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Lady Knight

Page 27

by Marisa Chenery

  Ariel saw the frustration on Broc’s face as Theodoric pulled her away. Broc would not take the chance of any harm befalling her. If she wanted to get out of this mess, she would have to help herself. Now was not the time, though. Theodoric was too agitated, and he would be unpredictable.

  Once more Ariel found herself dragged through the dark forest. This time he blundered his way past the trees. After the small clearing disappeared, and she could no longer see Broc, she heard him cry her name in anguish. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. Would the fates not let them ever be together? Was it their destiny to always find each other and then be cruelly torn apart again?

  The dagger bit sharply into her neck as Theodoric stumbled over an exposed tree root. Ariel hissed in pain. The blade never wavered from her skin.

  Knowing Broc, her father, and Ranulf were responsible for the sounds echoing through the trees, Ariel tried another tactic. If she could manage to make Theodoric talk to her, maybe he would become distracted enough for Broc to make a move. She cleared her throat and then made her first attempt to draw Theodoric out.

  “You know Broc will never let you get away. You are only delaying the inevitable.”

  Theodoric remained stoically silent. Ariel was not even sure he had heard her. She would have to think of something to say that he could not ignore. Something that would incite him to anger. She would be taking a big chance. Instead of voicing his ire, he could very well lash out at her, but that was the chance she would have to take. She was not going to allow him to have control over her life again. He could very well make it a living hell.

  “Give up, Theodoric. Broc is the much better man. Do you actually think you can get away from him so easily?”

  His grip on her arm tightened, causing Ariel to wince in pain. The dagger pressed closer still, but he did not stop their ever-forward movement.

  “You think that bastard of a Norman is better than me? If it was not for his kind coming to our shores, I would still hold sway over you. They took everything away that once belonged to me.”

  Theodoric pulled her close to his face and laughed. “Do you not understand? Your sojourn as a serf was revenge for my daughter. This time, I do this for me as well. These greedy, grasping Normans think we Saxons will just blindly allow them to run our lives without a fight. Well, I intend to make one particular Norman feel my sting. Broc St. Ceneri will rue the day he had the presumption to take one of my holdings as his.”

  Ariel, in a small way, could sympathize with Theodoric. His loss of status was much greater than what she and her father had had taken from them, but that did not give Theodoric the right to disrupt her life. Broc might be a Norman, the enemy, but she still loved him despite that fact.

  “Your plan has failed. You have been found out. Broc will find you.”

  Theodoric increased his pace. “I am afraid you are wrong. This situation has definitely turned for the better—for me.”

  Looking in the direction Theodoric headed, Ariel’s hopes of rescue sank. Somehow, he had managed to bring them to the other side of the forest. The trees were already thinning.

  After bursting through the tree line, Theodoric whistled a signal. In response, Godwin and Hugh stepped into the open. Ariel groaned to herself. Her two nemeses would have to be there.

  “Get the horses. We have to leave—now.”

  Never one to question his lord’s commands, Hugh went to do as he had been bidden. The few minutes it took to collect the mounts had Theodoric constantly looking at the edge of the forest. He moved restlessly from one foot to the other. Broc and the others could not be too far behind.

  Hugh led three horses to where Theodoric stood, waiting. Godwin mounted one and Hugh another. Theodoric grabbed the reins of his own steed. He released Ariel’s arm and dropped the dagger from her neck. With a shove, he tried to force her to mount the horse. She fought him. She could not allow him to leave with her in tow.

  An instant later, Broc, Ranulf, and her father crashed out of the forest. Theodoric once more pulled Ariel in front of him and then placed the dagger at her throat.

  Theodoric signaled to his two henchmen and sent Hugh and Godwin to rid him of his assailants. Once Broc and Ranulf pulled their swords out of their scabbards, Hugh and Godwin turned their mounts and beat a hasty retreat. Theodoric hurled insults at their backs.

  Now that his guards had deserted him, Theodoric faced the three enraged men alone. He was cornered, and well he knew it. His desperation showed plainly on his face, but he was not ready to admit defeat. As Broc took a step closer, Theodoric moved the dagger threateningly against Ariel’s throat. Having taken all she could of being used as a pawn in someone else’s attempt to regain control, she decided this would end there and now.

  She used a trick Osbern had taught her long ago. She relaxed, which forced Theodoric to hold her full weight. The unexpected move caused him to stumble and shift the dagger from her neck as he reached to catch her in both arms. With the blade removed, Ariel twisted in his hold and kicked out, hitting him between the legs. He cupped his manhood, groaned in pain, and slowly slid to the ground.

  Ranulf pounced on him. Swein removed Ariel’s bindings and then gave them to Ranulf. With more force than was necessary, he wrenched Theodoric’s hands behind his back. The cord that had bound now bound Theodoric.

  Ariel rubbed the numbness from her hands, crossed the short distance that separated them, and threw herself into Broc’s welcoming embrace. The tension she had felt while being Theodoric’s captive slowly drained out of her.

  Broc crushed Ariel to him. That had been too close a call. He squeezed her, and she grunted in pain. He held her away from his chest and ran his gaze over her.

  “What is wrong? Where did he hurt you?”

  “I am fine.” Broc paid her no heed and moved his hands over her, trying to locate the source of pain. “I am fine. Really. Theodoric did not harm me. I have been gone too long from our daughter. I will find relief once she has had a good nursing.”

  Broc looked at Ariel’s breasts. Two wet spots darkened the material of her tunic. “Then we had best get you to the hall with all due haste. One of the women from the village who has a child of her own agreed to feed Brianna, but I am sure our daughter will be happy to relieve you of some of your milk.” He looked at the others. “Ranulf, Swein, can you manage to bring our prisoner back on your own?”

  Swein nodded. “Aye, go ahead. Theodoric will give us no more problems. Go tend to my granddaughter, Ariel. We will be along shortly.”

  Needing no more encouragement, Broc clasped Ariel’s hand in his and started the arduous journey to the hall.

  * * * *

  Once more in the comfortable surroundings of the main hall, Ariel woke up Brianna and then put her daughter to her breast. As Brianna took her fill, the pressure dissipated. She could not hold back her sigh of relief.

  With the pain alleviated, Ariel set about satisfying her baser needs. Lily, overjoyed to see Ariel not the worse for wear from her ordeal, took it upon herself to take care of her. Once she decided Ariel had had enough to eat and drink, Lily prepared a bath in Broc’s chamber for her.

  After sinking into the warm water, the remaining stiffness left her body. Luxuriating in the warmth after being in the cold for so long, she sank even farther down into the water and rested her head on the rim of the tub. A moment later, Broc stepped into the chamber.

  He removed his sword, rolled up his sleeves, and came to the tub. He fished the washcloth out of the water and then proceeded to soap Ariel’s body. Once he reached more intimate spots, she laughingly swatted Broc’s hand away.

  “Control yourself, my lord. There will be time enough later to indulge in that particular pleasure. Tell me, what has become of our guest?”

  Broc dropped the cloth, went to stand at Ariel’s back, and massaged the tense muscles on the tops of her shoulders and neck. “Theodoric will have to be taken to London. William will take great pleasure in meting out his justice on that man. W
illiam has developed an extreme dislike for him.”

  “So, where did you put him?”

  “He is in one of the empty huts in the village. The men demanded Theodoric be placed under their care until he goes to the king. If I recall correctly, your friend the blacksmith took the first watch.”

  Ariel giggled. “By the time Theodoric leaves he will only be too happy to face William. The villagers will not go easy on him. Their dislike for Theodoric is a match for William’s own.”

  “I quite agree. If my Lady Knight would permit, I am going to take you out of that bath and show you how much I love you.”

  Broc bent, scooped Ariel out of the tub, and still dripping wet, placed her onto the bed. She gloried in the feel of his weight on top of her as her husband joined her on the mattress. Allowing the pleasure only Broc could give her wash over her senses, she held him close. Nothing would separate them again. Tonight would mark the beginning of a new life together.

  The last coherent thought she had before succumbing to their lovemaking was how much her life had changed since first meeting this Norman knight. Some of the changes were for the better, and some were definitely for the worse. If by some fate Ariel had the ability to go back to that spring day, she would not change what had happened. With the future so bright before them, she only hoped life would provide more adventures for a knight and his Lady Knight. What else could she ask for?

  The End

  About the Author

  Marisa Chenery was always a lover of books, but after reading her first historical romance novel she found herself hooked. Having inherited a love for the written word, she soon started writing her own novels.

  She now writes young adult books and erotic romances.

  Marisa lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, four children, four grandchildren (she’s a young grandma at fifty) and five rabbits.

  Also by Marisa Chenery

  Canyon Creek Wolves Boxed Set

  Wolves of East Anglia Boxed Set

  Egyptian Shifters

  Egyptian Goddess Shifters

  Fate Unexpected

  Touched by a Gladiator

  The Wolf in the Woods

  The Chosen One

  The Blue Lotus Tales

  Big City Pack Boxed Set

  Soul Hunger

  Werewolf Sentinels-Volume One

  Jinx and Her Werewolf

  Love’s Nest

  Loving a Ghost

  Knight of Her Life




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