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An Inconvenient Companion

Page 15

by Audrey Harrison

“If you’d have asked for me to stay a few extra days, I would have you know,” he gently chided. “There was no need to make all this fuss.”

  Laura’s lips twitched again, but this time she squeezed at his hand, as if she wanted him to come closer. Alfred put his face close to hers. Laura frowned deeper and gritted her teeth. “Frederica.” she whispered. The word cost her a great deal, because she gasped in agony when she had uttered it.

  Alfred, remained close to Laura’s face and said quietly. “She is safe Laura, and always will be. I promise you, she will be well looked after and cared for. She will be loved like she deserves, I will care for her. Do you understand what I am saying Laura, do you understand?” He asked, his voice urgent, but clear.

  Laura nodded her head slightly and once again the smile touched her lips.

  The group stayed by the bedside, maintaining the bandage on the wound, but not able to do anything else to help their friend. As the minutes passed it was obvious she was getting weaker, as her breath was becoming more shallow and laboured.

  Alfred was surprised that she had survived so long, it just showed what a strong, determined woman she was. He tried to imprint her image into his mind, but in reality he knew that he would never forget, could never forget any detail of her.

  She muttered something and he leaned closer to her. “What is it, Laura?” he asked.

  Laura seemed to need a certain amount of air before she could speak and took some gasps that were deeper than the ones she had been previously taking. She turned to Alfred and opened her eyes slowly, looking at him through the curtain of pain that was enveloping her.

  She took another breath and with a wistful smile said, “In another life…..” before the effort became too much.

  Alfred’s eyes filled with tears that this time spilled onto his cheeks, but he smiled at the woman on the bed. “In another life…..” he said and kissed her cheek.

  Laura closed her eyes with a sigh and her breathing stopped.

  Chapter 20

  Charles knocked on the door of Martha’s bed chamber and entered when he heard her voice. Everyone had retired, to be alone with their thoughts and grief, but Charles had been unable to settle knowing that Martha was upset and injured.

  Martha sat in front of her looking glass, trying to brush her hair out, but in reality, sitting and crying. She did not react when Charles entered the room, or when he closed the door behind him and turned the key in the lock. She just looked at him with eyes full of tears.

  “Oh Martha, my love,” Charles said, crossing the room in three strides, “Come here.” He lifted her from the chair and wrapped her in his arms.

  His words and actions were the catalyst that tipped Martha over the edge and she sobbed into his shoulder, while he stroked her back, not making any sounds, letting her grieve in her own way. They stood like that for some time, before Martha gathered herself enough to lean away slightly from Charles and dry her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” she whispered.

  “Don’t ever be sorry for caring for someone.” Charles responded, slowly brushing Martha’s hair away from her shoulder. He had never seen it down, it fell below her shoulders, softening her face, making her seem younger and more vulnerable.

  “I couldn’t get her back any quicker,” she said, hanging her head. “I didn’t want to hurt her even more.”

  “You could have done no more,” Charles said, reassuringly, lifting her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “The wound was delivered to kill, Martha, and there was nothing any of us could have done to help her.”

  “I didn’t want her to tell him which one he was looking for, I thought it may have given her more time to escape.” Martha said, explaining some of the angst that she was feeling.

  Charles went cold at her words. She had been willing to put herself at risk to try and help Laura. “He had seen her before,” Charles said. “But you did get injured.” He said noticing again the cut on her neck. It had not been cleaned up, Martha had been unable to let anyone touch her while her friend lay dying.

  “Sit.” Charles commanded, gently forcing Martha to sit on the dressing table stool. He walked over to the wash basin and poured some fresh water from the nearby jug, before carrying the basin over and placing it on the dressing table. Taking his handkerchief out of his pocket, he dipped it into the water.

  “Raise your head, I want to clean the wound.” he instructed, his voice firm, but kind.

  “I can do it.” Martha said, but lifted her head anyway.

  “For once, let me look after you without an argument.” Charles responded, but he smiled and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

  Martha closed her eyes and allowed Charles to minister to her. She felt so drained, while so many possibilities and questions went around and around in her mind until she felt that it might explode. The gentle movement made by Charles, soothed her thoughts, as well as cleaned her body.

  When he had finished, the bowl was deep red and her dress front was wet. “I’m sorry about your dress, you need to change into your night things.” Charles said.

  “What?” Martha gasped, her eyes snapping open.

  “Don’t worry,” Charles smiled in amusement. “You are safe, even I am not so base as to be anything other than a gentleman today. Go behind the screen and get changed.”

  Martha obeyed him, feeling shame that once again she had presumed his words had meant something which they did not. When she had secured her robe around her, she peeped around the edge of the room divider.

  “What now?” she asked, her cheeks flushed.

  “You come and sit at your dressing table and I’ll brush your hair.” Charles instructed, indicating with his hand, where he wanted her.

  “Charles, you really don’t have to….” Martha started, but was quickly interrupted.

  “If you say I don’t have to once more, I will lay you over my knees and give you the tanning you are so obviously short of.” he said, still trying to be gentle, but frustration getting the better of him.

  Martha flushed deeper, but moved across to the dressing table chair. “I don’t want you to feel obliged, that’s all.” she said a little defensively.

  “I don’t feel obliged,” Charles said firmly. “I am here because I want to be, I don’t need to repeat myself do I?”

  “No.” Martha said meekly, closing her eyes and allowing herself to relax.

  Charles took hold of Martha’s hair and forced himself not to bring it up to his face to feel the texture. He would be the type of person that Martha thought he was if he did anything inappropriate today, so he restrained himself and concentrated on slow, long brush strokes. He felt her tension easing away, as little by little the hair became a smooth curtain.

  Eventually he placed the brush down on the dressing table and put his hands on Martha’s shoulders, looking at her through the looking glass. “You need to rest now.” he said gently.

  “I feel exhausted, but I don’t want to sleep.” Martha admitted.

  “You have had a shock, you need to rest. Come, to bed with you, young lady.” Charles instructed.

  Martha smiled a little at the term he used and allowed herself to be led by the hand to her bed. The whole situation was very strange, but somehow after the events of the day, it was comforting to be taken care of and not have to think. She climbed into bed and Charles pulled the covers over her.

  Charles bent over and kissed Martha on the lips, it was a gentle, loving kiss that would not lead to anything more. “Get some rest. If you need me, just send for me, at any time.” he said.

  “Thank you,” Martha said quietly, flushing a little at his closeness and the feelings he stirred. She did not want to start a big conversation, but she could not help uttering, “I’m sorry,” to him as he straightened.

  “What for?” Charles asked with a frown.

  “For everything.” Martha responded quietly.

  “You are safe, and right now I need nothing more,” Charles said with feeling. “Goo
dnight Martha.”

  Martha watched his retreating figure, before closing her eyes. The day had been horrific and she would mourn Laura’s passing, but she felt secure and safe and that was due to Charles Anderton. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.


  Charles found Lord Halkyn sitting in the study. Charlotte had remained in their bed chamber having cried herself to sleep, her guilt over the whole episode being more than she could bear. Charles poured himself a drink, before joining the Lord in front of the fire.

  “Where is Alfred?” Charles asked, worried about the young man.

  “I’m here.” came a voice from the doorway. Alfred looked pale and drawn, but entered the room and sat near the gentlemen.

  “Glad you are,” Lord Halkyn responded. “We need to discuss what happens about Corless.”

  “There is no point sending a letter,” Alfred said bitterly, “we know that method is not secure. He must feel that he cannot be identified, or I am sure he would not have left Martha alive.”

  Charles took a sharp intake of breath, he had thought the same, but having it voiced made it feel more like a real danger.

  Both men heard the reaction, but ignored it, there were too many emotions alive that evening for anyone to comment, or tease someone about the way they were feeling.

  “If he thinks he is safe, that will make him careless, which can only be to our advantage. We have no guarantee that he will return to the Bow Street Offices, if he returns to London at all.” Lord Halkyn mused.

  “It is a perfect situation to be in,” Alfred countered. “If he is in the pay of the likes of Baron Kersal, being at Bow Street will give him access to information that can only help the Baron and his cronies.” It was a perfect set up, someone on the inside, someone who no one had ever suspected. Alfred cursed the day he had sent that letter, especially as in reality he had never wanted to leave anyway.

  “Well in that case when you return to London, I shall leave it for you to deal with as you see fit.” Lord Halkyn said, knowing how capable the officer was.

  “I won’t be returning to London.” Alfred responded.

  “What?” Lord Halkyn said in surprise. Charles did not look surprised, just thoughtful.

  “I promised Laura that I would look after her child and that is what I am going to do.” Alfred explained, the expression in his eyes, almost challenging the peer of the realm sat before him.

  “The child would be safe here, while you returned. When Corless is sorted out, you can return to the child then.” Lord Halkyn said, dismissively.

  “I promised that the child will be safe and by my returning to London, she may not be. We know how determined Corless is, I am no coward, but I have lost too many people to the likes of him. From now on, I am going to look after myself and the baby, away from that hell-hole that is London,” Alfred said firmly. He had made some mistakes in his life, some of which he would pay for the rest of his days, but he was determined to do the right thing by Frederica.

  “Well,” Lord Halkyn said, a little at a loss. “That changes everything. I suppose you expect me to fix things as usual?”

  A small smile appeared on Alfred’s lips, knowing full well the words were said in jest. “Yes, I suppose I do, my Lord.” he said.

  “If I could interrupt,” Charles said, “It would be no trouble for me to go to London, before returning to Dunham House. Lord and Lady Dunham are still in the city, so it would make sense for me to travel there anyway. I can visit the Bow Street Offices while in London, with the support of Lord Dunham.”

  “Good, that’s settled then,” Lord Halkyn said. “Everything sorted without any effort on my part, just as I like it.” His words hid the sadness that the day’s events had caused. He owed a lot to Laura, as he had acknowledged in the past. By saving his Charlotte from a forced marriage, she had ultimately lost her life and her child was now motherless. It would be a long time before he could think about that without being angry and upset, feelings he was not used to having about people unrelated to him. His words were said for effect and were appreciated by the two men. The mind screams for normality when the situation is too horrific to bear.

  Chapter 21

  The following few days passed in a haze for the occupants of Home Farm. Laura was buried at the local church, not too far away from the cottage that she had so looked forward to living in. Lord and Lady Halkyn arranged to leave, once Charlotte was sure that Frederica would be cared for.

  Lord Halkyn approached Alfred the day before their departure. “I need to arrange for the money I was to give to Laura, to be passed onto yourself.” he said, watching with amusement at Alfred’s stiffening posture at his words.

  “I don’t need your money, I can provide for the child.” Alfred snapped in response.

  “Maybe, maybe not, I’m not really interested, but my wife wants to know that the child is well provided for.” Lord Halkyn responded.

  “She will be,” Alfred almost snarled. “I promised Laura and I will do right by her memory and the baby.”

  Lord Halkyn sighed. Being decent really was still a struggle for him, but he had to respond to the young man before him with some sensitivity. “Alfred, this is not a slur on your ability to provide for the child, we just want to help.”

  “There is no need.” Alfred responded belligerently.

  “There is every need,” Lord Halkyn said. “Do you realise what a debt I owe to Laura?” he asked. “Ultimately, it has cost her life, but yet I have gained a wife, who people keep telling me has been the making of me.”

  “She has been.” Alfred responded gruffly.

  Lord Halkyn’s eyebrow twitched with amusement. “If not for your commitment to the child, we would take her in as one of our own, that is how seriously I am treating this.”

  Alfred looked surprised and shocked at the statement and looked about to speak, but before he could, Lord Halkyn continued.

  “The least we can do is ensure she has the best schooling and a dowry that will secure her future, and although you are being honourable and decent, don’t spoil the effect by also being a fool.” Lord Halkyn finished.

  “And I thought you were being nice.” Alfred said, amused.

  “I find if I am consistently nice, it makes me feel nauseous,” came the quick reply. “So, can I reassure my wife that you will accept the funds to ensure that the child secures a good marriage when she is of age?”

  “Yes.” Alfred replied. He would care for Frederica as he had promised, but part of that care was to provide a decent future for her and he could not provide the dowry that Lord and Lady Halkyn would be able to.

  “Good.” Lord Halkyn replied.

  Any further conversation was prevented by the entrance of Smithson, who informed the gentlemen that a Mr Frost had called and asked to speak to Alfred.

  “Well, well, it looks like Corless may not be as good as he thought he was,” Lord Halkyn said. “Show the man in Smithson,” he commanded.

  Alfred refrained from reminding the Lord that Corless had probably killed at least four women, it was pointless trying to make someone so far removed from his own background understand the real impact that Corless’s actions had. Ultimately he decided it was easier to save his breath.

  Mr Frost was led into the drawing room, along with another officer, a Mr Henshaw. Introductions were made, before Mr Frost explained the reason for the visit.

  “We have a traitor in our midst.” Mr Frost said.

  “Corless.” Alfred said dully.

  Mr Frost looked at the young man and noticed the haunted look in his expression, the black rings underneath his eyes and in his usual quick way, made a fair assessment of the situation. “We are too late?” he asked Alfred.

  “Yes,” Alfred said. “He visited us a few days ago.”

  “Damn it! I’m sorry Alfred, we thought we would catch him before he reached here,” Mr Frost said, frustration and anger showing on his face. “The woman?”

  “Laura is dead.”
Alfred said dully.

  “Corless?” Mr Frost snapped, not angry with Alfred, but with himself at the decisions he had made.

  “He’s gone, escaped on the day he killed her,” Lord Halkyn said. “We were working on the principle that he and you had no idea we knew who he was, so we could catch up with him at any point.”

  “I’m hoping that is still the case my Lord,” Mr Frost responded. “I had suspected that something wasn’t right, information seemed to be falling into the wrong hands. When you left, Alfred, I looked into things and events didn’t add up quite as they should have done. It wasn’t very long before I had to acknowledge that someone within the team was connected, although initially I had no idea who that person could be. Once I realised there was a leak though, it wasn’t hard to work out who,” he said.

  “As I was here protecting Laura, for all the good I did, I’m sure it wasn’t.” Alfred responded.

  “Yes, if the rotten egg was you, we would never have heard about Laura in the first place,” Mr Frost acknowledged. “There was only Corless who had any real dealings with the case, apart from yourself. I had to make sure it was him though, as I couldn’t accuse him of falsehood without being sure of my facts first. Unfortunately, by the time I was sure, I had received your letter.”

  “And he had seen it, which led him straight to us.” Alfred finished.

  “I guessed as much and set out immediately, but it looks as if he saw it a lot sooner than I anticipated. I am truly sorry that we didn’t arrive in time.” Mr Frost said again.

  “He was determined to finish the job.” Alfred acknowledged.

  “But we can finish him,” Mr Frost said, already standing to leave. “We shan’t delay any longer. If we return immediately, we have a chance of finding him before he realises we are on to him. I shall await your return to London when you are ready.”

  “I was going to write to you,” Alfred said. “I won’t be returning to my employment, or to the city.”

  Mr Frost held out his hand. “I had wished for better for you Alfred. You are a fine officer, but I didn’t want you to return, that life is no good for a fine young man such as yourself. I had hoped that you would find a better life here. I am sorry it has not worked out that way.”


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