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¡Adios, America!

Page 17

by Coulter, Ann

  There are sex-segregated buses in Mexico30 and a sex-segregated metro system in Delhi.31 How will sex-segregated subway cars go over in New York City? Will Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg approve that in our new country? While we’re at it, why not let the Hottentots replace Supreme Court justices? They’ll make the court more vibrant.


  By now, Muslim rape culture is well known in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark on account of their own deranged immigration policies. A 2001 police study in Oslo, Norway, for example, found that two out of three rapes were committed by Muslims.32 But—as in America—the local press neurotically portray the Muslim rapists as “Swedish men.”33 Muslim gang rapists taunt their victims in court.34 The “grand mufti” of Australia, Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilali, gave a speech blaming the Muslim rape epidemic on Australian women, for not being veiled. (“If you take uncovered meat, put it on the street . . . and the cats eat it, is it the fault of the cat or the uncovered meat?”)35 In the middle of the internationally covered “Arab Spring” protests in Egypt, a mob of Muslim men sexually assaulted a female CBS reporter, Lara Logan.

  What do Muslims have to do to get the media to shift their focus from apocryphal fraternity rapes by preppie white guys to real rapes by these barbaric, alien cultures being foisted on the West?

  The CBS broadcast in which Lara Logan described her “brutal sustained sexual assault” by Egyptian men celebrating in Tahir Square topped the Nielsen ratings.36 But the New York Times devoted less newspaper ink to Logan’s actual rape than it did to a nonexistent rape by Duke lacrosse players. In fact, the Times published less about the sexual assault on Logan than it did on the Augusta National Golf Club’s all-male membership policy.


  This is how PC kills. Political correctness requires that American women not be warned that, when they leave the West, they will be encountering cultures that do not share our Protestant virtues of self-restraint and legal equality.

  Here are some news accounts of sexual assaults on Western tourists from a just few months in 2013 and 2014:

  In February 2013, an American photographer from Staten Island was murdered on a “safe” street of Istanbul by a Turkish man, who hit her with a rock because she wouldn’t kiss him. A local storeowner downplayed the murder, saying, “If the woman does not flirt, a man would not attempt to do anything,” and adding, “Everything starts with a woman.” A thirty-year-old tour operator also blamed the murdered victim, saying, “She was asking for trouble.”37 You know, by being a woman.

  That same month, a female tourist from Italy was gang-raped by police in Mexico when she refused to pay a bribe38—the same police force accused by a Canadian tourist of gang rape just a year earlier.39 Around the same time, masked men broke into an Acapulco beach villa and gang-raped six tourists from Spain. A seventh woman was told she was not raped because she was a Mexican.40 I’m trying to imagine what would happen if a group of white men gang-raped a half dozen Latinas, but skipped one woman because she was white.

  The following month, in March 2013, a twenty-four-year-old Dutch woman working in Dubai was raped by a Sudanese colleague. When she reported the rape to the police, they asked her, “Are you sure you just didn’t like it?”41 For reporting the rape, she was charged with the crime of having unlawful sex and sentenced to sixteen months in prison. A few months later, the polygamist ruler of Dubai pardoned her for the crime of being raped—and simultaneously pardoned her rapist.42

  In March 2013, a Swiss woman was gang-raped by seven or eight men while on a bicycle trip with her husband in India. The rapists tied her husband to a tree for him to watch.43 That same month, a British tourist leapt from her third-floor hotel room in India to avoid being raped by the hotel owner.44 In April, a twenty-one-year-old American student was gang-raped for six hours inside a moving public transit minivan on the Copacabana Beach in Brazil. Her boyfriend was tied up and forced to watch. Among the accused rapists was the bus’s fourteen-year-old fare-taker.45

  In one month, January 2014, a Danish woman was robbed and gang-raped at knifepoint for three hours by men she had stopped in a popular Indian shopping district to ask for directions;46 a Polish tourist traveling with her two-year-old daughter in India was raped by a cabdriver, then thrown along with her child to the side of the road;47 and an eighteen-year-old charity worker from Germany was sexually assaulted on a train in India.48

  In March that year, a British woman was raped by a security guard who was walking her back to her room in a five-star hotel in Egypt. By the Egyptian government’s own account, staff at that one upscale hotel had been responsible for three other rapes as well as numerous sexual assaults in the previous two years.49


  Lauren Wolfe, director of Women Under Siege at the Women’s Media Center, recounted many of these adventures in Third World travel in the New York Times, but smothered the facts with PC palaver about how it could happen anywhere. “Reports of rape in all countries [emphasis added],” she dutifully wrote, are undermined by “corruption and a cultural willingness to ignore violence considered ‘normal,’ even close to home.”50

  In all countries? Even when reporting on innocent American women being raped and molested throughout the Third World, the media won’t question their dogma that all cultures are equal—except American culture, which is the worst!

  Wolfe admitted that when she searched for articles about tourists being raped in the United States, she didn’t find any. Instead, she kept getting more articles about American tourists being raped abroad. But Wolfe checked with Julia Drost, the policy and advocacy associate in women’s human rights at Amnesty International, and Drost confirmed that sexual violence “knows no national or cultural barriers.”51 Most women travelers, Wolfe said, would agree that “bad things can happen when you get in a taxi in New York.”52 Well, yeah: 99 percent of New York taxi drivers are immigrants.53


  Today, thanks to Teddy Kennedy, even Americans who haven’t technically left home are being forced to encounter these foreign rape cultures in their own country. Immigrants who thought they were fleeing backward, misogynistic societies are being attacked by the same rapists they knew back home. In 2009, illegal immigrant Juan Carlos Conseco-Figueroa raped a Hispanic immigrant in her Annapolis, Maryland, home, forcing the woman to perform oral sex on him at knifepoint, in front of children. He then grabbed the six-year-old, ripped off her clothes, and dragged her into a bedroom. As he was raping the child, police broke down the door.54

  Among the things that Conseco-Figueroa’s rape victim must have thought she was escaping by coming to America was the Hispanic rape culture. But without an immigration moratorium, soon the only difference between America and Mexico will be that in the United States, you’ll be able to push “one” for English. Immigrants may wonder why they bothered coming. Another few years of our current immigration policies, and we’ll all have to move to Canada to escape the rapes.



  INTERNATIONAL LAW WAS CREATED DURING THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION BECAUSE a group of Mexicans—and one African American—gang-raped and murdered two teenaged girls in Houston, Texas.1 The crime made history in another way: It led to the most death sentences handed out for a single crime in Texas since 1949.2 Do you even know about this case?

  The only reason the media eventually admitted that the lead rapist, Jose Ernesto Medellin, was an illegal alien from Mexico was to try to overturn his conviction on the grounds that he had not been informed of his right, as a Mexican citizen, to confer with the Mexican consulate.

  Journalists have an irritating tendency to skimp on detail when reporting crimes by immigrants, a practice that will not be followed here.

  One summer night in June 1993, fourteen-year-old Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Peña, who had just turned sixteen, were
returning from a pool party, and decided to take a shortcut through a park to make their 11:30 p.m. curfew. They encountered a group of Hispanic men, who were in the process of discussing “gang etiquette,” such as not complaining if other members talked about having sex with your mother.3 The girls ran away, but Medellin grabbed Jennifer and began ripping her clothes off. Hearing her screams, Elizabeth came back to help her friend.

  For more than an hour, the five Hispanics and one black man raped the teens, vaginally, anally, and orally—“every way you can assault a human being,” as the prosecutor put it.4 The girls were beaten, kicked, and stomped, their teeth knocked out and their ribs broken. One of the Hispanic men told Medellin’s fourteen-year-old brother to “get some,” so he raped one of the girls, too. But when it was time to kill the girls, Medellin said his brother was “too small to watch” and dragged the girls into the woods.5

  There, the girls were forced to kneel on the ground and a belt or shoelace was looped around their necks. Then a man on each side pulled on the cord as hard as he could. The men strangling Jennifer pulled so hard they broke the belt. Medellin later complained that “the bitch wouldn’t die.” When it was done, he repeatedly stomped on the girls’ necks, to make sure they were dead.6 At trial, Medellin’s sister-in-law testified that shortly after the gruesome murders, Medellin was laughing about it, saying they’d “had some fun with some girls” and boasting that he had “virgin blood” on his underpants.7 It’s difficult to understand a culture where such an orgy of cruelty is bragged about at all, but especially in front of women.

  By the time the girls’ corpses were found four days later, their bodies were so badly decomposed that dental records were required for identification. The decomposition was especially pronounced in the head, neck, and genital areas.8 Jennifer’s father, tipped off that bodies had been found, rushed to the scene, but the police held him back, as he shouted, “Does she have blond hair? Does she have blond hair?”

  Activist Ralph Reed tells the New York Times that Republicans should take a more “charitable” view of immigration.9 When he’s a fourteen-year-old American girl being raped and murdered by Mexicans, we’ll be more interested in his ideas on charity.


  Arrested a few days later, the Mexican gang rapists were “utterly without remorse”—as the New York Times said in its one, lonely article on the case. Entering the court, the defendants cursed at reporters and kicked a news camera to the ground.10 To the surprise of the police, Medellin not only confessed, but bragged about the grisly rape-murder.

  He was convicted and sentenced to death—a sentence that was repeatedly appealed and repeatedly upheld. Unable to grasp that he had done anything wrong, Medellin wrote on his prison webpage: “My life is in black and white like old western movies, but unlike the movies, the good guys don’t always finish first.”11 A strictly impartial observer might not concur with Medellin’s assessment of himself as “the good guy.” The first of the men executed for the crime was the only black assailant, Sean O’Brien. He had tearfully confessed upon his arrest12 and his last words were: “I am sorry. I have always been sorry.”13 At his execution, Medellin said, “Don’t ever hate them for what they do.”14

  Hate them? No worries there—it’s you we hate. Jennifer’s father, Randy Ertman, summarized our feelings toward Medellin in his statement to the court when the last three defendants were sentenced to death: “I hope you rot in hell. I honest to God mean that. I hope they rot in hell, sir. I hope to be there when you die, you sick pieces of (censored). Thank you, Your Honor, for allowing me to speak. I appreciate it, sir.”15 That doesn’t move the story along; I just admired his eloquence. Before Mr. Ertman spoke, one of the sheriff’s deputies said they’d give him a few minutes to talk and “if he comes over the rail, we’ll give him a few more.”16

  Medellin’s aunt, Reyna Armendariz, denounced the death sentence for her nephew, saying: “We acknowledged that he committed a crime!”17 Unironically, his cousin Reyna Armendariz agreed, saying, “Only God has the right to take a life.”18


  Of course, it’s hard to see the cultural divide with the media hiding the fact that five of the six rapist-murderers were Hispanic, at least one an illegal alien, and his brother either illegal or an anchor baby. One of the victim’s parents later said, “The problem with the youth of America starts in the home. So parents, please be there for your children, always.”19 However true that may be, the problem with these particular youths mostly started in Mexico.

  For more than a decade after this widely publicized crime, the only clue that it was not a problem of “America’s youth” was the perpetrators’ names. For my readers who enjoy puzzles, try to spot any similarities: Jose Ernesto Medellin (Hispanic), Vernancio Medellin (Hispanic), Peter Anthony Cantu (Hispanic), Derrick Sean O’Brien (Black), Efrain Perez (Hispanic), Raul Omar Villareal (Hispanic).

  It was not until the media saw a chance to spring the leader of this murderous gang rape that the word “Mexican” appeared within a mile of the defendants’ names. There are nearly one thousand articles in the Nexis archives about the case—even the New York Times wrote about it, despite the absence of an illegal alien valedictorian anywhere in the story. But apart from one Houston Chronicle article that described Medellin as “Mexico-born,”20 American news consumers only found out Medellin was an illegal alien when that fact was used to try to overturn his death sentence. The girls were murdered on June 24, 1993; the first time Medellin was identified as a Mexican citizen21 was in a November 28, 2004, Chicago Tribune column by a Northwestern University law professor, calling on President Bush to show respect for the World Court in “a Texas case involving Mexican citizen Jose Medellin.”22 That, incidentally, was the professor’s full description of Medellin’s crime: “a Texas case.” Seeing a chance to nullify Medellin’s death sentence, the media suddenly exploded with references to his Mexican-ness.


  Mexico, President Bush’s dearest international ally, brought a lawsuit against the United States in the International Court of Justice on behalf of its native son, Jose Ernesto Medellin, arguing that Texas failed to inform him of his right to confer with the Mexican consulate. It probably didn’t occur to the police to ask Medellin if he was Mexican, with the media referring to the suspects exclusively as: “five Houston teens,” “five youths,” “the youths,” “young men,” “members of ‘a social club,’” “a bunch of guys,” “six young men,” “six teen-agers,” and “these guys”23 (and, oddly, “America’s hottest boy band”).

  The World Court agreed with Mexico, confirming my suspicion that any organization with “world” in its title—International World Court, the World Bank, World Cup Soccer, the World Trade Organization—is inherently evil. The court ordered that Mexican illegal aliens in American prisons must be retried unless they had been promptly advised of their consular rights—a ruling that would have emptied Texas’s prisons.

  It wasn’t as if America had shanghaied Medellin and dragged him into our country. He sneaked in illegally, demanded the full panoply of rights accorded American citizens, and when things didn’t go his way, suddenly announced he was an illegal alien entitled to rights as a Mexican citizen. Or as the New York Times hyperventilated: A failure to enforce the World Court’s ruling “could imperil American tourists or business travelers if they are ever arrested and need the help of a consular official.”24 If an American tourist or business traveler ever gang-rapes and murders two teenaged girls in a foreign country, I don’t care what they do to him.


  Texas Governor Rick Perry, Solicitor General Ted Cruz, and the Texas state court said, Thanks for your thoughts, World Court, but rulings from the Hague are not American law, so we’re ignoring it. Medellin appealed Texas’s decision to the Supreme Court, but before the Court could hear the case, Presid
ent Bush sent a letter to the Department of Justice, announcing that he had decided that the United States would obey the ICJ ruling.

  With this odd development, the Supreme Court sent Medellin’s case back to Texas. State officials were incredulous. We have to obey some guys in the Hague? And our president says we have to do that? Why does he claim to be our president, then? They couldn’t believe the ICJ order was being taken seriously by anyone, regarding it as equivalent to a resolution from the Seventh International Congress of Star Trek Fans—impressive to fellow enthusiasts, but not something anyone could expect actual lawyers to treat as law.

  Texas courts proceeded to rule that a presidential memorandum isn’t federal law, either. So the case went back to the Supreme Court and, this time, the Court seconded Texas’s plan to disregard Bush’s idiotic memorandum. It was a 6–3 decision with you-know-who dissenting.25 (Justices Breyer, Souter, and Ginsburg). Historical note: That same day, the Supreme Court upheld another death sentence out of Texas, against Ruben Cardenas, a forty-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, convicted of raping and murdering his sixteen-year-old cousin.26

  Medellin was finally executed on August 5, 2008.



  ALL PEASANT CULTURES EXHIBIT NON-PROGRESSIVE VIEWS ON WOMEN AND children; Latin America just happens to be the peasant culture closest to the United States.

  Mexicans alone constitute more than one-third of all legal immigrants and about 80 percent of illegal immigrants. They now surpass every other immigrant group in America, having long since overtaken the once-dominant Germans.


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