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Sunshine & Rain

Page 18

by Dawn Desiree

  Sunshine almost felt ridiculous, because for some strange reason, Terrance seemed to be nicer than she had expected. But it was too late to back out now. She checked herself in the mirror, then stepped back out into the living room for take two.

  Terrance had already started Love & Basketball and was now pouring a bottle of 1738 Accord Royal into two iced glasses.

  “I hope that’s not for me, because I don’t drink nothing that requires an alcohol level printed on the bottle,” Sunshine let him know.

  “I made it real light, baby. You should barely even taste the alcohol. Just try it. If you don’t like it, I’ll pour both of our glasses out,” Terrance said. “And I’ll refill them with a tall glass of ice cold H2O. You feel me?” he asked politely.

  “I don’t drink water either,” Sunshine joked.

  Terrance looked at her as if she were crazy. “Not even toilet water?” he asked teasingly.

  “Oh, now you’re talking. Toilet water, that’s my shit,” Sunshine said.

  They both shared childish giggles at themselves. Sunshine was trying her best not to be herself and to loosen up just like Rain had encouraged her to do. Rain also advised her to throw in a few curse words here and there so that Terrance would feel like she was down. So far, Sunshine was doing just fine.

  Sunshine picked up her glass of Remy and sucked the whole thing down in a single gulp. Terrance looked at her in true amazement and laughed at her lightheartedly.

  “Whoa, baby girl! Take it easy. You downed that thang like a lush in the making. You got to take cognac real slow, especially if you’re not a drinker,” Terrance warned. He poured her a second glass, this time being sure to give her even less Remy. He didn’t want her to think that he was trying to take advantage of her. “Now be gentle with this one, my lovely lush,” Terrance advised.

  Sunshine picked up her second glass and began sipping it slowly. “Oh, so now you trying to call me an alcoholic?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Terrance admitted, “but a very sexy one.” Terrance stared deep into Sunshine’s eyes as if he were searching for something.

  Sunshine could feel the Remy kicking in and was suddenly ashamed to be finding Terrance awfully sexy himself. As she was watching him watch her, she could understand why Rain was all over him. His eyes were dark and seductive, and his long, bushy eyelashes set it off. His lips were edible and seemed to be made just right for kissing—and anything else he wanted to do with them. The long, silky twists in his hair that fell to his shoulders made him look even lovelier. Sunshine was tempted to touch him in places she wasn’t supposed to for a second, but then she quickly remembered who he was and why she was there in the first place.

  The doorbell rang just in time for Sunshine’s blooming hormones to wither.

  “I can get it,” she offered, needing to stand up so she could feel her legs again. “It’s probably the delivery boy,” she said before Terrance could protest.

  Terrance didn’t even think twice about her suggestion. He handed Sunshine a twenty-dollar bill from his pocket and leaned back on the couch. He watched with sweet admiration as he allowed the first female ever to answer his door. He didn’t give a fuck if it was another bitch on the other side. He would check that bitch ASAP for disrespecting his precious time with Sunshine.

  Sunshine opened the door and paid for the food. When she closed the door, she was sure to leave it unlocked. She turned the top lock so that Terrance could hear it lock, and then quickly turned it back the opposite way, so that Rain and Brian could easily make their way in.

  Sunshine was sure that her partners in crime observed the Chinese man come in the building with their food. Now the next move was on them. Sunshine would continue to do her part. She had thirty minutes to get Terrance twisted before her collaborators would be creeping up in there. With any luck, she would have him in the bedroom passed out by then.

  She walked back over to the couch and placed the bag of food on the coffee table. “Do you have any more weed?” Sunshine asked as she began to situate the food on the paper plates.

  Terrance looked as if he had been smacked upside his head with the Remy bottle. “But I thought you didn’t smoke,” Terrance said, almost concerned.

  “I don’t smoke all the time; only when I’m in good hands,” Sunshine lied.

  Terrance fell for it. He pulled out a Dutch Masters and a brown paper bag half filled with weed, and began rolling it up. Sunshine was beginning to feel sorry for him. He unknowingly made himself easy bait, like he had no backbone. He didn’t seem to have any kind of clue that he was being played.

  Sunshine played with her food, taking small bites, but truthfully, she really didn’t have an appetite. She only ate to convince Terrance that she was really hungry. He didn’t eat at all. He seemed content with his liquor and the blunt that he was about to put in the air.

  Sunshine looked at the clock that hung on Terrance’s wall. She had a little over fifteen minutes left to complete a miracle. Terrance didn’t seem to be even halfway where she wanted him. If she had to, Sunshine thought she would go back into the bathroom and text message them to let them know that she needed more time.

  Terrance sparked the blunt and hit it several times before passing it over to Sunshine. Sunshine watched with astonishment as he exhaled the smoke, creating small circles. One even came out like it was in the shape of a heart. When it was Sunshine’s turn to hit the blunt, she was surprised at her own self for actually hitting it. She had intended on pulling a Bill Clinton move, but instead she pulled back on it with ease and exhaled her chimney. It was stronger than she had anticipated, because she began to gag uncontrollably.

  Terrance took the blunt out of her grip and placed it in the ashtray. He stood over her and began patting her back.

  Once Sunshine had finished with her episode, she was totally embarrassed and high.

  “Don’t feel bad,” Terrance said. “That’s what you call crucial skunk weed. You probably never had that before.”

  I never had no kind before, Sunshine thought.

  But she had to admit, she did like the way it made her feel. The Remy mixed with the weed made her feel nice and mellow . . . and horny.

  Terrance, who was still kneeling over her, bent his head down and kissed her with his tempting pair of lips. Sunshine could feel the print of his hard erection up against her during his gentle kiss. This was not part of the plan, but oddly enough, Sunshine couldn’t resist him. His kiss was soft and warm, and when his tongue found its way to hers, a simple kiss turned into a serious slob down. Soon, they were all down each other’s throats, searching for the end.

  Terrance didn’t waste any more time. He scooped Sunshine up in his big, strong arms and brought her into his bedroom. He gently spread her out on his bed, just like he had imagined himself doing in his daydreams.

  Sunshine could feel her head spinning. “Wait a minute!” she cried. “We can’t do this, Terrance.” Somewhere way in the back of her mind she knew that it was supposed to be the other way around. She was supposed to be dragging him in there.

  “It’s okay, Sunshine. I won’t do nothing you don’t want me to do. We can take it as slow as you want us to, and I will stop whenever you tell me.”

  Terrance pulled Sunshine’s dress down and was pleased when she didn’t resist. He then undid her bra and slid down her panties, exposing a body that was out of this world. She looked better than any broad on any porn he had ever watched. Terrance was so moved by her beauty that he didn’t even want to touch her right away. He lay beside her and simply admired her loveliness for a minute before he began taking his own clothes off and allowing his ever-ready body to meet hers.

  Sunshine couldn’t fight it. There was something alluring about Terrance that permitted him to do whatever he wanted to do to her. When he came out of his boxers, she couldn’t believe her eyes were seeing clearly. She had to touch it to make sure that it was real. She placed her hands on his hard flesh. Yes, it was real, every inch of his stiff dick w
as certainly real.

  Terrance’s whole body cringed at the tender stroke of Sunshine’s hand gliding up and down his erection. He wanted to put it inside her right then and there, but first he had to taste her sweet young breasts.

  Terrance sucked on her nipples tenderly and listened to her soft cries of pleasure. He then began to slide his tongue back and forth over each breast, before taking each one and teasingly swallowing it whole. Sunshine was moaning and groaning so softly that he could barely hear her. He wanted to make her sigh louder, so he went down and spread her legs apart and began to suck all over her juicy pink pussy like it was a watermelon. Now he had her screaming his name just like he wanted.

  She was scratching his back and begging him to stop, but he couldn’t. He had to make her love him, and there was only one way—by making passionate love to her. Terrance lifted his head from his booty heaven and let his throbbing rod gladly take the place of his lips.

  Terrance rubbed his penis all over her warm, wet pussy and all over her clitoris, allowing her one sweet orgasm before he gently eased his way inside and gave her multiple. She was so tight, and he didn’t want to hurt her, so he worked it in real slow, putting it in inch by inch. Finally, he was all the way inside her, rubbing against her virgin walls and letting his rhythm flow. Now they were both screaming.

  Sunshine couldn’t believe that this was happening. She couldn’t believe that she was making love for the very first time, and with Terrance.

  His strokes were becoming longer and stronger, making the whole bed rock to his beat.


  Sunshine and Terrance were so consumed in their noisy lovemaking that they never heard Rain, Brian, and Cathy enter the apartment.

  Rain silently twisted the doorknob and inched the door open. She crept inside with Brian and Cathy right behind her. Rain looked around the apartment and thought she was inside the wrong one for a minute. The place was cleaner than she had ever witnessed it before. She could even see the actual leather of his couch and love seat, without his dirty clothes and underwear thrown all over it. She knew she was inside the right apartment, though, because she could still smell the fresh scent of some crucial skunk in the air.

  Cathy was the last one inside the apartment, and she made sure to leave the door slightly ajar, so they could have a clean getaway. She would be the last one in and the last one out, so her girls wouldn’t have to witness a ruthless death.

  Rain could hear noises coming from the bedroom; however, she couldn’t quite make them out. She figured it was probably just the TV or the radio, and maybe Sunshine had turned it on to make sure that Terrance didn’t hear when they came in. Rain then noticed the empty bottle of Remy and the two empty glasses on the table, and she knew for sure that Sunshine had done her part to get Terrance fucked up.

  Rain quietly guided Brian and Cathy toward the hallway closet, where they searched high and low with no luck for the shopping bags.

  “They must be in his bedroom,” Rain whispered. “I’ll go check. Y’all stay out here and look around,” she said.

  Rain tiptoed to the back toward Terrance’s room. As she got closer, the noises became more apparent. Rain could make out some severe fuck cries.

  Terrance must have put in one of his nasty porno flicks, she thought. Poor Sunshine. She must be bored to death watching that shit.

  When Rain appeared in the doorway and saw the two figures, she was stuck. She could feel her brain lock, and it wouldn’t send the necessary message to her body to move. She felt paralyzed in the spot where she stood, while she watched Terrance bounce in and out of Sunshine like a bunny rabbit.

  Their clothes were thrown everywhere. Sweat was dripping off Terrance’s body onto Sunshine’s like raindrops. Sunshine’s long legs dangled in the air, while she dug her nails into Terrance’s skin.

  At first they didn’t see her standing there, but just when Terrance was sounding off that he was about to cum, Sunshine opened her eyes and saw Rain standing in the doorway like a deranged mannequin.

  “I’m sorry, Rain,” Sunshine moaned through Terrance’s eager pumps.

  Terrance heard Sunshine, but he thought she was simply talking to herself, feeling guilty for what they were doing to each other.

  Sunshine tried to push Terrance off of her, but he couldn’t stop. He was about to explode, and all her strength couldn’t match his.

  “Oh, shit! Sunshine, I love you!” Terrance screamed while his dick drained its juices inside her pussy.

  To Sunshine’s disapproval, her own body began to share an earth-shaking orgasm with his. As both of their bodies jerked and twitched from ecstasy, Rain’s body snapped out of it. She charged over to their naked bodies with force, jumped on the bed, and began swinging her tightly balled fists at both of them.

  “Y’all some fucking snakes!” she yelled. “I can’t believe this shit! Sunshine, you backstabbing bitch! I thought you was cool, but you just wanted my nigga the whole time!” Rain yelled at the top of her lungs.

  Sunshine didn’t say anything. She was helpless. She balled herself up into a fetal position while Rain landed solid punches all over her naked flesh.

  Terrance was mad now. He lifted Rain effortlessly off of Sunshine and threw her on the floor with no remorse. “How the fuck did you get in here, bitch? Did you break in my crib, you psycho bitch? I’m calling the feds on your ass!” Terrance yelled.

  Just then, Cathy and Brian charged into the room. After hearing all the loud yelling, they knew that their cover was blown.

  “You’re not going to call no damn body, except for Jesus to save your ass, nigga,” Cathy said.

  “Sunshine, put your clothes on, and y’all get out of here,” Cathy ordered. She reached into her purse to get her gun ready.

  Terrance looked all around him, from Brian to Rain to Cathy, and then to Sunshine. That’s when he realized that he had been set up. He didn’t have time to think about how stupid he had been. The only thing he had time for was protecting himself.

  Terrance quickly reached for his handy .45, equipped with a silencer, from under his pillows. Then he quickly snatched Sunshine’s stripped body and pressed it up against his.

  “You move too slow, bitch. I can’t believe I was going to make your ho ass my woman,” he said to Sunshine. Terrance placed the silver barrel to Sunshine’s temple and said, “Now I want all you bitches to get the fuck out my crib, crazy bitches!”

  By then, Cathy had also retrieved her gun from her purse. It was only a matter of who would bust off first. With Sunshine being held hostage, it put Cathy at a disadvantage for now.

  “You need to put that thing away and stop playing with me,” Brian said to Terrance.

  Terrance pointed the gun in Brian’s direction. “Shut up, bitch! I will put my gun away when you and your crew is out my damn crib!” he yelled, ready to blow Brian away if he had to.

  “Okay, damn!” Brian said. “But I was talking about that thing,” he said, pointing to Terrance’s dick, which hadn’t completely lost its erection.

  “This is not the time to be funny, Brianna. This nigga has a weapon and he will use it,” Rain warned.

  Cathy took advantage of the situation and slowly raised her arm, pointing her nine millimeter to Terrance’s head.

  Terrance saw her every move. He swiftly turned to aim his gun at Cathy and pulled his trigger before she could pull hers.

  Brian saw it coming. He dove on top of Cathy, just in time to catch her bullet right in his back and through his chest. Brian perished immediately.

  Sunshine began to scream in horror. Terrance released her body and tried to run out of the bedroom to get free. From the floor, Cathy raised her free arm and with perfect aim, shot Terrance right in the head—but not before he got one last shot off. His body slumped over halfway out the doorway. Now it was Rain’s turn to scream.

  Cathy tried to roll Brian’s lifeless body off of hers, but he was too heavy. “Rain, please help me!” Cathy screamed.

in ran over and freed Brian’s dead weight off Cathy. As Cathy stood, blood began to leak from her chest. Terrance’s last shot had pierced Cathy’s heart before his own lights went out for good. Cathy fell to the floor, and Sunshine and Rain were left in the midst of a massive blood bath, three dead bodies surrounding them.

  Sunshine was still on the bed and traumatized, deep in shock. She was incoherent as Rain ordered her to get up and get dressed. She was so gone that, much to Rain’s dismay, she had to put her clothes on for her. Rain tried not to let the previous sight of Sunshine love-wrestling with her man get to her. She tried not to let the horrid sight of Terrance’s finished body distract her. Rain tried to blank out Cathy’s and Brian’s murdered bodies as she had to trip over them to get out of the bedroom.

  Dragging Sunshine out with her proved to also be a difficult task. Rain let her fall to the floor and eventually had to smack Sunshine’s face several times to bring her back to reality.

  “Sunshine, get a grip. We’ve got to clean this place up!” Rain shouted.

  Sunshine stood up, still dazed but trying to do as she was told. When she got up, she moved at a much slower pace than Rain.

  Rain scurried around the whole apartment, wiping away all traces of their presence. She threw the Remy bottle and the empty glasses off the balcony, deep into the woods. She removed the rented video from the DVD player and put it back into the plastic bag that Sunshine had brought with her.

  While Rain worked her way around the apartment, Sunshine looked in Terrance’s bedroom closet to find something to wipe their fingerprints off the doorknobs. She picked up the first thing she could find, which was a Tupac T-shirt that lay on top of a pile of dirty clothes. That’s when Sunshine also spotted all their shopping bags from Pentagon City. They were stacked up neatly in the corner of the closet. Posted right next to the bags, Sunshine noticed a huge safe with a combination.

  “Rain, come here!” she hollered.

  Rain ran into the bedroom with Terrance’s cordless phone clung to her ear.


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