Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC

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Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC Page 3

by Roxanne Greening

  " Hey babe" Amber screeches like nails on a chalk board. Making me wince and snap out of my mental rant. And back to the party and all the other shit going on.

  I watch as Amber tries. Key word here, tries, to throw herself at Axel. Who just pushes her back and glares.

  " What the fuck Amber. Didn't we already go over this? You’re trying my patience here and you know what happens to people who try my patience?" He says in a deadly calm voice. Truth be told, his calm voice gives me chills more so than his words.

  Amber whimpers and tries to reach out and touch him when Ella slaps her hand away while glaring at her. The words just pop out of my mouth " Ewe Ella go wash your hand, you don't know where that disease infested hand has been."

  I have no word filter. What I think just pops out. I've always been this way. Amber turns and glares at me. Axel grabs her arm and drags her away. I can’t help it. I shout out as he drags her around the corner." Keep a two-foot distance. She may try to pee on you." His laugh is the only thing letting me know he heard me.

  I know what you’re thinking I hate Axel. To be truthful, I don't even know Axel. There's this attraction to him. Okay, more like drool all over myself, soak my panties, and lose all real thought when he’s around. I'm like a walking, talking Axel induced zombie. I wouldn't mind taking a bite out of him. Snap the fuck out of it Tessa.

  Back to the problem at hand. Where my anger stems from is his whores. Amber is his number one whore. I feel this sting in my chest when I think about it. That makes me beyond mad. Shaking my head, I walk over to Ella and grab her clean hand and drag her to the kitchen I march over to the sink " Wash Amber off of you and I’ll get us some yummy drinks."

  The good thing about this party is it’s not all beer. Because let’s face it beer tastes like man piss. I prefer margaritas, twisted teas, tequila, and my best bud Jack Daniels yum. Grabbing two half and half twisted tea’s. I walk back over to Ella, who was drying her hands. I handed her a tea before popping the top off mine and gulping it down.

  Next thing I know my bottles empty. My lower lip sticks out as I pout at my now empty bottle. Ella my best of the best friend. Just laughs and hands me a new tea with a huge smile. I let out a little girly squeal. Okay, now I know I'm drunk. I already had quite a few drinks before that one. But really, I never squeal.

  A few minutes and four more drinks later I’m three sheets to the wind I find myself talking to Axel. Wow, he’s a… Well, I don’t really know what he is.

  But I like him. We talk about a lot of stuff and I think we're becoming closer. In that moment, I realize I’m falling in love with Axel. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  Chapter 9


  It’s been two weeks since the party. Axel and I have gotten closer. I guess you can say I don’t hate the bastard too much. I only have thoughts of torturing him about ten times a day now instead of thirty. I guess that’s an improvement, right? Yeah, I guess it’s a sign I more than like him, love is a big factor in all of this.

  I’ve been so busy I never got around to signing with the gym. At this moment, right now I'm kicking ass in my small gym. My knee hits the bag over and over like I’m hitting an opponent. Bang, bang, bang, gut, gut, face.

  Throwing a couple jabs right, left, right, right, side kick, duck, left, right, left, left, roundhouse kick. Stopping I take my gloves off and remove the tape from my hands. Grabbing my towel and wiping off, I run. Yes. I literally run upstairs singing.

  After quickly showering, I get dressed. I really needed to get to the gym before I forget again. As much as I love my little gym. I need more.

  I all but broke the law getting here. I was pushing the limit that was for sure. Quickly pulling up to the gym in my baby. I look over at it. You’re not going to believe the name Knocked Out. I know what a fucking odd name. But it’s an attention getter. I smile. I think the name is what sold me. Bouncing over to Knocked Out and rushing inside I fall in love for the second time this month!

  Letting my eyes wander, I take in the nice high quality black mats, the MMA style ring in the center of the floor, the variety of heavy bags ranging in weight 50lbs and up, treadmills, the locker rooms. All of it was top of the line.

  Marveling like a love-struck fool or a, sometimes, in my case a woman who hasn't seen a tub of cookies and cream ice cream in a year. Let’s just say that makes me sad I almost wanted to cry. I mean, I can’t go a day without ice cream!!

  I may even consider homicide to the person who separates me from the Delicious treat no joke!! I can picture it now judge: Young lady why would you do such a horrendous thing? Me: They took my ice cream! Judge: What? Young lady do not make a mockery of the court this isn’t a joke! He yells at me. Me: No joke they took my ice cream!!! I scream right back. The look of shock makes me laugh.

  Coming back to reality, I notice it’s quiet like, real quiet, I mean so quiet you can hear the trees growing. I don’t think anyone was even breathing. I know people are here I noticed them all coming in. Looking around, I notice everyone was staring.

  I look behind me and see nothing. Turning back to them realizing their staring at me. I stare right back. What? If they’re going to act like a bunch of dumb asses, then so will I.

  “Have you not seen a set of boob's before?” I ask with the most innocent look on my face. I watch as their mouths just pop open in shock. Making a huge smile appear on my face. Scanning the crowd, I notice a few faces from the party and from hanging out with Ella and Axel.

  I do a double take when I see “Jesse?” I question, then I smack myself in the forehead like a moron. I mean, obviously, it's Jesse.

  He’s a member of Axel’s club. Just saying it makes me want to talk in a baby voice like “Axel’s little club, it’s just so cute.” As soon as those thoughts pop in my head, I giggle like a little girl, ugh!

  I watch Jesse walk over to me with a frown “What’s up Tessa? Everything okay?” His tone filled with worry. Jesse's going be our drummer in the talent show and me and Ella will be taking turns on guitar. I guess she also sighed Axel up. So, he'll be performing as well. The thought makes me laugh so I’m not the only victim here.

  Back to Jesse “What no pssh...I’m here to join the gym.” I gesture around us with a sweep of my hand. I'm still a little star struck this place is amazing. I just hope I can afford it. I already spent seventy percent of the money from selling my Pontiac, on my Chevy.

  I hear a snapping sound and focus on Jesse. “Sorry,” I mumble. I just completely zoned out on him. Like I do when I’m bored. Well, I guess I was bored.

  I really want to get into this gym... There’s that snapping again. I look at Jesse and laugh. He just sighs “Let’s go get your application started.” He mutters. Turning and walking to the office.

  “You work here?” I ask him “You could say that.” He evades. Shrugging my shoulders, I follow along. I can press him later, now was not the time. Signing up was quick and simple. I think I need to thank Jesse for that. Giving him a quick hug I walk back out the doors and to my car. I can’t keep the smile off my face. It was the biggest smile I have ever had. I mean, who wouldn’t smile like a raging lunatic. I just got into one of the most sought after gyms.

  Jesse even got me a discount. Even though he didn’t tell me what the full price was. I bet it’s high and everything. I only need to pay Twenty bucks a month.

  Now that I think about it. This place is apparently hard to get into. So, I bet the monthly charges is really fucking high. What did Jesse give me a ninety-nine percent discount or some shit? When I started to question it, he just blew me off. Then gave me a duffel bag, a locker, and my own lock. Now I know they don’t just give that shit out.

  Chapter 10


  “She just pulled up boss.” Jesse says loud and clear on the other end of the connection I thought for sure had to be part of my imagination. There was no fucking way she was there right now. Her, the hot as fuck girl who bumped into me then had the balls to challeng
e my ass. She had balls, or she bat shit crazy.

  I’m leaning more in the middle with this. I think she’s a little of both and that is one hot as fuck combination it would be like pouring gasoline on a forest fire. There would be no stopping its path of destruction. She was absolutely perfect.

  “What do you mean she just pulled up?” I snap at him. “I mean she’s climbing out of her car and walking in this very direction she looks determined boss” he replays in amusement. Clenching my teeth in frustration I do my best not to crush my phone in my hand as frustration and anger wage war with my inner calm.

  “I think she’s here for a membership boss.” he says hurriedly. Heaving a big sigh. “Give her a spot Jesse I don’t give a shit if we kick someone the fuck out.” Pausing to take a deep breath and trying to reign in my temper. “Give her my locker include the lock. Give her the best and charge her nothing.” fuck. “Jesse charge her twenty a month I don’t want her to know this shit's mine, got it!” I growl into the phone.

  “Yeah, boss.” there was no mistaking the humor and amusement that was loud and clear in his voice. Frowning, I struggle to rein in the urge to hunt his ass down and beat the shit out of his ass. The prick was now full on laughing, his ass off. “Just do it.” I snap before throwing my phone at the wall again.

  Fuck! There goes another fucking phone. I glare at the pieces wishing I could put it back together just so I could do it again. I laugh, there was absolutely no rational thought in any of that. Well, there it was, my hard won calm. Closing my eyes, I throw my phone on the bed, I collect my shit and walk into the bathroom quickly striping I climb into the shower. I was going to take my girl out.

  Just thinking about tonight has me smiling in anticipation. Ella had informed me that Tessa is still a virgin and not to fuck with her. I of course just nodded my head. I’ll let her think I'm going to behave myself so she doesn’t rat me out to Tessa. If she got wind of anything running through my head, she would cut my balls off and feed them to me.

  Just that thought has me smiling. I know what you’re thinking. That shit’s funny. I look at it like this at least she’s touching them. I know once she gets her hands on them things will start to get real heated real fast. She wants me as much as I want her I can all but smell it.

  The biggest problem for her is I’m not a one-woman man. I just want to hit it. Finding out I’ll be her first makes me want nothing more than to break her in. The fact I will be her first changes nothing, I’m going to hit that shit and bounce.

  That’s another reason I don’t want her to know I own the gym. I may be a selfish prick. But I know it must mean something to her. I know if we did this, well, not if after I have her because I will have her I’ll be done. I’m sure she will be upset and want more. They always are and always do. If she knows I own it, she won’t come back to the gym and I don’t want to hurt her like that. I'm not going to look too closely at that last thought.

  Knowing I’ll be the first to open her up means it’s going to take a little work to get all up in there. I’ll work her over slowly I’m going to come at her hard holding nothing back. I just know how long I can stand the wait it fucking hurts, that’s how hard I am. Not that I would force her or shit like that but fuck I need to bend her over and plow this shit away.

  This feels like my millionth hand job I’ve given myself since I bumped into her that day. Grabbing my dick in my left hand. I close my eyes. I let my thoughts drift to her. To Tessa. Climbing up Tessa's body, then pushing her legs apart with my knees before settling in between them.

  I Rub my dick all over her clit up and down applying slight pressure with each long, slow stroke... squeezing my dick I slowly move my hand up and down…. Then I’m slowly pushing my dick inside her tight wet pussy. Trying not to tear her apart as I push my head into her tight heat with a loud popping sound. Pushing into harder I hit the proof of her virginity.

  She mellows as I press my lips over hers as I slam my dick all the way into her.... That’s it my balls draw up tight and my seed shots out over and over. It’s one of the longest orgasm I have ever had.

  Getting out I dry myself off. Heading into my room to dress. My phone starts going off. “Yeah?” I answer. No hello, just straight to the point. “We’ve found him” was all Brandon said. There wasn’t a need to ask who he was referring to.

  “Get everyone together, tell them to meet me at the gym” I end the call before putting my clothes on. Walking out of the house I climb onto my Harley and head to the gym. Time to see my old friend David. Just thinking of the shit I’m going to do to him puts a smile on my face.

  That prick screwed up big time. The short drive felt like miles as I pull up in front of the gym anticipation courses through my body. Excitement has me quickly climbing off my bike and taking long strides to the door. Pausing only long enough to unlock and re-lock the door, I make my way inside.

  There was no need to look around I know right where to go. I head right to the basement that’s where my buddy David is. As well as all the members of the club. They deserve to be here. This affects all of them. All but Ella, of course. She doesn’t need to see the shit that's about to go down. I don’t think Brandon will be very happy if I let her. Not that I would.

  Walking down the stairs I take in everyone standing around in a circle. Around David. Who is tied to a chair. When he sees me, he flips his shit and starts flailing around trying to get out of the bonds holding him.

  This makes me smile. He knows what’s coming and he should be very afraid. I may seem like the sweet guy around my Tessa. Holy shit! Did I say my Tessa? Fuck never mind. All that shit needed to take a back burner for now I had more important shit to deal with like torturing David.

  I watch his eyes get big enough to fall out of his face. A little more possible with every step I make as I make my way over to him. “Where is it?” I ask trying to keep a calm I don’t really feel. He doesn’t say anything. Not a fucking word.

  “I asked you where the guns and the money you stole are?” I ask quietly letting a little of the anger seep into my voice.

  Still nothing, kneeling, I look him right in the eyes. “David, you stole from your own club, your own brothers and sisters....” I trail off hoping the bastard will talk. Still nothing, I sigh. Without taking my eyes from him.

  “They’re none too happy with you David. You didn’t just fuck me. You fucked them as well...” I pause “They want nothing more than a piece of you. I might just give them that, what do you think? Are you going to answer me? Or, do I just write it off and give them what they want hmm?” I watch his eyes get bigger as they scan the room in desperation. Hope was dimming as he found nothing but empty stares.

  “Ready to talk? If you give me something I might make it a little easier on you.” I say simply

  And just like that words pour out of his mouth

  “You know I would never do anything to hurt you Axel, I stopped at a bar had a few drinks, had a few bitches and the next thing I know it’s gone. The ten grand and the guns. I didn’t know what to do,” he pleaded with his eyes for understanding. For forgiveness. Unfortunately for him it is something I can’t and don’t possess.

  Instead of replying. I stand up and punch him in the face hard, almost hard enough to knock one of his big pleading eyes out. Lucky for him it stayed it. Looking over my shoulder, I make eye contact with Jace, David’s best friend. I give him a nod and step back.

  Brandon unties David. We both give them space. “Stand up” Jace growls at David. David shakes his head no. Jace doesn’t give him a second chance. He grabs him by the throat and drags him from the chair.

  Jace kicks the chair away and proceed to beat the shit out of David. David being a smart man tries to fight back. He knows he’s fighting for his life. I watch as David falters. But Jace is relentless. He just keeps punching him.

  Stepping in I grab Jace's shoulder. Letting him know it’s time. Handing him the gun I watch as he pulls the trigger hitting David between the eyes, giving
him what I promised. He talked, and I gave. I also made a deal with Jace. He wanted to be the one. I didn’t blame him, David was his friend, he brought David into the club.

  Looking at Jace I tell him. “It’s not your fault I do not hold it against you.” I tell him in a firm voice I hear mimicked by the others in the room. Putting my hand on Jace's shoulder. I give a squeeze and turn to look at Jesse letting him know to clean this shit up.

  Turning on my heels, I go upstairs and head home. Truth be told, I feel nothing. Not even a twinge that David’s gone.

  Chapter 11


  Beep, beep, beep not even bothering to open my eyes, I reach over and grab my alarm clock pulling until the cord was pulled from the wall. I drop it on the floor and roll over. I flop from side to side trying to find that elusive thing we call sleep.

  Ugh, even though I took care of the problem. I couldn’t fall back asleep. I fucking hate Mondays. It's that day of the week everyone dreads. It’s that one day when you're like someone please stab me with a Spork.

  You know the eating utensil that was created when a spoon and a fork decided to spawn. It's kind of freaky the way it looks like a spoon with teeth. It almost feels like its baring its teeth at you, daring you to put it into your mouth.

  Groaning, I flop out of bed. Yes. When I say flop, I mean flop. Hitting the floor, I groan again. Rubbing my now sore ass.

  Time to face the day. Not that I want to. Like I said the most hated day of the week. I walk over to my bathroom and strip before climbing into the warm goodness the shower provides.

  Moaning as water cascades down my body. Hating that I must get out. I scrub up and linger for a few seconds. Preparing myself for the enviable. The enviable being having to get out of this sweet, sweet haven. Sighing in defeat I climb out and dry off. Walking over to my closet.


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