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Hayden_Four Sons Series

Page 2

by J. D. Hollyfield

  Turning over the paper, I find a post-it note stuck to it.

  He can never know it was me!

  Motherfucker! That's Trevor's writing again. So, he is Nixon's father? Who the hell is Jameson? An alias?

  My hands begin to shake as the anger rolls in. All these years. He’s been acting like a father figure to Nixon, and now it makes sense why. My mother’s been gone for years, but I still remember the way she looked at him—flirted with him.

  I crumple the photo in my hands.

  The urge to find Trevor and punch him ‘til he’s begging for his life boils inside me. I take the photo and flip it over again.

  Jameson Vincent.

  Why would he change his name?

  I remember the stories of him being homeless. His life struggles going through homes, until he met my father at college. Did my father even know if Trevor Blackstone was his real name?

  Thoughts and conspiracies begin spinning inside my fucked-up head. Is Trevor Vincent? Did my mother know him before my father? Had they been having an affair the whole time?

  He is not getting away with this. He may have fooled my entire family, but he’s not going to fool me. I stuff the photo in my back pocket and pull out my phone. Scrolling through my contacts, I reach the name I’m looking for and press call.


  “Chip, it’s Hayden Pearson.”

  “Oh, s’up, Hayden? Sorry to hear about your old man. Fucked up shit, man.”

  Only fucked up thing is it didn’t happen years ago. “Yeah. I need your help. I need that contact of the private investigator you said you knew. The one who would dig in the dirtiest holes to get the job done…”

  It’s been four months, and nothing. Brandon Wyatt, my private investigator proved a Trevor Blackstone existed in the hospital records, but it did nothing to ease my suspicions. Anyone could obtain that shit nowadays. The deep, dark web is an amazing resource when you need something illegal.

  It took this asshole almost a month to get Jameson Vincent on his radar. A man, fitting the description, was living down in Alabama, but the age was off by twelve years. One after another, dead ends, fake addresses, and phony information. All clues telling me Trevor wasn’t who he said he was. He was just one step ahead of me every time.

  But not today.

  Today, I got a call from my guy. He found him. And for a bonus fee, he would give me the answers I’ve spent the last four months obsessing over. Once I get done with this goddamn partner meeting, I’m closing in on Trevor. He has no idea what’s coming for him. He won’t even see the destruction before I ruin him.

  Chapter Two


  “So, I let her suck me off with her sexy as fuck mouth until I made a mess of her face. I swear, my girl knows how to take me down with those sweet lips.”

  I hear Mateo laugh at Levi’s pathetic comment about his wife. She probably chokes on his dirty ass cock every time.

  Everyone’s chair turns toward the door as I enter the large conference room of Four Fathers. “Oh, wow, the golden child graces us with his presence,” Levi says, trying to bait me as I walk past him. I don’t waste my time feeding into his jabs and allow my middle finger to do the talking for me. I sit at the head of the table, just as my father would have, and throw my legs atop. “Morning, gentleman. Sorry to keep you waiting. Actually…I’m not.” I don’t give a shit if they have to wait for me. I turn to Trevor, who has that tick to him. He’s about to tell me just how late I am in nanoseconds.

  I toss the folder with this quarter’s latest numbers and prospective clients and watch as it slides down the table, stopping in front of Mateo. “Here’s the list of this quarter’s numbers. They’re up twenty-seven percent from last quarter. The lead I followed, getting all those mom and pop shipping companies in Cleveland, was a success. A little convincing and a few threats. You’re all welcome for that.” I may have been thrown into this role, but the moment I sat down in my father’s pristine leather chair, I made sure to own the title I inherited. Because fuck up or not, I wasn’t going to let them prove I couldn’t handle the pressure. My father may have taken the choice away from me, but now that I was in it, I was going to dominate it. Two years later, and the company is doing even better than when my father was alive.

  “As always, good job, Hayden,” Mateo says, picking up the file to flip through the documents. “I thought some of the Cleveland based companies refused to sell?”

  “Money talks. With a little convincing, they folded like a cheap suit.”

  Tapping comes from the far end of the table where Trevor sits. It puts a smile on my face knowing just how much he disapproves of my ways. Well, like father, like son, he will continue to deal with it.

  “Anywho, that settles this meeting. ‘Til next time, you fossils.” Laughing, I swing my legs off the table and stand. Mateo always allows my insults to roll off him, unlike Levi, who takes great offense in being called old, even though he is.

  “Call me a fossil again, kid. I’m not too old to kick your ass.”

  “I dare you to try, old man,” I threaten, then walk out. This is how it’s been for the last two years. No one can deny I’ve made this company billions. In the last two years, Four Fathers went from the third largest to second largest transport operating company in the US, and the net-worth has increased by two billion. I may have had my dick deep in every hot female professor I had, but the short time I was at college, I paid attention. I knew business like the back of my hand. My father not only did us four sons a favor by getting his head blown off, but his partners for allowing me to take control.

  I head back toward the receptionist so I can flirt with the hot little blonde before I have to meet my guy.

  “Hayden, wait.”

  I cringe at the sound of Trevor’s voice. I stop only because this may be the last time I see him at Four Fathers. Once I get the information I need, he’ll be done here.

  I turn to face him. “What can I do for you, Trevor?”

  “Just wanted to see how you’re doing, son.”

  “Don’t fucking call me son. I’m not your son.” I watch him instantly back off. Time and time again, he insists to coddle me, as if he cares about me and my family. No man sleeps with their best friend’s wife, conceives a child, and calls themselves a loyal friend.

  “Understood. I just wanted to reach out to see how you’re doing. I know next week is the anniversary. I wanted to know if you—”

  “I need nothing from you, man. When are you going to get that through your head?”

  “Never. You can act like a tough fuckin’ prick all you want, but for your father, I won’t ever stop looking after you four. He was my family too.”

  “Oh, give me a fucking break. Really? You’re going to pull this shit with me again? Why don’t you just drop the fucking act? You didn’t care about my dad.”

  Trevor’s brows crinkle. I know that statement always hits home with him. I know they went through a lot when they were together at college. How my dad saved him. “You have no idea what your father meant to me.”

  At that, I let out a cynical laugh. “Give me a break, old man. You may have everyone else fooled, but you aren’t fooling me. And soon, everyone will know the truth.”

  “What truth is that, son?”

  That motherfucker. Baiting me is not in his best interest.

  “You mean Nixon? ‘Cause you and I both know who your real son is. Better get your affairs in order. Your perfect little life is about to go boom.”

  Trevor’s eyes widen. I’ve caught him off guard. Damn right I know the truth, asshole. He takes a dominating step toward me when his phone rings that familiar tone. Lucy. He wouldn’t dare let her call go to voicemail. He pauses, and I watch him begin to count. He gets to five, takes a step back, and pulls his phone from his suit pocket.

  “Baby, everything okay?” he answers, never taking his eyes off me. “When? I thought she got in tomorrow? Okay. No, my meeting is done. I’ll pick her up. Tel
l Katie to look for me instead of you. Okay. Love you too.”





  The name dissipates any anger I feel toward Trevor.



  My Katie.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re up to, but you’re wrong. And we’re not done here,” he says before storming past me. Once he gets to the elevator and the door opens, he steps in and turns to lock eyes with me. “And don’t even fucking think about it.” And the doors shut.

  * * *

  A year and a half ago…

  I’ve been sitting in the waiting room for over six hours. Beside me is Camden, who’s somehow managed to fall asleep even with everything going on. Nixon hasn’t returned, and I have no idea what the fuck is going on. He begged me to stay and protect Rowan, but I don’t even know from what. Shortly after Nixon took off, an ambulance brought in an unconscious Lucy. I haven’t seen Trevor since they brought her in, but he didn’t look good at all.

  I get up again and check to see if the nurse can give me any information on Lucy. Of course, the cunt won’t, since I’m not family. Trevor hasn’t come back to the waiting room, so we have no idea what’s happening. The nurse kicked Cam and I out of Rowan’s room a couple hours ago because visiting hours were over. Even after I threatened her, almost getting thrown out of the hospital, and Cam working his charm, she still wouldn’t let us stay. I’ve had my eyes peeled to the entrance for any red flags.

  The doors open, and a female comes running to the front desk. Her hair is disheveled, her eyes swollen. I assume she’s been crying.

  “My best friend. She was brought in here hours ago. S—She...I need to see her. Now!”

  The girl becomes hysterical, banging her palms on the counter, demanding a room number. The nurse doesn’t look happy.

  “I’m her best friend! That is family! Lucy Marshall, what fucking room is she in, bitch!”


  I move Cam’s head off my shoulder and move toward the reception desk.

  “Miss, if you don’t calm down, I’m gonna have to call—”

  “Bitch, you’re gonna have to call security to rip me off you if you don’t tell me what room she’s—”

  “Lucy? Trevor Blackstone’s Lucy?” I say, and she whips around, peering up at me. Her emerald eyes are filled with tears, and her cheeks are stained with wetness. Her lips are also swollen. I imagine from her chewing on them.

  “Yes! Do you know her? Are you Trevor’s son? Is she okay? Can you take me to her?” Question after question, she spits out. The nurse has the receiver in her hand, ready and waiting to see the girl’s next move.

  “Yes, I know her. I’m Hayden Pearson. My dad is—or was, Trevor’s best friend.”

  She seems to calm some, taking me in. “Yes, yes, I’ve heard of you. Can you please take me to Lucy? Trevor said she wasn’t conscious. It didn’t look good. Oh god, is she still alive? They wouldn’t give me any updates on the phone and this bitch won’t even tell me her room number.”

  She starts to cry.

  Grabbing her, I pull her into my embrace and walk her over to where Cam is still fast asleep. “Here, just take a seat. They won’t let you in since you’re not family. That’s why we’re all out here.”

  She looks around, her eyes landing on Cam.

  “That’s my brother, Camden. Here, sit. They won’t tell you anything, no matter how upset you get. Trust me, I was in your shoes a couple hours ago.”

  She debates it a few seconds before giving in and falling into the chair. I sit next to her, and we’re both quiet as we stare at the hospital doors, waiting for them to swing open. An hour goes by and still no word. Her hands are restless, so I reach out and thread my fingers through hers. It’s strange, since she’s a complete stranger, but it feels right comforting her. She looks at me and nods, offering me a silent thanks, and brings her eyes back to the door.

  I find myself brushing my thumb along the top of her hand. Her skin is smooth and pale, telling me she doesn’t live anywhere with constant sun like Tampa. There’s a sweet scent in the air, one that wasn’t here before her. I want to lift her hand and smell her skin. Maybe take my tongue and taste her. Just as my mind goes dark wondering what she smells like down below, the doors burst open and Trevor runs through them. His eyes are bloodshot and frantic as he searches the waiting room. He spots me, then the girl next to me.

  “Katie,” he calls, his voice filled with anguish. My stomach instantly drops. A sob erupts from next to me, and I’m forced to throw my hands around her to keep her from collapsing.

  “No! NO!” she wails, and Trevor rushes to her.

  “She’s alive. She was poisoned. That motherfucker poisoned her.”

  We both look at Trevor in confusion. “Who?” I ask first.

  “Fucking Wheeler. He drugged her. He was saying some fucking weird shit about her belonging to him and him releasing her. I don’t fucking know. He wasn’t making sense. Why would he even do this to her? And then give us the means to save her?”

  I struggle to understand some of his explanation, because he’s mumbling so bad under his words. I’ve never seen him cry, but I sit there in shock as I watch heavy tears stream down his face. Katie, I learned is her name, jumps up, wraps her arms around him, and together, they break down.

  At some point, Cam wakes up, sitting board-still next to me. I can’t take my eyes off the two in front of me, though. I don’t know what to do. It almost feels wrong to continue to stare at their very personal moment, but for some fucked up reason, I can’t stop feeling the strong need to comfort her.


  She’s nobody to me, but I want to rip her out of Trevor’s arms and hold her. Kiss away her tears and tell her everything is going to be okay.

  “Mr. Blackstone?”

  We all snap toward the voice, finding the doctor standing near.

  “Yes, is she...?”

  “She seems to be reacting to the dose. She’s starting to wake up.”

  Trevor pulls away from Katie, but grabs her hand, and I stand there and watch as they both run through the hospital doors. Just before they fully shut, Katie turns, and her eyes find mine. I watch as she mouths, “Thank you,” just as the doors shut close them.

  * * *

  I check my watch again, wondering where the fuck my guy is. I hate waiting. Every second he’s late, I’m taking it out of his pay. If it didn’t sound like he had a solid lead, I would’ve been gone already. I’m a Pearson. I wait for no one.

  I’m sitting at an old diner just off Route 127. It hangs over the ocean, giving tourists a great view of the water while they indulge in greasy diner food. Fried fish is on special, which means I’m going to walk out of here smelling like a damn grease pit. Not even the best dry cleaner will be able to get the smell of fish out of this suit. I start tugging at my neckline of my dress shirt. The temperature today is hotter than normal. I should have gone with a blazer. Where the fuck is this guy? I just want this over with. I want everyone to know the truth and for Trevor to be gone. I stare out onto the beach as the smell of fish and memories suck me back down a path I fight to go.

  “So, you’re the big, bad, wild Pearson son, huh?” I look away from the pool, a place that used to always be filled with friends and family, but is now empty, to see Katie taking a seat in the lawn chair next to me. She finally knows who I am—who I truly am—and I wish I could have stayed the mystery man who helped her that day in the waiting room. Not the big, bad monster I’m sure everyone’s painted me as.

  I haven’t seen her since the hospital two weeks ago. In place of her sadness and swollen face is a soft smile that makes my dick jolt. I’ve never seen someone with such powerful green eyes before. Would she think I was a creep if I stuck my hand out just to graze her face?

  I’m curious why she’s here. She’s probably here with Lucy since Trevor called a family meeting to help figure out what to do abo
ut the fucking house since it’s been over seven months since Dad died. I just want to burn the fucking place down. But then the thought of lighting that match reminds me why I can’t seem to let it go. It feels like just yesterday this place was alive with family and friends, swimming and barbecuing. Everyone was happy. Hell, even after Dad died, I tried to keep the tradition alive with my wild parties, but none of them felt real.

  I bring my eyes back to the pool in major need of a cleaning.

  It’s been a couple weeks since all the fucked-up shit happened with Jax, the baby, and Lucy. If Jax hadn’t had a change of heart, Lucy would have been as good as dead.

  Everything has been so messed up. Brock ran off with Ethan for some music festival like nothing ever happened. I’ve tried to talk to him and get him to tell me what’s going on inside his head, but he always blows me off. He has Ethan, and they share a bond I may not ever understand. I think about Nixon. How he’s stepped up for Rowan. Anything I ever felt seemed juvenile. She was right when she said I just wanted what I couldn’t have. I didn’t claim her years ago because I knew we wouldn’t be good together. She needs someone like Nix who will devote everything to her. She deserves him. I was all about the flesh, and we could have fucked, but afterward, I would’ve gotten bored and broke her heart just like I did her best friend’s.

  Fuck, I’m a prick.

  “You don’t talk much, do you?”

  I turn back to look at her. God, she’s beautiful. I know I need to say something soon or my staring will become creepy. “I just have nothing to say.” I turn back to the pool and try to concentrate on anything other than her lips. My dreams, ever since that day in the hospital, when they aren’t nightmares, are filled with her and those lips wrapped around my cock.

  “That’s strange. All anyone around here says is what a hotshot you are. Never stop talking about how great you are. Are you great, Hayden Pearson?”


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