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Lady Knight

Page 17

by Marisa Chenery

  The donjon would not be much to behold. Its primary function would be defense. It did not have to be pleasing to the eye. The huge square tower would defy attack by mere solidity. The only entrance would be a single small door on the second story. If under attack, and the palisade walls were ever forced, the gangway to the door could easily be knocked down, providing a safe haven in the tower. Taking a closer look at the construction, Ariel could make out the completed moat and partially completed parapet walls. It already overshadowed the original Saxon hall.

  Hugh pulled the cart to a halt in front of it. Theodoric waited with another man at his side. At his master’s signal, Godwin pulled Ariel out of the cart and then brought her to stand before the two men.

  “This is the serf I told you about, my lord.”

  The man Theodoric addressed took a step closer so he could take a better look at her. Ariel took the opportunity to study him as well.

  He was Norman. Up close he appeared to be a lot younger than Ariel had first thought. She guessed he was probably only a few years her senior. The eyes that looked at her so intently were a dark brown. They were so dark it was hard to see the pupil in the center. He too shunned the Norman style of hair and wore his midnight black hair to his shoulders. He was tall, but his height was no match for Broc’s. Like all warriors, his body was heavily muscled from his years of training with a sword.

  Taking in all the details of his face, she noted a straight nose, finely arched brows, a square chin, and full lips, which were shaped into a smile. From the look in his eyes, Ariel guessed he knew what she had been doing—taking his measure.

  Without taking his gaze from her, he spoke to Theodoric. “She is a hard worker?”

  “Aye, my lord. She is stronger than she looks.”

  “Why is it you wish to sell her?”

  “I originally purchased her for my daughter, but alas, Alwen found her abilities lacking. She wished to be rid of her.”

  The Norman nodded and swept her body up and down with his gaze. “I will find a use for her. In the spring my wife will be coming to England. Until she arrives I will have the girl work in the hall.”

  “I am pleased, my lord, but there is one thing you should know about this serf.”

  “That is?”

  “She thinks she is more than what she actually is. At times, she can be very believable. I pray you not to listen to her. They are all lies.”

  “I will take that into account. Here is your payment. You may leave now.” Tossing a bag of coins at Theodoric, the Norman dismissed him. Theodoric signaled to his men and then they left Ariel without a backward glance.

  “What is your name, girl?” her new owner asked.

  She pulled herself up straighter. “Ariel.”

  “I am Geoffrey de la Roche, your new master. Come with me.”

  Ariel followed Geoffrey into the hall. There were men sitting at the trestle tables, eating their midday meal. They all looked up when she stepped into the room. The farther she walked inside, the harder it became for her to ignore the remarks being made about her. She was considered a serf, a female serf, which gave every man in the hall the right to use her in any way they wished. She prayed she would be strong enough to survive what she would have to endure. She hoped Broc would come for her, but she did not put much stock in that happening any time soon.

  Geoffrey stepped into one of the chambers and then closed the door behind them. He stood in front of Ariel, studying her face. He reached out and touched her hair. “Undress. I want to see what Theodoric brought me.”

  If she refused, he had the right to rip the clothes off her back. Ariel slowly undressed. Once she was naked before him, she locked her gaze on a point just over his left shoulder.

  She stood stiffly, trying not to flinch as he circled her. He stared at her body, and from his smile, she guessed he liked what he saw. His gaze drifted to her breasts and down to her hips. He circled her again. Ariel realized the moment he saw the scar she had on her shoulder. He was a warrior. He had to have seen ones such as that and recognize it for what it was. He had to carry some of the same type on his body.

  He nudged the crude metal collar that hung around her neck. She gritted her teeth as the metal brushed against the fresh chafe marks. If she had been a collared slave for as long as Theodoric had undoubtedly told Geoffrey, those marks would not be on her skin.

  Once more facing Ariel, Geoffrey took hold of her chin and forced her to look at him. “You may get dressed. I think Theodoric was not honest with me.”

  Ariel nodded and reached for the rags Theodoric had forced her to wear. Maybe Geoffrey would return her to Elmstead. He looked like a sensible man.

  Geoffrey stopped her before she could get dressed. “Wait. Do not put on that foul thing. I will give you something better. That is only fit for burning.”

  He crossed the room before he knelt in front of a chest and then rummaged through it. After finding what he sought, Geoffrey shut the lid. He walked back to Ariel and held out a man’s tunic and trews. Without hesitation, she quickly donned the items.

  “I am sorry it is not your typical female attire, but at least they are better than those rags.”

  “They are fine. I prefer man’s clothing.”

  She adjusted the clothes so they fit her smaller frame. He sat in one of the chairs and motioned for her to sit in the other. He quietly looked at her. “You are not a serf, are you?”

  Ariel shook her head. “Nay, I am not.”

  “Then what exactly are you?”

  “My father was thane to Elmstead before William’s coming.”

  Geoffrey ran his fingers through his hair in agitation. “That would make you a lady. Why do you have a warrior’s body and a disdain for women’s clothing?”

  She hesitated before answering. There had to be somewhere Geoffrey was going with all those questions. “If I tell you, will you release me?”

  “I can honestly say I am not willing to do that right now.”

  “Then I do not have to answer your questions.”

  Geoffrey did not push her. “All right, but I want you to answer this next one. Do you have a husband?”


  “Are you betrothed?”

  Ariel paused for a second. Broc was going to marry her, but he had not returned in time for betrothal contracts to be drawn up so technically she was not. “Nay, I am not.”

  “Well, in that case, you stay. I am sure Theodoric was smart enough to cover his tracks, so it will be hard for anyone looking to find you here.”

  “Why will you not let me go?” Ariel did not understand. He had admitted Theodoric had lied to him about her, but still he would not release her. What kind of man had she been sold to?

  “I will be honest with you. You are the most intriguing woman I have ever come across. I want you to be mine, pure and simple. If by keeping you a serf will bind you to me, I will keep you a serf. It is my right.”

  “What exactly do you expect from me?”

  “During the day you can look after the hall, but at night you will warm my bed.”

  * * * *

  “Why can we not find her, damn it!” Broc slammed his first onto the table.

  “Do not work yourself up so. We will find Ariel,” Swein said reassuringly.

  “It has been a fortnight since she was taken, and we still have not found anything. Not even Theodoric and Alwen can be found. It is almost as if they have disappeared.”

  “I should have anticipated his moving against us. Ariel foiled his plans. With Alwen wed to you, he was that much closer to the king. You, after all, are a close friend to William. I should have realized he would want revenge.”

  Broc roughly ran his hands through his hair. “Do not blame yourself. I am responsible for bringing him to Elmstead. If I ever see Theodoric again, he will be lucky to walk away with his life.”

  Spent, Broc threw himself into a chair near the hearth. A small fire burned within it. The days had gradually become warmer,
but there was still a need for a fire to keep the hall comfortable. Spring was not too far off, and Colwyn would be turning a year old in a week. His mother would not be with him to share that special day.

  Almost as if she had heard his thoughts, Lily walked into the hall, carrying Colwyn on her hip. His son caught sight of him and wriggled in Lily’s arms, trying to get down. Winning the struggle, Colwyn toddled to him.

  Broc still found his son’s ability to walk an amazing sight. How he managed to propel himself forward on his chubby little legs, he did not know. The only sad thing about it was Ariel had missed Colwyn taking his first steps.

  Once Colwyn reached him, Broc picked him up and tossed him into the air. Catching him, he pulled his son against his chest. Colwyn snuggled close.

  Broc looked at Swein and kissed the top of his son’s head. “We have to find her soon. Colwyn should not have to grow up without his mother.”

  “Then let us hope William can find out where Theodoric is hidden. London holds many people, and there is Ranulf. I am sure he will continue to search.”

  Broc nodded. William had left Elmstead two days before. After their initial search had uncovered nothing, William had decided it best to return to London. He had said he would try to use other means to find Ariel. It was imperative he not stay away from London for long periods of time. If his absence became noted, it could give others ideas of taking the throne from him. Ranulf had decided to leave with the king. With Ariel missing, it was for the best.

  Time was running out. If no clue to Ariel’s whereabouts was found, she could very well be lost to them forever.

  * * * *

  Straightening, Ariel wiped the sheen of sweat from her brow. She surveyed her handy work. Her days were spent toiling in the hall. Shortly after her arrival, it had become apparent there were no other women at Kilsmere. The hall had been full of filth, which would not have tolerated.

  It had taken Ariel almost a whole day just to clear out the rushes from the hall floor. They had become full of remnants of past meals. Along with the bones and scraps of food, the rushes had moldered. She was surprised anyone could even eat there. The stench would have had her retching. Clearing them out had been bad enough.

  Cooking the meals had been an experience. Back at Elmstead, Ariel had only made small ones for her family. Preparing food for all the people at Kilsmere was a monumental task. There had been no complaints, so far, giving Ariel the notion that whoever had been in charge of the cooking before had not been very good.

  By the end of the day, Ariel had been totally exhausted. She had eaten her meal by the hearth, trying not to be noticed. Some of the men had given her sly looks, but no one had bothered her, not even Geoffrey. After she had finished her bowl of food, she had stretched out before the fire and fell asleep in the fresh rushes. She had not stirred again until the dawn had broken over the horizon.

  Every day after that, her hours were spent cleaning the hall and preparing meals. At night, she slept before the fire. For some reason, Geoffrey still had not insisted she come to his bed, which had taken some of the pressure off her. As the days went by, Ariel had come to an even more startling conclusion. She was once more with child.

  Only one night spent with Broc and she was pregnant again. That made her situation all the more unbearable. If she did not gain her freedom before the child came, it would be born a serf.

  Ariel rubbed her aching back, trying to alleviate some of the tightness she had there. The hall was now put to rights. The trestle tables had been scrubbed clean along with all the walls. Her days would be easier now that all the back-breaking work was completed, but she had not minded doing it. It had kept her thoughts off what her life had become.

  She looked out a window and realized how late in the day it was. She would have to start preparing the evening meal. At least she found that part of her duties a little easier.

  Ariel placed another piece of wood onto the fire. More would have to be brought in from outside, which meant she would have to seek out Geoffrey. He had forbidden her from leaving the hall. If she needed wood or anything removed, he had one of his men do it. She had the feeling he even kept her presence a secret from the villagers.

  A pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back against an equally strong male body. Her first reaction was to free herself until she looked at the arms that circled her. She recognized the material of the sleeves. It was Geoffrey.

  He nudged her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. Ariel stiffened, causing Geoffrey to chuckle. “Come now. You knew I would seek you out.”

  “I had thought you had changed your mind.”

  “Nay, I have been watching you. You have worked hard to get the hall set to rights. I let you rest without making any further demands. Now the hall is completed, and I want you in my bed.”

  Even though there would be no getting around it, Ariel still had to try to hold Geoffrey off. “What if I refuse you?”

  Geoffrey released her only enough for her to turn in his arms and face him. “You have no choice in the matter. You are a serf. I own you, and can use you as I see fit.”

  Ariel’s spirit rebelled at the notion of being another person’s property, to such extent they could decide whether she lived or died. She had been independent for far too long. As for sharing a bed with Geoffrey, it would make her situation seem more permanent. If Broc was to find out, he would more than likely shun her. Not knowing what else to do, she used the only piece of information she could think of to stop Geoffrey from carrying out the plans he had for her.

  “You cannot bed me. I am with child.”

  Geoffrey blinked in surprise. He looked at her still-flat stomach. “How far along are you?”

  “Almost two months.”

  His reaction was not what Ariel had hoped. Geoffrey just smiled. “Then I will just have to be extra careful with you.”

  “Does it not bother you that I carry another man’s child?”

  “Not in the least. Whoever he was, he is no longer a part of your life. I will provide for the child’s upkeep, just as I do yours.”

  She had lost. She would have no choice but to submit to him. “You might own my body, but you will never own my soul nor my heart. They have been given to another.” She stepped away and went back to the chore of preparing the evening meal.

  * * * *

  The sight of Ariel sitting before the hearth almost made Geoffrey hesitate. He had given her all the time he could, allowing her to adjust to her new station in life. He could no longer wait for her. Tonight he would make her his.

  He placed a hand on the top Ariel’s head to make his presence known. She continued to stare into the fire. “Ariel, it is time to retire for the night.”

  “Aye, I know. Please do not make me do this. I cannot do what you ask of me. If you were an honorable man, you would leave me alone.”

  “I am an honorable man. I just cannot do what you ask. Come. I will not hurt you.” Geoffrey held out his hand. Ariel took it, and he helped her to stand.

  “Let it be known, Geoffrey de la Roche, you might use my body, but do not expect me to do anything to increase your pleasure.”

  “We will see. For now, I will accept whatever you can give me.”

  Ariel allowed him to lead her to his chamber. Once the door closed behind him, Geoffrey went about the room, snuffing all the candles, only keeping a single one lit next to the bed. The room was plunged into semi-darkness.

  True to her word, Ariel showed no sign of taking an active part in their lovemaking. Geoffrey divested her of her clothes, and found it very much like undressing a doll. Her limbs moved where he placed them as if they had no will of their own.

  Once she was gloriously naked before him, Geoffrey sucked in his breath. The mere sight of her caused his blood to pool in his loins, causing his cock to harden. Her lips were hard and unresponsive. He wrapped his arms about her and pulled Ariel close. Her woman’s scent engulfed his senses.

  He kis
sed her eyes, her cheeks, her neck. A tremor racked her body. She would fight him, but he would teach her to accept. He lifted Ariel off her feet and then gently placed her onto the bed. He stretched out beside her.

  Hoping to arouse her, Geoffrey cupped her breasts. He flicked his tongue around each nipple. Ariel held herself ridged. He ran his hands over her body. He slipped a finger between her folds and pushed against the opening to her body. He found her dry. He peered down her. Her eyes were closed. A single tear slid down her cheek. Groaning, he rolled off her so he lay on his back beside her.

  Ariel turned to look at him with questioning eyes still bright with tears. Turning his head away.

  “Why did you not take me?”

  Geoffrey shifted toward her and stared at Ariel. He would kick himself for doing it, but it was the right thing to do. “I do not rape women, and that is what it would have been if I took you. I admit I was being thoroughly selfish in wanting to bed you. I was not thinking how it would affect you. I apologize. I will not force you to endure my touch.”

  Ariel leaned forward and gently brushed her lips across Geoffrey’s. “Thank you. If you no longer wish to bed me, I will return to the hall.”

  Geoffrey grabbed her arm before Ariel could get out of bed. “Wait. I still want you in my bed.” At her confused look, he shook his head. “I told you I would not bed you. I want you to sleep beside me. Just sleep. It will protect you from my men. They do not have to know we are not having sex.”

  Ariel laid back down and as he pulled the covers over them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The market place was crowded with all manner of people. Alwen did not care whether she brushed elbows with Saxon serfs or Norman nobles. Spring had finally come, bringing new life to the land, just as she had a new life now.


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