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Lady Knight

Page 21

by Marisa Chenery

  “I bought Ariel before Lisette came to England. I have kept only to my wife. Concern for Ariel made me hesitate in removing the collar. I was afraid if I did, she would try to make it to her home alone. With her this far gone, I planned to release her. She is smart enough not to endanger her child.”

  William nodded. “So, Colwyn is to have a brother or a sister, I see.”

  “How is my son?” Geoffrey and Lisette turned shocked expressions in Ariel’s direction.

  Smiling, William answered. “He is fine, my lady. Broc has kept his son at his side since your disappearance. The boy even sleeps in the same bed as he.”

  Ariel closed her eyes on the tears that welled to the surface. “I have missed him so. He probably will not remember me. I have been gone too long.”

  William pulled Ariel close and held her. “He will quickly learn you are his mother. In time this will only be a memory. Broc will come around.”

  “If he does not?”

  “Do not fret. I will handle Broc. Everything will be put to rights. I will personally see it comes about.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Broc sat in the donjon in the hall, drinking a tankard of ale. Ariel did not seek him out. She needed the solitude of her chamber to think of what she would do about him.

  The brightness of the day had turned into the shadows of evening, and Ariel stayed in her chamber. The evening meal came, and she still did not come out.

  Lisette came to see her. “Ariel, you cannot stay in this chamber indefinitely. You will have to face Broc at some point.”

  Ariel sighed. “I know. I just do not have the energy to fight with him today.”

  Lisette slipped onto the bed beside her. She put her arm around Ariel’s shoulders. “You have to eat. Think of your baby.”

  Smiling weakly, Ariel agreed. “I know. Could I have some food brought here?”

  “Nay. If you hide in here, Broc will think he is right—that you did something you are ashamed of. You are stronger than that, and you will not be alone. Geoffrey and I will be there, along with the king. He has been scowling at Broc. He believes you.”

  Lisette had made a valid point. Ariel stood and brushed her gown. “I guess I do need to show him that he has not brought me low. Lead on.”

  Linking her arm through Ariel’s, Lisette led her out of the chamber and into the hall. She did not stop until they reached the head table. All conversation ceased. There were two empty seats. Lisette took the one beside Geoffrey, leaving the chair between William and Broc for Ariel. She squared her shoulders and went and sat. She ignored Broc and smiled at William as he filled a trencher of food for her.

  “Here you go my, my lady. I am pleased you decided to join us.”

  “Lisette has a way of changing one’s mind.”

  William glanced at Geoffrey’s wife. “You like Lady Lisette?”

  “Aye. I have come to think of Geoffrey and Lisette as friends.”

  “I bet you do,” Broc said condescendingly.

  Choosing to ignore him, Ariel ate her meal, but Broc did not let her get away that easily.

  “Come on, Ariel. He means more to you than a friend. He had you, for Christ sake.”

  Ariel spoke each word carefully. “You can believe what you will. I am not in the mood to argue with you.”

  “What if I am in the mood? Maybe I am in the mood to take you to bed. You seem not to mind whose it is you jump into.”

  Ariel stared at her food while she tried to hold her temper in check. She would not give Broc the satisfaction of seeing her succumb to anger.

  “What, nothing to say? If I treat you as a serf, would you accept my offer?”

  William slammed his fist onto the table. “Enough, Broc. Ariel deserves better from you. I thought you loved her. This is no way to treat your future wife.”

  Broc snorted rudely. “Who says I will take her to wife now. What I felt for Ariel before, she killed when she went to another man’s bed.” He pushed back his chair, nodded to William, and stomped out of the hall.

  * * * *

  The remainder of the night Ariel spent tossing and turning. William had tried to reassure her that Broc would eventually come around. He said once in London everything would be taken care of. They would be leaving early the next day. She doubted Broc would be in a more agreeable mood any time soon, no matter where he happened to be.

  Still tired from lack of sleep, Ariel gathered up her pitifully few belongings and then went to the hall. William was there with Geoffrey and Lisette, but Broc was nowhere to be seen, which pleased her. If he had been present, she more than likely would have tried to take his head off, metaphorically speaking.

  William smiled and nodded toward the sword slung over Ariel’s shoulder. “I see my Lady Knight has her sword.”

  Ariel shrugged as she joined them. “I do not look much like a knight with my stomach sticking out before me.”

  Broc stepped into the hall at that moment. “How nice. I am sorry to break up this little tête-à-tête, but the horses are ready, and I would like to leave.”

  With an apologetic look, Ariel bid Geoffrey and Lisette farewell. Kissing Lisette’s cheek, she told them to come to Elmstead and visit her when they had the opportunity to do so. Broc cleared his throat in an effort to hurry her along. Lisette glared at him.

  “We would love to come. When your time of lying-in is near, I will make sure to be at Elmstead.”

  “I would like that.”

  Ariel went to Geoffrey next. She placed her hands on his shoulders, reached up, and kissed him on his cheek. “You may come to Elmstead as well.”

  Before Geoffrey could answer, Broc grabbed Ariel by the arm and then herded her down the stairs. He did not stop until he had her mounted atop a horse and her belongings strapped behind her.

  William entered the yard a minute later. He jumped onto his horse’s back. He shook his head.

  * * * *

  By the end of their first day of travel, Ariel was so tired she barely could get off her horse. Thanks to William, who helped her to dismount, her legs did not collapse under her. Tsking, he led her to a fallen log before he gently helped her to sit. He went to set up a fire while Broc took care of the horses. She curled her lip at Broc’s back. He obviously did not care that she tired faster than he and William. With each league traveled, she felt something akin to hatred for him. She had come to a decision. If he would not treat her civilly, why should she act any differently around him?

  They ate in relative silence, only speaking when they wanted something passed to them. After the meal finished, they lay around the fire and fell asleep. The coming dawn they set out once more.

  The days flew by with Broc never once slowing their pace. He did not seem to notice that Ariel barely made it through her meals without nodding off to sleep, but William did. By the end of their journey, he sent just as many scathing looks in Broc’s direction as she did.

  After reaching the city gates, William left Ariel’s side and rode past Broc. He soon disappeared, leaving her and her unwanted companion to make their own way through the city. She looked neither to the right nor left, blindly following Broc through the busy streets.

  At the fort, they were met by Sir Thomas. He had left Kilsmere the evening before their departure. William, who had decided his presence had not been needed, had given him leave to return to London. Sir Thomas helped Ariel dismount, and informed them the king awaited them in the hall.

  Ariel took her belongings off her horse, pushed past Broc, and walked into the hall. His heavy tread came behind her. William met them at the entrance.

  “There have been two chambers readied for you. I will give you a half an hour to change and refresh yourselves, then come to my chambers together.”

  Before either Ariel or Broc could say anything, William led them to their chambers. She was ushered into hers first. Once she crossed the threshold, the door firmly shut behind her.

  On the bed she found a gown spread out on top of it. There was
a steaming bowl of water with cloths piled neatly beside it on a table. Ariel would have preferred a bath, but she would make do with what she had been given.

  After throwing her belongings onto the bed, Ariel stripped out of her travel-stained gown. She dipped a cloth into the warm water and then quickly ran it over her body. She felt a little better now that some of the dirt had been sponged away.

  Her hair reached past her shoulders once again. She gathered it together and pulled it back with a piece of leather so it hung in a tail down her back. It needed washing, but it would have to wait.

  The gown was made of light-weight wool, dyed a pale yellow, which complimented Ariel’s fair coloring. It was of much finer quality than the ones she had been given to wear at Kilsmere.

  Ariel found the size to be a perfect fit. Right down to the extra material that allowed for her expanding girth. After a check to make sure she was presentable for her interview with the king, she left the chamber and went to see William.

  She knocked on the door and then stepped through it. William was not alone. Much to her surprise, a priest was next to him. She turned to look questioningly at the king. He just stared back at her.

  Moments later, Broc entered the chamber. It did not take him long to figure out what the king had in mind. Broc spun on his heel to go, but William stopped him before he could reach the door.

  “I did not give you permission to leave.”

  Broc stopped midstride. “Do not do this to me. If you are my friend, you will not make me go through with this.”

  William did not relent. “I am sorry. I cannot allow you to walk away from this. You already have one child who is illegitimate. This time you are able to prevent another from being labeled a bastard.”

  Broc whipped around to face William. “This child is not mine! I will not claim another man’s as my own.”

  Sighing, William turned to Ariel. “How far along are you?”

  Not looking at Broc, she answered. “I am six months gone.”

  “You were a month along when you were taken?”

  “Aye, sire.”

  Broc interrupted. “She could be lying. If the child does not come in four months, she will only say she is late while all along that was really when the child was due.”

  William’s face grew stern with impatience. “Are you saying before coming to London to annul your marriage you did not in any way become intimate with Ariel?”

  Broc flushed. “Aye…aye, I did, but that does not mean much. It was only one night.”

  Ariel shook her head, then put Broc in his place. “It only took one time for me to become pregnant with Colwyn. How do you explain that?”

  Broc opened and closed his mouth like a gasping fish. Ariel had him backed into a corner. She could only hope he changed his mind about who fathered her child.


  “Be that as it may, I want this marriage to take place, and I will do everything to see it done.” William ended the discussion before it could progress any further.

  There would be no swaying William. Broc went to Ariel’s side. The priest started the ceremony that would bind them together for life.

  The vows were exchanged with he and Ariel not looking at each other. What should have been a joyous occasion was nothing more than a task set before them to be completed and endured.

  At the conclusion of the ceremony, he gave Ariel a quick peck on the cheek and his unicorn ring on her finger to seal their vows. His services no longer needed, the priest bowed to William and then quietly left the room. Broc tried his hardest to ignore Ariel, and she seemed to do the same to him.

  Unable to bear another minute of William’s smug expressions, Broc spoke to his friend. “If you have gotten all the enjoyment you can from this charade you concocted, I wish to leave.”

  “You may go.” Broc stalked to the door, but William delayed his departure. “There is one more thing. Do not try to seek an annulment. I will not allow it this time. I will brook no defiance from you concerning this matter.”

  Broc bowed to William. “As you command, sire. Just because I am stuck with this marriage, it does not mean it will ever be consummated.” He left, slamming the door behind him.


  Ariel kept her gaze averted from William. She focused intently on the floor, but when an arm came around her shoulders, she looked up to find the king standing beside her. She gave him a weak smile.

  “I thank you for what you tried to do for me. I just do not think Broc will.”

  William flashed a smile. “He will come around. He loves you. Just give him time to figure that out and all will be well.”

  “I hope you are right. I have a feeling it will be a very long time before Broc gets over this.”

  The king did not try to change her opinion. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Aye, there is. First, I would like to see my son, and second, I would be in your debt if you could arrange an escort to take me to Elmstead. I need to be with my father.”

  “Of course. I sent word to your father when we found you before leaving for Kilsmere. He stayed at Elmstead in the hopes you would be able to find your way home on your own.”

  “If I had been able to, that is exactly what I would have done.”

  “The escort will be ready whenever you decide to leave.”

  “Thank you, sire. I would like to leave for Elmstead tomorrow. You can tell Broc. I am sure you will see him before I do.”

  Ariel curtsied and then walked out the door. She had a husband who hated her. At least, she still had Colwyn and her father. They would always be there for her.

  * * * *

  The reunion with Lily and Colwyn ended up being a tearful one. Ariel could not believe how much her son had grown during her absence. He was no longer a baby. If it possible, he looked even more like his father. Seeing Colwyn walk on his cubby legs, she felt the loss of all the time spent away from him. Her little boy toddled to her and allowed her to pick him up, which helped ease some of her pain.

  Ariel spent the rest of the day with Lily and Colwyn. She ate her meals with them instead of going to the hall. Broc never made an appearance, which was just as well.

  Once Colwyn was put to bed, Ariel and Lily took the opportunity to talk. With Colwyn not around to hear, Lily gently broached the subject of Ariel’s disappearance.

  “I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you unharmed. When Broc told me Theodoric had made you a serf, I feared the worst.”

  “Geoffrey treated me fairly. Theodoric probably expected him to abuse me. He would not be too happy to see I was not.”

  Lily glanced at Ariel’s stomach and smiled. “How does Broc feel about being a father again?”

  Ariel shook her head, at first unable to answer. “He is not very happy about it.”

  Lily seemed puzzled by her answer. “Whyever not? With you gone, he tried to fill the void in Colwyn’s life. He loves the boy. They became inseparable.”

  Ariel sighed and thought of how best to word her response to Lily. “I was a serf, Lily. Broc assumes Geoffrey made use of my body. He has not given me a chance to explain.”

  Lily’s face flushed at Ariel’s words. “Ah, I see. So Broc thinks the child is Geoffrey’s. Did you not tell him you were with child when you were taken?”

  “Of course, but he does not believe me.” Ariel paused and stared at Lily. “How did you know I was already pregnant?”

  “I live with you. I helped you with the washing and such. You did not have your monthly flow that month. The last time was before Broc left and sought an annulment from Alwen. I had a feeling you were.”

  Ariel just shook her head. “As you can see, your suspicions turned out to be correct. Now all you have to do is convince Broc. He will no longer listen to me. Especially now, since William forced him to do something he did not want to do.”

  “What could be so bad that he will no longer speak to you?”

  “After assuming the child was not his, he retracted his
offer of marriage. William took matters into his own hands. He had us married shortly after we arrived.”

  Lily sadly shook her head. “Oh, Ariel. I am so sorry. I know that was not how you wished to be married. I take it Broc is even madder than he was before.”

  Ariel nodded. “Very. After the ceremony, he walked out, and I have not seen him since.”

  “What do you plan to do now?”

  Shrugging, Ariel said, “There is nothing left to do but go home to Elmstead. Father will at least be happy to see me.”

  “When do we leave?”

  “William has arranged an escort. We will leave as early as possible on the morrow. The king said he would tell Broc where I went.”

  Lily gave Ariel a hug. “Maybe the separation is what Broc needs. Give him time to think things over. He is just jealous. His anger will not last long.”

  “Time will tell, Lily. Time will tell.”

  * * * *

  The escort consisted of two guards with one unexpected surprise. Ranulf stood next to her horse, waiting. Once he saw Ariel walk into the yard, he threw his arms open wide. Needing no further invitation, she stepped into his embrace.

  Ranulf pulled Ariel close and held her tightly. He seemed almost afraid to let her go, afraid she would disappear once again. Ariel allowed him hold her until he felt comfortable with letting go.

  “I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see you again, Ariel. When I arrived here late last night, William told me you had been found. He had to stop me from rushing to your chamber to see for myself.”

  “Have you been out searching for me all this time? On your own?”

  “Aye, I could not sit here and do nothing.”

  Ariel smiled. “You probably have heard I am leaving for Elmstead today.”

  Ranulf nodded. “Aye. I think it is for the best. With the babe on the way, you need to be where you are most comfortable.”

  Averting her gaze, Ariel shrugged. “I guess.”


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