcy's private club once, to celebrate the conclusion of a case. His work on that case allowed Lawful and General to deny a seven million pound claim. His bonus was good that year.

  "Knock, knock," Angela announced from his doorway.

  Duncan turned to see a triumphant Angela, grinning from ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat.

  "Did you change your hair?" Duncan asked in a tone that could be construed as rude.

  Angela's grin faded, but she steeled herself and the smile returned before she answered.

  "I straightened it."

  Honestly, her boss could be dense sometimes. She had also replaced her glasses with contact lenses.

  "Oh. It looks nice," he added.

  Nice was not what Angela was going for. She'd had a successful day and she wouldn't allow Duncan's bland comment about her hair to bring her down.

  "We've got an appointment tomorrow at ten over at Bringle Labs. We're meeting with Simon Bringle himself," Angela paused to emphasize the importance of her statement. She continued, "It wasn't easy, but I convinced him to see us and perhaps let us use his electron microscope."

  Duncan's reaction satisfied Angela. His eyes grew large with unbelief.

  "See you tomorrow at ten, sharp," she called over her shoulder as she hurried to the elevator.

  She didn't want any further questions or assignments from Duncan tonight. She'd employed all her charms to get this appointment with Bringle and she was spent!

  Duncan was still processing all Angela said as he watched her enter the elevator. Had she really said, "We've got an appointment", "We're meeting with Simon", "I convinced him to see us" and "I'll see you at ten, sharp"? Who was Bringle and where was his lab? Since when did Angela attend meetings with him? How does one straighten one's hair? Why did she even bother straightening her hair? It must have been fine before because he had never even noticed her hair. He would have to get to the bottom of this new Angela girl. The old Angela had been perfectly fine.

  Chapter 6 - Under a Microscope

  Duncan's alarm rang at 7:30. He rolled over and glanced towards the window. The sun wouldn't rise for another twenty to thirty minutes, but he could see that the sky was cloudless. He wanted to go for a run. He poked around in his bureau until he found some all-weather jogging pants, a microfiber sports shirt, and a running jacket. He dressed quickly, donning his athletic shoes, and was out the door before the sun came up.

  The Outer Circle was a 4.3 kilometer road that ringed Regent's Park. He ran south along the Outer Circle until reaching a familiar footpath that led within the commons. Even in December, the area seemed lovely.

  The park was reserved for pedestrians, with the exception of two roads connecting the Inner and Outer Circles. Automobiles were allowed on the Inner Circle as well. Duncan made his way to the garden within the Inner Circle. Queen Mary's Garden, the most formal garden within Regent's Park, was a delight for the senses, but he rushed through this area to his favorite section.

  With the sun up, other runners and pedestrians congested the main routes through the park. In London, whenever the sun came out, so did the citizens. He especially enjoyed running past the lake and spotting the various waterfowl that inhabited this locale. He slowed his pace, hoping to spot some of the birds he identified by their unique markings. He gave names to the fowl that he observed on a regular basis.

  A steady stream of mist lifted from the water's surface. Shrubs and trees appeared in silhouette, surrounding the lake like a protective hedge. Dozens of birds floated nearby. He could not make out their distinguishing features because of the angle of the sun. He tried to locate Ginger, named for the red plumes on his head and Maurice, who seemed to sport a mustache. Baldy lacked feathers on the top of his head. He did not see any of them today. Perhaps he'd bring bread crumbs to feed his feathered friends this weekend.

  As he jogged on, he went over last night's conversation with Caroline, again. He thought a
bout her soft voice and how happy she seemed to speak with him. She had spent her morning working on the estate's accounts, and Mrs. Charmicle had stopped by for lunch. After that, she took the dogs for a walk. By chance, a stag bolted from the wood right in front of her. Could it be the same one he had seen? Roosevelt and Lincoln chased the animal across the field while General Washington obeyed her command to stay. She finally gave up on the larger dogs and returned home without them. They showed up after dark, dirty, but none the worse for wear. Nothing out of the ordinary going on, except she missed him terribly. He told her he'd be back in Taye as soon as possible. He called her sweetheart and she referred to him as darling. It was a satisfying phone call, on many levels.

  His mind occupied, he completed the better part of his run. He jogged north and passed over Regent's Canal, before crossing the Outer Circle and huffing his way up Primrose Hill. From here, he could see southeast all the way to Central London and Hapmstead to the north. Farther north, beyond the knoll, was the tony neighborhood of Primrose, where many a celebrity lived. Duncan often enjoyed visiting this hip area where shops and cafes abounded.

  After taking in the view, he ran back over a bridge spanning the canal, where he noticed two brightly painted vessels below. The narrow craft were about half as wide as the stream itself. He waved at a couple lounging on the deck of one canal boat. They were drinking their morning beakers of coffee and returned his wave with their free hands. Duncan continued towards his home, trying to maintain his pace. The discomfort in his chest told him that he'd lost some of his fitness level by skipping workouts the last few weeks. He knew his muscles would be sore tomorrow.

  After his run and a bottle of water, a hot shower felt wonderful. Running always gave him a sense of accomplishment and helped him face the day. He dressed and put the kettle on for tea. Duncan grabbed the oatcakes he'd purchased at the market last night and spread two with marmalade. The kettle whistled and he brewed himself a cup of tea to accompany his banana and oat cakes. While the tea steeped, he opened his email. Angela had sent him the address of Bringle Labs, along with directions. A Good Morning email from Caroline was a welcome surprise. He shot her a reply before eating breakfast.

  The trip to the lab would take about 50 minutes. Duncan gave himself an hour to get there. He walked from his flat to the nearby Tube. He would need to change trains at two stations before he reached Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex, an area southwest of his flat. The National Physical Laboratory was located there, and Duncan suspected Bringle Labs might be near this facility.

  After arriving at his final underground destination, Duncan climbed the stairs to the street. Angela provided perfect directions. A quick walk around a corner left him in front of a nondescript brick structure. A small brass plate to the left of glass doors labeled the building Bringle Laboratories.

  Through the doors, he observed a tall, well-built, middle aged man speaking to a petite girl. The man was enjoying his conversation. The girl faced away from the entry. She wore a black knit dress with dark leather boots, and Duncan noticed her figure was smashing. As he entered the lobby, the woman turned towards him. Astounded, he couldn't believe that Angela was the girl whose figure he had admired. He was taken aback, and it must have shown on his face because she gave him a puzzled look before introducing Simon Bringle.

  Simon had a handshake that could crush cement and Duncan fought off the urge to wince as Bringle squeezed his hand. Mr. Bringle gave him a direct stare and smiled politely before returning his gaze to Angela. Duncan noticed that Simon became more animated when talking to his assistant. The vibe made Duncan uncomfortable and he didn't like the way the man looked at Angela. While he remained tongue tied, she deftly guided the conversation to business, and what they needed from Bringle Labs. She shifted her body to help include her boss in the conversation.

  "Mr. Bringle, as I…"

  The lab's owner interrupted her before she finished her sentence.

  "You must call me Simon," he stated in a way that revealed it wasn't the first time he'd made this request.

  Angela smiled before continuing, "Simon, as I mentioned when I ran into you yesterday, we could really use your help. We need access to an electron microscope. As you know, there are waiting lists at all the universities in England to use this equipment. What we need done won't take much time, but we do need it done soon."

  She released a small sigh which accompanied the charming, hopeful expression on her face. The way she looked up at Simon Bringle was almost irresistible. Duncan had never seen this side of Angela. Could straightening one's hair affect one's brain, one's behavior?

  Simon placed his hand on Angela's shoulder before saying, "I'd be happy to assist you in any way I can. Let's take a look at our schedule and see if we can't fit you in somewhere."

  Bringle never took his eyes off Angela. It was as if Duncan wasn't even present. He wanted to punch the man right in his square jaw.

  Simon continued, "Come up to my office and I'll see what I can do."

  Bringle slid his hand to the small of Angela's back and guided her towards the elevator. Duncan followed behind, steam coming out of his ears.

  The elevator ride proved uncomfortable. He was definitely the third wheel as Simon continued to ignore him and focus on his assistant. When they arrived in Simon's office he noticed that photos of Bringle covered the walls. He saw Bringle playing rugby and crossing finish lines, chest first. Various victory cups lined a glass bookcase behind his impressive desk. Duncan and Angela took seats as Simon glanced at his computer, periodically hitting the up and down arrow keys.

  He took note of the man's apparel. Simon Bringle wore an expertly tailored jacket, which showed off his physique. He was broad shouldered and appeared in excellent health. He had sandy hair with sideburns slightly longer than what was in fashion. Bringle's blue eyes were piercing, and his large masculine, square jaw showed well against the dark turtleneck he wore. Duncan guessed he was divorced, that he'd cheated on his ex-wife countless times with office floozies. Angela seemed oblivious to the man's character flaws.

  "Hmm, it appears we had a last minute cancellation of an appointment this afternoon. Why don't we grab lunch and you can use the microscope after that?" Simon suggested.

  "That would be wonderful," Duncan said, finally finding his voice. "I'm famished," he added.

  A calculating look crossed Simon's face, but before he could say anything, Angela jumped in with, "Yes, let's all go to lunch." Then she smiled innocently at Simon.

  "All right. Let me call Professor Dodson to let him know we'll need him here to operate the microscope after all, and I'll join you in the lobby in a minute. Be thinking about what kind of food sounds good to you, Angela," Simon said with a wink in her direction.

  He stood as Duncan and Angela rose to leave his office. Duncan was sure Bringle was checking out Angela's backside as they walked to the elevator. Once inside, she gave her boss an annoyed look.

  "What's wrong with you, Mr. Dewar? You look like you just ate a lemon and you didn't even try to be nice to Mr. Bringle," Angela fumed.

  "Please, call me Duncan," he purred, and then continued, "that guy's a jerk. Can't you see he's making a play for you? No one cancelled this afternoon. He's probably up there right now, booting some poor customer from the schedule!"

  "There's no need for sarcasm, Mr. Dewar. If Simon Bringle is attracted to me, so what? Why do you think we got this appointment to begin with? And why would you care if someone else gets booted. You need that microscope, don't you?" she asked, indignant.

  The elevator doors opened and they both snapped their heads forward and tried to appear professional. They marched from towards a modern sofa and sat down. Angela hoped the receptionist didn't hear them. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with her boss.

  Duncan concentrated his gaze at the floor. Providence had smiled on him when he slipped the small piece of stone from Castle Taye into his pants' pocket that day. The thief who swiped his tablet never g
ot access to this evidence. Fortunately, he had brought it along today in hopes they would get access to a microscope. There was no way he would leave Angela alone with Simon to go fetch this evidence. He'd have a talk with her later regarding how she finagled this appointment. For now, he needed to cool off and attempt to be civil during lunch.

  Simon arrived in all his glory about five minutes later. He asked Angela what sounded good to her for lunch and mentioned Italian, Chinese, and Continental. The girl chose Italian. A limo pulled in front of Bringle Labs and Simon announced that their ride had arrived. A quick drive, with Angela sitting between Simon and Duncan, brought them to a chic hotel. Inside was a well known Italian restaurant.

  "I've always wanted to try this place!" Angela gushed, looking up appreciatively at Bringle. "Thank you for thinking of it, Simon."

  Again, Simon guided Angela inside the restaurant with his hand at the small of her back. Duncan fought the urge to swat Bringle's arm away from his assistant. The maître d' knew Mr. Bringle and gave their party the best table in the place. Bringle ordered for the group and included Duncan in the conversation, although he made it plain he was only interested in what Angela had to say.

  The meal tasted delicious. They had several courses and by the time dessert and coffee arrived, two hours had passed.

  "Why, look at the time," Duncan announced. "Shouldn't we get going? We wouldn't want to miss our chance on the microscope."

  Simon smiled in a self-satisfied kind of way. Angela's hand was resting on the table, and Duncan watched as the lecher placed his own atop hers.

  "We're in no hurry. That's one of the perks of owning the lab, I can commandeer the equipment whenever I need to."

  He flashed a grin at Angela who giggled. This really was too much for Duncan.

  It took another twenty minutes to finish dessert and collect the tab. Simon paid for them all, of course. Bringle guided Angela to the waiting limousine, whispering something in her ear as she bent to get in. She tossed her head back and laughed. She actually flirted with the man!


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