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The Temple of Heaven

Page 30

by Z. Allora

  Fuck, where’re my pencils? I need to get this on the page. Jordon gestured the universal jerkoff sign.

  Tian Di leaned in and tilted his head. “Wait, you—”

  Groaning, Jordon closed his eyes. “That is so not the point.”

  “No? Because that’s kind of—”

  “We’re both creepers and therefore perfect for each other. Let’s simply leave the discussion at that.” Jordon wiggled his eyebrows. “Anyway, you did well in the interview. Really.”

  Tian Di exhaled hard. “Thanks. This isn’t only an internet show, but something everyone I know might see.”

  Meaning Tian Di’s parents. Jordon wished he could make the uncertainty on the home front easier, but years of experience told him some things didn’t work out that way.

  “It might be dumb, but I like that Zhang Min makes sure our parents are well aware of the band’s successes. I like them knowing I’m doing what I said I would.”

  Jordon longed to kiss away all Tian Di’s problems. “I’m very proud of all you’ve accomplished. I want to sing from the rooftops how freaking awesome you are.”

  “Speaking of singing, I’ve got to head over for sound check. Come on.”

  TIAN DI checked his cell phone again. He mouthed, “Where is she? She said she’d be here by now.”

  “I’m sure she’s just been delayed by security.” Jordon tried to reassure him again. “Do you want me to go check?”

  “I—Zhang Min!” With a big smile, Tian Di shook his head at Jordon. He pulled Jordon over to a shorter, female version of himself standing next to a backstage clothing rack.

  “Tian Di! Shhh, your voice.” She closed the space between them and flung herself at him.

  Tian Di caught her in his arms and closed his eyes. He whispered in her ear, “It’s like holding everything good in Hong Kong. I missed you so much.”

  “Me too. Thank goodness for Skype, but nothing beats this.” She looked him up and down and then squealed before hugging him again.

  It was an hour before the show, and most of the people backstage were not from Hong Kong, so they barely noticed the unusual physical display of affection.

  Jordon couldn’t help but be pleased that Tian Di didn’t follow the tradition of no physical contact other than a handshake. Handshakes between siblings were wrong. If Jordon tried to give Zack a handshake, his brother would smack him in the head before hugging the life out of him. He’d definitely do the same, only maybe a double whack.

  When Tian Di finally released his sister, he turned to Jordon, beaming. He mouthed, “Jordon Davis, this is my big sister, Zhang Min Zhao.”

  She lowered her eyes and held out her hand.

  Jordon shifted his gaze to the floor and shook her delicate hand. “Very nice to meet you, Ms. Zhao.”

  “Very nice to meet my brother’s friend.” She smiled, looking him in the eye with the same sparkle Tian Di had. “Please call me Zhang Min.”

  He pulled out the wrapped present he’d tucked into his bag. “I’d like you to have this.”

  “No need for presents.” She put both hands in front of her to ward off the gift. “It is not necessary.”

  “Please. It’s only something small.” He held out the gift, red-wrapped with a gold ribbon. “I made this for you.”

  Jordon had filled a book with sketches of Tian Di and used a photo of Zhang Min from Tian Di’s cell phone as a reference so he could include her in some of them. He turned a few of the stories Tian Di told him about growing up in Hong Kong with his sister into pictures.

  She protested one more time before she accepted the gift with both hands. “You did not have to do this, Mr.—”

  “Please call me Jordon.” He hoped to eliminate her sounding like she was talking to Dusty instead of him.

  She put the present in her bag. “Thank you, Jordon. Though I should be the one kissing your hands for all the pleasure you’ve given my brother.”

  Jordon stared, and when he opened his mouth, only a squeak came out. Say what now?

  Tian Di, without missing a beat, mouthed, “That’s what he said.”

  Jordon never expected to be in the role of corrupter, but he was more than a little proud of the sauciness that rolled off his boyfriend’s tongue.

  Zhang Min covered her mouth, and her eyes got huge. “Tian Di, you are getting dirty just like his books. I love it! This is going to be fun.”

  TIAN DI’S prestage ritual adjusted to add a big hug for his sister.

  Jordon was ridiculously happy seeing them together.

  After the sisterly hug, Tian Di grabbed Jordon in an embrace. He added a small private kiss to Jordon’s neck, and his hand found Jordon’s ass for a quick good-luck rub.

  Jordon shouted over the drumbeat, “Good skill. Have fun.”

  Tian Di took the stage. As usual he glided to the spotlight in a demure fashion.

  Made in China slayed the opening and brought the crowd to their feet halfway through the first song.

  Styx gave Tian Di a soft back beat as he introduced the band. “On bass guitar, we have Li Zhehao. Jin Lan is on lead guitar. Styx Wong keeps our beat. Indigo Song plays the keyboards. And I’m Tian Di Zhao. We’re Made in China.”

  The crowd applauded. “I love you, Tian Di” was screamed out.

  “And Made in China loves you too,” Tian Di smoothly depersonalized the affection. “Now how about we show you our love?”

  Video monitors played upgraded clips of their original video of “Evolution.” The band flashed across the screens in traditional robes until the lights cut out and the recorded music feed died. Styx, Jin, Indigo, and Li picked up the driving beat live.

  Zhang Min leaned toward Jordon and shouted above the music, “Seeing his videos and performances online doesn’t compare to him live. I still can’t believe that’s my little brother out there.”

  Tian Di strutted to the center of the stage and sang “Evolution.”

  Jordon dragged his eyes away from the rock god commanding the stage and smiled. “He’s amazing. The crowd loves him.”

  Zhang Min screamed, “Yes!” She began bouncing in time with the music.

  The song ripped the crowd open and rocked them to their core. Gone was all pretense of the shy man who had been on the video monitor, and left was the singer who could make Jordon cream his jeans without even trying.

  Zhang Min was a damned good dancer. Jordon was right there with her, letting the music free him. They danced through the rest of the show.

  “We’re going to close out the show with a new one.” Tian Di soothed the audience with his voice and slow movements.

  God, how did Jordon get this lucky? Hearing Tian Di’s sultry voice had always made Jordon breathless. Reality hit him again. That singer was his boyfriend. Holy fuck! But Tian Di was so much more than a scorching hot rocker; he was playful, fun, enjoyed all the best sex acts—

  Tian Di started singing. “Priorities and loss. Retelling time of broken steps—”

  From the opposite side of the stage, Angel Luv stepped out from behind the curtain and sang, “Locked doors and stilted knocks.”

  The video monitors showed Jordon the bemused smile plastered on Tian Di’s face.

  What the fuck? Why was Angel out there with Made in China?

  The crowd roared with pure madness.

  “Hi, I hope you don’t mind if I interrupt…,” Angel Luv purred.

  It was like throwing red meat to starving predators. The zoo lost their mind.

  The Dark Angels’ singer swaggered to center stage, drank in the audience’s love for a moment, and then silenced them. “Hey, Pretty Ones. Shhhhh, let me ask Made in China a question?”

  The audience hushed.

  Angel swiveled toward the band. “Guys, I was wondering, would any of you mind if we make this last song a duet? What do you think? Would that be all right?”

  Tian Di blinked several times, but he rolled with this new scenario. “I’d be honored to sing with you. Who wouldn’t?”
  Angel sidled closer to Tian Di. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  They shared a smirk, because really, what else could Tian Di have said?

  Zhang Min tapped Jordon on the arm. “Is this planned?”

  “Um, no.” Jordon held his breath.

  “Son of a cocksucker. Angel Fucking Luv is brilliant.” Megan appeared between Jordon and Zhang Min. Megan grinned at Zhang Min, and then she snatched the backstage pass hanging around Zhang Min’s neck and examined it. “You’re Tian Di’s sister?”

  Zhang Min nodded.

  Jordon’s attention was divided between watching the quiet discussion onstage and the conversation happening around him.

  “I’m Megan, the Dark Angels’ manager. After this little duet goes viral, I believe your brother and Made in China will be getting quite a few calls. Make sure you put in a good word for me. I’d love to manage Made in China.” Megan nudged Jordon. “You too, honey.”

  “Of course, Megan.” Jordon couldn’t tear his gaze from Tian Di.

  “Pretties. Pretty Ones!” Angel spoke to the crowd. “Have you heard this man sing?”

  Lots of hoots and hollers came from the audience.

  “I just had to harmonize with him.”

  Holy shit! How did Angel even make that sound dirty?

  “Though, Pretties, keep in mind, we’ve never practiced this, so cut us a bit of slack.”

  The audience applauded.

  Angel wiggled his eyebrows. “But no beating me with it. You know Dare frowns on such things… unless he’s shall we say, involved….”

  Hoots and hollers roared along with their agreement.

  Tian Di and Angel conferred for a minute and then spoke to the rest of Made in China.

  Even though Styx looked like his head might explode, he counted them in.

  Angel and Tian Di’s voices harmonized beautifully, sending chills through Jordon. “Priorities of love or loss. Retelling a time of broken steps, locked doors and stilted knocks. No way in and no way out.”

  Jordon let the melody sweep him away until Megan elbowed him. She pointed to the video monitor. “Look at the crowd.”

  Almost everyone had a cell phone trained on the duo. If even a small fraction uploaded to social media, this duet would go viral. Made in China and Tian Di would definitely be getting lots of offers.

  “Fuck me. Angel Luv just gave Made in China a gift of a lifetime. Nice to have met you, Zhang Min Zhao, but I’ve got to get on this now.” Megan vanished.

  Angel threw an arm around Tian Di like they were old pals. They sang heartfelt words prioritizing love over everything. The song ended with them singing in perfect synch, “Don’t waste time. Life doesn’t last…. Chase love down and hold it fast.”

  Everyone was on their feet screaming.

  Jordon let loose a few whoops. Goddamn, Tian Di had claimed his rock-god status, and all Jordon wanted to do was play attentive groupie.

  Zhang Min asked, “Do you think Made in China will really get a record deal?”

  Fuck! Jordon needed to keep his lustful thoughts about her brother to himself and focus on answering her question. “A record deal? Definitely. Probably more than one.”

  “Do you think that Megan will be representing Made in China?”

  “I don’t know.” He looked over at Sebe. The little dynamo was young but very capable. “Though Sebe might think he needs someone to supervise.”

  Zhang Min laughed. “Tian Di has told me about him. He acts much older than seventeen.”

  JORDON COULDN’T stop smiling as he followed Tian Di and Zhang Min into her town car. He was exhausted but full of energy after a relatively quick stop at the after-party.

  “Home, please,” Zhang Min told the driver. Then she turned to Tian Di and Jordon to gush. “The concert was incredible.”

  “The Dark Angels are always great,” Tian Di said.

  Zhang Min made the sibling “I shouldn’t have dropped you when you were a baby” face. “I was referring to Made in China, and you. You were amazing.”

  “Thank you,” Jordon huffed out. “I’ve been trying to tell him Made in China is one of the hottest bands out there.”

  “And after that little duet, you’re going to be all over social media,” his sister said with the full confidence her marketing background allowed.

  The driver whisked them through the wet streets of Hong Kong. It must have rained during the performance.

  Zhang Min pointed to Jordon as she addressed Tian Di. “You need to listen to him. He knows.”

  Tian Di shrugged, though his pursed lips couldn’t prevent his smile. “I’m glad you liked the show.”

  “I loved it. And you, baby brother, were meant to be onstage.”

  Jordon nodded. “He’s a rock god.”

  Tian Di snorted.

  His sister smirked and shared a fist-bump with Jordon. “I like Jordon. You should keep him.”

  “That’s the plan,” Tian Di said as they pulled into the drive of a luxury high-rise.

  They hadn’t talked about the future directly, but Jordon was totally on board with finding a tree to fish from, no matter what that meant. Tian Di was his and he was Tian Di’s.

  Tian Di gave Jordon a peck on the mouth when the driver became distracted with getting their bags out of the trunk.

  Jordon grabbed some of their bags, and Tian Di got the others. They rode the elevator to the twenty-eighth floor with Zhang Min.

  “I made up the guest room with extra towels for the two of you.” Zhang Min appeared to be sending sibling telepathy to Tian Di.

  “Thank you.” Tian Di touched his heart.

  She waved him off. “What? You thought I would have you sleep in separate places? I’m not Mother.”

  Thank Monet’s Mother, Jordon would be sleeping next to Tian Di. He had gotten used to having a bed partner and the domestic bliss of living together, albeit in hotels and out of suitcases, but it melted his heart and centered him nonetheless.

  Tian Di looked a bit misty-eyed.

  Grabbing Zhang Min, Jordon gave her an awkward hug and mumbled, “Thank you.”

  THE NEXT morning after an abbreviated shower, Jordon sat at Zhang Min’s sunny breakfast nook in her kitchen overlooking Repulse Bay. He’d made strawberry crepes, but he was positive they weren’t as good as Dusty’s—although Tian Di and Zhang Min liked them well enough, since they didn’t reject the idea of a second batch.

  “I’ve called for the car to take you to the house.” Zhang Min frowned.

  “Wait, you’re not coming?” Tian Di closed the book of sketches Jordon had given Zhang Min, and he grimaced.

  “I wasn’t planning on it.” She stared at him. Jordon didn’t have to hear their sibling telepathy to see “little brother begging older sibling to save him from the evil parental units.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine, only ’cause Jordon’s going to tell me who Tricks is ascending Mount Fuji with…. Right, Jordon?”

  “Um….” A big sister bullying him felt the same as a big brother pushing boundaries. But he had his own skills and pulled the little brother wiggle out of thin air. “You wouldn’t want me to ruin the story for you, Zhang Min.”

  Tian Di chuckled with his sister, and they both exclaimed, “Yes, we would.”

  ZHANG MIN’S driver pulled up to the gleaming steel gates. A gate? Why hadn’t Tian Di told him how rich his family happened to be? Didn’t matter to Jordon, but it was odd.

  He glanced at Tian Di, who studiously inspected the pink flowering bushes.

  Jordon touched his knee to Tian Di’s. When Tian Di looked at him, Jordon smiled and grabbed his hand.

  Tian Di leaned in. “I didn’t say anything because it has nothing to do with me.”

  Squeezing his hand, Jordon pointed out, “It’s part of who you are.”

  The car rolled forward as the gates opened, revealing a house made of harsh angles of glass and steel. Instead of being structurally appealing to the artist in him, Jordon couldn’t hel
p but wonder about growing up in a building that was so cold and uninviting.

  Jordon tightened his hold on the bag of eight gifts. He’d wrapped each one in the lucky colors of red and gold. Eight was the number for prosperity, which was what he hoped to convey. It had taken him two days to gather all the presents.

  Before heading to Hong Kong, he’d dragged Tian Di on a gift accumulation detour. He picked up tea in Hangzhou, purchased rice wine, and had even given up one of his boxes of chocolate monkeys from Nagano. The next day they headed back to the Suzhou government shop, which had produced a silk scarf, an embroidery with two dragons surrounding a ball representing the world, and two pairs of silk slippers. He added a picture he had drawn of the Zhao family, rolled up and tied with a red ribbon.

  Tian Di, his sister, and Jordon stood on the front porch. Zhang Min took a deep breath and rang the bell.

  Jordon squished his need to hug them both. The fact they had to wait like strangers on the porch killed him. More strong gratitude swamped him for the love his brothers had lavished upon him, which helped to heal the wounds his mother had sliced into his heart.

  Zhang Min and Tian Di had banded together. It had been them against the world. He stood closer to them so they might feel like they had another person on their side.

  The metal door swung open and a woman in her midforties peered out. She didn’t smile during her intense inspection. Then she sighed and shook her head. “I see you still haven’t cut your hair, Tian Di. And Zhang Min, why do you insist on wearing that dress? It looks like an old rice bag.”

  Zhang Min smoothed down her dress, Tian Di touched his hair, and Jordon wanted to give the critiquing witch a throat punch.

  “This is my mother, Mrs. Zhao.”

  This was the woman who’d brought Tian Di into the world, so Jordon owed her for that, if nothing else. He shook her hand, then held out the golden gift bag to her. “Mrs. Zhao, please accept this as a small token of my appreciation for having me over.”

  After she did the customary dance of refusing his gifts, she snatched the bag out of his hands. “Thank you for your kindness. I look forward to opening this later.”


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