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Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5)

Page 18

by Leah, Shannyn

  “Hey,” he whispered in a low, husky tone that tickled desire into her belly. He pulled her back against him with his strong arm giving her side a squeeze.

  Cece buried her face in his chest, preferring it bare so she could press his warm skin against her face. Her words muffled against him. “No, I’m going to have raccoon eyes and−”

  Avery chuckled. “It can’t be any worse than your morning hangover,” he teased, also in a hushed low tone.

  Cece gasped and partially sat up, pressing her hands against his chest. “You jerk,” she hissed, but she loved his teasing. Loved him.

  His eyes widened as if he was remembering the day she did the walk of shame through Riley’s house. Only it wasn’t sleeping with Avery that was shaming her, it was all her inappropriate actions. “That was a rough morning,” he continued teasing, while his hands slipped under her blouse and grazed her bare skin. “You looked like you were run over by a bus.”

  Cece tried to glare angrily at him, but how could she when his hands were working their magic under her shirt.

  “I’m learning more about you every day,” he said. Their words remained hushed whispers for only them to hear.

  “Like what?” Her eyes were dropping shut again, enjoying the way his finger massaged her skin and were making their way up her back.

  He stopped at her bra and unhooked it. Cece smiled with her eyes still closed, anticipating his next move. Her nipples hardened before his fingers made it to her front. She felt the bed shift and his mouth was at her ear, sitting up in front of her.

  “Like I can easily shift you from being angry at me, to being hungry for me.”

  Cece would have gasped again at his teasing if his hands hadn’t moved to her front and cupped her bare breasts while his mouth swallowed her ear and the dampness moved back down her throat.

  Still in a morning haze, she arched forward, her head leaning against his shoulder, enjoying his lips as they grazed each area of her bare skin. Her lips found his throat and her tongue licked the delicious warm skin, but that wasn’t enough. She wanted to feel his mouth against hers, his tongue swiping its roughness against hers.

  Cece grabbed the sides of his face and brought his lips to hers, crashing against them, taking in the morning warmth of his mouth, loving the feel of his morning shadow against her palms. He pulled her shirt over her head and slid her bra off her arms, and then his mouth kissed and sucked the skin across her shoulders. Cece couldn’t stand him being dressed any longer. She longed to touch his skin, press her body against him and feel his torso against her bare breasts. Sliding her hands under his shirt, she touched the warm skin and felt a moan kiss her lips and as she started to lift it away. Avery helped her, pulling it off, then crashing back against her mouth. She slid each knee around him, sliding onto his lap, melting her bare body against his, the warmth exploding between them.

  Avery’s hands slid around her back then under her rear and picked her into the air lying her back on the bed, quickly and yet so quietly. Cece had long forgotten they were on the bus and any of his friends could be sleeping or awake around them. Or Rob, Jones, any member of the didn’t matter. Only the way Avery touched and kissed her mattered. His lips followed her down, but left her mouth as her head found the pillow. He trailed his kisses to her bare breasts while his hands unbuttoned, unzipped, and tore her pants off. When he finished he ran his hands back up her legs and stopped.

  Cece watched him sitting between her legs as he unbuckled his jeans. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. It wasn’t just his work-out body, his amazing abs, or his cute but chiselled face, it was the person he was on the inside and the way he treated her, the promises he made, and the love they shared. All of that bundled into one made him the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.

  She sat up and took his hands away from his button, meeting his mouth with hers and sitting on her knees. They laced fingers at their sides as their tongues intertwined and his hot chest pressed against hers.

  She stopped suddenly and pulled away, loving the way his lips pursed out for her.

  How had they slept the entire night away and not waken up to touch each other? And what time was it now? Did either of those questions matter when his hot body was waiting for her?

  Cece pushed him back and he landed lightly, smirking up at her. Still on her knees and now in between him, she unzipped his jeans, then trailed her hands around his waist stopping at his sides, ready to yank the denim down his legs. She paused catching her bottom lip in between her teeth. She couldn’t help, his abs called to her. She bent down, pressing her lips against every groove, licking away every tense muscle. She felt his hands run through her hair and press against her scalp. When her lips were satisfied they had traveled once again over the entire length of Avery’s torso, she headed back down to his pants, pulling them down his long, lean legs, pulling his briefs with them and releasing his manhood.

  Cece sat back and grinned. “We can’t rock this bus,” she whispered, only half serious, realizing that was exactly what was about to happen.

  He frowned. “Woman, we are going to rock this bus.” He sat up in a flash and pulled her against him.

  She laughed and took his kiss in. “Avery, I’m serious,” she whispered against his lips. She pulled away. “Anyone can be on this bus, we don’t know. We don’t even know what time it is.”

  “It’s one.”

  One? One? In the morning? She felt like she had been sleeping all night long. How was it only one?

  “Seriously?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Seriously.”

  “Have you been awake this whole time?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not telling.”

  Cece made a face at him. “You have, haven’t you? And you know exactly who is on this bus...don’t you?”

  He shrugged again. “Maybe.”

  “Is anyone on this bus?”


  Cece couldn’t help but smile. “You’re not going to tell me?”

  He shook his head. “Nope.” He pushed her hair off one shoulder and ran his finger across it. “I want your concentration to be on me, not other people on the bus.”

  He didn’t have to worry about that. “You have all my concentration.” She wrapped her arms around him. “Let’s rock this bus.”


  MORNING LIGHT STREAMED through the cracks of the bunk door and Cece knew they’d slept in. She’d ignored the sounds of the bus come to life all morning, people coming and going, bunks opening, doors shutting, and the continuous hum of everyone getting ready. Usually, she was the first one awake, spouting off orders and reminders to everyone getting up and heading off the bus for the day. Today, Saturday morning, she should have been awake, alert, on top of her game, advising important reminders to every last person on this bus, she really should have. But the low hum of Avery sleeping lulled her into serenity...which was now missing.

  Cece’s eyes flew open. Her cheek wasn’t resting against Avery’s chest and her body wasn’t tangled with his. She was alone, wrapped up in the blanket...naked and alone.

  Cece rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, disappointed. Why hadn’t she heard Avery awake? Was he gone for the morning already?

  Just then the door opened and with only a pair of jeans hanging low around his waist, exposing his long hot and bare chest, Avery winked at her. The wink made her forget all her manager duties. He climbed inside the bunk with her, pulling the door shut behind him.

  He balanced a coffee and a grin. “For you,” he said.

  Cece took the coffee, wiggling up into a sitting position. “Thank you.” The delicious aroma began waking her senses, not nearly as effective as a half naked Avery. I wish you were fully naked.

  “It’s the least I can do for keeping you up all night.”

  Cece flushed, remembering their night of love making, kissing and snuggling. It had been wonderful. She sipped the coffee.

  “You won’t be thanking me
when you discover everyone was looking for you.” Of course they were, that didn’t surprise her at all. “When Jones and Rob found your bunk empty and told me they’d already toured the grounds in search for you, I had no choice but to confess that you were in my bunk...” Cece’s ambiance died. “Before they sent out a search party for you.” He was trying to make it better and it wasn’t working.

  Cece groaned. He was right, she wasn’t grateful for that.

  “The good news is the band already suspected, so they weren’t surprised.”

  The band? She groaned again. “Aren’t you the bearer of good news this morning,” she retorted with sarcasm.

  “Last good news I have to share, is that the time is almost ten−”

  “What?” Cece choked on her coffee.

  Ten? Ten!

  The gates opened at Noon. She needed a quick shower and change, plus she wanted to double check with the stage tent for Inch Away’s show time and she needed to confirm that the band, Jones, and Rob knew they were to be at the autograph tent at one. There was so much to do and it was already ten?

  Cece passed Avery her coffee with one hand and was reaching for her shirt with the other.

  “We have hours...” He tugged at her shirt.

  She snapped her head at him. The coffee was missing and he was unfastening the button on his jeans.

  “We don’t have hours.” Cece tried to say it with the force, however her mind wasn’t moving past him working at removing his pants.

  “I don’t need hours...” he said.

  Cece grinned then, abandoning her shirt and turning toward him. “I am not your call girl,” she joked, letting the blanket fall to her waist.

  Avery’s eyes appreciatively trailed across her naked breasts. “I retract my call boy statement and enforce that I will be your call boy any day...”

  Cece laughed, louder than she should have and Avery captured the end with his mouth, dragging her down on top of him. More laughter erupted.

  With Avery pinned underneath her, Cece leaned her arms on his chest to look at him. “I might call at crazy hours,” she said. “I work late nights with these passionate musicians, who are up and down like a bouncy ball.” He grinned. “And wake up early...” Usually, she woke up early.

  “Late nights are hot and early nights are sweet.” He kissed her fingers, and then sucked one into his mouth, sending shivers of desire through her. He worked on the next.

  “I might call in the middle of the afternoon...”

  “Babe, I guarantee that I will pop by your office in the middle of the day, lock the door behind me and bend you over your desk.”

  Heat scorched through her.

  “Gently of course,” he added with a wink, then moved onto the next finger. Cece couldn’t wait until they were off this bus and back in Oakston, where they didn’t have to whisper like teenagers hiding from their parents.

  Cece heard the bus door open and she covered Avery’s mouth with her hands. She sent him a shush look. His mouth opened against her hand and licked the inside of her palm.

  Footsteps rumbled the ground and she felt his lips coil underneath her hand.

  “This is not funny,” she hissed, but couldn’t help the smile that found her lips.

  Cece could hear two voices interacting, but was unable to make them out or what they were saying. Especially not when Avery was teasing her hands by running his tongue along the gaps between her fingers, distracting her. He freed his lips and flipped her onto her back landing on top of her and pinning her arms on the bed above her.

  She liked it and almost laughed out loud, but remembered she couldn’t. Instead, she slowly trailed her tongue across her upper lip and sent him her most seductive, take me now, look.

  His eyes darkened in pleasure before his head dipped down to kiss the side of her neck. She arched her head back, giving him more access, biting down on a groan that wanted to escape. Her arms pressed into the mattress and her hips thrust against his body wishing he wasn’t still wearing pants.

  She giggled and his lips found her mouth with hot heavy pressure which only caused her to giggle more.

  “You’re going to get us busted,” he said, turning the tables.

  “Hmmm...” The low sound came from deep in her throat.

  She didn’t care. Did she? The whole bus was aware she was in Avery’s bunk and none of them would dare open the door.

  Cece wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him down harder. He was pulling his pants down and she spread her legs wider, welcoming him when the bunk door flew open.

  Cece screamed.

  “What the hell?” Avery growled, grabbing a blanket and pulling it over them. Their eyes found the door at the same time and Riley and Abby stared down at them, open-mouthed, shocked...Abby’s hand on the bunk door. Privacy has no limits with these McAdams.

  Silence rebounded between all four of them.

  Riley looked pissed.

  Abby grinned with amusement.

  Cece wanted to hide beneath the sheets.

  “You’re still tapping that?” Abby asked Avery, breaking the silence.

  First of all, still, tapping and that was all very ignorant. “You told your sister?” Cece asked at the same time Riley asked Abby, “You knew?”

  Riley’s eyes flew to Abby...thank goodness. Cece wasn’t particularly fond of him seeing Avery between her legs and knowing she was naked underneath, even if he couldn’t see her.

  “I didn’t know for sure that it was happening right now,” Abby said.

  “What do you mean right now?” Riley demanded. “When did it happen then?”

  Abby shrugged and Cece sighed, relieved Abby wasn’t going to say anything. Then Abby said, “At the house party.”

  Cece inhaled her anger.

  “I thought we didn’t have secrets?” Riley said.

  Please make this about you and close the bunk door on your way out, thanks.

  The couple continued to fight, bunk door open.

  “This was not my place to say,” Abby said sternly, placing her firm hands on her tiny waist.

  Riley folded his arms across his chest. “Not your place to say? When has that ever stopped you before? You say whatever you want about whoever you want. That’s my sister,” he finished pointing back in the bunk with such force Cece jumped.

  “And my brother.”

  Riley and Abby’s eyes fell on them again. Did they not see the awkwardness of this situation at all?

  “Privacy,” Cece snapped. “Get out.”

  Abby turned on her heel and started to walk away, but Riley was burning holes in Avery. Abby yanked his arm. “Come on,” she demanded and pulled him away. “We can add this to the list of McAdams walk-ins...” Abby was saying.

  “Don’t even go there,” Riley warned then the door slammed behind them.

  Cece covered her eyes with her hands, as the cons of why she hadn’t wanted to pursue a relationship with Avery three days ago came rushing back. The look in Riley’s eyes were exactly what she feared people would send them...only, to be honest, she hadn’t expected judgement from Riley. Riley! What would other people think when her own brother had such reservations?

  Avery’s warm fingers wrap around her wrists and slowly he pulled her hands aside. Cece kept her eyes clenched shut. She didn’t want him to see her doubt or debate about them.

  “Cece, open your eyes.” He rubbed a thumb across each eyelid, tickling them in a sensational way, and stopped at the sides of her face. “We knew they were going to find out about us.”

  “Not like this.”

  “Like what? So quickly? Or with you being my manager?”

  Cece opened her eyes. “I don’t know. I just thought I had a few more days. Just you and me, alone. But now we have to face reality. We have to face our families.”

  “We would have soon or later.” Why was he always so positive?

  “I know.”

  “I’m not Rusty,” he assured her. “Do you feel
like our relationship is the same as the one you had with Rusty? That you have to hide it from Riley because you’re afraid I will hurt you?”

  “No. Not at all.” She grabbed his arms, pulled herself up and kissed him. “It sounds silly, maybe even juvenile, but I feel like you’re...” She felt silly thinking it, but as the words came out they corresponded with the feeling in her heart. “ soul mate.”

  “I like that,” he said.

  “I like you,” she said.

  “And, I like you. Let’s get dressed and walk off this bus united, solid, and not let anyone’s opinion or judgement stop us from listening to our hearts.”

  Cece’s heart swelled. That was exactly what she wanted. How was he better at taking the looks then she was? “Okay.”

  “Okay?” he asked, like he didn’t believe her.

  She nodded.

  “Our relationship is not about any of them. It’s about us. We know different. And our families will understand.”

  Cece wasn’t too sure about that. “Did you see Riley? He looked like he was ready to rip you out of this bunk.”

  “Wouldn’t that have been a sight?” He pressed his hardness against her leg.

  She laughed.

  “I love your laugh. You don’t do it enough.”

  “I’ve done it more since you’ve been around then I have in years.”

  “Let’s not hide that either.” He kissed her. “Are you ready?”


  He kissed her again deepening the kiss and pressing his body against hers. “Let’s get this over with. You think Riley is the one we have to worry haven’t met the rest of my sisters yet.”

  Meet his sisters? She was not ready to meet his sisters. Thank God they weren’t there.

  They didn’t rush out. Cece had to get ready for the day. Avery let her shower first and she pulled the curling iron out today, applied her regular make-up and when she stopped at her suitcase, she chose the one piece that wrapped around her like a security blanket: her blazer. Black skinnies, purple chiffon blouse, wedge shoes, because heels would get stuck in the grass, and her white blazer. Avery was still in the bathroom when she finished and she wondered what could possibly take a man so long to get ready. Cece tapped her toes, waiting, peeking out the gaps in the window, a good four feet away, at Abby and Riley standing outside the bus. She was hot. Not in a good way. She started cranking open the windows. Every single one. Luckily, the September breeze wafted straight through the trailer cooling her down.


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