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McGavin Brothers 13 - A Cowboy's Holiday

Page 18

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “So am I, lady. So am I.”


  Lord-a-mercy. Pete had been sexually ramped up many times in his life, but never like this. He drove the bumpy ranch road slightly faster than he should have.

  He hadn’t planned when and how he’d give her what he’d brought, but afterward was fine, especially since she’d made up the bed. When a hot woman was eager for a man’s attentions, only a fool would suggest opening presents first. He’d just get everything inside as quickly as he could.

  Taryn unlatched her seatbelt before he’d fully stopped, and by the time he switched off the motor she was out the door. He lost gentlemanly behavior points right there, but he likely gained studly behavior points for inspiring her to act that way.

  He was also damned inspired as he hopped out of the truck. The Christmas lights in the yard illuminated the tarp, which had a layer of frost on it. Pulling it aside, he lifted out the cooler and set it on the frozen ground.

  He stacked the box of gifts on top of the cooler and carried both inside, nudging the door closed with his hip. Then he set everything down and unbuttoned his coat.

  Flames licked at the wood arranged in the fireplace. She’d also turned the Christmas tree lights on. Illuminated by firelight and the multicolored glow from the tree, Taryn was undressing.

  He shuddered in the grip of fierce desire as she pulled the white sweater over her head and tossed it on the couch. Her coat and scarf lay over the back of it. Her boots were on the floor nearby.

  He was out of his coat in record time. Hooking it and his hat on the coat rack, he leaned down and unzipped his duffle. After locating the condoms, he pocketed one.

  Then he followed her lead, grabbed the back of the couch and pulled off his boots and socks. His shirt was next, then his t-shirt. He left on his jeans. He needed what was in his front pocket. Didn’t want to lose track of it.

  By the time he rounded the couch, she’d stripped down to her bra and panties. Black, familiar. The ones he’d plucked out of the washing machine two nights ago. He swallowed. “Did you wear those for me?”

  She smiled. “Would I do that?”

  “I think you would.” He stepped onto the blanket bed she’d arranged. “And then you’d leave them on so I could take them off.”

  “You’re a good guesser.” Her hot gaze traveled over him and she sucked in a breath. “That’s a nice look on you.”

  “You, too.”

  She pivoted gracefully, turning her back to him. “The hooks are tricky.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” She was beautiful from all angles. Tracing a path from the base of her spine to the narrow band of elastic across her back, he flicked the catch open. Then he stepped closer and slid both hands under the loosened cups to cradle her breasts. Her nipples were taut, eager.

  He squeezed them gently between his thumb and forefinger as he leaned down to kiss her shoulder. She trembled beneath his touch. “Hooks are undone.” He pressed his mouth against her warm skin and licked the curve of her shoulder. “Got any more jobs for me?”

  Her voice quivered. “My panties feel a little tight. Would you take them off, please?”

  “Sure thing.” He brushed the straps of her bra off her shoulders and the sexy lace garment fell to the blanket. Kneeling behind her, he grasped the panties that hugged her hips and drew them slowly down. He kissed the smooth curve of her bottom as he uncovered it, paying equal attention to each cheek.

  His aching cock protested, but he was willing to suffer for this. When the flimsy piece of black material dropped to her ankles, she kicked it away.

  He circled her waist with both hands. “Turn toward me.”

  She rotated in his loose grasp, her breath coming faster, her scent driving him crazy. Moving lower and tilting his head back, he coaxed her nearer. There, right there.

  He explored with his tongue and she gasped. Went deeper and she moaned. Splaying his fingers over her firm ass, he brought her closer and settled in.

  With a soft groan, she abandoned herself to his loving. Tunneling her fingers through his hair, she gripped his head and arched into his caress. Moments later he took her over the edge and her cries of pleasure mingled with the crackle of the fire. Sweet music.

  As she quivered in the aftermath of her climax, he guided her down to the blanket. Standing slowly, wincing at the sharp pinch of denim, he unfastened his jeans with a sigh of relief.

  His cock sprang free as he shoved off both jeans and briefs. At last. He retrieved the condom, ripped it open and clenched his jaw as he sheathed himself.

  Then he glanced at Taryn. Firelight danced over her flushed skin, capturing the sheen of moisture on her breasts and between her thighs.

  Her heavy-lidded gaze slid over his aroused body. She drew in a shaky breath and ran her tongue over her lips. “I want you.”

  Heat settled low in his belly. “I want you, too.” He barely recognized the rasping, desperate voice as his. Lowering himself to the blanket, he eased between her thighs. Braced above her, shaking from the force of his need, he covered her mouth with his.

  Moaning, she opened to him, clutching his head and welcoming the thrust of his tongue. His heart pounded in anticipation as he gently probed her wet, hot center with the tip of his cock. He entered her slowly, deliberately. His needy body strained at the leash, but he refused to take her like some rutting beast.

  Lifting his head, he held her gaze as he pushed deeper. Taking a quick breath, he buried his cock to the hilt. His heart raced and intense pleasure blurred his vision.

  Then it cleared and he focused on her beautiful eyes. Every fiber of his being rejoiced in the union of his body with hers, but this was so much more. If he was granted the privilege, he would make love to her many times. But there was only one first time.

  Gently he began to move, his gaze locked with hers. Stroking her hands down his back, she clutched his hips, urging him on as her body warmed beneath his. Her eyes grew luminous as she tightened around his cock.

  Adrenaline shot through him. Pumping faster, he bore down and she rose to meet his thrusts, pressed her fingertips into his flexing muscles.

  Her eyes widened. “Pete.”

  “I’m here.” He gulped for air. “I’m here, Taryn.” He drove home once, twice, and she arched upward with a wild cry.

  Glorious. As her climax rolled over his cock, he surrendered to his, welcoming the rush, the heat, the pulsing rhythm that blended with hers. So good.

  So good that he was at a loss for words. Which was okay because he didn’t have enough breath to say anything. Even when he’d dragged in more air and could manage a comment, he failed to come up with a way to express himself. All he could do was smile.

  That seemed to be her setting, too. Combing a lock of hair back from his forehead, she sighed in contentment.

  “Couldn’t have said it better.” He brushed a kiss over her smiling lips. “I need to deal with the condom.”

  “Okay.” She propped herself on her elbows. “I’ll stoke up the fire.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Do you want anything? A beer, maybe?”

  “Actually, after I take care of this I’ll get out what I brought in from the truck.” He started down the hall.


  “That’s part of it.” He ducked into the bathroom. This was working out fine.

  When he returned to the living room, Taryn had wrapped in one of the blankets and was curled up on the couch. Even with a fire going, it was too chilly to sit around naked.

  “I guess for this part, I’ll get at least semi-dressed.”

  She smiled. “Don’t do it on my account.”

  “Thanks for that. I’m tough, but my family jewels, not so much. They get cold.” He quickly pulled on his briefs, jeans and t-shirt. Good enough. He’d be taking everything off again soon, anyway.

  Walking over by the door where he’d left the stuff, he set the box of gifts aside and crouched next to the cooler

  “I’m dying of curiosity.”

  He glanced over. She’d turned and was watching him over the back of the couch. “Like I said, just some little surprises to commemorate tonight.” He hoped the champagne was okay after riding in the truck. He and his brothers used to fool around shaking up bottles of it, but usually it settled down again in a few minutes.

  He flipped open the cooler lid and everything looked fine. “Guess we’ll start with this.” Taking out the bottle, he turned toward her. “I figured you had champagne glasses.”

  “Oh!” She looked startled.

  “You don’t?”

  “No, no, I do. I just wasn’t expecting…wow. Champagne. Thank you.” She didn’t sound delighted, though.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I do. I love champagne.”

  “Good. I brought Christmas cookies, too, just wreaths and trees, not Santa or Frosty.”

  “That’s…that’s wonderful.”

  Was it really? Didn’t sound like it. “You don’t have to eat them now.”

  “Now’s fine. You went to a lot of trouble.”

  Damn. Not the reaction he’d hoped for at all. “But if you don’t want—”

  “Let’s have the champagne and cookies. I’ll bring out glasses and plates.” She started to get up.

  “I’ll do that. Just tell me which cupboard the glasses are in.”

  She settled back onto the couch. “The one over the stove. You might need to rinse them out. I haven’t used them since I moved here.”

  “I’ll do that, then.” Bottom line, she wasn’t thrilled about the treats and he didn’t know why. Otto had thought this was a terrific idea. Maybe she wasn’t hungry or thirsty. Maybe just the poinsettia and the gifts would have been a better way to go.

  “I have one more thing in the cooler.” Setting the champagne bottle on the floor, he took out the poinsettia and adjusted the white and gold bow tied around the pot. Then he stood and carried it over to the couch. “This was so pretty, and I thought it would look nice on…” He froze. “Are you crying?”

  “Y-yes.” She wiped her face with a corner of the blanket.

  “Happy tears?”

  She shook her head.

  Setting the poinsettia on an end table, he walked around the couch and scooched in beside her. “What’s the matter?”

  “You’re being romantic.”

  “And that makes you cry?”

  She nodded and wiped her eyes again.

  “What’s wrong with being romantic?”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Everything!”


  “I know you don’t get it.” A lump of misery sat in Taryn’s stomach as she gazed at Pete.

  “No, I sure don’t. You’ll have to explain it to me.”

  “We’re risking a lot as it is. If you go adding this kind of thing—” She gestured vaguely to the poinsettia.

  “It’s just a holiday plant. No big deal.”

  “It is a big deal! So is the champagne, the cookies and whatever’s in that box.” She dragged in a breath. “You’re changing the game.”

  Emotion flickered in his eyes. “It’s not a game. At least not to—”

  “I used the wrong word. It’s not a game to me, either. But it can turn into a trap. The first few months with Rafael were filled with romantic gestures—moonlight and champagne, lovely flowers, soft guitars.”

  “So let’s trash the poinsettia and break out the beer. If I’d known those things would stir up bad memories, I never would have—”

  “That’s just it. I love poinsettias. I love champagne. I just don’t want them to mean anything.”

  His voice was soft. “Why not?”

  Good question. She scrambled for a coherent answer. “It just… complicates things. It’s the wrong trajectory. If we can stick with just the physical attraction, then—”

  “Hold it.” His jaw clenched. “All you want from me is sex?”

  “No!” She stared at him in dismay. “We have so much more than that! We work well together, we understand each other—”

  “Could’ve fooled me.”

  Ouch. “Maybe not about this, but about the ranch, the horses, the fun of creating something that others will enjoy.” She sent him a pleading glance. “I think of you as a friend.”

  Gradually the tight muscles in his jaw relaxed and his gaze mellowed. “Same here. Which I happen to think is our greatest asset. I see it as a foundation for building…something more.”

  Exactly. She swallowed. “And I see the potential for it blowing up in our faces.”

  “Really?” He studied her. “After seven months of daily interaction? That’s what you imagine will happen?”

  The discussion seemed doomed, but she’d give it one more shot. “We’ve been getting along well because we’ve kept things light and breezy. I was hoping we could continue doing that.”

  His gaze searched hers. “Light and breezy.”


  “No substance to it.”

  “You make it sound like all I want is a surface relationship.”

  “Because that’s what I’m hearing. But I don’t believe a word of it. Not after making love to you on that blanket two nights ago and again tonight.” Tension roughened his voice. “We passed light and breezy a long time ago, but we absolutely left it behind the night of the blizzard. If you’re not allowing yourself to see that, then—”

  “All I see is danger!” Her heart hammered. “I’m doing my best to warn you, but you’re not listening! You—“

  “Tell you what.” He stood. “I’m going home. Let the dust settle. I’ll be back in the morning to feed.”

  “That’s too soon. We need more time.”

  He took a deep breath. “Then you call it. You’re the boss.”

  “Pete! Please don’t—”

  “Just an expression. But the truth is, you are in charge of how this goes. I’ve played my cards. You know where I stand.”

  Her brain wasn’t firing on all circuits, but he was right. The next move was hers. “It’s the holidays. You should take extra time off.”

  “That’s BS.”

  “Okay, then, I need time alone.”

  He inclined his head. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

  Then I’ll see you at Wild Creek Ranch on Christmas Eve.”

  “We were planning to come back here at midnight and go down to the barn.”

  “I know.”

  “Of course, you don’t need me there. You can visit the barn without me.”

  “I don’t think so.” She was confused about a lot of things, but not that. “We should go together. See if the horses have anything to say.”

  “All right.” He walked toward the door. “I’ll pick up the cooler later.”


  He eyed the box as he put on his coat and hat. “As for the rest, you can open it, toss it in the trash, give it to charity. Whatever you want. It’s yours.” He walked out the door, closing it quietly behind him. Moments later, his truck started. Gradually the rumble of the engine grew fainter. He was gone.

  Well, she’d certainly mucked that up. But better to screw up an evening than let him continue down the road to disaster. Was she a ratfink for spoiling his celebration plans? Maybe. Was it the right move? Only time would tell.

  She stared at the box he’d left behind. Nothing good would come from opening it. But it wasn’t in her nature to throw away a gift unopened. He’d made the effort to get her something. She could at least look at it.

  A shipping label on the box was addressed to his dad. Pete had likely repurposed the box to haul over whatever he’d bought her. It wasn’t heavy but the cardboard was chilled from being outside. She had to clutch it against her body to keep her blanket from sliding to the floor as she carried it over to the couch.

  Popping open the interlocked flaps, she looked inside and counted four packages wrapped in John Deere paper. If he’d gone with a tractor t
heme, opening the gifts would be even tougher.

  She pulled away the tape on a small, floppy package and took out a dark green John Deere knit hat. Her heart gave a painful twist. Yep, this was gonna be hell. Might as well dive into the boiling cauldron and get it over with. When she tugged on the hat, the stretchy material molded to her head like a caress.

  The next package was an instructional DVD on tractor driving. He’d put a sticky note on it—Because I don’t know everything. She wiped her eyes on the blanket. She’d get through this. Then she could cry.

  To hell with being careful with the paper, though. She ripped open the third one and discovered a pair of John Deere customized driving gloves. They fit perfectly.

  She left them on as she opened the biggest, heaviest gift, which was in a box with a cellophane window. Her chest hurt so bad. Undoing the flap, she pulled out a detailed metal replica of a John Deere tractor and held it in her lap. Okay, now she was gonna cry.

  What was that awful noise? Head pounding, she sat up. Her phone alarm. Cripes, what a disgusting tune. She poked the screen so hard the phone went spinning to the floor.

  Oh, great. Probably cracked the screen. And the stupid alarm was still going. Flipping on the light, she squinted in the glare. She was changing that alarm chime ASAP.

  Climbing out of bed was a chore. Either her head was too heavy or her neck was too weak. Either way, she was compelled to hold onto her head to keep it steady. Any sudden movement drove icepicks into her brain. Evidently eating sugar cookies and chugging an entire bottle of champagne before going to bed had been a very bad move.

  Leaning over to get the phone would be torture. Might as well leave it there. She managed to pull on her bathrobe and shove her feet mostly into her slippers. Then she left her bedroom and closed the door so she wouldn’t hear the chime.

  Coffee. Aspirin. Shower. Get it together, kid. The horses need to be fed and you’re the only one around to do it.

  About three hours later, she was recovered enough to eat a little breakfast, drink more coffee and take stock. She hadn’t cracked the screen on her phone, thank goodness.

  Interacting with the horses had been a bittersweet experience. The activity was so tied in with Pete. Those critters probably wondered what was up with all the hugging, but wrapping her arms around their sturdy necks and laying her cheek against their silky coats centered her.


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