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Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4)

Page 11

by Marita A. Hansen

L sighed, but nodded, appearing resigned to staying.

  Jade raised a hand to get the waitress back, quickly ordering some food in Korean.

  Dante grabbed the waitress’s hand before she could leave. “Get me a pint of beer, preferably Lion Red.”

  She smiled at him, staring a bit too long, then turned and left, pushing through the kitchen doors.

  Dante indicated to her. “She wants me.”

  “Everyone wants you, stupid,” Jade said.

  “Don’t call me stupid, stupid, cos straight dudes don’t want me.” Dante looked over at L, who was looking anywhere but at him. He wondered what the hell her problem was, because as far as he remembered she had the hots for Ash, who looked just like he did, so by default she should have the hots for him too. Though, not like it mattered, since he wasn’t on the market. Dante looked back at Jade, who was glaring at him. “What?”

  Jade shook his head at him, then shifted his gaze to L. “I can’t wait for you to play in my studio, Llewellyn.”

  L smiled, her face lighting up for the first time since Dante had seen her. “I’m looking forward to that too.”

  “Yeah, I loved the CDs Jade gave me of yours,” Dante cut in, relieved with the new topic, something he was sure couldn’t get him in trouble. “You’re really good.”

  L blushed again. “Thanks. Music’s my life.”

  “It’s not mine, but I still love it.”

  “I’ve played the guitar since I was little,” L said. “Aside from my family, it’s the only good thing in my life.”

  “The only good thing? Shit, I could think of lots of good things in life. Booze is good, pornos are good—”

  “Dante,” Jade said in a warning tone.

  He ignored the bossy little twat. “—sex is good, just depending on who you do it with…” Dante sneered at Jade, “…which isn’t you.”

  “You don’t have to be so rude,” Jade snapped.

  “I wuz being honest, not rude.”

  “Talking about porn and sex is rude, and I thought you didn’t like that topic now.”

  “I’m a freaking addict; I always think about it, and I’m speaking to L, not you.” Dante turned back to L, who was looking uncomfortable. “Chill, there are other good things besides sex. Like dirt biking, pumping iron, that gives me as much a high as drugs do, and yeah, pot is great.”

  L dropped her gaze, still looking uncomfortable.

  Dante rolled his eyes, thinking the chick was obviously a prude. He turned as the waitress appeared by his side. She placed his beer in front of him, along with a slip of paper. She smiled at him, then left. He looked at the slip. “Boo yeah, told ja I’d get a number by the end of the night,” he said, showing Jade.

  Jade snatched it out of his hand and screwed it up, throwing it at Dante’s face.

  Dante laughed. “You really are a jealous prick.”

  “I don’t know how anyone puts up with you.”

  “Me neither, other than they wanna fuck me.” He picked up the beer and chugged it down, wanting to get blotto so he didn’t have to think about Jade, Beth, or anyone.

  “Dante, slow down,” Jade said.

  He finished the beer, then put his hand up, waving for the pretty hostess to come over. “Another beer and your number again, cos the jealous gay twat stole it offa me.”

  She smiled and headed away.

  “You can’t ring her,” Jade said. “You’re with Beth.”

  “So I’m with Beth now, am I? Apparently, I thought I wuz with you with the way you’re acting.”

  “You still can’t phone the waitress.”

  “I’m not; I just wanna piss you off.”

  “That’s cruel. That poor girl will think she has a chance with you.”

  “No one has a chance with me. I ruin every relationship I have. Chicks always leave me, so I might as well save her the trouble.” A sudden wave of exhaustion rushed through him, pulling his attention away from Jade. He leaned the back of his head against the red cushioned seat and closed his eyes, feeling like drifting off...

  “Dante ... Dante. Wake up!”

  Dante jolted. He opened his eyes, finding a concerned-looking Jade staring at him. “What?”

  “Have you taken drugs?” Jade asked.

  “Just what the doc prescribed.”

  “Then you shouldn’t be drinking beer.”

  “I’ve popped pills and drunk a ton of beer and spirits and wuz fine.”

  “You didn’t look fine just now, you fell asleep. You’re going to drink yourself into the ground. I don’t want a drunk rock star on my hands.”

  “I’m not one yet, so chill.”

  “A rock star or a drunkard?”

  “Har-de-fuckin’-har, arsehole.”

  Jade shook his chopsticks at Dante, telling him off for his language.

  Dante’s gaze shifted to the table. “Shit, when did the food get here? I didn’t see the waitress return.”

  “I told you, you fell asleep. So, eat your food, L wants to go home.”

  Dante looked down at his plate, pushing the fish with his finger in disgust. “I don’t eat fish unless it’s fried and covered in batter.” He looked over at L’s plate. “How come she gets that?”

  “Stop calling Llewellyn a she; and I ordered that dish especially for him, because he’s a vegetarian.”

  Dante leaned over. “What is it?”

  “Tofu in a honey marinade sauce,” L said, picking up a piece with her chopsticks.

  “Can I try some? I’ve never had tofu, whatever the hell it is.”

  “It’s bean curd.” L held it out for Dante to taste.

  Dante put his mouth around the chopsticks, taking a bite of the tofu. “I like it,” he said, chewing L’s food. He swallowed it down and smiled, amused that L was staring at his mouth, looking like she was about to hyperventilate. “Can I have some more?”

  She blinked. “Sure.” She picked up a cube with her chopsticks, holding it out for Dante to eat. He smiled inwardly as she continued to watch his mouth, her pupils dilating. The chick was definitely hot for him.

  “More?” L asked as Dante swallowed it down.

  Jade cut in, “Don’t let him eat all of your food, Llewellyn.”

  “She can have my fish,” Dante said.

  “You didn’t listen; Llewellyn’s a vegetarian.”


  “Fish is meat.”

  “I thought vegetarians ate fish.”

  L smiled. “Only the ones who pretend to be vegetarians. There was this one girl I knew who told everyone she was vegetarian, but ate chicken.”

  “Now that’s stupid, that’s white meat.”

  “So is fish,” Jade sniggered.

  “What’s so funny?” Dante snapped.

  “You may have been at the front of the line when they were handing out looks, but you must’ve stayed home when they handed out intelligence.”

  “I’m not dumb!”

  “Then don’t say dumb things.”

  Dante pushed up from the seat, having had enough of Jade’s shit. A rush of dizziness hit him, making him wobble sideways. He grabbed for the table, but missed it, clipping the side of his head as he crashed to the floor.

  Jade yelled out, rushing over to him. “Call an ambulance!”

  Dante waved his hand at Jade. “No, I’m fine; it’s the new meds. Just take me home, that table did a Bruce Lee on my head. It hurts like fuck now.” He reached out, needing help to get up.

  Jade placed an arm around Dante, attempting to lift him to his feet. “Help me, Llewellyn,” he said, grunting.

  L stared at them, shaking her head. “I can’t.”

  “He’s too heavy; I can’t lift him by myself.”

  “I can’t,” she repeated, looking scared.

  Dante waved a hand. “No worries, I can do it.” He reached out and grabbed the table, pulling himself up as Jade assisted him. He placed an arm around Jade’s shoulders and walked out of the restaurant, feeling like he was going to fa
ll asleep again. Jade had been right, he shouldn’t have drunk that beer. The psychiatrist had told him the meds reacted badly to alcohol, but it was just one pint, and he was thirsty.

  He stumbled towards Jade’s Ferrari, evening having turned to night. L pulled the back door open for him. Dante crawled in and lay down on the seat, watching as Jade pushed his feet in and shut the door. L climbed into the front passenger seat, while Jade ran back inside. A minute later, he returned, getting behind the wheel, mumbling he had to pay.

  Jade fired up the Ferrari and pulled out onto the road. “I’m sorry about the night, Llewellyn.”

  “No, I should apologize,” L said. “I should’ve helped you with Dante.”

  “Don’t worry, I understand why you didn’t.”

  Silence followed, Dante relieved, because his head was pounding like a motherfucker, plus he was sure he had a lump where the table had clipped his head.

  Ten minutes later, Jade pulled into their driveway. He got out and opened the back door, helping Dante out, while L unlocked the house. Jade helped Dante inside and up the staircase to his room. Dante flopped onto his bed, waving at Jade to go away, his eyes slowly closing. He felt hands pull off his boots, then unzip his pants. He wanted to tell Jade to stop, but he couldn’t move, his body feeling like lead.

  Jade removed Dante’s leather pants, then pulled a sheet over him. “Sleep it off, you’ll feel better in the morning,” he said, giving Dante a kiss on the forehead.

  Dante mumbled, “Go away,” although it sounded more like ‘Gowgay’.

  Jade smiled. “I’d love you to go gay, but not when you’re inebriated. I care for you too much to take advantage of you.” He kissed Dante’s forehead again, then left the room, closing the door behind him. Dante drifted off to sleep, relieved he was alone.



  Saul panted as he fucked Josie against the toilet wall. Her tank top and bra were lifted up, revealing her large breasts, while her short skirt was circling her waist and her knickers pushed aside. His hands were on her arse, lifting her up and down his shaft, while she mauled his face, the woman a messy kisser. Saul let her continue, the alcohol in his system making him not care. He was more interested in the feel of her tight pussy, which was gripping onto his cock perfectly.

  A door banged on the other side of the wall, signalling someone entering the restroom. Men started talking about a rugby game. Saul continued fucking Josie, wondering how he’d gone from protecting her to this.


  Josie had plied him with it, buying him one drink after another. After a few too many, he’d excused himself, needing to use the restroom. She’d followed him in, pushing him into the stall ... no, he’d let her push him, because she was far too small to make him move even one step. He also hadn’t had sex for a while, the last time a couple of months ago with the crime boss’s wife, Talia also aggressive like Josie.

  He pulled back from Josie’s kiss, studying her face. Her red lipstick was smeared, while her eye-makeup was smudged, giving her cute face a smouldering look. He could also see a touch of Beth in the line of her nose, the tone of her hazel eyes, and her high-cheekbones. He knew it was wrong to think of Beth while fucking Josie, but he couldn’t stop himself, his desire for Beth making his cock even harder.

  Josie tightened her legs around his waist and grabbed his head, pressing her lips against his again. She started making a high-pitched sound against them, giving Saul the impression she was close to coming. The men outside the stall stopped talking, only Josie’s stifled cries filling the restroom. Saul picked up speed, fucking her harder, banging her against the wall, adding to the noise. It broke their kiss, Josie’s cries now unfettered, each one growing higher and higher. The men on the other side of the wall started sniggering, but Saul didn’t care. All he cared about was coming, Josie’s tight pussy pure heaven. He felt a warmth spread down to his cock, pushing it past its limits. A second later his cock started jerking inside of her, his cum shooting into the condom, making him groan in ecstasy.

  Josie held onto him as he came, digging her nails into his already ruined back. Vicious scars were hidden under his dress shirt, the woman not having a clue of his torturous past.

  His cock twitched inside of her for the last time, emptying his balls. Satiated, he pulled out of Josie and lowered her to the floor, peeling the full condom from his cock. He dropped it into the toilet and flushed it, while Josie fixed her bra. He ran a hand over her right tit, giving the nipple a pinch.

  Josie cried out. “Saul!” She smacked his hand and continued to fix her bra. Her eyes went to his cock as she pulled her top down. A smile formed across her lips. “You have one massive cock. Me likey, very much.” She went to her knees, taking hold of his shaft. She licked up it, then wrapped her lips around the head, cleaning it. Saul groaned, wondering if he could go for another round, but before he knew it, she’d pushed his cock back inside his pants, zipping him up. “Gotta make sure it’s clean for later,” she said, rising to her feet. “Cos I wanna enjoy you all night, big boy.”

  She unlocked the door and stepped out of the stall, stopping at the sight of two men standing by the urinals. They were grinning wide at her. She took off for the exit, the door banging in her wake.

  The men turned their attention to Saul as he walked over to the sink. He washed his hands, not amused that they were staring at him. “You got something to say?” he said, focusing on them.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t snap that li’l chica in two,” one of them said, the guy’s pants hanging halfway down his arse. He looked young, late teens or early twenties, with a mouth too big for his spotty face.

  The other guy sniggered, his hair greasier than a Sunday fry-up. “She wuz definitely a pocket fuck, cute as hell. I’d give her a couple.”

  Saul straightened to his full height, all six-foot three. “A couple what?” he said, his tone a warning, because he damn well knew what the greasy little bastard meant.

  The guy took a step back, holding his hands up. “Chill, dude, just congratulating you on nailing a li’l hottie. No harm done.”

  “As long as you don’t look at her like she’s nothing but a fuck, because I break boys who do that.”

  “Yeah, yeah, sorry, mate, hope your missus isn’t offended.”

  “She’s not my missus.” He turned for the door.

  “Then why get so mad at us?”

  Saul turned back and stalked up to the dreg, who quickly backed up, along with his friend. Saul stopped in front of him, lowering his head so they were face to face. “Because if you treat women like they’re only good for a fuck it’ll lead to nothing but pain and torment, for both the woman and you. Don’t cross that line, it’s not worth it.” He turned and stalked out of the restroom, wishing he could stop thinking about what he’d done to Beth. It was doing his head in, fucking him over more than he wanted to fuck her. He’d never been the type to treat women badly, in fact, he was usually respectful, yet he’d still stepped over that line he’d advised the two dregs not to. And even worse, he was probably going to upset Josie too, because he knew, unlike Beth, the girl wanted him, while all he wanted was to forget about her cousin.

  His eyes moved around the pub, searching for Josie and her group of friends, the women not where they’d been before the fuck. The pub was packed, all the tables surrounded by beer-guzzling people, along with the long line at the bar. A half-decent rock band was playing on a small stage, with several women dancing in front of them—Josie’s friends. Saul’s gaze swept the dance floor, spotting Josie at the edge, leaning against a table, watching her friends shimmy in their tight dresses. One of them signalled for her to join them, but she shook her head.

  Saul headed for her. Josie looked up as he drew closer, her expression still embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry about those dregs,” he said. “I set them straight.”

  Her eyebrows lifted up. “What do ya mean?”

  “I told them not to disrespect you.”<
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  “Why? What did they say?”

  “They mentioned your size and that you were a hottie, saying they wouldn’t mind having a go with you. I made them apologise for it.”

  She smiled. “They thought I wuz hot?”


  “Do you think I’m hot?”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t have fucked you otherwise.”

  She did a little shake, looking extremely happy with his comment. Without a word, she took off for her friends. Saul watched her, finding her reaction cute. Though, it reminded him of their age gap, amping up his discomfort. He grabbed someone’s beer off the table and skulled it, wishing he didn’t have a conscience, it forever tormenting him.

  Josie returned a minute later, her hazel eyes twinkling under the lights. “They didn’t believe me, so I told them if I wuzn’t hot then how did I get you.” She grabbed his face and yanked his head down to her level, giving him one of her sloppy kisses. She pulled back and flicked her friends the finger, yelling, “See!”

  Saul turned to the table and picked up one of the shot glasses in the middle, again being reminded by how young she was. He lifted up the glass. “Are these for us?”

  “I bought them for you.” She grinned. “Cos I wanna get you so drunk you won’t be able to leave my bed for days.”

  He tipped the shot back, the liquid burning his throat. He slammed the glass down on the table. “I hold my liquor well,” he said, breathing out the burn, the shot damn good.

  She propped herself up on a stool. “I figured that, which is why I bought you a lot, big boy.”

  Saul picked up another shot glass and skulled it. A second later, he grabbed a third one, doing the same.

  Josie giggled. “You sure like your alcohol, Mr. Policeman.”

  “Mr. Policeman?” he said, grabbing another glass.

  “Well, you are one.” She ran a hand over his arm. “Are you enjoying the night?”

  “Yes.” He knocked the drink back, swallowing it down, a lovely haze finally settling in.

  She let out a little giggle. “I’m happy you’re happy.”

  A burst of laughter came from the dance floor, drawing his attention away from Josie. A few of Josie’s friends were talking, throwing sexually charged glances his way, looking like they wanted to steal him from her. His eyes moved back to Josie, wondering why she surrounded herself with bitches, because he could smell nasty pussy a mile off ... and hers wasn’t as strong as the scantily-clad women she was associating with.


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