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A is for Amazon - Love's Bloom

Page 2

by Janet Eckford

  Tugging at her shirt she tried to cross her legs so he couldn’t see her panties. Thank God she got waxed before she came on the trip, flitted through her mind as he looked her over. If it was muggy before in her tent, it had inexplicably become an even sultrier climate with the inclusion of Cisco.

  “What, no snappy one-liner Stella. I am disappointed,” he smirked, looking down at her chest.

  She didn’t even bother looking down. Like her ass, she was quite well-endowed there also, and she could feel her nipples standing at attention under Cisco’s heated gaze. She actually couldn’t find the use of her tongue to snap at him if she wanted to. She was afraid if she started working it, the very act of speaking would cause it to develop a mind of its own and get her in far bigger trouble than just sitting in a tiny tent partially clothed with an incredibly sexy man.

  “I thought you might need some dry clothes, but it looks like you’ve already taken care of that,” he said, continuing to blatantly stare at her body.

  Stella would have been upset if she didn’t find it so flattering. With her classically hourglass figure, she’d had her share of men that appreciated her body; but the heated way Cisco was staring at her was making her body preen with pleasure.

  “Yes, well, Betsy took care of me,” she answered.

  “Um...” She could feel the hum of his response all the way to her toes.

  Tugging at her shirt, she looked away and tried to think of things beside what the rain water would taste like on Cisco’s skin. She had gone five years completely immune to the man, okay that wasn’t really true, but she’d been able to manage her feelings. And now she was practically melting at his feet. She didn’t know at this point if her panties were mostly damp from the fall she’d taken earlier or from being in such close quarters with Cisco.

  Taking in a deep breath, she had to stifle a purr of contentment. The tent was starting to fill up with Cisco’s unique scent. The man always smelled delicious, of woodsy spice; and obviously being dowsed in Jungle rain didn’t wash his scent away but instead intensified it. Shivering a little, she clutched her arms around herself to resist reaching out toward him.

  “Oh, querida, you’re cold, here put this on,” he said, searching through his backpack and pulling out a shirt of his.

  “That’s okay. You’re going to need it considering how soaked your shirt is.” She couldn’t help looking at his defined abs, accentuated by the wet material of his shirt. Cisco didn’t have an ounce of fat on his body, but right now she wouldn’t have minded checking just to make sure.

  “No, really, take it, I can take my shirt off and sleep without one tonight,” he replied, holding the shirt out to her.

  Looking at it, she nibbled on her bottom lip. She was starting to feel a little chilled, mostly because she still had the wet panties on. And he was right, being a guy, he could just go shirtless if he wanted. Reaching out, she took it from him and shivered at the feel of his fingers brushing hers. Quickly snatching her hand away, she pulled his shirt on over hers. Thankfully, it covered her up a little bit more than just her shirt, and it had the added benefit of smelling like him. She didn’t think it was cologne or detergent alone and if Cisco ever found a way to bottle the powerful pheromones he gave off, he’d be one wealthy man.

  “Better?” he asked with a smile.

  “Much,” she replied with a shy grin.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered softly.

  “I…thank you,” she stammered, feeling her face flush.

  “Sorry…I didn’t mean…” He stopped in mid-sentence, looking flustered.

  Stella didn’t know what was going on, but she could feel that it was something important. She’d been alone with Cisco before at gatherings Betsy had at her house or at her gallery but she’d never been so alone with him like this. The sound of the rain falling outside made her feel disconnected from the rest of the world and the soft light of her lantern illuminating the tent with an ethereal glow contributed to the magical feeling of the moment.

  Looking over at him, she saw that he was staring at her with an odd expression. She pulled at the French plait she’d put her hair in that morning. There was awkwardness, but also electricity, in the air that was making it hard for her to breath. Not content to play with the tail of her braid, her hand fluttered about clasping and unclasping its partner in hopes it would distract her from the temptation of playing in Cisco’s wet hair.

  “Stella, querida.” The words seemed to drip off of Cisco’s lips like honey soothing an ache she didn’t even know she possessed.

  Closing her eyes, she took another deep breath and opened them to look directly into his. The look of raw passion on his face was both shocking and arousing. She had never seen so much desire directed toward her and it frightened her as well as enticed her. This was the danger she was talking about when she’d tried to be flip earlier and failed. He was just too much of everything she’d ever want in a man, and the thought of losing him was a far greater risk than taking the leap to gain him.

  “Don’t, querida, not before you’ve at least let me try,” he whispered, as if he’d read her thoughts.

  Opening her mouth to respond, Stella shut it quickly. She couldn’t lie when presented with such frank honesty. Her brain, which she’d relied on all her life to provide her with snappy zingers and clever remarks, was completely shutting down. As she listened to the pitter-patter of the rain against her tent washing away the debris of the day, she felt it was also washing away the restraints she’d put between herself and Cisco.

  Closing her eyes and taking another deep breath, she opened them to see him watching her. Stella might not have known what was going on, but she realized that if she didn’t do something about it in the moment, she never would.

  A is for Amazon - Love's Bloom

  Chapter Four

  Cisco was starting to feel like a man who held on to sand too tightly in order to keep it but watched in horror as it slipped through his fingers. He might have held on too tightly planning this trip and now Stella was slipping away. When the sky opened up and began to pour, he felt it was Fate crying over his lost opportunity. Preparing himself to go back to his solitary tent, he was surprised when Stella moved forward and gently raised her hand to his face. He froze, feeling that if he moved, even breathed, the moment would be lost.

  Closing his eyes as her fingertips gently traced the features of his face, he sighed with pleasure. When she ran the pad of her thumb along his lips, he gently kissed it. It was her soft sigh that caused him to open his eyes and reach out for her. She was all lush curves and soft skin in his arms. Reaching under both shirts she wore, he stroked the dip of her lower back with one hand and guided the other to cradle her head.

  “Yes, querida?” He asked softly, looking into her soft brown eyes.

  She paused briefly as she let her gaze roam over his face. He could see indecision warring with desire, but it was only when trust made itself known that he started to relax.

  “Yes,” she replied softly, moving her head closer to his.

  Pressing his lips to hers, he wanted to savor the moment of feeling the petal softness of her mouth against his, but his hunger for her was so great that he couldn’t just take a sip from the nectar of his flower. He needed more and as he slid his mouth across hers, he found that she hungered just as much as him. They fed each other their lips and nibbled with their teeth, stroking flesh heated by their desire.

  The tent that seemed so small earlier was perfect now as they pressed their bodies so tightly together. Stripping off his wet shirt, he absently discarded it. Where she explored his face lightly with just the tips of her fingers initially, she allowed her entire hand the privilege of touching him this time, while the other was entwined in the wet strands of his hair. He wanted his turn to roam the soft planes of her body also and began to tug off the two shirts she wore.

  Looking down, he could make out her full breasts and rounded tummy in the low light of the lantern. He dippe
d his head down and dragged his tongue along the valley between her beautiful breasts, smiling into her skin as she let out one of those breathy sighs he loved. This close, he could see little freckles like the ones on her face sprinkled across her chest. Using his tongue, he connected the dots until he got to one of her turgid nipples and claimed it for the prize it was, sucking it into his mouth.

  “Cisco,” she purred, running her fingers through his hair.

  “Um…” he hummed against her skin as he moved to another nipple, licking and nipping.

  “Cisco,” she said more forcefully this time, pulling his head up so he could look at her.

  “Yes, querida,” he whispered, leaning down for another one of their scorching kisses.

  “What exactly do you have planned?” she asked a little breathlessly.

  “I don’t understand,” he replied, trying to kiss her again, but the grip she had on his hair was keeping him firmly in place.

  Blushing, she was uncharacteristically shy as she looked up at him. “Did you plan for this Cisco or will we have to do other…things?” she asked with a slight blush.

  Realizing what she meant, he looked at her seriously. “Would you be upset if I said I’d planned for something, but dreamt of this,” he replied.

  Pausing, she looked at him and smiled, “And now the panties come off.”

  This time there was no hesitation as they sought each other out. Skin to skin, hands and lips, him reaching and her pulling. He only broke contact briefly to sheath himself and then he was inside of her, and it was bliss. Riding and cresting, he surged and she sighed. He lost himself in the moment that they were creating, only to find his way back when her body exhaled out its pleasure. Yet, he couldn’t seem to stop, and he was pushing harder and faster.

  He could feel her nails biting into the skin on his back and he wanted to shout at the idea of her claiming him, marking him, instead he leaned down and gently nipped at her mouth. Suckling her bottom lip into his mouth, he quickly swallowed another one of those breathy moans. Cisco could feel her inner walls clenching around him, and this time as he surged he let the feeling of her coming guide him to his own pleasure.

  “Damn,” she murmured, tucked in his arms.

  “What?” he asked, concerned.

  “I guess I’m going to have to become an adventurer now,” she replied snuggling closer.

  Laughing, Cisco couldn’t wait to plan their next trip.

  The End




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