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Phoenix (The Broken Book 5)

Page 10

by Serena Simpson

  “Get used to it,” Piper told her. “There is something about these brothers that brings out the feminine things you thought you’d never do, like giggle.”

  “The hunters were watching through the one male, trying to understand how you defended yourself and your family?” Serenity asked.

  “Yes,” Phoenix told her. The other brothers nodded. The smiles no longer present.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “What now?” Rylee asked.

  “We go outside and see if those trucks hold our furniture.” Phoenix led her to the door. “Has this adventure made up for house arrest?”

  Adventure? It beat sitting in her apartment which she no longer had and sipping tea and watching Netflix. Bed rest beat that because Phoenix was there with his sexy smiles and eyes that made her smolder. She wasn’t going to think about his body when the others were close.

  “Life with you will be fun.” A smirk took over her lips, but she meant it. How many times had she moaned about living and dying alone? There was no one there to make love to. That seemed like a travesty, but what made her sad was the fact that she was and would always be alone. Phoenix swept in like a breath of fresh air and showed her that life could be different.

  “As long as I’m here I will bring you joy.”

  She stumbled to a stop. There was something in the way he said that or the tone of his voice that sent a shiver up her spine. She was missing a fact.

  He tugged her hand moving her forward. They opened the back of the truck to find their furniture as well as the men who drove the truck.

  “Thank you,” one gushed when Phoenix took the gag out of his mouth. “We were beginning to think we would die back here.”

  Rylee looked around it was hot, and the air was stale. The second guy looked like he was fighting off a panic attack.

  “Where else do you have to go?” She gave them both sympathetic smiles.

  “You’re our last stop.” The first man was visibly trying to control his shaking. The other was sitting with his head between his legs looking like he wanted to pass out.

  “We’ve never been truck jacked before. My wife is pregnant. It hit me that if I died, I’d never see my baby or my wife again. You never realize how much someone means to you until you lose them.”

  Rylee flicked her eyes at Phoenix understanding the man completely.

  “I’m Rylee.”

  “Hi Rylee, I’m Ralph and my coworker is James.

  “Can I take you into the house for tea? You can call your company from there. We will back you up if needed.”

  “I’d like that.” James stood on shaky legs. “I need to call my wife too.”

  “I should call my Karen. She’ll be worried; I usually call at lunch.” Ralph frowned at the missing phone call.

  “I’m going to start doing that too. I was trying to be a man, F that, I’m going to call my wife and love on her every chance I get.”

  Rylee led them through the kitchen to the living room where they could lean back and breathe.

  “Call your company and your wives. Phoenix and his brothers will unload the truck. Piper is making you mint tea with just a nip of rum in it to help you calm down.”

  “Thank you, Rylee. Why are you being so nice?” James asked.

  “I’m doing what anyone would do.”

  They both shook their head. “When you're in customer service, you get to see a different side of people. We’ve been yelled at, called names. Our parentage has been questioned all because we got caught up in traffic,” Ralph told her.

  “Once we brought the wrong bed set. We told the couple that we only delivered. They spat on us.” James’s voice was low, sad.

  “No one has a right to treat you that way. I’m sorry for both their lack of understanding and basic human decency. I’ll give you some privacy.”

  “Do you think they will be okay?” Piper asked when Rylee walked into the kitchen.

  “Yeah, they are a little shaken, but I also think they have had their eyes opened. I know I have. This was the second time in three weeks that I’ve come close to death.”

  “The created seem to have a way of making you appreciate life.”


  “One day when we have time. I’ll tell you about robots and killer aliens.”

  Rylee opened then closed her mouth. “That’s why I feel at home here. Each of you is as crazy or crazier than I am.”

  Piper gave her a smug look. “You don’t know the half of it.”

  Together they finished the tea adding just a bit of rum to help calm the delivery guys down.

  “Everything ok?” Rylee asked as she and Piper brought in their cups of tea.

  “Yeah, we talked to the office and then called our wives.”

  “Piper this is Ralph.” Rylee handed him the tea.

  “I’m James nice to meet you.” He took the cup of tea Piper handed him.

  “Nice to meet both of you. There’s a little rum in there. Just enough to calm your nerves not much else.” Piper told them sitting with her own cup of tea.

  “What did your company say,” Rylee asked.

  “There’s paperwork to fill out. We’ll talk to the police, but unless they catch them, there’s nothing they can really do.” Ralph told them, frustration laced his voice.

  “If we were one of the guards who ride around the city collecting money, I would understand it. All we have is furniture, and they didn’t want that.” James spoke more to himself than to them.

  “I think you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I wouldn’t spend too much time thinking about the guys who did this. I have a feeling they will pay for it.” Rylee's smile was kind as she tried to calm them down.

  She spent too much time running from those who wanted her dead. Her shock didn’t register anymore, not like the look of hopelessness on the face of Ralph and James.

  “I try to see the good in people,” James told them. “By the way, my wife wants to know if you are angels.”

  Piper moved to the edge of her chair leaning forward drawing the men in. Her voice lowered before she responded. “I don’t know about Rylee, but I am an angel.” She looked around the room afraid she may have blown her secret.

  Ralph and James stared at her. Their eyes widened before they broke out in laughter. The lingering tension and fear filled silences were swept away. There was a purity to the air. Their shoulders relaxed, and a genuine smile perched on their lips.

  “We’ll keep your secret,” Ralph vowed.

  “James is going to be a lawyer,” Ralph told them. There was pride in his voice.

  “Maybe, if I can keep this job. The wife wants me to quit, work a quiet nine to five. I can’t blame her after this with the baby coming.”

  “All done,” Phoenix walked into the room.

  “That’s our cue to leave. Thanks for the tea,” Ralph told them.

  “Thanks for the save too,” James added.

  They followed Phoenix out the door. “I’d like to help with you becoming a lawyer.”

  They waited until the kitchen door shut before talking.

  “Do you think they were lucky?” Rylee asked Piper.

  “Yes,” Slade replied walking into the living room. “If they had somehow subdued us. They would have killed the delivery drivers.”

  “Will they target them?” Piper asked.

  “Not unless they want to die. We’re making it clear they are protected,” Slade told them as he walked through the living room.

  “Well, life is never dull around here.” They finished up their tea.

  Piper went to find Thrice while Rylee waited for Phoenix to come inside.

  “They got off ok?”

  “Yes. They will be fine.”

  “I kind of feel responsible. If we had never ordered to have furniture delivered…”

  “Then the hunters would have found a different way, a different group of people to use or manipulate. They never let anything get in their way.” Phoenix took h
er hand and pulled her to standing. “Let’s go look at the furniture.”

  She knew it didn’t make sense, but she couldn’t stop herself from snuggling into him as they stood in the elevator. The more she was around Phoenix the more she needed him. Some of the women who came into The Vortex would have called her needy. Never get too close to a man, they always told her. Use him before he uses you.

  She almost felt like she was breaking some unwritten girl code. Even with that feeling, she snuggled up to him. There had never been a time in her life when she wanted to be the femme fatale or the woman who had more than one papi or sugar daddy. Yeah, she knew a few women like that. She wanted love, the kind they talked about in movies and made poetry about. Was that stupid? Could Phoenix love a freak like her?

  Not a freak just different.

  “That was the longest elevator ride.”

  “I think you were just lost in your thoughts.” He took her hand. They walked into the living room.

  Her mouth hung open in an unspoken oh. She expected to see furniture placed haphazardly waiting for her to give instructions and lend muscle to moving it.

  “We can move anything you don’t like.”

  Don’t like? This was the dream they came up with together down to the placement of the pictures. There was a waterfall on the far wall that she loved. It caught her from where she was standing, it was one of the newer ones that gave just enough movement to make you feel like it was real.

  The furniture was overstuffed; it made her want to bounce on it. She walked around the room taking it all in. She stopped when she saw the one thing that made her heart beat so fast she feared for her life. Sitting on the end table between two chairs was a picture frame. In it was a selfie that Phoenix had taken of them. Yeah, her big bad alien took a selfie of the two of them.

  She didn’t even stop to think. She jumped on him, thankfully he caught her, before she took his mouth in a kiss for the ages.

  “I’m not giving you up. I don’t care who comes for me, human or alien.”

  He took her to the floor. She knew she should lay there and allow him to worship her body, but she wanted to do some worshiping of her own. What do you know she was on top.

  “Don’t move,” her soft words rasp across his ear before her tongue came out to lick the shell of it.

  He shook just a little. “Are you ticklish there?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  She licked him again his body moved and his mouth in a flat line. He had to fight hard not to smile. “My big bad alien brought down by a tongue on his ear.”

  “Your tongue anywhere on my body is enough to floor me.”

  Yeah, that male was getting the sweet-talking prize. She traced his ear and then found her way down his cheek. He tasted good like flame and mesquite. She had to laugh, only she would enjoy that combination of taste.

  She moved down to his neck sucking and softly biting him.

  “Leave your mark Rylee, let the whole world know I belong to you.”

  He belongs to me? There may not have been a lot of men in her life, the whole she can turn you into toast thing. One of the things she had learned from her few boyfriends was they didn’t like to be marked. Nothing to mar the skin.

  She met his eyes the reddish orange was swirling around. She had the strangest desire to bite him.

  “Do it.” He groaned the words as his body moved restlessly under her hands.

  God help her; she couldn’t stop. She leaned over him and bit him. Her teeth sank into his skin. There was this connection that went from him to her. She felt it slide into place as surely as if it had weight and color.

  “I’m yours.” He leaned up to take her mouth in a fierce kiss.

  He was hers. So why did she feel empty, or maybe only half complete? Something valuable was missing. She didn’t have time to figure it out as she rocked her pussy back and forth on his chest. The feeling of wetness begging to spill between her thighs pulled at her. Not yet, she forced herself to stay still.

  “Lose the shirt.” He leaned up without dislodging her. In an act that would make a juggler proud, he stripped his T over his head.

  Her tongue licked her lips as lust hard and heavy blasted her in the stomach. Her nipples stiffened, and her breasts got heavier. Why don’t they teach you this in health? The vague thought of a teacher standing in front of a class with two pictures almost sidetracked her. Class this is a nipple; this is an erect nipple. Boys if you do not see this, you are doing it wrong.

  Phoenix traced down her hip bringing her back to what was important, him. She leaned over and flicked his nipple with her tongue. Was he as sensitive as she was? His groan seemed to answer that question. Before she could get lost in her head, she took his nipple into her mouth sucking as the other was tweaked between her fingers. His body felt divine under hers; he was heat and fire. It seeped from his skin invading her body. She wanted it, needed it. Before now she never realized how much other men left her cold. Their internal temperature unable to provide the heat she needed.

  “Phoenix.” The sound was a low hum of need. She couldn’t articulate her needs.

  “Take Rylee, devour me.”

  She stood stripping in record time. She knew from experience that whatever was on her body was safe when she flamed out. She didn’t want anything between her skin and his. He quickly undressed never standing. A smile hovered as she watched him undress. He stayed like she told him.

  Once they were naked, she sat on him allowing her pussy to slide against his abs as the heat of his body burned her. She wanted to feel him inside of her. He was going to ruin her for life.

  She kissed down his body fascinated with the fact that he had no hair anywhere she could find. She stopped at his nonexistent belly button. Once again, she was amazed that he was created and not born.

  “Does it bother you?”

  The fire in his eyes dimmed with worry. “No, it amazes me. I like to think that you were created for me.” She nipped at him loving the fact that he was sensitive there.

  “I was, created for you.”

  Her hand traveled down. She stroked and caressed him pretending she didn’t have a destination in mind. The way his dick was standing out from his body made her want to impale herself on it. She thought it would lie against his belly, but it wasn’t. It stuck out with a slight curve. It was long and thick. All she could think about was getting her mouth on it. There was a vague thought in the back of her mind that if she wasn’t careful, she could choke on it.

  She stopped; dreams were becoming reality. This wasn’t her first time, but the other times sucked, not in an exciting way.

  “I won’t hurt you, Rylee.”

  There was never a question as to that. All her trust was wrapped up in a male she’d known for a month, well for years, but intimately for a month.

  She reached out and stroked him from the tip of his flushed head to the base of his cock.

  “I want to taste you.” His hips thrust up just a little. A strangled sound came from his lips that she took as a yes. Leaning over she laid her tongue flat against his dick and licked.

  A word one she didn’t know came out of his mouth in a yell. A different language her mind supplied as she licked him again. He was talking fast as his hands went to her hair.

  This time she started at the base of his dick and licked until she was tonguing his slit with just a hint of precum coming out. Now she was ready to talk in a different language. He tasted of ambrosia or what she always thought it would taste like. If the gods were to get a taste of Phoenix, they would steal him away.

  A growl of possession left her. She’d hurt anyone who tried to entice him away. Was she one of those crazy stalkers unwilling to leave someone alone? She pulled back not sure if she knew the answer or was it just fear playing with her mind.

  His hand caught her hair. She loved her red hair wrapped around the deeper color of his skin.

  “Rylee you get to be possessive. You claimed me, and I gave you permissi
on to. I don’t want to leave you.”

  His words eased the ache that was starting in her belly. No more thought. She opened her mouth and took his cock as far back as she could. If she were going to think about it, she’d be embarrassed that she wasn’t better at this. The way Phoenix clutched at her hair while trying not to thrust deeper into her throat told her he wasn’t worried about her level of experience.

  She held on tight making suctioning sounds with her mouth. She wanted him to feel her heat flowing through him. Her flames sparked on to be met by his flame. She loved watching their fires mingle while sounds of pleasure left her male.

  His hips bucked up asking for more. A fire lit in her nether regions as she sucked on him. Her hand went to his balls. They hung and low and heavy begging for her to squeeze them.

  Rylee took a deep breath before she tried to take him deeper down her throat. She could feel him thick and long inside of her as her head bobbed up and down. Her mouth tightened around him listening as the noises he made became low and desperate.

  His cock left her mouth with an audible pop. Sweet heaven, how had she lived her life without this male?

  “Come for me Phoenix.” She took him back into her mouth taking him as far back as she could before she began to bob her head up and down. Her hand wrapped around him, partially. She moved it in time with her mouth, sucking harder squeezing until his body began to lock up. The sounds coming out of his mouth weren’t words just noises of passion. He stiffened and then her name broke free as she felt the first jet of his come hit her in the back of the throat.

  He tasted good. If this was an acquired taste, she acquired it. She was an addict and wanted more. He moved her body until her thighs were straddling his lower leg. How could he still process? He moved his leg against her clit and pussy that were throbbing with a need to bust open. Her body tightened even as she kept swallowing him down before her orgasm hit like a tidal wave. Sweet heaven, she followed him over the abyss into a plane of unimagined pleasure.

  Chapter Eighteen


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