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Tad's Treasure (Grandma's Wedding Quilts Book 12)

Page 10

by Shanna Hatfield

Tad took money from his pocket and dropped a few coins in Mr. Miller’s hand. “Save one for me? I’ll come by to pick it up later.”

  Mr. Miller nodded. “I can do that. If you’d rather, I could send the delivery boy over with it.”

  “No, I’ll stop by, but thanks for offering. And thanks again for bringing this delivery.” Tad walked the man out the door then turned back to the counter and the trunk. He wasn’t expecting any orders, so curiosity drove him as he unhooked the buckles and unlatched the clasps.

  A familiar scent, one he knew well from his childhood, wafted around him as he lifted the lid and stared at a beautiful quilt. An envelope on top bore his name, written in a feathery script.

  Tad tore open the envelope and unfolded a sheet of expensive parchment, embossed with his mother’s initials in one corner.

  Darling Theodore,

  Tad cringed at her use of his full name. He’d always preferred Tad to Theodore. She was fully aware of the fact and continued to ignore it, declaring Tad to be a crude and undignified name.

  Your sister sent a letter the other day. She and Colin are enjoying their trip around Europe. I would never have imagined our dear girl performing in some of the places she’s visited, but she seems truly happy, and that is the most important thing.

  Filled with disdain, he snorted. He’d like to know when his mother had suddenly taken an interest in his or Gloria’s happiness. The woman had spent too many years focused on what pleased society in general and her snooty friends in particular.

  In her letter, Gloria reminded me to send you the quilt your Grandmother Mary made for you. Although we’ve all nearly lost hope that you will settle down and find a wife, Gloria thinks you should have the quilt, regardless. You’ll find a note from your grandmother included, too.

  Tad dug around in the trunk and found a letter written in his grandmother’s hand. Just seeing it made him smile and think of fun times he’d spent with the older woman. Although she’d married his grandfather when his father was a young boy, she’d treated him and Gloria as she did the rest of her grandchildren, with a great deal of love and affection.

  In fact, Tad viewed her other grandchildren as his cousins. Although they were scattered across the country, he did try to keep track of where they were located.

  Grandma Mary’s quilts had been something that brought her great joy. He recalled watching her fingers push the needle through the fabric and batting, creating beauty from simple pieces of cloth. Posey and his grandmother had much in common and would, in fact, get along quite famously were they ever to meet.

  Forcefully shifting his thoughts away from Posey, Tad returned to his mother’s note.

  Your father and I were so pleased to see you when you came home for Gloria’s wedding. Thank you for joining us. Despite what you might think, your father and I only want what is best for you. Life there in the wilds of Oregon does seem to agree with you, son. We’re happy you enjoy your life there, although I do hope you’ll visit once in a while.

  “Not likely,” Tad mumbled and shook his head.

  Please be well, be safe, and know you are loved. Take care, Theodore.

  With love,


  Tad set aside the letter from his mother then opened the one from Grandma Mary. He smiled as he read her brief note, telling him the quilt was for him and his bride to share on their marriage bed. She described the pattern she’d chosen for him and the reason why.

  After reading what his grandmother wrote, Tad took the two letters to the back room and set them on his worktable.

  Determined to see through his sudden plan, he opened a drawer and removed a small paper-wrapped package and stuffed it into his pocket. He grabbed his hat, slapped it on his head, and locked the back door. In a rush, he returned to the front of his shop and lifted the trunk. He carried it outside then locked the door behind him.

  Haste lent speed to his steps as he covered the ground to Miller’s Mercantile and picked up the basket of berries he’d paid for, along with a box of chocolates. Rather than make time to saddle Licorice or hitch a team to his wagon, he rushed out of town on foot, intent on reaching Posey’s place.

  When he arrived, he stood on the porch and tapped on the door. Footsteps echoed across the wooden floor then Posey was there, pulling the door open wide with a welcoming smile.

  “Well, Tad, what brings you out here today?” she asked, moving aside so he could enter.

  “Mr. Miller had some nice berries at the store. I thought you and Nate might enjoy them.” He set the trunk down on the floor by Posey’s sofa and then handed her the basket of berries.

  She snitched one off the top and bit into it. Eyes closed in heavenly enjoyment, she savored the bite before glancing to Tad.

  Heat churned in his gut as she took another bite of the berry, juice clinging to her rosy lip. It took every ounce of restraint he possessed to keep from wrapping her in his arms and kissing away that drop of berry juice from her entrancing mouth.

  “They are good berries, Tad. Did you try one?”

  He shook his head.

  “Then you must,” she said, taking a big berry from the basket and holding it out to him. When he didn’t immediately take a bite, she stepped closer and rubbed the fruit across his bottom lip. “Try it, Tad.”

  He took a bite, wondering if she had any idea what she did to him, how crazy she made him with longing for her. If she had even an inkling of thought as to the effect she had on him, she wouldn’t tempt him so.

  She set the basket of berries to the side and lifted her eyebrow as he handed her the chocolates.

  “It isn’t my birthday or Christmas. To what do I owe the pleasure of this candy?” she asked, opening the lid and holding it out to him. He shook his head and watched as she selected a piece and took a dainty bite. “Oh, my gracious. That is so good.”

  She licked her upper lip and Tad bit back a groan. As though she sensed his misery, she slid closer to him. “Are you sure you don’t want a bite?”

  The coquettish look she tossed at him made his heart trip in his chest while his temperature began a steady climb. Rather than give in to his desire to kiss her senseless, he took the parcel from his pocket, placing it in her hand.

  She glanced from it to him. “Tad? What’s this? The berries and candy are such welcome, wonderful gifts, I don’t need anything else.”

  He grinned. “You do need this. Go on. Open it.”

  Posey folded back the paper to reveal a small heart-shaped sewing case crafted of leather. She opened it to find a variety of needles, thread, and a tiny pair of silver scissors inside.

  “Oh, Tad. It’s lovely.” She shot him a pleased smile. “Did you make this?”

  “I did, Posey.” He swallowed hard and forged ahead. “I wanted you to be able to hold my heart in your hand.”

  A lone tear trailed down her cheek and her fingers caressed the soft leather of the heart. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, Tad Palmer. I’ll treasure it always. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you meant…”

  Before she could finish her thought, he opened the trunk and held it out to her.

  “Oh, my. It’s beautiful, Tad. Absolutely beautiful!” Posey set the heart on a side table, wiped her hands on her apron, then gingerly lifted the quilt from the trunk. She spread it out over the sofa and bent down to admire the intricately stitched pattern. Curious, she looked over her shoulder at him. “Where did you get this?”

  “It’s a gift from my grandmother. My mother finally got around to shipping it to me, at Gloria’s suggestion, of course.”

  Posey turned her attention back to the dusty pink roses encircled with green vines on a background of cream. “Regardless of how you came to have it, it’s a lovely quilt. Rose of Sharon is a popular pattern for brides. The design stands for romantic love.”

  “That’s what Grandma said in her note. She said that quilt is supposed to grace the bed I share with my wife.”

  At the word wi
fe, Posey straightened and glowered at him, as though something he said upset or disturbed her.

  “Do you have someone in mind to fill that position?” Her tone was clipped as she spoke.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” Tad set down the empty trunk and took a step closer to her. “It’s taken me a while to realize I can’t live without her, but I hope when I ask, she’ll agree to be mine.”

  “Oh, I see.” Posey dropped her gaze and began to fold the quilt.

  Tad took it from her hands and wrapped it around his shoulders, despite the sweltering heat of the day. Before she could move away, before she could protest, he took Posey’s arms in his hands and pulled her to his chest, then wrapped the quilt around them both.

  “You’re the only one I want to share this quilt with Posey. I’ve loved you for so long, but I’ve been afraid to tell you how I feel. And part of me feels guilty for loving you. I made a promise to John to watch over you and protect you, but I never planned to be so deeply in love with you. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but it did. Sometime in the last year or so, you’ve become so much more than the widow of my best friend. You’re the woman I love.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes as she looked up at him. “I love you, too, Tad. I’ve done everything but march up and down the street with a band in front of your shop to get your attention. Despite the lingering guilt I have about falling in love again, I think John would be pleased that the man who claimed my heart is you.”

  He chuckled and kissed the top of her head, pulling her closer against him. “I thought you had a thing for Sheriff Barrett.”

  “What?” Posey pulled back and stared at him. “Why would you think such a ridiculous thing?”

  “A few weeks ago, I saw the two of you having lunch at the hotel. The two of you seemed to be enjoying the time together so much, I just assumed…”

  Posey rolled her eyes and sighed. “You are such a lunkhead, Tad Palmer. If you’d waited a moment, you would have seen Maggie and Nate were there, too. I was visiting Maggie when Tully stopped by to visit and insisted on taking us all out to lunch. Nate wanted to look at a gold nugget that was on display in the hotel lobby, so Maggie took him to see it while Tully and I remained at the table to place our orders. That’s what you saw. Is that why you’ve avoided Nate and me so much lately?”

  Tad nodded. “I’m an idiot, Posey, and I’m sorry I haven’t spent time with either of you recently. But when I received Grandma’s quilt today, I knew I couldn’t avoid my feelings for you any longer. I want you to have this quilt. I want it to cover our bed and be a symbol of the love we’ll share over the years. Will you please marry me, Posey Jo?”

  “I will, Tad. I absolutely will!” Her arms wrapped around his neck and their mouths connected in a fiery burst of passion.

  The quilt fell from their shoulders to the floor as Tad lifted her in his arms and whispered promises for the future in her ear. When Nate ran inside, trailed by Agnes and Spot, Posey didn’t even bother to remind him the animals had to remain outside. Instead, she held a hand out to her son and Tad lifted the boy on one strong arm while the other encircled Posey’s waist.

  Nate hugged his neck and grinned. “Are you gonna be my daddy now?”

  “I am,” Tad said, smiling at the boy then turning to Posey again. “Just as soon as your mother decides when she’d like to wed.”

  “Well, don’t just stand there. I’m sure Pastor Eagan would be more than happy to make us a family right now.” Posey winked at Tad.

  “By all means, let’s go.” Tad set Nate down and watched as the boy raced outside with the goat and dog trailing behind him. “We’re going to be so happy, Posey. I promise. I’ll never, for one single day, take for granted the special treasure I have in you. I love you both so much.”

  “And I love you, Tad. Today and always, with all of my heart.”

  Cheesy Bread

  When you want to add a little zing to plain toast, this easy recipe is always a hit.

  Cheesy Bread



  Grated Cheese


  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  Butter bread and place on foil-lined baking sheet. Pop into the oven and bake for just a minute or so, until butter is melted into the bread. Remove from oven then sprinkle on a little seasoning (I like to use powdered ranch dressing mix, but an all-purpose seasoning works, too). Top that with grated cheese (you can use whatever type of cheese you like best) and return the pan to the oven. Bake about 3-5 minutes, until cheese is bubbly. Remove from oven and serve.

  Thank you for reading Tad and Posey’s story. If you have a moment, please review Tad’s Treasure. Help other readers find great new books by telling them why you enjoyed the book.

  I hope we meet again on the journey to another happily ever after.

  Best wishes,


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  If you enjoyed Tad’s Treasure,

  be sure to read the rest of the

  Baker City Series!

  Baker City Brides Series

  Determined women, strong men and a town known as the Denver of the Blue Mountains during its days of gold in the 1890s.

  Crumpets and Cowpies (Baker City Brides, Book 1) — Rancher Thane Jordan reluctantly travels to England to settle his brother’s estate only to find he’s inherited much more than he could possibly have imagined.

  Thimbles and Thistles (Baker City Brides, Book 2) — Maggie Dalton doesn't need a man, especially not one as handsome as charming as Ian MacGregor.

  Corsets and Cuffs (Baker City Brides, Book 3) — Sheriff Tully Barrett meets his match when a pampered woman comes to town, catching his eye and capturing his heart.

  Bobbins and Boots (Baker City Brides, Book 4) — Coming in 2017!

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