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SEAL Dearest (Navy SEAL Brotherhood Romance Love Story)

Page 48

by Ivy Jordan

  I took Xander’s number, laughing that he’d chosen e-mail with coordinates instead of calling me before. It was good to see him, and even though he was all alone on that mountain top, it was obvious he was happy.

  Chapter Ten


  Mrs. Hannah sat in my big comfy chair hugging one of the bright colored pillows as she spoke. It was her second visit in a week, and after listening to the stress she lived under, it surprised me she wasn’t scheduled for more visits. “I think you are a very strong woman. Don’t underestimate your ability to cope with stress,” I told her with a smile.

  “You know, just hearing those affirmations helps me more than you’ll ever know,” she gushed.

  It was nice to know that my method of counseling was helping her, especially after only seeing her twice. “I look forward to next week. I used to dread these sessions,” she winced, and then brightened up quickly with a smile.

  I could only imagine how Mitchell handled her issues. Probably like most men who see a woman stressed out, telling her to relax, take a nap, or to try medication. I smiled, stood, and shook her hand as she said her goodbyes.

  “Have a good weekend,” she waved as she exited my office. She closed the door behind her, leaving me to ponder what I was going to do for two days without work. I knew I planned on bringing home some of the files of the new patients Mitchell passed on to me, but other than that, I had no plans.

  Elijah hadn’t contacted me since our night out, our dinner, our date. Whatever it was. It most likely wasn’t a date since he hadn’t called, or at least sent a text since.

  He was probably busy with the house, trying his best to get it fixed in record time so he could run back to the states. He probably had someone in Miami waiting on him anyways.

  I packed up my briefcase, locked up my office, and walked out to my car. Mitchell was still in a session, and I didn’t feel like waiting around to tell him goodbye. I drove away from the office and almost made it past Madison’s bakery, but I couldn’t resist. My stomach started growling as soon as I pulled into her parking lot and got the first whiff of the delicious sweet treats she’d baked inside.

  “Taylor,” she waved, quickly greeting me as I walked into her store. Her hair was pulled back into a net, and the apron she wore was covered in chocolate icing. “New creation?” I chuckled, motioning to her mess.

  “Yes, chocolate-covered Twinkies, deep fried, and then sprinkled with powdered sugar,” she exclaimed, her eyes widening as she spoke.

  It was no wonder her hips were wide, and her arms were beginning to thicken. I knew I’d already gained three or four pounds since discovering her bakery. “Mad scientist, always at work,” she laughed, reaching behind her to untie the apron. “You seem down; what’s wrong?” Madison asked, pulling the net from her curly red hair. “Hasn’t he called yet?”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t expect him to,” I lied.

  “Men: they are a pain in our ass,” she scoffed, and then pulled my hand as she walked towards a table in the back. “I’m so irritated with Joey right now, I could spit,” Madison griped as she slid into one of the small café style chairs.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, not really sure I wanted to know. Joey was a jerk, that much I already knew, but I couldn’t tell Madison that, even if she was mad at him. I sat down, pulled out my counseling ears, and listened.

  Madison complained about his behavior, saying he was distant and acting strange. “Now that Johnny’s single, he wants to run around with him. I need my freedom, he tells me. Can you believe that?” she went on.

  It was becoming clear why she was so quick to set me up with Johnny; apparently this isn’t the first time Joey has followed his brother’s dating status. It was difficult to listen to Madison telling me how many times Joey had broken up with her, just so he could go out and chase women with his brother. “As soon as Johnny finds someone, he comes crawling back,” she smirked as if that made her proud.

  “Why do you keep letting him come back?” I asked, knowing I needed to be very careful not to cross the bounds of our friendship. Women were often very defensive of their men, especially when their behavior was less than desirable, and I knew Madison had a history of chasing the bad boys.

  “He loves me,” she sighed, her face not matching her words. I could see the stress, the pain in her eyes, but I knew better than to push it any further.

  “I’m sorry, Madison,” I consoled, refusing to fall into the trap where I give her advice she doesn’t take, and then resents me for years to come.

  My mind drifted to Elijah, secretly wishing he would call. I’d love to see him again. Maybe I should call him? I’m a strong, independent woman; there’s no reason why I can’t take the lead, is there? I knew I wasn’t bold enough.

  Madison was ranting about Joey flirting with a waitress while they were out the other night, and I was trying to look as if I was listening, even though I’d tuned out most of what she said. “Please come out with us tonight,” she asked. That I heard.

  “Us?” I questioned.

  “Yeah, Joey, Johnny, and me,” she explained. Hell no!

  “I really don’t want to lead him on. There’s nothing about him that I like,” I asserted, realizing honesty may be the only way out of this. “He was kind of a jerk,” I added.

  “I know he is. I’m sorry I tried to set you up with him. I thought he’d changed, or that he would for a good woman like you. I just really need him distracted so Joey will pay attention to me again,” she whined.

  I hated to see Madison upset. What could it hurt? “Okay, but I’m not dressing up, and I’m not putting up with his bad behavior. If he does or says anything inappropriate, I’m gonna tell him, and I may end up leaving,” I warned her.

  “Okay, okay,” she blurted, nearly jumping out of her seat to hug me around my neck. “You’re the best. I’ll owe you one,” she promised.

  As I left the bakery, my skin crawled at the thought of what I’d agreed to. Why would I want Joey to pay attention to her? He was just as big a jerk as his brother. She’d be better off if he left her alone. Ugh!

  As I walked into my front door, my phone started ringing. I reached into my purse, pulled it out, and smiled as Elijah’s name came across the screen. “Hello,” I answered.

  “Hello there. How are you?” he asked, his voice deep and seductive.

  “I’m great. I made it through my first week without destroying anyone’s life,” I joked.

  “Good girl. I made it up the mountain to see Xander without destroying my life,” he chuckled.

  “Oh wow. How was he? And, was it as bad as you thought, getting there?” I replied.

  “Xander is great; better than great actually. And, yes, it was much worse,” he sighed.

  I fell onto the couch, sinking into the cushions while he told me all about his trek up the mountain and his encounter with a tarantula. “That’s why I haven’t called; I’m really sorry. My back was in bad shape after that, and I was lucky to get six hours of work in at the house before falling face down on my hotel bed,” he explained.

  “Hotel bed? You’re not staying at the house?” I questioned.

  “No,” he replied with no further explanation as to why. Are the memories that bad?

  My heart ached for Elijah. I wanted to reach out and wrap my arms around him. Damn, I wished I could see him. “What are you doing tonight?” he asked, making my wish come true, and crushing it instantly when I realized what I’d promised.

  “I’m going out with Madison,” I sighed.

  “You sound really excited about that,” he laughed.

  I explained the situation, figuring he’d think I was an idiot for agreeing to go again. “You’re a good friend,” he said sweetly.

  “I feel like a good friend would tell her to dump her idiot of a boyfriend,” I groaned.

  “Oh no! That’s how you lose friends. They always end up taking the idiot’s side over yours,” he chuckled.

  He wasn�
�t wrong. That’s why I’d kept my mouth shut. Madison was my only friend on the island, besides Elijah, and he was leaving in a few weeks.

  “Well, how about I take you to a nice dinner tomorrow night to make up for your bad double date,” he asked.

  “Please don’t call it a date,” I moaned. “But, I would love to have dinner with you tomorrow,” I added.

  “Good, then it’s a date. Wait, am I not allowed to call tonight a date, or tomorrow a date? Or neither?” he teased playfully.

  My heart raced. He called it a date. “Just tonight; that’s certainly not a date,” I smiled.

  Chapter Eleven


  The small hotel towel barely wrapped around my waist as I got out of the shower, and the tiny soaps they provided had a strange smell. I’d have to go shopping later for the things I needed. It was inconvenient to stay in a hotel, especially since the hotel was more of a resort, and families swarmed the pool with their screaming kids. I wasn’t staying at the house though, no matter how inconvenient it was for me. I’d burn that place down if it didn’t stand to make a pretty penny once sold.

  I slipped into a nice pair of jeans and found a short-sleeved button-up shirt that wasn’t wrinkled from being crammed into my bag.

  I was excited to see Taylor, and to hear how her double not-date had gone.

  Why was I so nervous? I’d known her for what felt like forever.

  I walked into the hotel lounge where the fathers of the screaming kids all drowned their stress with fruity cocktails with tiny umbrellas. I struggled not to laugh as I leaned into the bar between two sunburnt sad sacks wearing bright floral shirts. “Jack, please,” I ordered my drink from a pretty blonde bartender with large breasts, one of the obvious reasons for the dad’s hanging around.

  She winked at me as she took my twenty. “Keep the change,” I smiled, sliding out from between the two men and moving to a small pub table in the corner.

  I sipped my drink with the bartender eyeing me. I’d been in there a few times that week, and I’m sure she caught on that I wasn’t with a family, and wasn’t the average tourist. Normally, I would’ve had her up to my room at least twice by now, but that part of my life seemed to be over. When the fuck did that happen?

  My thumb slid over Taylor’s number and then clicked to messages. I shot her a quick text, letting her know I was on my way, and then waited like an eager schoolboy staring at my screen for her to respond. Wow, what the fuck has happened to me?

  That sweet beep and vibration in my hand lit me up like a Christmas tree. She was ready, excited to see me.

  I finished my drink, slid between the same two guys, and left my glass on the bar. I could feel the blonde’s eyes burning through me as I walked out, but I didn’t dare turn to look.

  Taylor’s hair was down again, beautiful and flowing down her back. The little white sundress she wore brought out her dark skin, and the sandals gave me a peek at her painted toes. Red; I love it.

  “You look beautiful, as usual,” I complimented as she slid from her front door. She was eager to leave I guess, no invite in while she primped one last time. I liked a woman that was prompt, but I’d have to admit, waiting on Taylor wouldn’t bother me one bit.

  “Thank you,” she smiled and slid her hand in mine as she leaned in for a hug. Her scent of vanilla made my mouth water as it wafted under my nose. I was suddenly self-conscious of my own scent, the strange smell of the hotel soap mixed with my expensive cologne.

  I walked her to my dad’s old car, my car now. I opened the door, watched her slide in, one long slender leg at a time, and wondered if her panties matched her red toenails. I was certain they did. A woman like Taylor paid attention to small details like that.

  “So, how was your non-date last night?” I asked, sliding into the driver seat next to her. She scooted closer to me, almost to the center. Wow.

  “It was horrible, as expected. I seriously do not know what Madison sees in that jerk,” she spouted, rolling her eyes in disgust.

  I laughed. She was cute when she was irritated.

  “So, was the brother any better behaved?” I asked, hoping he was. I really didn’t want to kick his ass, but if he’d offended Taylor, I’d have to, not just for my sake, but for Tommy’s as well. He’d expect no less from me.

  “He was still a jerk, but I put him in his place pretty quick. I stayed until ten o’clock, and then I told Madison she was on her own,” she smirked with a crooked smile that made my dick twitch against my jeans.

  “Well, you’ve done your good deed. No more double non-dates then?” I questioned, hoping it came off casually. I didn’t want her to think I was being controlling. She was a grown woman and could do what she wanted. I did hope that I was what she wanted to do, and not some jerk that she’d been out with twice now.

  “No more. Not even if she cries,” she smiled. Thank God!

  She filled me in on the details of the night, and after ten minutes, it was clear she was right, both brothers were complete tools. I loved listening to her talk. I wasn’t sure why. Most women started talking and I tuned out unless it was bedroom talk; that I stayed alert for. She was different. It was easy to talk to her, easy to listen to her.

  I was almost disappointed when I pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot.

  Inside the restaurant, we were seated at a private table near the large window where we could view the ocean slapping against the jagged rocks while we dined. Our conversation picked right back up where it had left off in the car, with her asking about my trip to see Xander.

  She laughed so hard I thought she was going to choke on her wine when I told her about the way Xander greeted me with a cocked shotgun. “Tommy used to tell me stories about him all the time,” she smiled. It was the first time I’d heard her mention her brother’s name.

  “He wasn’t exaggerating,” I chuckled.

  “I’d like to see him again. Maybe you can show me the way?” she asked.

  I thought about her on that path, climbing up the sharp cliffs and wading through the swampy terrain. “Are you sure you’re up for that?” I asked, realizing my tone was a little too condescending for her liking as her one eyebrow raised high on her forehead, and her eyes glared into mine.

  “If you can handle it, I can handle it,” she said sharply, a smirk working upward on her face as she spoke.

  “Wow, you think so?” I taunted.

  “I know so,” she replied firmly.

  “Okay. We’ll plan a trip,” I agreed to defeat.

  Taylor Manning had always been impressive, but if she made it up that mountain side, I’d marry her.

  The waiter brought our meals, filling the first awkward silence we’d had since we sat down. Taylor’s eyes widened as the blackened trout slid in front of her. “This is what I missed about this place: the food,” she beamed. “Anything you miss about living on the island?” she added.

  I hadn’t really thought about it until she asked me just then. Did I miss anything? “Well, Miami has amazing weather all year, a beautiful ocean, great food, and no tarantulas,” I jested.

  Her dark eyes rested on mine with a strange glaze over them. She was thinking something, but I couldn’t read her well enough to know what. “I’m sure there’s something I’ve missed,” I appeased her with a lie. I knew there was nothing, other than Tommy, and he wasn’t here anymore, so nothing, until now. I was going to miss Taylor when I left here; I could feel that in my bones.

  “I don’t like the seclusion,” she chimed in, deciding to go a different route with her topic. “And, the fact that I can’t get a greasy, delicious slice of pizza any hour of the day or night just by walking out my front door,” she closed her eyes and let her head fall as a soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips. Fuck, my cock stiffened instantly at the sweet noise she made.

  “Yeah. If you want anything here, you have a ways to go,” I chuckled nervously, praying that the blood would rush from between my legs back to my brain.

We spent the rest of dinner coming up with reasons why living here sucked in comparison to our homes in the states. It was refreshing how easy she made it to find something in common to talk about. Damn, her lips were so red and plump. My mind drifted often during our conversation, and plenty of times I had to tune her out and think of baseball or some other focal point to distract my cock.

  The check came, and I didn’t want the night to end. It was Saturday, and I knew she didn’t have to work, and I could put off working on the house until late afternoon, or even Monday if I wanted. “Would you like to take a walk on the beach?” I asked, slipping my credit card into the leather folder with the bill.

  Her smile spread across her face as she nodded. Damn, it is going to be tough to keep my hands off of her.

  We tossed our shoes in the car and she leaned against the driver drawer while I bent down to roll up my jeans. “I should’ve worn shorts,” I chuckled nervously as my eye caught a glimpse of red between her legs as the wind lifted her skirt ever so slightly. Fuck, the ache between my own legs returned, and this time with a vengeance. I instantly thought of Tommy to stop from growing a full wood right there like a damn perv. I stood quickly, before chancing another peek at her panties, and took her hand.

  We walked on the beach, not saying much, and then stopped at a large rock to rest. My hands gripped around her small waist and lifted her up to the rock, and then I slid next to her. The water was rising quickly, and with each wave, more water splashed up the rock and wet our feet, and then our legs. “Looks like we’re about to get drenched,” I warned as the next wave blasted up the rock and splashed to our laps. She giggled hysterically as she stood on the rock. “Get on my back,” I suggested, leaning into her so she could climb aboard. The warmth of her body sent electricity through my veins as she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I ran up the beach towards the car as if the waves were chasing us. We probably had plenty of time to hang out, but we were going to get wet, that was for certain.


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