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Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC

Page 1

by Roxanne Greening



  The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC

  Book 1

  Roxanne Greening

  Text Copyright © 2016

  Roxanne Greening

  All Rights Reserved

  Dedicated to my husband and kids for their love and support

  I couldn’t have done it without them.


  [21]Chapter 1.[22] 6[23][24]

  Chapter 2.[25] 12[26][27]

  Chapter 3.[28] 16[29][30]

  Chapter 4.[31] 18[32][33]

  Chapter 5.[34] 24[35][36]

  Chapter 6.[37] 28[38][39]

  Chapter 7.[40] 35[41][42]

  Chapter 8.[43] 37[44][45]

  Chapter 9.[46] 42[47][48]

  Chapter 10.[49] 46[50][51]

  Chapter 11.[52] 49[53][54]

  Chapter 12.[55] 55[56][57]

  Chapter 13.[58] 56[59][60]

  Chapter 14.[61] 57[62][63]

  Chapter 15.[64] 60[65][66]

  Chapter 16.[67] 62[68][69]

  Chapter 17.[70] 65[71][72]

  Chapter 18.[73] 69[74][75]

  Chapter 19.[76] 70[77][78]

  Chapter 20.[79] 76[80][81]

  Chapter 21.[82] 89[83][84]

  Chapter 22.[85] 94[86][87]

  Chapter 23.[88] 106[89][90]

  Chapter 24.[91] 115[92][93]

  Chapter 25.[94] 118[95][96]

  Chapter 26.[97] 127[98][99]

  Chapter 27.[100] 134[101][102]

  Chapter 28.[103] 138[104][105]

  Chapter 29.[106] 141[107][108]

  Chapter 30.[109] 144[110][111]

  Chapter 31.[112] 151[113][114]

  Chapter 32.[115] 154[116][117]

  Chapter 33.[118] 156[119][120]

  Chapter 34.[121] 159[122][123]

  Chapter 35.[124] 164[125][126]

  Chapter 36.[127] 167[128][129]

  Chapter 37.[130] 171[131][132]

  Chapter 38.[133] 173[134][135]

  Chapter 39.[136] 175[137][138]

  Chapter 40.[139] 178[140][141]

  Chapter 42.[142] 182[143][144]

  Chapter 43.[145] 186[146][147]

  Chapter 44.[148] 189[149][150]

  Chapter 45.[151] 192[152][153]

  Epilogue.[154] 195[155][156]


  Chapter 1


  We've been driving for hours. Sitting in the passenger seat watching the trees pass by in a blur tree, tree, tree, tree, tree dirt road tree, tree, tree, tree. So many tree’s definitely no longer big city living. I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore Toto. A snort almost slips as I entertain myself. I think we’re going into redneck territory my mind wanders into overalls and chewing tobacco.

  Sounds like so much fun. Yes, that was my sarcastic ass, letting my imagination run rampant. Probably nothing like the shit I was thinking, but still I’m a city girl, always have been. Every time we moved it was in another big city never country living. This was a whole new thing for me and I was slightly afraid of the outcome.

  At, least in the city I knew exactly what I was dealing with. Here, well, that was uncharted territory. Something I wasn’t sure I wanted to deal with. What if they were all nice and shit what would I do then. Frustration mounts this was not on my list of things I must do before I die.

  If you haven’t guessed already, we’re moving again to a new town, new state, new home to say I’m happy would be a lie. This is not the first time or I’m sure the last time. My mother comes home and says pack up, time to move on and we do. I asked once why we kept moving and mom told me it was a work thing. Personally, I think she volunteered for these little marvels.

  This is my last year in high school and I’m not looking forward to meeting new people. Shit, at least I have the summer before all that drama. I can think of all the possible drama situations cowboy boots and cowboy hats and super friendly people. All of them paired up and ready to start their future farm life pop out a few kids and restart the whole process. Yeah, I doubt all of that.

  I bet you’re wondering who this ranting crazy person is, well, let me introduce myself, my name is Tessa. Yes, I said Tessa. No, it's not a nickname or anything, just Tessa! I'm 17 teen years old. I’ll be eighteen in August. I have long wavy brown hair that falls down my back to just above my ass. My eyes are blue and I’m five foot four inches. I’m not short you’re just a giant.

  I have a slim toned body. No, I’m not one of those damn babies who starve themselves. I love food a lot. I’m also a kick boxer. I like to fight I’ve been into the whole kick boxing thing for years, it all started when I was six. My dad liked to fight, guess that’s why he was in the whole underground fighting scene.

  I loved to watch him. It was like art. One day I decided to mimic his moves and next thing I knew I was working out with him daily. He would smile when I would chase him down and ask if we could go work out in the gym. I miss him every day. He died when I was nine in the ring he loved so much.

  I have an older sister, she's nineteen, almost twenty, and she’s a whore. Yup, you heard right. I said a whore Can’t you feel the love. My sister and I have been enemies for years. She was always self-centered, everything was about her. She had this whole new boy toy every other day kind of thing going on.

  One day I went to her for help and she turned her back on me. Told me it was my problem, and that was that. I needed my sister to be there for me. I needed her to hug me and tell me it would all be okay. But not Amy, oh no, she was just plain evil.

  I told her about the night I was attacked and she laughed it off and told me to go away that she needed to get ready for some date with her new boyfriend and that it was way more important than my imaginary problems. I don’t know what I was thinking personally, we have hated each other for years, but for some stupid reason I thought, well, I guess it doesn’t matter what I thought.

  “Tessa, are you listening to me?” My mother asks.

  Turning my head, I look over at her. “Sorry, mom, what did you say?” I force out through a yawn. Man, all this driving is making me tired.

  “I was saying I hope you like this school.” She says while smiling. Meaning: I hope you don't cause trouble this year. Like burning down the gym, fighting with the jocks, beating up the cheerleaders, and putting the principal in the hospital to have testicle retrieval surgery!

  But hey, he had that one coming. Coming on to me like that. As if I would have sex with him for better grades and a free pass on all the trouble I caused. I guess I may have been a little harsh. But he wouldn’t back down, he kept pressing. I realized he must have done it before, maybe he’d been doing it for years and that thought made me both sick and angry. How many poor girls let him violate them like that? He was a horrible man and I’m glad he won't’ be using his junk anytime soon, maybe he’ll think twice before pulling that stunt again.

  The cheerleaders, well they were the school sluts, queen bees, plastic babies they wanted everyone to bow down to them. But, I bow down to no one. Let’s face it, I will probably have the same problem this year. As for the jocks, well they can’t keep their hands to themselves. In return started the whole problem with the cheerleaders.

  OK, okay, I admitted it there already was a problem there. As for the gym, well, that was just for fun. I was bored. I smile at the memories. “I’m sure I will this time. This was my last year of high school.” I point out with a big smile “Good I think we’ll all like it here.” Mom replies

  “Does that mean we'll be staying here not moving again?” I voice my thoughts I really, really hope she says yes, but I really, really hope she
says no. See I have some serious issues. “We'll see,” she says evasively. I know better than to get my hopes up.

  I've already looked into gyms here. There are a few I want to look at some more before making my choice. There's this one gym at the top of my list I like the best. To be honest, I think this will be the one. At least, this town has something like this. Meaning a nice gym, I was slightly afraid when mom said we were moving to the country that there would be no such niceties.

  I was so far into my thoughts I didn't even notice we were at our new home. Looking out the window I take in the yellow siding with the green shutters. The house was two stories and had a two-car garage. My sister wasn’t here yet so, I got dibs on the biggest room. Running up to the door. I bounced around behind mom excitedly. As soon as she opened the door I took off like a bullet. Up the stairs. I throw open doors. Quickly shoving my head inside each before continuing to the next. There were four bedrooms in total upstairs.

  Getting to the last room I open the door and gasp. The room was huge the bay window had a comfortable looking window seat. The closet was a huge walk in. The bathroom had black and white marble countertop. A beautiful matching stone shower that boasted a rain shower head.

  There was a large old style claw foot tub. I could see myself sinking into and dreaming the day away. Sliding glass doors that lead out to a balcony facing the forest. Mine all fucking men. The icing on the cake was all the other rooms were on the other side of the hallway. There was a linen closet and a bathroom separating my room from theirs.

  Sweet, sweet privacy. “DIBS!” I scream. Before running back down the stairs and out the door. Pausing just long enough to grab a box of my stuff from the car. Then I was off again. Back upstairs to mark my territory I let out a laugh, I sounded like a dog there for a moment to mark my territory I’m so funny I make myself laugh.

  The moving truck pulls up out front with the rest of our stuff. Taking my time, I wander back downstairs and hear my mom talking to someone. A male voice responds as I get closer. Probably just the mover I shrug as I walk out the door only to pause slightly when I notice four guys about my age getting boxes out of the truck and walking towards the house.

  I don't even spare them a second glance. I let my mom deal with them. Walking to mom's car while yelling over my shoulder, “I’m going to the store to get us some food.” Mom’s response was automatic, “Okay, honey, we'll go car shopping tomorrow for your own car.” She smiles slightly at the last part. I had to sell my car before the move.

  I miss my babe. I put it together myself after rescuing it from a junk yard. She was a beauty. Not my dream car, but close. It was a 1964 Pontiac GTO-R it was black. What I really want is a 1970 Chevy Camaro black with white racing stripes. I almost orgasm at the thought. Getting into moms Chevy Tahoe I pull out and start driving. I have no idea where I’m going. But I’ll find the store, eventually.

  Pulling up to the store I park the car. Getting here was much easier than I thought it would be. This town was small. Making the store easy to locate. Quickly grabbing a few of the essentials, I make my way to the register. The cashier with an overly makeup caked face looks me up and down. She gives me a quick disgusted frown and continues.

  Really, that’s the best you got. Have you looked into the mirror lately? The boy bagging my stuff had no such problem. The boy looked ready to face plant into the counter. He was leaning over so far. Boobs are a hindrance. They cause all kinds of trouble.

  As I hand her the money I notice her claw like nails. I get the whole having your nails done, okay, I don’t. But did you really need them long enough to look like Freddy K? I mean I’m all for those movies, but I like them just as they are fictional. This girl seems to like it a little too much.

  Finally leaving the store and the girl who thinks she belongs in our nightmares, I head back the way I came but this time I notice something I didn’t the first time around. A car on the side of the road with a for sale sign on it. Slamming on the brakes I pull over and literally run from the car with excitement.

  I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a 1970 Chevy Camaro in much need of repair. To be honest, it looked like shit. A beautiful piece of shit. My dad would have loved this. Reaching into my back pocket I pull out my cell phone, then quickly dial the number on the for-sale sign almost like I was afraid someone else might be calling at that very moment. The nice lady selling the car was very accommodating offered to have her son drop the car off and collect the money.

  Bouncing with excitement I climb back into mom’s car and headed home. The drive was shorter this time around I felt like I drove at warp speed. It was that fast. Grabbing a couple of bags, I walked to the house. I look over at the curb I noticed the moving truck was gone perfectly. Why I didn’t notice it when I pulled in I have no clue I mean, it's a pretty big thing not to notice right away.

  Going through the mental list of needs to do: let’s start with unloading the car. Then go unpack my room. So, when my car gets here tomorrow I can assess the damage and go parts shopping. The first two didn’t take as long as I thought it would. Someone had already put my bed together. Thank you, whoever you are.

  Realizing I still need to set up my gym, I quickly run to the basement and start the assembly process. What, you didn’t think I only went to the gym to work out did you? I mean I like to do it daily, sometimes just to relieve frustration and anger. One of the only reasons I had a gym membership was to partner up and find some new challenges. Setting everything up wore me out dragging my sorry self-up to my room, I collapse in a heap on my bed. I was so ready for this day to be over with.

  Morning came fast and so did my excitement. It was car day. The day my new car and new project would be sitting right here in this very garage. The day I make my dream car a reality. It was hard to sit still after setting all the tools up in the garage it took way less time than I thought it would now I’m sitting here waiting. Let me tell you, I have absolutely no patience.

  In between working on my car I worked out in my home gym and everything I did either I felt him there with me smiling as I made a mistake, my dad was an amazing person. I miss him so much, but I know I keep his memory alive every time I walk into the gym whether it be here at home or out there in the higher end gyms. Every time I pick up a wrench in his memory carries on.

  Bet you’re wondering what the best thing about this summer has been. Well, it wasn’t the car or the working out in my gym, oh no, it was the absence of my bitch sister Amy who decided to stay back in our old place. She wouldn’t be joining us this time. Thank fuck. I won’t have to deal with her anytime soon.

  Chapter 2


  Putting the final touches on my babe. I headed upstairs to clean up and get ready for school. Pulling on a pair of blue skinny jeans, a black tank top tank that reads " Nothing says I love you like murder."

  Flat heeled black knee high boots and my black leather jacket. I leave my hair down. Grabbing my school bag as I run to my car. Slipping the key into the ignition. I give it a gentle turn. She turns over with a purr. Sitting back and closing my eyes, I listen as she purrs beautifully. Backing out of the driveway, I head in the general direction of hell, I mean high school.

  The drive was thankfully uneventful. Slowly pulling into a parking spot I open my door and climb out. As soon as I closed the door behind me. I notice everyone had stopped, and they were staring. I look around thinking maybe king k. Had entered the parking lot I mean all the guys had their mouths hanging open. When I found nothing, I realized they were staring at me. Lust was evident in their eyes. Gross just gross. The girls had jealousy, envy, hatred written all over their faces and one of them was smiling?

  The one with the smile made me pause. That is one thing I didn't use to. A smiling chick I mean jealousy, envy, hatred yes. A smile never. Shrugging, I turn and walk into the school, but my mind kept wandering back to that girl.

  I was so lost in my head trying to figure it out. Something that happens a lot. Getting stuck
in my head, I mean. I walk in the direction of my locker, at least, I think it’s the right direction. Then next thing I know I'm falling to the floor. Shit, I just walked into a wall. I feel a set of arms snake around my waist, catching me before my ass felt a world of pain.

  Straightening up I look up and up on the wall or should I say giant. Okay, more like the king of giants. I mean, he's like six feet four inches tall. It felt like it took me forever to reach his deep brown eyes. My eyes start to drift on their own accord, slowly, I take in his messy dark blond hair, tight black t shirt showing off his impressive six pack, the black leather coat with patches all over it I don’t even bother reading them instead I continue my eye raping. Talking in the dark blue low riding loose fit blue jeans and his black biker boots. Quickly jerking my eyes back up to his face. But my attention drops back to said impressive ABS.

  This man is built like a god. I hear a throat being cleared snapping out of my eye raping escapade. My eyes find him again. I fight trying to gain control of my blush. I watch in utter fascination as he opens his mouth to say something. When out of nowhere this blond Barbie bimbo comes running up jumping into his arms. She forcefully sticks her tongue down his throat. Of course, he’s one of those pricks. The one’s who have a slut hanging on his arm. I roll my eyes in disgust and step around them. On the hunt for my first class.

  Chapter 3


  Walking down the halls with Caleb and Brandon. Listening as they go on and on about some chick that moved here over the summer. They haven't shut up about her yet. When suddenly some chick bumps into me. Reacting on instinct I wrap my arms around the small feminine frame. Catching her before she hits the floor.


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