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SEAL Dearest (Navy SEAL Brotherhood Romance Love Story)

Page 20

by Ivy Jordan

  I used Xander’s phone to call Lila since mine didn’t have service. I told her what I needed, and she agreed to find someone that would make a good fit for Xander.

  “How are things going?” Lila asked.

  “Amazing,” I gushed.

  “I’m so happy for you, Bailey,” she breathed.

  “Why don’t you come up here and visit?” I offered.

  “I may take you up on that,” she agreed before we hung up.

  It was all settled, Xander would start counseling, eventually hoping to have it set him free from his secluded lifestyle and help him begin a new life with me.

  Liam pulled Xander in for a long, hard embrace, and then turned to me. He smiled softly, his eyes filled with love, and then pulled me into his chest. He was much shorter than Xander, making my cheek land awkwardly against his neck instead of his chest.

  “Thank you, Bailey,” he offered, and then grabbed his bag that sat by the door.

  “I’ll call to check on you,” he warned Xander before closing the door.

  With that, Liam was gone, leaving me and Xander to spend more time alone.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  My chest tightened at the thought of counseling, but I knew it was for the best. I couldn’t expect Bailey to give up her life and stay out here on this mountainside with me, so I had to get to a better place.

  Why was she being so helpful?

  She’d read my letters, and I was certain she’d read the words ‘I love you’ in the last one I’d written. She hadn’t said anything, nothing at all. Was she feeling the same way?

  Lila called back, and when I answered, she sounded sweet, talking to me like she’d known me forever. I still got a little anxious talking to people I didn’t know, so I quickly handed Bailey the phone and made an excuse to get outside.

  “I’m gonna restack the wood,” I smiled, leaving her to talk to her friend.

  I knew it was about me, about the counseling. Shit, did she find someone that quickly?

  I stepped out of the cabin and into the fresh air. It was still crisp, but warming up with the sun in full blaze above the mountain. I moved towards the wood pile, moved a few logs around, and then covered it back up. There really wasn’t much for me to do out there, but I wasn’t ready to go back inside.

  I took a walk, using the path that Liam and I cleared that led to the creek. It was nice not having to push through heavy brush and get scratched by the low branches of the thick, tall trees.

  With the rain, the sunshine, and the new clearing, wild flowers had blossomed along the tall grass, leaving a colorful rainbow of life lining the path. I stopped, taking it all in and feeling hopeful that Bailey and I would work.

  She had to love me, otherwise she wouldn’t have come all the way out here, pushed those books in my face, and said she’d stand beside me while I dealt with my PTSD.


  “Xander!” Bailey’s sweet voice echoed off the trees.

  I turned back towards the cabin, making my way to the sound of her sweet tone.

  “Where did ya go?” she asked, handing me my phone.

  “I was just checking the creek, thinking about fishing for a little while,” I responded.

  “Okay. Well, Lila found a counselor. She is going to call you on the phone to set something up for next week,” she blurted excitedly.

  I watched her eyes dance on mine. Yes, she loved me. There was no doubt that this woman loved me.

  “That is perfect,” I smiled.

  “I’m really tired. I was thinking about taking a nap, is that okay?” she asked.

  “Of course. I’ll bring us back fish for lunch,” I leaned in, kissing her on the cheek before she went inside.

  I pulled a pole and net from the shed, and started back down the path towards the creek. I looked down at my phone, surprised that I had a signal away from the cabin, and knew I had the clearing and Liam to thank for that.

  I dialed Liam’s number, curious as to how far down the mountain he’d made it.

  “Hey, miss me already?” his voice was cheerful.

  I could hear music in the background and what sounded like wind.

  “Are you already in your truck?” I gasped, shocked that he could make it down the mountain that fast.

  “Hell yeah,” he chuckled.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “It’s great. I just wanted to thank you for the clearing you talked me into,” I responded.

  I made it to the creek after grabbing a few slugs, tree worms, and beetles along the way.

  “Man, I can hear the creek rippling,” Liam sighed.

  “You miss it, don’t ya?” I teased.

  “I do,” he admitted.

  “What’s on your mind?” he pushed.

  He knew me well enough to know I wasn’t one to just call and chat.

  “I think that Lila girl found a counselor. Gonna start next week,” I spewed.

  “Yeah, that’s great,” he boasted.

  “I guess,” I sighed.

  “What else is it?” he urged.

  “Would Bailey be doing all this if she didn’t love me?” I queried.

  I felt foolish asking the question, especially to Liam, my SEAL brother. This was another topic we didn’t talk about with one another, but after he’d opened the gates to unchartered territory, I figured what the hell.

  “Love… That’s awful soon, don’t ya think?” he asked.

  “Not really. I mean, I wrote those letters, and she found them and read them. I said I loved her in the last one,” I admitted.

  “And?” Liam asked.

  “And she hasn’t said it back, hasn’t even mentioned the word,” I added.

  Liam laughed, hard and from the belly. I was growing irritated as he continued to find humor in my pain.

  “I’m sorry. Look, if you love her, then tell her, not in a letter, but with your own words,” he suggested.

  “You’re right,” I sighed.

  We said our goodbyes, and he promised to contact me as soon as he made it back to Texas.

  I slid my phone into my pocket and baited the hook at the end of my line. I dropped the bait into the water and almost instantly had a hit. I jerked, pulling a nice size bass from the stream.

  After about an hour, I’d collected over six nice-sized fish, all ready to clean and grill for tonight’s dinner.

  The flat rock just a few feet from the creek was my cleaning station. I knew Bailey was sleeping, and the smell of fish guts wouldn’t be a nice aroma to wake up to, so I decided to get them all cleaned before heading back.

  The filets were thick and meaty, and I was careful to ensure no bones were left on the meat as I tossed them into the bucket.

  On the way back, I stopped at the open path and stared at all the flowers. They were beautiful, just like Bailey. I leaned down, picking some of the purple ones, and then moved towards the white. I picked three of each, even crossing into a thorn bush to gather the bright green ones that matched her eyes. I carried them into the cabin, set them on the counter with the bucket of fish, and started searching for a vase. The best thing I could find was an empty whiskey bottle, so I peeled off the label and rinsed it before placing them inside.

  I washed the fish, battered them and seasoned them, and placed them in the fridge until Bailey woke up and we were ready to eat.

  I sat in the chair, holding the flowers in my lap, just staring at her while she slept. She was the best thing that had ever come into my life, and I was going to do everything in my power to be the best thing for hers.

  She started to rustle beneath the covers, so I got up and moved to the bed. I knelt down on my knees, holding the flowers in front of me, and waited for her to open her eyes.

  Bright green, just like the flowers I’d picked, her eyes opened slowly. Her lips curled into a smile as she glanced up at the flowers, and then landed on mine with such sweetness, I couldn’t contain my words.

  “I love
you,” I blurted.

  She sat up quickly, rubbing her eyes. Her hands reached for the flowers, and then she leapt into my arms.

  Chapter Thirty- Eight


  Waking up to Xander holding those beautiful wild flowers was more than enough to make my heart sing, but then, those sweet words. I’d read them on paper, but I wasn’t sure if he truly felt that way since he’d never sent them. Hearing them come from his lips, that was music to my ears.

  “I love you, too,” I gasped, leaping into his arms.

  I nearly knocked him to his back as my arms wrapped around his neck. I knew it was fast, but I felt the same way. I loved Xander.

  “Wow,” he gushed, laughing as he struggled to get back on his knees.

  My legs wrapped around his waist as he held me in his lap.

  “I wasn’t sure what to expect, but this is great,” he smiled.

  “It took you long enough,” I teased.

  His eyes widened, and he smiled with that beautiful crooked smile as he shook his head.

  “Took me long enough?” he exclaimed.

  “I didn’t want to pressure you. I thought maybe since you hadn’t sent the letters, that you weren’t ready or you weren’t sure,” I admitted.

  He stood, lifting me with him, and then tossed me onto the bed. I stared up at him, his eyes filled with passion and love, knowing I made the right choice climbing the mountain.

  His hands rolled up my belly, pushing my shirt with them. The cabin had warmed with the sun and the fire, so I didn’t flinch as my flesh was exposed to the cooler air of the room. I lifted my hands, letting him pull the shirt from my body, tossing it to the floor.

  He slowly pulled at my pants, sliding them down my legs as my back arched, pushing my breasts towards the ceiling.

  Xander’s mouth quickly covered my breasts, one at a time, sucking at my nipple and offering gentle flicks of his tongue. I squirmed beneath him, craving every touch, every sensation.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered in my ear, and then nibbled gently on my lobe.

  I giggled as his whiskers tickled my cheek.

  “Do you want me to shave, does it bother you?” he asked.

  At first, I thought I might want him to at least trim his beard, but now, I wasn’t so sure. It was part of who he was, part of why I fell in love with him, and I loved how it teased my skin.

  “No,” I breathed, pushing my hips against his.

  I reached up, gripped his shirt, and pulled it from his body. My fingers played on the ripples of his abs, tickling his ribs gently as he squirmed.

  He ripped open his pants, and I could hear his boots kicking to the wood floor as he started to stand. His strong hands pushed at the denim, exposing his chiseled hips, thin trail of long blond hairs, and then his full erection.

  I fell back on the bed, unable to move as I waited for him to slide on the condom he pulled from the drawer. My body quivered and twitched with anticipation as he gripped my hips, sliding me to the center of the bed.

  He lay down beside me, his hands slowly tracing the curves of my body while his eyes took me in.

  It was as if I was touching him for the first time, unable to control my hands roaming along his ripped arms, his thick shoulders, and smooth chest. Our eyes never lost contact, staring deep into each other’s souls as he moved on top of me.

  His warmth and his weight brought me to a height of arousal, my legs opening freely to allow him inside, and my body melting beneath him.

  His lips kissed at my neck, sucking and tugging at my flesh. I arched my back, let out a soft moan, and reached between his legs.

  His thick cock in my hand pulled a growl from his chest, and as I stroked him and sucked on his neck, he groaned with desire.

  I guided him to my pussy, placing him at the entrance and pulling my hand away. Our eyes locked once again, holding steady as he entered me, spreading my hips and filling me with his large muscle.

  “Damn, I love you,” he gasped, slowly thrusting into me, deeper and deeper with each stroke.

  “I love you,” I moaned, lifting my ass from the mattress to take his deep strokes.

  His hand lifted my leg, pulling it to my side as he continued to thrust. He found the spot he was looking for, the one that made me cry out his name, and he picked up the pace, creating a friction against my G-spot that made me squirt all over his cock, and my juices ran down his balls.

  He chuckled with pride at his accomplishment, and I merely gasped for my breath at the powerful explosion he’d created between my legs.

  He kissed me softly, searching my entire body for new spots his lips hadn’t tasted yet while still remaining inside of me. Our bodies entangled like pretzels, rolling around the bed to explore every position.

  He took me from behind, with my ass high in the air, from the side, with one leg draped over his hip, and we ended with me on top, riding him like a cowgirl.

  His hands cupped my breasts as they bounced with each thrust. I moaned, groaned, and even growled once as my clit grinded into his hard pelvis.

  Xander took his time, making sure I’d orgasmed several times before I noticed the first flinch on his face. His eyes closed and his lips parted with a loud growl as I slid up and down on his manhood, my slippery juices plentiful, and my body glistening with sweat.

  When he quit twitching, I fell to his chest, letting out bodies throb against one another as they tried to calm.

  “Thank you,” he whispered in my ear.

  I lifted my head, my breathing still rapid, and stared at him curiously.

  “Thank you for what?” I questioned.

  “For loving me, for believing in me,” he gasped.

  My hand reached to his face, holding his chin as I stared into his eyes.

  “You don’t ever have to thank me for that. I’m lucky you found me, so I could find you,” I smiled.

  “I promise I’ll do everything the counselor says, and I’ll work hard to make sure I get myself to a place where you can have the kind of life you deserve,” he insisted.

  “The kind of life we both deserve,” I corrected him.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I stared up the mountain from the parking lot below. The trees had filled in quickly as summer approached, making it impossible to see the cabin that sat at the peak. Bailey’s hand slid into mine as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

  “I’m really proud of you,” she whispered.

  I was proud of me, too.

  It had been a long three months, but with Bailey by my side, she made the hard work worth it. I squeezed her hand gently and turned away from my secluded home on the mountain.

  “You ready to go?” I smiled.

  We walked to her car hand in hand, stopping at the driver’s side door for a quick kiss before I helped her inside.

  “The kids are going to love you,” she said sweetly as I slid into the passenger side of her car.

  It felt odd letting her drive me and not being behind the wheel of my own truck. She insisted, saying she had a stop to make before we got to the school and it was best that she drove.

  It was the first time in months that I’d been down the mountain, other than a few quick trips to town for supplies. The therapist I’d been connected to insisted that I make the trips myself and not allow Bailey to bring me anything on her trips up. She was right. Bailey didn’t need to load her backpack down with water, whiskey, and other items I needed from town. I was a grown ass man, and it was my responsibility.

  “Do you miss the kids?” I asked, watching Bailey’s expression turn serious as she pulled from the parking lot.

  She hadn’t told me what the other stop was, and I didn’t ask. I trusted her.

  “I do. It’s going to be great to see them again,” she gushed, her expression softening. “I’ll enjoy teaching online though. It’ll give me more freedom to be at the cabin more during the winter.”

  I’d spent all morning running cable an
d finding the perfect spot for the modem in order to get a faster Internet connection at the cabin. I was amazed that she’d taken the job once the school year ended and that she’d taken it to spend more time with me. I wanted to make sure she had everything she needed.

  We drove along the curvy road that took us straight into town. We passed the hardware store and the market where I purchased supplies, the only two places I’d ever stepped foot inside. Now, she had me talking to a group of elementary kids about the military and what it was like being a Navy SEAL. I knew they’d all have their little hands shoved in the air, asking question after question. I was nervous, scared to death actually, but I didn’t want her to know that. I wanted to be the strong man she was so proud of.

  “We’re here,” she turned the car into a small cemetery.

  We drove through the large black gates and towards the back of the grounds. My heart raced, knowing what she was doing and appreciating that she wanted me there.

  She turned to me, her eyes wide and filled with tears.

  “I want you to meet the man that helped push me into your arms,” she chirped.

  “I would be honored,” I smiled, gripping her hand in mine.

  She reached in the back seat and grabbed a bundle of newspaper. When she pulled it up to the front, I noticed the wild flowers wrapped inside. They were mostly the green ones that matched her eyes, mixed with a few blue ones, wrapped in the politics section of the paper.

  “He loved to gripe about the news,” she chuckled, sliding from her seat to the pavement.

  I followed her, watching her approach a tall double headstone with the name Martin engraved on top. Pictures were on either side, one of her father dressed in his military blues, and another of a woman, strikingly resembling Bailey.

  “Is that your mother?” I gasped, taking a step back to admire the resemblance.

  She nodded with a smile, the same one the woman in the picture wore.

  “Wow. You look just like her,” I smiled, moving closer to take her hand.

  “And this is my father,” she motioned towards the picture of the man in military blues.


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