Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC

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Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC Page 2

by Roxanne Greening

  Turning my head in her direction I take in her long brown hair, blue eyes, and amazingly toned body with curves in all the right places. I can feel a four pack under my hand. She straitens quickly removing herself from my arms. I watch as she slowly takes me in. Her eyes wander all over. Amusement courses through me.

  Clearing my throat to get her attention. I open my mouth, to ask her name but before the words can leave my mouth it was full of Amber. Prying her off of me was like trying to remove an octopus. After, a brief struggle I finally dislodge her. Returning my attention to the gorgeous girl only to find empty space. Glancing around the hallway, I realize she was gone. Looking at the boys they just shrug.

  Caleb and Brandon start walking to class. I make to follow them when Amber steps in front of me. Shaking my head, I step around her and continue making my way to class. Amber's not my girlfriend, she’s just an easy fuck and I was beyond annoyed that she tried to stake her claim on me. Who the fuck does she think she is?

  I'm pulled from my thoughts when I walked into class and look at my seat. It’s her. The new chick and she’s in my seat.

  Walking in her direction my long legs eat up the space between us. Once I reach her the whole class goes silent. Does she look up no. Frustration rises and a growl escapes effectively grabbing her attention. Her head whips my way, and she looks up at me slowly. When our eyes meet, she frowns.

  "Can I help you?" she asks in a husky voice. Man, that voice... She clears her throat, pulling me from my thoughts. She raises an eyebrow " You’re in my seat," I state simply. Her other eyebrow shot up "And?" The challenge in her voice was loud and clear.

  Is she really challenging me? My dick hardens instantly. Dragging my eyes up and down her body, she is growling this time. My eyebrow shoots up. Making sure I maintain eye contact with her. I snap at the kid next her "Move." I don't yell or even say it twice the kid shoots out of the chair like his ass is on fire. I think he may have peed himself a little as he rushed away.

  Sitting down I turn and look over at her "What you name beautiful?" I ask with a pantie dropping smile on my face. My eyes wander and images of my hands running all over her body, pinching, nipping, suckling, spanking. All those possibilities and more. My dick got impossibly harder.

  "None of your fucking business, asshole!" She growls. She had the balls to talk to me like that. The president of The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC. Instead of getting mad my dick just got harder. She’s so fucking hot. I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear gasps go through the room. No one talks to me like that and they know it. Opening my mouth to tell them to mind their own fucking business, but before the words leave my mouth, the teacher walks in and class starts.

  All through class my eyes wander back over to her I can’t seem to keep my eyes off her. She not once looks my way or even acknowledges my presence. It was like I wasn’t even there. The longer this went on, the harder it was not to grab her and fuck her right there in class.

  That sounded like a great fucking plane. I spent the next fifteen minutes thinking of ways to win her over, but before I could utter a single word, the bell rings she’s gone. Acting on instinct I chase her ass right out of the class. I wanted her and I know she wants me. She was fast I give her that. She was a good distance ahead of me already and getting further still as she turned a corner I force myself to move faster.

  Turning the corner excitement grips me. I loved the chase. I had her in my sites and then I was coming to an abrupt stop. She was taking my younger sister. I watch as my sister makes a friend or should I say only friend. Having to take care of Ella after our parents were murdered two years ago, I knew this was a big moment for her. We lost everyone two years ago, when the entire club was gunned down. Leaving my boys and me to run things.

  People fear me. When they hear my name, they piss themselves. My sister is always pointing out that no one wanted to be friends with someone who was related to someone like me. Reluctantly, I turn on my heel and leave. I want this to happen to my sister, but I also want her for myself.

  Chapter 4


  Running from the room or more like Mr. Bad ass. Ugh, my panties are soaked. All because of his voice. That deep timber STOP TESSA!!! You’re making it worse. "UMP" I look down and see some girl on the floor reaching out, I help her up. She rubs her ass and glares at me through her bangs. I can’t help but laugh, she, of course, only glares harder. When I keep laughing, she cracks a smile

  " I'm Ella." She sticks her hand out. I reach out and shake it. " I'm Tessa. No, it’s not a nickname or any of that shit just Tessa." I reply, she laughs. "Nice to meet you Tessa."

  " Same back at you" I reply.

  " You new here?" She asks.

  I just nod my head. She claps her hands and cracks a smile. That's when I realize she’s the girl from the parking lot the one who smiled at me." I can tell we are going to be best buds Ella" I say with a huge smile of my own.

  We have made plans to meet up at lunch before heading to our classes. The rest of the morning went by in a blur and, of course, the ass from this morning was in all my classes. He kept trying to get my attention and, it was getting harder to ignore him.

  Finally, it’s lunch time I run to the cafe grabbing pizza, cake, pop and french fries I turn intending to look for Ella. Almost running into Mr. Bad ass himself. " Stalker much?" I mumble. He just laughs.

  Stepping around him while shaking my head. I walk in the direction of an empty table. But before I can sit down Ella comes charging over and grabs my arm. She practically drags me to a table.

  The table that has no other than you got it, Mr. Bad ass. And a bunch of other hot guys. Of course, can’t have hot guys without the sluts, ugh. Sitting down I grab my pizza. Ella sits across from me so we can talk. " Where are you from Tessa?" Ella asks.

  " All over." I reply. " Why?" Ella asks, looking completely puzzled. " Well, I’ll give you a few reasons. I burned down the gym, I got into fights with the jocks, I beat the shit out of cheerleaders, and I put the principal in the hospital to have testicle retrieval surgery! The stupid prick. In my defense, I warned him! I told him not to touch me. It’s not my fault he didn't listen!” Taking a deep breath.

  I look over at Ella, whose mouth is hanging open and then at everyone else at the table. They were all silent. "You’re messing with me" Ella frowns at me. "Absolutely not Ella. I'm a kick boxer. I'm actually going to sign with this gym, I was considering after school today." I reassure her.

  " I also have my own gym at the house. But I like the challenge, you know? Which is why I rebuild cars. The Chevy I pulled up in this morning. I bought that here on the side of the road. Spent my summer rebuilding it. I saved all the money from selling my 1964 Pontiac GTO-R that I rebuilt."

  I finish my spiel and notice everyone is looking at me with shock. I ignore them taking my now empty tray to the trash. But before I go. I let Ella know I'm heading to the ladies’ room. Walking out of the bathroom someone pushes me. I stumble back a step. The only reason they got me to do that was because I was caught completely off guard.

  I look over to see no other than the blonde bimbo from this morning " What the fuck do you want, whore?" I growl. She glares at me. " Stay away from Axel. He’s mine. Got it you ugly bitch?" She screeches at me.

  Oh, my god. My poor ears are they bleeding? " Who the fuck is Axel?" I’m at a loss here. The confusion must have written all over my face as I stare back at her. "My boyfriend. You were talking to him this morning, slut. He’s mine!" She yells in my face.

  That's it. I’ve fucking had enough of this shit. " Listen here whore. I'm going to say this once and only once. So, listen good. One, touch me again, I will beat your face of the wall. That shove was free” I keep my eyes trained on her's as I continue.

  “Two I can do whatever I want with whoever I want got it?" Does she shut up nope. " Just remember he’s mine. I will make your life a living hell if you don't stay away from him got me?" I couldn't help it, I had to ask " So when he
goes missing do I come find you?"

  She gives me a what the fuck look. I clarify " Well, I was just thinking aren’t you worried that if you spread your legs, he might fall in?" I tried to not laugh when she gets a puzzled look on her face. “Ever heard the saying like rolling a hotdog down a hallway?” I ask. She has no idea whatsoever what the fuck I’m talking about.

  Opening my mouth to help clarify it for this poor little creature only to stop when laughter erupts behind us. She wasn’t listening to anything I just said. That’s apparent because when I turn to look she grabs my arm. She just broke rule number one. I grabbed her hair and started to beat her face off the wall.

  I got in a few good shots when an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me off her. I shrug and wiggle in frustration. Finally, I'm released I started to head right back over to the stupid whore. I fucking warned her. I did. But she didn't listen, Before I could make it two steps a hand wraps around my arm and pulls me back.

  " Caleb help Amber up and Brandon takes Tessa out to the parking lot." Axel snaps

  As Brandon pulls me away, I hear Axel "Who the fuck do you think you are whore? You don't own me. We’re not together. You’re fucking lucky she didn't kill you and I didn't let her. Let this be a warning to you...." That's all I heard before I'm outside.

  Chapter 5


  I’m sitting here in shock after listening to Tessa. I finally learned her name. Derek taps me on the shoulder " There's some Shit going down out there with Amber. You may want to go deal with it." He says, only loud enough for me to hear.

  Groaning, I stand up and rub my face in my hands. Her bullshit is starting to become a problem. I don’t need this shit right now. I head out into the hall following behind an amused Derek.

  I watch in shock as Tessa grabbed Amber's hair and started to beat her face off the wall. I’ll admit Tessa got in a few good shots before I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her off Amber.

  I waited a minute before releasing Tessa. I should have held on a little longer because as soon as I release Tessa she starts to head back over to Amber. Before she made it two steps my hand wraps around her arm and pulls her back.

  " Caleb, help Amber up and Brandon takes Tessa out to the parking lot." I snap as Brandon pulls Tessa away from me.

  I turn to Amber " Who the fuck do you think you are whore? You don't own me. We’re not together. You’re fucking lucky she didn't kill you and I didn't let her. Let this be a warning to you. I won’t help you when you get yourself into shit like this again. I don't give two shits about you. You’re not my old lady."

  I don't even wait for her acknowledgment. I'm too pissed. Turning I storm off in the direction of the parking lot to meet up with Brandon.

  Chapter 6


  I hate mornings. Rolling over hoping to hide from the world a little longer. I overshoot and land on the floor with a thud, ugh, that hurt. Groaning, I stand up and rub my poor ass. Stretching long and hard before getting ready for school. This week has gone by quick. It’s been relatively uneventful. Well, if you don't include Amber glares at me.

  Axel watching me like a hawk in a creepy hot kind of way. I know a total contradiction, but true. The school’s announcement of a talent show next month that, of course, my new best bud and partner in crime. My better half, yup, you guessed it.

  Ella decided to sign us up for it. If I didn't love her I would have stabbed her in the eye with a fork. Just kidding, I would have stabbed myself in the eye with a fork. You know as a way to get out of it smart right.

  Back to the problem. Ella the worst best friend. I'm kidding signed us up for this talent show and I had no choice but to go because I quote " I would help you hide the body because we’re sisters..." She told me when I found out that she signed us up for this stupid shit " So you can do this for me right?" She finished.

  So, I, of course, being the best friend we all know I am. Nodded my head yes. Even though I wanted to grab my hair and start blabbing to myself like a crazy person.

  The only reason I don’t is because people will worry aka Ella. I still wouldn’t get out of this nightmare. I would rather cuddle up to a freaky demonic clown, or even Axel. Well, maybe the last part is more fantasy than a nightmare. I would so jump on that.

  As soon as that thought registered. I hit my knees laughing. I was laughing so hard I almost wet myself. School was downright boring Axel didn’t bother showing up today and that surprisingly put a big damper on my day. I shudder when it hits me, I’m starting to like the oversized asses.

  Okay, okay, you caught me. I wouldn't do that for real. I mean come on I don't know where Amber's been or who may be or may not be stuck inside her.

  Honestly, I couldn’t wait to get the night started. Ella and I are going to a party and we decided to get all whored up together. I decided on a purple baby doll style dress, it's tight around my breast coming down in a v between them before it falls loosely down my body to mid-thigh.

  Slipping on black ankle high heeled boots. I let me hair fall freely down my back in soft brown waves. I complete my look with light tan, gold eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliner. Nothing else I like to make my eyes pop not color myself in like some people.

  Ella went with a tight jean mini skirt with fraying around the bottom it came to mid-thigh, a red loose baby doll top. I love this top. It was a tight style tank with a red wispy fabric over it. The top cupped her breast snugly. The wispy fabric was loose and ended just above the top of her skirt.

  She slipped on brown cowboy boots. She left her long blond curly hair down. It fell to about mid back. Just a little shorter than mine. Next, she applied mascara, eyeliner, light tan, gold eye shadow, and light pink lip gloss.

  She looked hot. If I was into girls, I would so do her and I told her just that " I would so do you to Tessa" she whispers yells and blows a kiss my way.

  Chapter 7


  This week has been a long one. Shit, with the club. Then of course, watching my walking fantasy and trying to decide how many times I want to hit that before I move on.

  Then, if I’ll even want to hit it more than once. I look her up and down and I know for damn sure I can play with that body for hours.

  Laughter draws me out of my memories. I look in the direction and see Tessa dancing with one of my brothers. I watch as she turns her back to him and he puts his hands on her hips as she sways to the music gently rubbing her ass against his cock.

  Looking at his face contorted in pure lust. I see red. Standing up. I'm completely caught off guard When I hear a thump. I look down to see Amber whimpering on the floor. I completely forgot she climbed into my lap and started kissing my neck. Without sparing her another glance I walk over to Tessa.

  When I notice her and what the fuck was his name... Jake? Josh? No, I got it, John, the new recruit has gone. Anger consumes my body as I shake with anger.

  No, I don't love her. No! She’s not my old lady. I don't have one of those and probably never will. But she’s mine. At least until I get my fill and everyone here knows it or at least I thought so.

  I turn and scan the room and still come up with nothing. Like he knew something was wrong my second Jace pops up next to me " Where is she?" I ask him.

  He doesn't need any clarification on who I'm referring to. He points in the direction she went. I follow his finger to the house and stalk that way. I better not find her and that soon to be a dead prick in a room. Jace falls in step behind me and in no time, we’re in the house. What I see stops me dead.

  Chapter 8


  Walking back into the house I turn to see John I think that’s his name following me. Flashing him a smile I head to the bathroom, hoping he would get the hint and leave me alone.

  I don't even turn to check if he stopped following. I just quickly close the door and lock it. Taking my time as I wash my hands and check my makeup.

  I really hope it has been long enough and John has moved on. Openin
g the door, I run right into Amber, who immediately starts to have a conniption fit about Axel.

  A thought comes to mind and I just voice it like always. The curse of a non-filter. " Have you peed on him yet?" I ask with a straight face. Amber stops mid rant " What?" She asks, looking a little lost and confused, I would too. I kind of said that out of left field, but I keep going.

  " I asked did you pee on him yet? You know marked your territory, staked your claim, you know the usual?" I ask like it’s the most normal thing in the world. I watch as Amber's face scrunches up as confusion swamps her.

  " Just stay away from him slut" she screams at me. We were so wrapped up in ourselves and this fight we didn't notice that someone turned down the music or the crowd growing behind us.

  I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and reply " No problem. But if I were you I would go out there and stake my claim. That way every other whore will know he’s yours." She opens her mouth to respond.

  I couldn't help but clarify " It’s really easy, all you have to do is walk out there to Axel..." I spat his name "... Hike up your leg and piss on him. Make sure you wipe your feet after okay?" As soon as I finish with the instructions, the room erupts with laughter. Momentarily stunned I turn to find the room full of people and a very annoyed Axel. His hands were clenched so tight they were turning white.

  A weaker person would be afraid. Me, nope. I fear only two things in life, my mother and as wimpy as this is going to sound spiders, yup, you heard right. Spiders those eight-legged freaks of nature. Give me blood, guts, chainsaw wielding murders, evil clowns, Amber with her legs spread showing off the black hole she calls a whoha.

  Anything but spiders and my mom. Let me explain why my mom puts the fear of god into me. It’s not because she beats me or even yells at me. No, I fear her crying. Yup, I'm afraid to see my mom cry.


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