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Marcello & Grace (Royals of Valleria #2)

Page 15

by Knightly, Marianne

  Grace looked bewildered for a moment until she looked down where he was gently caressing the impression of his hand that remained. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s all right, Marcello,” she said in a soft tone.

  “No, it’s not,” he said as he stood and began to pace. “I hurt you. Holy hell, I hurt you.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “The evidence is right there,” he said in a loud voice. The rain still poured over them, this time it felt like cold water on a hot fire.

  “Marcello.” When he didn’t answer her, she said more firmly. “Marcello, look at me.”

  He stopped and turned. She looked like an ancient goddess, with tendrils of her long hair covering her breasts and ending at her waist. Her slim, succulent body held itself firm while her blue eyes flashed with ice.

  “Do you regret what we just did?” she asked.

  “No. Hell, no. But, Grace -.”

  “No, ‘buts’. I know what it means to be physically hurt, Marcello,” she said as she walked over to him, a siren leading him to his fate. “I know what it means to bruise and bleed at the hands of a man.” His eyes roamed down her body, taking in the puckered skin of scars left behind from her old life.

  “This is nothing like that,” she continued as she put a hand over his heart. “Please don’t turn this into something ugly. It was beautiful. I’m glad you were able to give yourself to me. I may be a little bruised, but these are scars of love, not hate. There’s a big difference.”

  He put a hand over hers on his heart. “I should have been more careful. I promised you I would never hurt you.”

  “You’ve kept that promise,” she said as she gave him a light kiss on the lips. “Look at this way. If I had, say, marked you in some way because of our lovemaking, would you consider that to be abuse?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “So why is the reverse true? Is it true because I’ve been beaten before? Hurt before? I know what true pain is, Marcello, and this wasn’t it.”

  “You’re amazing,” he said as he squeezed their joined hands over his heart. “I don’t deserve you.” He would still be more careful in the future, but as long as she was all right, so was he.

  “Yes, you do,” she said simply. “What we shared was pleasure, and I quite enjoyed it, if you must know.”

  He put his free arm around her and drew her near. “Enjoyed it, did you?” She nodded.

  Just as Marcello was about to reply, the thunder boomed overhead again and they both looked up. The rain was falling harder now. It wasn’t the soft, steady, gentle drops that had covered them during lovemaking, but harder, colder pellets.

  “Come on,” he said as he turned back to the temple. “Let’s get dressed and go home. I don’t want you catching a cold.”

  “And you’ve got to pack,” she said as they entered the building again. He kissed her hand before letting go of it to dress.

  “I do have to pack but my main concern is you, Grace.”

  “You could also catch a cold, you know,” she said as also began to dress, shivering when her soggy clothes hit wet skin.

  “Wear my shirt, at least. It’s dry,” he said as he walked over to her.

  “I couldn’t. What would people think?”

  “All manner of things, I assume. Look, if you don’t want people to know about us, I understand.”


  “No, I’m not going to push you, damn it. No matter how much I may want to.”

  As he turned away, Grace put a hand on his back. “Wait.” She walked around to face him. “I’m not ashamed of you, Marcello, or of what we did.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yes,” she said and caressed his cheek. Though her hand was cool, something warm and lovely bloomed in his chest at the feel of it. “I suppose I’m just more reserved as you.”

  Marcello couldn’t help but laugh. “You? Reserved? The same woman who suggested we make love in the rain?”

  Her brows furrowed. “I know it must seem confusing.”

  “Well, you are a complicated woman,” he reminded her. His hands gripped the edge of her shirt and pulled it off. He just as quickly whipped his shirt over her body.

  “It’ll be fine,” he said as he gave her forehead a kiss and then finished dressing. He caught her fingering his shirt for a few moments before she finished dressing as well.

  Hiding underneath a useless umbrella, they ran most of the way back to the house, dodging the now slanted rain and falling leaves. When they arrived at the house, it was to find the kitchen miraculously empty. They did not run into any servants as they meandered through the house, either.

  As they reached Grace’s door, Marcello paused to give her a quick kiss. “I’d like to have some more time with you before I leave.”

  “So would I,” Grace said as she rested her forehead against his bare chest. After a moment, she dropped a kiss just above his nipple and said, “How about lunch? You’ll have a long drive ahead of you.”

  Marcello ignored the arousal beginning to stir within him at her innocent kiss. “We’re not driving back to London. I’ll need to arrange for a helicopter. Besides, with all this rain, some of the roads may still be washed out.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “Our drivers will stay on and take Cat back when the roads are safe. You’re welcome to go along with her, if you like. No pressure.”

  “I’ll think about it.” When she sneezed a moment later - and Marcello even found her sneeze sexy - he decided it was time to take care of her.

  “Go in and change. Have something hot to drink. I’ll meet you for lunch in about an hour.”

  “You’re ordering me around again.”

  “Yes, and this time I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.” He patted her small derriere lightly and she jumped. He was pleased to see not fear but lust, flit across her face.

  “Well, all right, but only because I had already planned to do the same thing.” As she opened the door, she stopped. “Your shirt. I should give it back to you.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Give it back to me later.” She smiled shyly and fingered the hem. “Grace. Don’t you dare take that off here. At least get behind the door.” His eyes darted around but the floor and the stairwell were empty.

  With a broad smile, she lifted the shirt up slowly, revealing her stomach. Marcello swallowed, then shook his head. He stepped forward, forcing her to step back and away from the door. She gasped as he took her into his arms and gave her a hard kiss.

  When Marcello stepped back, he was pleased to see a dazed look on her face. “See you in an hour,” he said and stepped out of the room, closing the door shut behind him. That woman was going to be the death of him, and he could think of no better way to go.


  Lunch was mostly a somber, frustrating affair for Grace. She was sad to see Marcello leave, as was his sister, but she was more frustrated that she couldn’t hold his hand or caress his cheek as she longed to do. Marcello was waiting for her to make the first move, she knew it. She just hadn’t found the courage for it yet.

  Marcello tried to keep the conversation light but everyone knew he was leaving to go on a terribly risky mission, even if he was scant with the details of it all. Cat, who was apparently more used to situations like these, was more relaxed than Grace, at least on the surface. There was, however, enough worry in Cat’s face to make Grace’s stomach churn at the thought of what he must be facing.

  “Can you tell us how long you’ll be gone?” Cat asked.

  “I don’t know,” he said, though Grace was sure he did. He wasn’t being evasive, just protective of the details.

  “Does Alex know?” Cat asked.

  “Alex knows a great many things,” Marcello said.

  “I could get it out of him, you know,” Cat said assuredly. Knowing the bond she shared with her twin brother, Grace didn’t doubt it. Neither, apparently, did Marcello.

  “Leave Al
ex alone, will you? The guy’s got enough on his plate right now without worrying about a nosy sister.”

  “Does anyone else know you’re leaving?” she asked. “Or do I need to keep this from our other brothers and sisters?”

  “I’ve gone on missions before, Cat.”

  “This is different.”

  Marcello nodded and took his sister’s hand. “I know. Just do what you think is best. Honestly, by the time you tell them, I may be on my way back anyway. I’ll be back in Valleria before you know it, Kitty Cat.”

  “I’ll be there waiting for you,” Cat said.

  Making a decision, Grace reached out and took his other hand. “So will I,” she said, and Marcello squeezed her hand tightly. She saw the emotion swirling in his eyes and knew the same must have been visible on hers.

  “Are you two officially together now?” Cat asked with bright eyes.

  “Yes,” Grace answered for them. “Yes, we are.”

  Cat squealed. “How exciting! I can’t wait to let everyone know.” A wary look crossed Marcello’s face and Grace couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Come on, Cat. You don’t need to sound the alarm,” Marcello said.

  “Grace will be staying with us at the palace. You will, won’t you? Oh, it doesn’t matter, you will. Everyone should know why.”

  “It seems as though we have little choice in the matter,” Grace said to Marcello.

  “It seems that way. Look, Cat, at least let me tell everyone first if you can’t keep your mouth shut. You owe me that much, at least.”

  With a pout on her face, Cat said, “I suppose that’s fair.”

  “It is fair. It’s also fair for me to tell everyone, particularly Mama, how much fun you had with those eligible bachelors at dinner the other night.”

  “What?” Cat said as she threw her cloth napkin on the table. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Wouldn’t I?” he said with devious grin.

  “Marcello!” Cat said as she threw the napkin at him; he easily deflected it. Grace and Marcello started laughing.

  When the laughter died down a little, Cat, with her arms crossed over her chest, asked, “You wouldn’t really, would you?”

  “Probably not,” he said, still smiling. “Guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “I could warn Mama you’re about to spread some lies.”

  “As if she would believe you.”

  Cat sighed. “You’re probably right. She wouldn’t believe that of you, at any rate.”

  After they finished their meal, they followed Marcello outside. The driver would take him to a launch pad close by and return to the house afterwards. As the driver loaded his bag in the trunk, Marcello gave Cat a bear hug and a kiss on the forehead. He whispered something to her, and she nodded.

  Just as Marcello turned to Grace, another car pulled up. This one was the police.

  “My Lady, I’m Police Constable Hale. How are you this afternoon?” the portly gentleman asked.

  “Just fine,” she said, though an icy chill had settled in the pit of her stomach. “What is it that I can do for you?”

  “I’ve come to follow-up with you about the incident at your home.”

  “Could it wait? The Prince was about to leave and we’d like to see him off.”

  “Leave? Your Highness, you cannot leave until I’ve had a chance to properly question you.”

  “I’ve got to go, I’m sorry,” Marcello said. “It’s a matter of Vallerian national security. I’m more than happy to return and answer your questions at a later date. I’ve already given my sworn testimony, in any case.”

  “You did?” Grace asked.

  Marcello nodded. “Through the appropriate British agency, per protocol. I took care of it this morning while you and Cat were out,” he said to Grace.

  “I had hoped to talk with you directly, Your Highness, but if you must go I do hope you’ll let me know when you return,” the Constable said as he handed Marcello a card, and Marcello assured him he would.

  “Was that all, Constable?” Grace asked.

  “No,” he said with a grave look. “I’m afraid I’ve come to give you some bad news.”

  A hand went to Grace’s chest, while the other clutched her stomach. “Lady Picford?”

  “She’s recovering in the hospital from what seems to be a very brutal beating.”

  “My God.” Grace’s knees suddenly felt like rubber and Marcello’s hand wove around her waist, holding her up.

  “We arrested Lord Picford last night, but he’s now escaped.”

  “Escaped?” Marcello demanded. “How did that happen?”

  “It seems my colleague is a long-time friend of his and assisted in the effort. He, too, has been arrested and transported to a higher security prison.”

  “Too little, too late,” Marcello said. “What do you intend to do about this? Grace and my sister could be in danger here.”

  The Constable nodded. “I’ve already ordered additional protection for both of you,” he said to Grace and Cat. “Having a Vallerian royal staying with you, My Lady, has made the effort all the more faster. They should arrive here within the hour.”

  “I’ll delay my departure,” Marcello said to Grace and Cat. “I won’t leave you both like this.”

  “You can’t, Marcello. You’ve got to go.”


  “No, please. Some things are bigger than just one person. You’ve got to defend your country.” She saw the indecision in his eyes; it was as though he was being asked to choose between two loves.

  “An hour won’t make a difference,” he said finally. Then, to the Constable, he said, “What about the grounds? They’re quite extensive and need protecting as well.”

  As the men discussed protection details, Grace took Cat’s hand. Cat was clearly as shaken up by everything as she was. After several more minutes, the Constable left and Grace led everyone inside to the parlor.

  “We need to tighten security on the house,” Marcello said, deciding to pace rather than sit like she and Cat had. “Call your servants together. They need to be made aware.”

  “You’re ordering me around again.”

  “Damn right I am, and you’re going to listen, just like you did earlier today.”

  “You mean you actually let him boss you around?”

  Grace blushed thinking of the moment again outside her bedroom door but said, “He was right in that instance, as he is now. I don’t want to take a chance with your safety, Cat.”

  “You shouldn’t take a chance with your own, either,” he said.

  “I won’t,” she said simply and called the butler into the room.

  After the servants had been given strict instructions by Marcello, the entire house went on lockdown. Marcello insisted that no one was to leave until the threat was resolved, and everyone agreed.

  Forty minutes went by before a series of cars rolled up the drive, containing their new protective detail. Marcello briefed them, then introduced them to Grace and Cat. Grace didn’t mind Marcello taking point and ordering everyone about. It’s true, Daniel had done that as well, but the situations were entirely different. This time, she was being protected against someone like Daniel.

  When the protective detail was deployed in and around the house, Marcello could no longer put off leaving. He gave Cat another hug and then approached Grace again.

  His hands moved to cup her face, and she rested her own on his wrists where his pulse beat fast, just for her. “Please be careful, Grace. I couldn’t handle it if anything happened to you.”

  “I might say the same to you,” she said as she gazed into his dark brown eyes. She saw fierce love and protection swimming in them, and she knew she had finally found what she’d been looking for all these years: safety, love, acceptance, and passion. There was no point denying it to herself anymore.

  Marcello pulled her close for a kiss. His hands shifting along her back until he took the kiss deeper, and his hands fisted in her shi
rt. Images of their lovemaking flashed through her mind and she gripped his hair in painful support. His grip tightened and she was lifted slightly off the ground. She felt as though she were flying through the air, afraid, excited, and free. She felt free even while locked in his arms. It was a glorious feeling.

  When they pulled away gasping for breath, he whispered for her ears only, “God, I’m going to miss you.”


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