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Riggs: Satan’s Fury MC: Memphis Chapter

Page 20

by Wilder, L.

  “Yes, I do. It’s just one of the joys of having three kids. They’re a handful.” He chuckled. “But they’re ours and I love ‘em.”

  “And they love you … almost as much as I do.” I gave him a quick kiss before I said, “What about tonight? What do I need to bring?”

  “Nothing. This celebration is for you.”

  “You know all of this isn’t necessary.”

  “You might not think so, but the guys wanna show you how proud they are that you’ve gotten your third big book deal. They think you’re famous.”

  My article on the cartel had drawn a great deal of interest, and even though it hadn’t been my intention, my career had taken off. I received a promotion, and it wasn’t long before I’d become the lead investigative reporter for the paper. Several years later, I followed Myles’s lead and decided to try my hand at freelance writing, focusing solely on topics that truly meant something to me. After I’d received my first book deal, I decided to use everything I’d learned to write a mystery-suspense novel involving the mafia, and to my utter surprise, it made the New York Times Best Seller list. Seeing how successful the first book was, my publisher offered me a second, and now, a third book deal. “I’m far from famous and I’d really like to bring something, so …”

  “Well, you know how the guys love your apple pies. You got time to make one?”

  “Uh, one is definitely not gonna cut it. I think I better make at least two.”

  “Yeah, what the hell was I thinkin’? Good call. I’ll see the three of you over at the clubhouse at six.”

  With that, I turned and headed out to the car. Kaylee and I watched as Jackson and Tate got on their bikes, and as they started down the driveway with their Satan’s Fury cuts and decked-out Harleys, I couldn’t help but smile. My oldest was following in his father’s footsteps in so many ways, and while I had my concerns about the dangers he’d face with the club, I knew he could handle whatever came his way—Jackson and his brothers had made sure of that. They would always have his back, as he would theirs. It was the way of the club—brotherhood through and through.


  When Tate and I pulled up to the clubhouse, I wasn’t surprised to see that Blaze and Shadow had beaten us there. They’d already gotten the bonfire going and were gathered around with several of the other brothers and their wives drinking a beer. Like all of our gatherings, the music was blaring, and the guys were cutting up as they shared their tall tales about this and that. It was good to see that some things never change. I wished I could say the same for other aspects of the club. Over the years, we’d faced some pretty trying times. We voted in a new president, patched in new members, and mourned the loss of others. While Satan’s Fury had been through a lot over the years, our brotherhood still stood strong. We took care of our own and made no excuses for our outlaw way of life. We were family, and I was lucky my son and I were a part of it.

  Tate and I got off our bikes, and as we started towards the others, my mouth started watering the second I smelled the BBQ cooking on the grill. I looked over to Tate and smiled as I asked, “You smell that? Moose is making ribs again.”

  “Hell, yeah. I could smell ‘em a mile down the road,” he scoffed. “You think he made his brisket, too?”

  “A man can hope.” I chuckled. “You go check in with Murphy, and I’ll see if the guys need a hand with anything.”

  “Will do.”

  As he walked away, I found myself thinking of how proud I was of him. In a blink of an eye, he’d grown into a man, and I was damn lucky to witness the transformation, especially after I’d almost died in that fucking cabin. Hell, if it meant protecting Reece and Tate, I would’ve done it all over again, but I sure was glad Jed was there to pull me from death’s door. It’s fucked up to think that not only would I have missed the last twenty years with the people I cared about the most. As soon as I made my way over to the others, Blaze asked, “Where’s Reece?”

  “She’ll be here soon. She had some running to do with Kaylee.” I glanced around the yard as I asked, “Is there anything else that needs to be done?”

  “Yeah. We need to get your ass a beer and a chair. The rest is taken care of.” He turned to his son, Kevin, who’d also become a brother and shouted, “Yo, Kevin! Get this old timer a chair and a couple of beers.”

  “Will do!

  Seconds later, Kevin appeared with a fold-out chair and two cold ones. “Thanks, Kev. How you liking the new bike?”

  He reminded me so much of his old man as he said, “She’s a sweet ride. Like riding on air.”

  That made me chuckle. “Good to hear. Glad you like her.”

  Just as he was about to say something else, he spotted Moose walking towards the grill. A mischievous smile spread across his face as he said, “I’m gonna see if Moose needs a hand.”

  “Um-hmm. Save some for the rest of us!”

  We were all still sitting around the fire when Reece pulled up with Kaylee and Jase. When they got out of the car, I was surprised to see that she’d made three pies instead of two. I walked over to see if they needed any help and asked, “You need a hand?”


  Jase handed Kaylee the pie he was holding and took off. I followed along with Reece and opened the door to the clubhouse, and we were just about to head inside when I heard T-Bone ask, “Are those what I think they are?”

  Reece turned to face him and smiled as she answered, “Yes, T-Bone. I brought you one of Sue Ellen’s apple pies. Kaylee will leave it inside for you.” She looked down at the extra pies in her hands as she told T-Bone, “But the other two pies are off limits.”

  “And that’s why you’re awesome.”

  She smiled and told him, “I think you’re pretty awesome, too.”

  “You want me to carry those inside?” he asked with a mischievous grin.

  She shook her head as she answered, “No way I’m gonna trust you with these pies, T-Bone. I know better than that.”

  “Now, that just hurts.”

  Before she could respond, Alejandra called out to her. “Reece!”

  We both turned and found Alejandra rushing towards us with her daughters. All three gathered around Reece, hugging her tightly, as they chanted, “Congratulations!”

  She laughed as she replied, “Thank you, but really, it’s not a big deal.”

  Alejandra looked at Reece like she’d grown three heads. “Are you kidding me? It’s a huge deal. People are loving your books. I can’t even keep them in stock. They’re selling like hotcakes.”

  “Well, I gotta admit … that’s kind of awesome.”

  “Of course, it is. Don’t you think so, Riggs?”

  “Absolutely, but keep telling her. Maybe one day she’ll actually believe it.”

  Alé looked down at the pies in Reece’s hands as she asked, “Are those what I think they are?”

  Reece nodded. “Yes. I brought a couple of extra just in case.”

  “Kenadee and I were hoping you would. Neither of us got any last time thanks to T-Bone and Shadow wiping them out” She suddenly leaned to the side, looking around me as she started to wave. “Hey there, Aunt Janice and Uncle Roy.”

  “Hi, Alejandra,” Roy answered. “It’s good to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you too! It’s been ages.”

  Reece’s mother nodded as she said, “Yes, it has. Y’all need to come over and visit soon. I’d love a chance to catch up.”

  “I’d like that.” Alé smiled as she said, “I better get inside and help the others.”

  “I’ll come help out in a minute.”

  “Take your time, girl. This night is about you!”

  As Alé headed inside, Reece’s mother told her, “Let me give you a hand.”

  She followed Alejandra, leaving Reece and me alone with her father. It had taken some time, but he’d had finally let go of the grudge he’d held against Reece for getting pregnant and dropping out of law school. He’d even gone so far as to tell
her he was sorry for not being there when she needed him most. I wasn’t surprised when Reece accepted his apology. We both wanted him to be a part of our lives, and it meant the world to her to hear those words from him. He put his hand on her shoulder as he said, “You’ve done good.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “I mean it, Reece.” His expression softened as he continued, “You’re everything I ever hoped you would be, sweetheart. I’m just so proud of you. Not just for the books, but for everything you’ve accomplished. I don’t know how you do it all. You’ve created a great life for yourself. You’re a wonderful mother, and I got some pretty amazing grandkids out of it.”

  I slipped my arm around Reece’s waist as I said, “Couldn’t have said it better myself, Roy.”

  He smiled as he said, “She’s really something. I’m glad we’re here to celebrate with y’all. Thanks for inviting us tonight.”

  “Of course. I knew you’d want to be here.” Then I told him, “You should come by the house this week and spend some time with the kids.”

  “I’d love to.” He paused for a minute, then looked back over to Reece and said, “I guess I better get over here and see what I can do to help out.”

  As she reached up and gave him a hug, she whispered, “Thanks, Daddy. Love you.”

  “Love you too, sweetheart.”

  Once he was gone, I reached for Reece, pulling her close as I wrapped my arms around her. “How’s my beautiful author doing?”

  A bright smile crossed her face as she answered, “Really good, actually. How about my handsome biker? How’s he making it?”

  “Better now.” I smiled as I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. Even after all this time, her kisses still got to me, making me want more than a simple touch, and she clearly felt the same. When my tongue brushed against her bottom lip, she whimpered against my mouth, urging me on. Right when I started to deepen the kiss, we heard Jase, who just happened to walk in the room, start to complain, “Oh, man … Y’all are back at it again?”

  Without releasing her from my grasp, I turned to him and shouted, “Not gonna apologize for loving your momma like I do.”

  Jase smirked as he said, “Maybe you should love her a little less.”

  “Not gonna happen, son. Not now. Not ever.”

  Once Jase had done an about-face, Reece gave me a quick squeeze as she said, “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being you.” Her expression softened as she continued, “I love you more every day, Jackson Reed.”

  As I brought my hands up to her face and gently caressed her cheek, I replied, “No more than I love you.”

  The End

  For those of you who have questions about what happened that night at the cabin, you will get your answers in Murphy’s book which will be releasing soon. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed Riggs!

  A short excerpt of Shadow: Satan’s Fury: Memphis Book 1 follows the acknowledgements.


  Natalie Weston-Thank you for being such a wonderful PA and even better friend. You never cease to amaze me with all the things you do. Love you bunches, chick!

  Ena and Amanda from Enticing Journey Book Promotions-Thank you for being such an amazing promotional company.

  Lisa Cullinan – Thank you for being such an amazing editor. You rock!

  Jen Allen-Thank you so much reading Riggs early for me. Your help meant so much to me.

  Tempting Illustrations – Gel-Thank you for your amazing teasers. I love them all! If you’re looking for some amazing teasers, be sure to check them out.

  Neringa Neringiukas – Thank you for sharing all of my books and teasers, and helping out with Riggs. You are awesome! Love you bunches!

  Rose Holub-You are such an incredible proofer. Thank you for being there to catch all my many mistakes.

  Terra Oenning, Amy Jones, and Veronica Ines Garcia-Thank you for continuing to post my books and teasers. You guys are awesome. It truly means so much to me that you take the time out of your busy day to sharing my work.

  Tanya Skaggs, Charolette Smith and Kaci Stewart-Thank you for reading Riggs early and giving me feedback. Thanks to you, he’s even better. Your support means so very much to me.

  Wilder’s Women – I am always amazed at how much you do to help promote my books and show your support. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. I read all of your reviews and see all of your posts, and they mean so much to me. Love you big!

  Shadow: Satan’s Fury MC- Memphis Chapter


  It was always the same.

  Night after night.

  As soon as I got in bed and closed my eyes, my mind would start drifting back to my childhood. It wasn’t something that I liked to think about, but I just couldn’t seem to help myself. With each moment that passed, I could feel myself being pulled into an old familiar nightmare—one that I’d had many times before. A cold sweat washed over me as all those old childhood feelings of fear and helplessness came rushing back, causing my pulse to race and my breath to quicken. I’d tried to fight it. I’d tried to force my mind in a new direction, but I couldn’t stop those dreadful memories from flooding back, haunting me as they forced me to remember a time I was desperate to forget. I’d tossed back and forth, trying to shake myself free from the nightmare’s hold, but it was no use. No matter what I did, I’d find myself back in that house, listening to those gut-wrenching cries of anguish and feeling completely helpless to make it stop.

  “No. Please. I don’t want to.”

  I knew she was petrified. I could hear it in her voice. It always made my blood run cold.

  “You know what will happen if you try to refuse me,” he growled.

  “But you promised. You said the other night was the last time.”

  “I lied,” he answered with an evil tone.

  I could hear her struggling with him, and her pleas pulled at me as she cried, “Please. Just stop.”

  I wrapped my fingers around the doorknob, my heart pounding in my chest as I eased the door open and stepped into her room. I found him, our guardian—the man who was supposed to love and protect us, holding her down on the bed. His pants were unbuckled, and it was clear he was hurting her. After losing my parents and sister, she’d become the only real family I had, and seeing what he was doing to her enraged me. I charged forward as I shouted, “Get the hell off her!”

  With a surprised look in his eyes, he turned to face me. His shock quickly turned to fury as he pulled himself off of the bed and started towards me. Before I had a chance to react, his hand was at my throat, his fingers cutting off my air supply as he tightened his grip and spat, “You got some nerve coming in here again, boy.”

  Just as the real horror was about to begin, the nightmare ended.

  Gasping, I sat up in bed, relieved to see that I was in my room … in my bed. I ran my hands over my face, trying to wipe away the remnants of the dream, but it still clung to me, unwilling to release its hold. For some sadistic reason, it wanted me to remember, forcing me to relive the hell I’d encountered during the years I’d spent in that foster home. It wasn’t fucking fair. I was just a kid. I was supposed to be loved and protected, but all I’d found was pain and suffering. I hated those fucking people. I hated them with every fiber of my being for the things they’d done to us, especially that last night—the night that permanently marked me. That night I lost a piece of my soul, leaving me utterly broken, and since then, I’d never been the same and knew I’d never be again.

  I was destined to live in the shadows, but thankfully, I wasn’t destined to live there alone. After years of living in my own personal hell, I became a member of Satan’s Fury and found a place where I truly belonged—a place where I would be accepted for who I was. My brothers could see the good inside of me, where I could only see darkness. My inner demons were constantly pulling at me, frantically trying to take control, and every day I fough
t to keep them at bay. But the fight was over. I’d just been voted in as the club’s new enforcer, and those inner demons were about to take the reins.



  It was after midnight, and Murphy and I were feeling pretty unsettled as we headed into Frazier—a part of Memphis that most people avoided, especially at this time of night. For us, it wasn’t its history of crime, the dilapidated houses, or the graffiti-lined streets of this area that had us feeling uneasy. Hell, we were used to that. Instead, we were concerned about the call, Gus, our club’s president, had gotten from two of our handlers. Apparently, they’d run into some trouble and needed our help, but before they could tell him what was going on, the line went dead. That didn’t sit well with Gus. He was a man who prided himself on knowing what was going on at all times, especially when it came to his club. To make matters worse, it wasn’t the first call he’d gotten over the past few weeks. In fact, there had been several. A couple of our boys had been jumped and robbed while others had come up missing altogether. That shit just didn’t happen. Even though our runners didn’t wear a patch, they were our guys, under our protection, and everyone knew it. Whoever was fucking with our boys knew what they were doing, and there would be hell to pay.

  Murphy pulled up to the curb and killed his engine. After I did the same, he turned to me and said, “Let’s go check it out.”

  Eager to see what the hell was going on, he got off his bike and started down the dark, abandoned alleyway. As the club’s sergeant-at-arms, it was Murphy’s job to ensure the safety and security of the club, and he took his role seriously. Knowing that two of the men under his watch might be in danger had him on edge. I followed him down the alley, and as we headed further into the thick of darkness, an eerie feeling had me reaching for my .45. Even though we were downtown, it was quiet—too quiet, and only the low hum of rap music could be heard as I pulled my gun out of its holster. Just as we reached the second dumpster, I saw them—Spencer and Mayfield. They were two of our best handlers, and they were both lying on the ground with bullets in their heads. “Fuck.”


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