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Song for Me (Rock Me Book 4)

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by Lee Piper

  Song for Me

  On Tour Duet

  Lee Piper

  Copyright 2019 by Lee Piper

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved.

  Editor: Olivia Ventura

  Hot Tree Editing

  Cover Design: Clarise Tan

  CT Cover Creations

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  Also by Lee Piper

  About This Book


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Coming Soon!

  Connect with Lee


  About the Author

  Also by Lee Piper

  Rock Me Series

  Lie to Me

  End of Me

  Sing to Me

  Mondez Series

  Rock My World

  Rock My Body

  About This Book

  I fell for his lies.

  I trusted him with my heart.

  Now it’s shattered.

  Broken beyond repair.

  When the bad boy rocker betrayed me, he stole more than my trust, he robbed me of my freedom.

  He begs forgiveness.

  I demand retribution.

  And when we collide, this time he’ll be left in pieces… because I’m going to break him.


  “Dystopia” –TesseracT

  “Survival” –TesseracT

  “Tourniquet” –TesseracT

  “Phoenix” –TesseracT

  “Deficit” –Sleepmakeswaves

  “1777” – Sleepmakeswaves

  “Cheyenne” – Sleepmakeswaves

  “Burial” – Sleepmakeswaves

  “Ethel” – Sleepmakeswaves

  “Lebaron” – Sleepmakeswaves

  “Memorial (featuring Chelsea Wolfe)” – Sleepmakeswaves

  To those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

  Chapter One

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” My voice echoes in the hallway. It fills the space with accusatory sound, doubling back harsher than before.

  Drake’s blue eyes are wide. “Shit.”

  My glare is huge.

  “I’ve gotta go,” he mutters to the person on the other end of the line before finishing the call. After shoving the phone deep inside his jeans pocket, he holds out his hands, palms facing me. “Harper, it’s not what you think.”

  Tipping my head to one side, I consider him. “From where I’m standing, it looks like you’ve sold me out.”

  Drake drops his arms and long, corded muscles hang limp by his sides.


  He curses under his breath. “I know this looks bad, but—” Breaking off, he runs tense fingers through dark hair and tugs the ends. It’s a gesture I know well. Usually because I’ve frustrated the hell out of him. However, there’s heightened agitation to the jerky action this time, an erratic grasp at inky black strands that speaks of more than irritation.

  Whatever. I don’t give a shit. That ship sailed the moment he connected the call.

  “Goddammit. You weren’t meant to find out like this.”

  I glare at his hands. The offending culprits need to be rammed into his jeans pockets or pinned behind his back or something. I hate knowing those fingers explored every inch of my body. I hate that they branded my skin and brought me to earth-shattering orgasm time and time again. I hate how, even now, my eyes track their movement, watching to see what they do next.

  “Listen, I didn’t sell you out, I swear. I’m trying to help. It might not seem like it right now—”

  “You’re right. It doesn’t.”


  Then, cursing. Not me.

  If I could thrust my fist into his chest and rip his heart out, I would. I’d hold it in my palm and show him the pathetic organ struggling to beat without the protection of the rest of his body. Heck, I’d give a detailed fucking account of how the feeble pulses growing weaker with each vapid breath is nothing compared to the hurt he’s caused me.

  I cared for Drake. Cared, damn it. For the first time since my aunt died, I opened up to someone other than my uncle. I even told him stuff Ray doesn’t know, that’s how much I trusted him. And how does he repay me? With lies, greed, and manipulation.

  Now I have a gaping hole behind my ribs, nausea boiling my stomach, and freaking tears stinging the back of my eyes. I’m desperately trying not to let on how much I want to drop to the ground, scream, and cry at the injustice of it all. I swear, it’s like he’s taken the strong woman I used to be and reduced me to her shadow.

  Blinking, I look away. For a long moment, I stare unseeing at the wall. The hallway brickwork is solid, resolute in its purpose. There’s no evidence of cracks or fissures, nothing to stop it from standing tall and proud despite the thousands of people who have traversed the narrow corridor over the decades. I must have cracks and fissures all over me.


  The nickname drags me back to the present. “Don’t you dare call me that! You lost the right the moment you betrayed me.”

  “Betrayed you?” The lead singer has the nerve to appear affronted. He stares at me like I’ve offended him. Is he for real? I interrupted him selling my design secrets, for fuck’s sake. Pretty sure I’m the one who has the right to be pissed off.

  Squaring my shoulders, I level Drake with a direct stare. “I heard what you said. You told someone about my design. You mentioned the improvements I’ve made, the fabrication I’ve used. You even said you’d get a picture of the prototype and send it through to them.”

  His mouth opens and closes but no words come out. It sucks that rather than look like a gaping blowfish, he’s reminiscent of a runway model whispering silent adorations. “Wow.” More hair pulling. Again, not me.

  I remain unmoved by the troubled gesture. As far as I’m concerned, the dude can bawl his eyes out. Heck, he can drop to his knees pleading innocence until his voice is hoarse and knees are bleeding, and I still won’t buy it. It’s obvious. We might have been friends, but not now. We might have been lovers, not anymore. Hell, we might have been forever if he hadn’t betrayed me. Guess we’ll never know. It’s over.


  “How could you think I’d ever betray you?” Drake goes to step forward.

  I shake my head. “You need to stay the hell away from me.” Push
ing blonde strands of hair from my face, I scowl at the beautiful stranger. “I don’t care how you want to twist the facts so you can sleep at night, I heard what you said.” Dropping my voice, I bite out, “Every word. And. You. Sold. Me. Out.”

  Drake’s gaze darts between my eyes. “Holy shit, you’re serious.”

  I tip my chin.

  “You actually think….” Shaking his head, he stares at me for a long moment. “Jesus, Harper.”

  He blinks.

  I blink.

  He crosses his arms.

  I cross mine.

  His eyes dart to my cleavage.

  I picture his dismembered body parts at my feet.

  As though catching himself, Drake rips his gaze away. After loosening his shoulder muscles with some weird-ass stretches, he cracks his neck. It’s like he’s preparing for battle. He does a deep inhale, then holds it. The material of his T-shirt stretches across his broad chest, defined pecs stupidly prominent. When he exhales, he nods once before meeting my eyes again. “I’ve been inside you, princess.” My hands clench into fists at the way he stresses the pet name. “I thrust my cock deep inside your pussy, and you came all over it.”

  Unwanted heat warms my core.

  “Every gasp, every sigh, every fucking moan you made was mine. I owned them.” He pauses; licks his lips. Don’t care. “That shit means something. If you want me to spell it out for you, I will.”


  “You’re the last person I’d ever betray.”

  The honesty in his eyes is a tricky bitch. It causes doubt to form. Slowly, it creeps into my subconscious and clouds my thoughts with slow-moving fog. Soon, it’s so murky I can’t tell the difference between fact and fallacy. I don’t like it.

  Shaking my head, I scrunch my brows and think. As much as I’d love to be wrong about the whole situation, I know I’m not. I heard every word, clear as anything. Drake told someone about my design without my permission. The freaking end.

  I meet Drake’s stare. “I know what I heard.”

  “What you heard is only half the truth.”

  “What would you know about truth?” I cry. “The moment my back was turned, you plunged a dagger into it!” I rub at the pounding ache in my chest.

  With a low growl, he steps closer.

  “Why’d you do it?” I throw the words at him like a grenade, wishing they would explode in his face and rain down the truth in hellfire. “You know my speaker doesn’t have a patent yet. You know I’ve got nothing to protect me from other people using the design.”

  Drake links his hands behind his neck, protuberant biceps warping the seams of his shirt as it struggles to stretch around them. Piercing blue eyes remain fixed on my face. “When have I ever given you reason not to trust me?” Ignoring my silent warning, he drops his hands and takes another step. Brave, considering I’m contemplating the most painful castration method I can think of. Reckon a rusty shank should do it. Might dip it in a vat of poison ivy before coating it in fire ants.

  “I’d never purposefully hurt you. Fuck, I’d rather cut off my left nut.”

  Funny. I’m planning on severing both. Dream big and all.

  After pausing directly in front of me, Drake dips his head. His absurdly symmetrical features fill my vision as full lips hover a hairsbreadth from mine. “Answer me.”

  As much as I want to remain unaffected by his close proximity, my body has other ideas. Tingles erupt beneath my skin, a tightness forms in my lower stomach, and my breasts grow heavy. I bet if I look down, my nipples are hard. There’s no way I’m looking down.

  Talk about mixed signals.

  However, I’d rather punch myself in the face than let on how much he’s affecting me. I focus on keeping my voice even and hands to myself. “Let me see if I’ve got this right.” Swallowing is difficult, but I give it a red-hot go. “You think telling another person about my idea, knowing full well it isn’t protected by law, is helping me?”

  “Yeah.” The fool nods.

  “Are you insane?” I screech. “You knew that speaker was the only option I had. Sure, my plan was dying a slow, dismal death, but there was still a chance. A small one but it was there. How the hell am I going to pay off The Collector now?” Turning, I glare at the ceiling. Anger like I’ve never experienced bubbles in my stomach. It froths and churns, filling my veins with molten lava.

  “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” I continue, my gaze fixed on the brickwork. “I am literally going to die because you couldn’t keep your freaking mouth shut.”

  The wall looms larger than before. My gaze blurs at the edges, the throb of my pulse distorting the image. It shifts and sways, teasing my equilibrium until confusion wars with rage, leaving me with no other option except to rid myself of both.

  “Fuck this.” With a strangled cry, I pull my arm back, preparing to punch the glossy black bricks. I want to smash through illusion and bring reality back. However, just as I’m about to swing it forward, a strong grip clamps down on my wrist.

  “No. Not again.”

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get off me!”

  “Not a chance.” Drake twists both of my arms behind my back. I wriggle and writhe but can’t find any purchase to slip from his hold.

  “Quit manhandling me.” Lifting my leg, I blindly kick backward. “Swear to God, if you don’t let go, I’m gonna officially lose my shit.”

  Drake easily dodges my wayward limb, his hold tightening. “Stop fighting me, woman.”

  “No!” Twisting this way and that, I do everything I can to get away. Only, the guy must have superpowers or some shit, because no matter what I do, his hold is fixed. When I try to snap my head back and knock him out, Drake curses and pushes me against the wall. The bricks are cold against my face, a direct contrast to the firestorm of lean muscle pressed against my back. The disparity stuns me, making me pause.

  He dips his head; full lips skim the sensitive shell of my ear as a low rumble sends shudders freefalling down my spine. “Stop. Fighting. Me.”

  “Fuck. You.”

  Soft hair tickles my cheek. Drake must be shaking his head. “So stubborn.”

  I spend the next minute or so trying everything in my arsenal to escape.


  When I finally tire myself out and sag against the wall, he lifts his head. “You gonna listen to me now?”


  He chuckles. Freaking chuckles. Each low chortle baffles the hell out of me. I want to be angry; it’s an emotion I can deal with. I even relive every word he said on the phone to hold on to the hurt for a bit longer. Only, with his sinful voice in my ear and body aligned with mine—God help me—I can’t do anything but relax into his hold. What a disaster.

  “Never a dull moment with you, princess.”

  My hands clench into fists. “I already told you—”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Your mimicry is way off. I’m not that annoying.”

  He snorts. “If you say so.”

  “You know what? You can just….” With my last ounce of strength, I squirm, heave and pant. “For fuck’s sake! Are you made of titanium or some shit? Let go of me!”


  “If you don’t back the hell off, I’m gonna cut off your dick as well as your balls.”

  “As well?” I picture his eyebrows reaching his hairline.

  “I’ve been planning your castration from the moment I stepped into the hall.”


  “Trust me, it’s gonna get ugly.”

  “I believe you.”

  I wriggle. Once again it does nothing. “Get off me.”

  “No. You haven’t heard the whole truth yet.”

  “I’ve heard enough. I don’t want to hear any more.”

  “Too bad. I’m telling you anyway.”

  “So help me, Drake. If you don’t—”

  “Ever heard of a guy called Zeke Danton?”

  Taken back by
his question, I pause. “What?”

  “Zeke Danton.” he repeats. “Have you heard of him?”

  “Um, yeah. Who hasn’t?”

  “What do you know about him?”

  “He’s a household name in the music industry. Has some crazy clifftop music studio where he records albums with world-class artists.”


  Blinking, I wait. However, Drake doesn’t elaborate, so I look over my shoulder and glare into clear blue eyes. “I don’t have time for games. Either spit it out or piss off.”

  His gaze takes in my face. It’s an unhurried, deliberate perusal, like he’s committing every feature to memory. Finally, his stare rests on my parted lips. He swallows, and I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “Zeke produced our last album.”


  “Bitchy doesn’t suit you.”

  “And yet manipulative asshole is a perfect fit for you. Go figure.”

  The pulse at the base of his neck jumps. I have the sudden urge to trace it with my tongue. And then hang myself. Drake purses his lips before shaking his head. “Zeke’s a solid guy. He’s got connections in the industry and money to burn. But he’s careful in who he does business with and what he spends his coin on. Thinks first, acts later.”

  “None of this helps your case.”

  Shifting until his entire body presses against mine, he growls, “That’s because you’re looking at it from the wrong angle. Think about it; Zeke has the power to turn your idea into a reality. He can get the legals sorted, has the cash to fund the project, and the connections to sell it.”


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