Eisenhower in War and Peace
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58. DDE, Waging Peace 552.
59. Virgil Pinkley and James F. Scheer, Eisenhower Declassified 373 (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1979).
60. Quoted in Beschloss, Mayday 252.
61. Ibid. 284.
62. Walters, Silent Missions 344.
63. Beschloss, Mayday 289.
64. Public Papers, 1960–1961 427–28.
65. Walters, Silent Missions 346.
66. Ibid.
67. Address to the Republican National Convention, July 26, 1960, Public Papers, 1960–1961 589–601.
68. Press Conference, August 10, 1960, ibid. 619–29.
69. Press Conference, August 24, 1960, ibid. 646–58.
70. Ann Whitman diary, August 30, 1960, EL.
71. Halberstam, Fifties 732.
72. Congressional Quarterly’s Guide to U.S. Elections 257, 298.
73. For Norman Cousins’s influence on Eisenhower, see James Ledbetter, Unwarranted Influence: Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Military-Industrial Complex 75–87 (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2011).
74. Farewell Radio and Television Address, January 17, 1966, Public Papers, 1960–1961 1035–40.
The epigraph contains Ike’s last words, spoken to his son John, March 28, 1969. John S. D. Eisenhower, Strictly Personal 336.
1. General Ted Clifton interview, cited in David Eisenhower and Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Going Home to Glory 16.
2. Speaking in Pittsburgh on October 25, 1962, Eisenhower told a Republican rally, “We are, one and all, deeply concerned with recent events occurring off our southeastern coast.… Until this urgent problem is solved to the satisfaction of our nation, every loyal American will without hesitation carry out and conform to any instructions pertaining to it proclaimed by the Commander-in-Chief.” EL.
3. Quoted in David Eisenhower and Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Going Home to Glory 122.
4. DDE to John Eisenhower, June 16, 1953, 14 The Presidency 298–99.
5. Gallup poll, Los Angeles Times, January 10, 1968. Eisenhower would win the honor again the following year.
6. I am indebted to David and Julie Nixon Eisenhower for their careful and loving description of Eisenhower’s last days. For the golf, see Going Home to Glory 239–44.
7. Ibid. 273.
8. According to official filings with the Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Eisenhower left an estate valued at $2,870,004.90 (roughly $16.4 million in today’s dollars). Mamie was awarded a life interest in the estate, with the remainder passing to John and his descendants. Probate Records, Adams County Courthouse, Gettysburg, Pa.
9. David Eisenhower and Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Going Home to Glory 65.
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