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Barely Undercover: Legal Heat, Book 2

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by Sarah Castille

  Did he recognize her? Two years ago she had been twenty pounds heavier, her pale complexion marked with freckles and her curly hair just brushing the top of her shoulders. Two years ago she had been stupid and naive, thinking she had found a man she could actually trust—someone who would never hurt her.

  Now she knew better. And that kind of knowledge changed a girl. Made her immune to a Heartless Bastard’s bone-melting cheek-stroking and irresistible charms.

  She slapped his hand away and, boy, did it feel good.

  “Roxie.” His sharp tone snapped her out of her reverie, but not as much as his warm hand clasping her own. “What the fuck are you doing here, dressed like that? I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  Lana’s breath caught in her throat. Only two men knew her as Roxie: Levi and James. Once, in a quiet after-sex moment, she had told James she’d changed her name from Roxie to Lana when she’d moved to Vancouver, but she had never told him why. And since Levi couldn’t possibly know where she was, much less radically alter his appearance, she was definitely, 100 percent, in the presence of Heartless Bastard.

  Damn. She should have slapped him for real.


  “Ice,” he said quickly. “You forget my name already, babe? Just this morning you were screaming it so loud in bed I thought the neighbors would call the fucking cops.”

  Lana yanked her gaze to James, her numb brain scrambling desperately to play catch-up. Was he jerking her around, or was he trying to save her from Rex? She sifted quickly through her memories. Aside from walking out on her in the middle of the night and never contacting her again—definitely jerking-her-around behavior—he had always been a straight-talking, straight-shooting, down-to-earth kind of guy. She had always known where she stood with him. But now? Now, she didn’t trust him.

  Dragging his attention away from a thoroughly chastised Kickstand, Rex frowned at James. “You know her?”

  “Yeah, I know her.” Disapproval and exasperation tinged James’s voice. Still, there was something in the sincerity of his concerned gaze that made Lana fairly certain he was trying to help her escape.

  “She said she was waiting for her boyfriend,” Rex grumbled. “That was you?”

  James sighed and gently clasped Lana’s arm. “She was supposed to wait for me in the lobby until we were done with our meeting, not skank around the fucking bar dressed like she’s needing attention. Weren’t you listening this morning, babe?”

  Lana exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. Damn he was fast with the lies. Almost as fast as he’d been at sneaking away in the middle of the night. Still, if he was trying to help her, he’d definitely come up with a plausible story. She would have to put aside the urge to pummel him, at least long enough to escape Rex’s clutches.

  But how was she going to act like his girlfriend when she could barely stand the sight of him? Even worse, how was she going to act like a biker’s old lady? Even when she had been a biker’s old lady, she hadn’t fit in. She had the fire but not the thick skin; the anger but not the attitude.

  Unlike Angel. She closed her eyes for the briefest second and imagined herself as a tough, wiry biker chick, long platinum hair, high-heeled boots, leather jacket and a spandex, leopard-print dress. She imagined the confident rasp of Angel’s voice, her don’t-fuck-with-me attitude and her total fearlessness at the possibility of facing the wrath of an entire motorcycle club when she divorced their leader.

  Lana opened her eyes and gave James a tight, hard, Angel-like smile.

  “Sorry, honey.” She dripped the last word. “I must have been caught up cooking your breakfast, oiling your leathers and servicing your motorcycle this morning.”

  “She your old lady?” Confusion clouded Rex’s face.

  “Yeah. She’s my old lady.” James released his grip and slid his arm around Lana’s waist, pulling her into his chest. Her cheek pressed against the soft cotton of his Harley Davidson T-shirt pulled tight over a sheet of rock-hard muscle. She breathed in his familiar scent—sharp and clean, like soap—and the heavier musk of leather and grease. Desire licked its way up her spine.

  “Can’t seem to keep her out of trouble,” James said, his hand firm and reassuring against her back. “Second time she’s caused a problem in this club.”

  Lana closed her eyes. The deep rumble of James’s voice took her back to the nights he had gently coaxed her deepest, most secret desires from her lips and made them real. She fought the urge to plaster her body against him and beg him to take her there again. Free her from the torment of her past.

  As if sensing her need, he ran his hand up and down her back, a seemingly absent caress that set her blood on fire. “Looks like you’ll have to stay with me until the meeting is over, babe. I can’t have you causing more trouble in the club.”

  Stay? With James? And a group of bikers? In Master Tony’s club? No damn way. Her take on his unspoken plan had been to get her out and away from Rex. Angel or no Angel, she wasn’t sticking around. The situation had gotten entirely out of hand. She would have to get her pictures another day. And figure out what James was doing with Hades.

  She wrenched herself out of James’s arms. “Change of plans, honey. I’ve got a sudden urge to spit shine your spare boots. I’m going home.”

  “No, babe, you’re not.”

  “Watch me.” Lana spun around and walked away.

  Chapter Two

  He watched her.

  He couldn’t help but watch her.

  For two years he had dreamed of seeing her again, and here she was.

  And there she went.

  Lana strode toward the door, perfect ass swaying, long, lean legs showcased by her barely there skirt and knee-high stiletto boots. His heart pounded against his rib cage and he wanted nothing more than to grab her and haul her back into his arms.

  She had to be fucking kidding. Didn’t she realize he was the only reason Rex hadn’t laid a hand on her? A brother didn’t touch another brother’s old lady. That unspoken rule was a code of honor followed by every motorcycle club…everywhere.

  No way would Rex believe his bullshit story if he let her walk away. No self-respecting biker would take that kind of crap from his old lady, especially in front of his biker brothers. And he couldn’t afford to lose Rex’s respect. After two years undercover, busting his balls to get into Rex’s inner circle, the end was finally in sight. He had to stay strong, focused.

  Fuck. Of all the women Rex had to pick, it had to be her.


  The biggest regret of his life.

  It had been two years since he’d held her in his arms. Two years since he’d kissed her full, lush lips. And yet he remembered their last night together as if it were yesterday. And he remembered her fire. God, he’d loved her fire. It had awakened a passion he’d long thought dead—killed by a bullet meant for him.

  He drew in a long, slow breath and watched her ass wiggle beneath the thin layer of Lycra. His cock twitched. Lana, in or out of clothing, set his blood to boiling. But that slicked-on naughty-police outfit was a whole new level of hell for his self-control.

  Two years ago he’d fucked up. He should have ended it gently. Told her about the undercover assignment. Explained it could never work between them. Maybe even mentioned Christine. Walking out on Lana in the middle of the night had been the wrong thing to do.

  But now he had a chance to make amends, even the score. Saving her from Rex would put his guilt to rest. Then he would be able to move on with his life without being tormented by the memory of her peaceful, trusting face, beautiful in the moonlight as he walked way.

  Easier said than done. Especially when he had to ensure he didn’t blow his cover. And that was a possibility if he let her leave the club. Clearly, he wouldn’t be able to convince her to stay, so his only option was to get Tony to throw her out. And Tony would only do that if she broke the rules.

  Time to fire her temper.

  He dropped his voice
low, commanding, and raised it loud enough for her to hear. “Babe. Stop right there.”

  She pulled up short, as if she had hit an invisible wall, and spun around to face him. A shiver ran through her and her pupils dilated. For a second, even her breathing stopped.

  “What did you say?” Fury flared in her brilliant green eyes.

  A thrill of anticipation shot through him like a bullet, hardening his cock in an instant. “Come here. Now.” He did not dare tear his gaze away from her, but he could sense his biker brothers watching with avid interest.

  Unable to resist the challenge, her jaw tightened and she stomped toward him, stopping so close he could feel her breath, hot and sweet on his lips.

  Her nostrils flared. “You did not just speak to me that way.”

  “I did. You came. Good girl.” He pressed his lips together and repressed a smile. Lana had only two reactions to that particular tone of voice. Part of her attraction was never knowing which he would get.

  “Fuck you.” She slapped him. The crack of her hand on his cheek echoed through the bar. Heads turned. Rex frowned. Ryder chuckled. Kickstand sucked in a breath.

  James reacted quickly, grabbing her wrists and pinning her hands behind her. He backed her up to a nearby pillar and caged her with his body. Her gaze dropped, copper eyelashes brushing over creamy cheeks. A sound escaped her lips, a cross between a growl and a whimper, and a tremor shook her body.

  Arousal surged through him like a tidal wave, fierce and uncontrollable. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He should never have put them in this position. It took all his effort not to tear off her clothes and take her right there.

  God, he’d missed her. A woman who would bend but not break. Yield but not submit. With Lana, his control was limited, and in this emotionally charged situation, it was a cable, taut and ready to snap.

  He raised his voice loud enough for Rex to hear. “I’ll allow that only once.” Then he leaned over and whispered, “And only because I set you up.”

  “Let me go, Heartless Bastard.”

  James pressed his mouth to her ear and steeled himself against the instinct to wipe the lascivious smirk off Rex’s face. “I’ll spell it out for you because you don’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation. Rex wants you. He wants you so bad he’s willing to take risks with the law. The only thing standing in his way is me. He cannot touch a brother’s old lady. If you run from me, he will hunt you down and he will take you whether you want it or not.”

  Her mouth opened and closed, and a shudder racked her body. Sensing her distress, he released her hands and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight to stop her from doing something that would force his hand. Like slap him again. Unpredictable on a good day, Lana was almost uncontrollable when riled.

  Big mistake. His body responded to the soft curves pressed against him. No doubt she could feel his arousal pressed tight against her soft belly, but she didn’t pull away. Save for the rapid rise and fall of her chest, Lana was incomprehensibly, and uncharacteristically, still.

  Taking advantage of her moment of confusion, he buried his nose in her hair and inhaled her familiar floral fragrance—wild flowers in the sun-drenched earth.

  “You always overreact,” she grumbled into his chest. “He doesn’t know me. I ran into him by accident. We barely spoke. I find it hard to believe he would risk jail time just to get me in his bed.”

  James stroked a finger over her cheek. “I don’t find it hard to believe at all.”

  “Are you undercover?” she whispered. “I mean…meeting me…helping me…isn’t that a risk…wouldn’t it be better to let me go and—”

  “Everything okay here?” The deep voice startled them both. James whirled around, tucking Lana against his chest. The cavalry had arrived.

  Master Tony, the owner of Carpe Noctem, frowned and raised an eyebrow. Taller and broader than Rex, but no less muscular, the dark-haired lawyer wore a leather vest and tight, black leather trousers. He studied the group and then dipped his chin—an almost-imperceptible nod of understanding. Trust Tony to pick up on the vibe without needing a word of explanation.

  “I’ve got it under control.” James flicked his gaze to Rex and then to Lana, giving Tony all the information he needed.

  Tony shook his head in mock disapproval. “I see you’ve caught the same little ginger mouse twice. She clearly didn’t learn her lesson last time.”

  Lana instinctively curled into James’s body. He tightened his arms around her, warmed by a trust he knew he didn’t deserve.

  “I’m dealing with her.” He feigned a scowl.

  “Not very well if she felt the need to slap you. As you know, I have a zero tolerance policy for nonconsensual violence in my club—in any form.” Tony gave Lana a tight smile. “I’m afraid you’ll have to leave, little mouse.”

  James pushed her away and frowned. “You messed up, babe. Again. Get your ass home and I’ll deal with you later.”

  Lana’s eyes blazed, but she was hip to the game. “Fine,” she growled through gritted teeth.

  “Kickstand will walk you to your car.” James nodded at the club’s newest prospect, so named because on his first night he had forgotten to put down his kickstand and knocked over a row of motorcycles.

  “I don’t need a chaperone.”

  Hell. Did she think he was making a power play? Even when they’d been together, he would never have let her wander around the wrong side of Gastown at night.

  “Babe, Kickstand will walk you to your car. I saw a gang on the prowl on Hastings Street when I drove in. It isn’t safe.”

  Her eyes warmed with understanding and a tentative smile built on her lips. Sweet. Sexy. Soft. Lana behind the fire. He’d missed that side of her most of all.

  And then it was gone.

  She released an old lady sigh, and her eyes flicked to Kickstand. “Well? Let’s go, golden boy.”

  Kickstand jerked away from Rex and licked his lips as he panted behind Lana’s lush ass.

  James waited until she was five feet away and then called out softly, “Babe.”

  “What now?” She whirled around, her face breathtakingly beautiful in her fury.

  “See you soon.” He knew he was pushing her, but damned if he could stop himself.

  She pressed her lips together, her body trembling as if she was about to explode. “In your dreams,” she spat out. Spinning on her heel, she disappeared into the crowd with Kickstand scampering after her.

  “She must be a goddamned wildcat in bed,” Rex muttered. “She needs to be fucking tamed. What a rush that would be.”

  Ryder shook his head and exhaled a low whistle. “Man, Ice. Why did you keep her hidden away?”

  James shrugged. “My business.”

  “Now she’s Hades’s business.” Rex’s gaze fixed on the closing door. “Bring her to the barbeque on Saturday. You got an old lady; she’s part of the club. Everyone should meet the fireball who melted Ice.”

  His phone rang and he sent Ryder to find a table while he took the call. James headed to the bar to round up some drinks. Tony followed hot on his heels.

  “No more biker meetings in my club,” Tony said when they reached the granite-topped counter. “Especially if you’re planning on getting slapped again. Slapping, spanking and other forms of discipline are limited to the private room in the back. Surely there are other places you could have had your meeting—places with less chance of you being recognized? Don’t they have a clubhouse?”

  “I’ll bet you know more about them than I do,” James said dryly. “You seem to know everything about everybody.”

  Tony snorted. “I know I don’t want them back in my club. Rex already asked for a membership form, and I have a feeling he won’t take kindly to being turned down.”

  “It won’t happen again.” James placed his order with the bartender and pointed him toward Ryder at a table in the corner. “Thanks for the help back there.”

  Tony reached over the counter and grabbed a b
ottle of whiskey and two glasses. “You going after her?”

  “She hates me. I walked out on her two years ago to take the assignment. No warning. No explanation. I told myself I was protecting her. And me.”

  In short, he’d been an ass. But he’d known he couldn’t sustain a relationship, and especially not one as intense as what they had together. He couldn’t go through the pain of losing someone he cared about again. Better to end it sooner rather than later.

  Tony chortled. “If I were her, I’d hate you too. Doesn’t mean you can’t go after her. Maybe apologize.”

  “The past is past.” James took the glass of whiskey Tony offered. “I helped her out of a sticky situation tonight. Evened the score.”

  Time to move on. The reasons behind his decision to leave her hadn’t changed. Now, more than ever, he knew his instincts had been right. Seeing her again, his blood fired up after their verbal altercation, his cheek burning from the imprint of her hand, his cock throbbing from the soft press of her body against him, he felt dangerously alive. But he knew too well her fire burned with an intensity he couldn’t handle.

  Tony poured himself a shot of whiskey. “There’s a fine line between love and hate, but at the root of both is passion. If she’d been indifferent to you, then I would agree, there’s no point. But I didn’t see indifference. I saw passion. A hell of a lot of passion.”

  “You’re beginning to sound more like a psychologist than a lawyer.” James shot back the bitter liquid, savoring the smooth burn before it scorched its way down his throat.

  “I wasn’t always a lawyer.”

  Eyebrows raised, James spun his glass on the table. “I heard rumors that you’d had a colorful past. Not that being a psychologist qualifies as colorful…”

  “I suppose it depends on what you do with the psychology degree,” Tony murmured, cutting him off.

  For a moment James considered pursuing the line of conversation, but the arrival of Trixie, the club receptionist, drew Tony’s attention and James filed the information away for later. Although Tony was a good friend, he’d always been guarded about his past and if he had something he wanted to share, James would let him do it on his own time.


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