Hotter Horizons

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Hotter Horizons Page 7

by JC Szot

  Levi had barely touched her, demanding nothing. Did he feel excluded?

  Where do I go from here? How do I keep this balanced?

  She answered him before she began to dissect the entire evening like a laboratory frog.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “While Alec locks up, we’ll get settled in then.” He took her elbow and led her to what Levi had conveyed was his bedroom during his tour, bedroom, a place she’d only ever seen from the threshold.

  Their room was done in a soft caramel with taupe accents. Levi turned on the small lamp on the nightstand, illuminating the walls. The soft light glowed against the panes of the only window in the room. He met her thoughts and went to the window and lowered the bamboo blind, coating the room with darkness.

  It was quiet as Levi pulled down the puffy comforter. Crisp, beige sheets lined the mattress, pulled tight.

  “I’ll be in shortly,” he said. Though his tone rang with that now familiar restlessness, his expression was soft and inviting.

  Fern stood near the bed, her mind tipping again. As Levi disappeared down the hall Fern climbed between the sheets. The cool linen chilled her body that’d been on a constant simmer since Jada had left.

  She dozed, despite the thoughts that ran rampant. What would Jada say tomorrow when she texted her? She’d probably laugh, saying, “I told you so.”


  When the mattress sank with weight, Fern woke up to two hot bodies flanking her. Alec combed strands of hair from her eyes, lightly kissing her forehead. His smile warmed through her.

  He’s trouble.

  Levi pressed up against her. He reached around her, pulling her into his solid leanness. His wiry jaw scraped across her cheek, reminding her of his abrasiveness. His deep voice tunneled into her ear from behind.

  “I just want to hold you, Frances. You feel so good … the way you fit against me,” he said. His words faded into a hushed murmur. “Thank you for being the light of our evening.”

  She felt the pull. He was oozing through her, tugging on her internal strings. Should she reassure him?

  Does he need my reassurance?

  Fern laughed to herself. Levi seemed way too confident to be needy. Was his candid aggressiveness all a defense mechanism?

  The need to display some sort of affection toward him bloomed in her belly. Fern just wasn’t sure if she was sexually refined enough for Levi. Levi had refrained from what Fern knew could have been an overly powerful experience if he’d had more of a presence. Levi’s stance tonight had been no more than that of a vocal observer. Was that why Alec had been the leader? Did they do that with every female encounter?

  Alec’s breaths grew heavy and steady. Fern rolled over, greeted with Levi’s gleaming eyes. His lids lowered just a bit. Fern laid her hand on his chest. She felt his lungs take in a short gasp of air. She fingered his nipple, letting her palm slide over his skin. He hummed softly, appreciative of her touch. Levi’s mouth curled into a crafty grin. Before he could speak any words of dominance, Fern leaned into him, finding his mouth with hers.

  His lips joined hers, quickly forming into a loose pucker that went against all she’d witnessed. His tongue mated with hers gently. Levi’s hands stilled, as if afraid to touch her. Fern pressed herself against him, expecting a bit more. A sound tore from his throat, a rumbling whimpering like a trapped animal in agony.

  Levi’s hands now held her face. His thumbs pressed into her cheeks as his hips shifted before abruptly pulling away. His mouth hung, his eyes wide and frightened.

  “Oh, Frances.” He released a hissing breath. “You’re as dangerous as forbidden fruit.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Levi leaned back in his chair, the springs creaking. Rain dripped down the window, blurring everything in his eye’s path on this balmy summer morning.

  Fern was downstairs, the sound of the vacuum droning in his ears. He couldn’t concentrate. The events of the previous evening flashed in his mind, the colors vivid, the images graphic, her beauty now ingrained.

  Levi felt consumed, drugged and wilted over, and all Fern had done was kiss him. She was all softness and tenderness, salted with a hint of sentiment. The others were never like that.

  The women Alec brought home were brash, bold, and as rough as he. They wanted to be fucked hard, bent and stretched to maximum proportions. It’d always been easy, because they were exactly like him. It was like a sexual duel he always had to win.

  This was way different, but isn’t that what they wanted? How was Alec making the shift? He’d done a phenomenal job with her, but below the surface Alec carried that same compassion. That’s what had drawn Levi to him.

  Alec had met Fern on her level, catering to her with an expert hand. How Alec danced between the two sides Levi didn’t know, but he’d been doing it since the beginning. Had Alec been doing all that flexing with his temperament just to appease him? Whether that was true or not, now it was Levi’s turn to flex. Was he able? He wanted to. Levi just wasn’t sure quite how to do it.

  Levi wanted to ignite the flame in Fern’s heart, and he believed they were off to a good start. Now it was him that was being singed, and from the inside out. What was he so scared of? Did sentiment and emotion really cause one to lose self-control? It did with Alec, but a relationship with another man was different. With Fern could the two sides be joined?

  That kiss, which had been an overture all her own, showed him that she possessed a mild assertiveness. That kiss continued to vibrate through him, wiring his body with an internal mechanism that Levi wasn’t sure he knew how to operate.

  “Levi.” Her sweet, feminine voice resonated through a house that was too quiet. Alec was at work. “I have lunch for you,” she called.

  Levi pushed his chair back and stood.

  Lunch? Who the hell can eat!


  He felt like a jittery teen. He nibbled on the sandwich, sneaking glances up at her as she worked.

  At least someone’s getting something done.

  Levi took a deep swallow of iced tea, needing to push the dry bread down a throat that seemed to no longer work. Fern’s back was to him at the sink, as she was doing the dishes. A light-green skirt graced her shapely legs, her white t-shirt a tease. When his eyes landed on a cute pair of bare feet, his teeth clamped down hard on his lower lip.

  God help me!

  As Fern put the last dish in the drain-board, Levi slipped off the stool and slunk over to the sink.

  An overcast sky hung still out the window, the rain no longer falling. A weak sun angled through the panes, casting a polished sheen on the dark strands of her hair. He couldn’t do this any longer. The temptation was too great. He was ready to take a bite of the forbidden apple.

  She turned, her face inches from his. Her hazel eyes were lighter today, coated with an earthy brown. They flicked up at him. Her chest lifted, his close proximity obviously taking her by surprise.

  Levi ran his fingers through her hair.

  “How are you?” He traced her brow, suddenly on the brink of losing it. His heart drummed against his ribs. The half a sandwich he’d tried to eat was swimming in his gut. His balls ached, filling with fire she had lit.

  After watching his lover have her, Levi wanted in. He wanted to taste her and savor her. She was here, and he didn’t want to focus on anything else but her.

  “I’m fine. I take it it’s a light day for you in the office?” Her mouth sloped into a lazy grin.

  “I can’t seem to concentrate.” He cleared his throat. Levi ran a finger down her temple, sliding along the curve of her neck.

  “Am I making too much noise? I’m sorry,” she said, her teeth catching her lower lip.

  Levi groaned.

  “Oh Fern.” He sighed, chuckling. “You’re turning me into an imbecile.”

  Her brows pulled together. He tried to read her eyes as they processed his statement.

  “I’m sorry.” Her lips twisted into a frown. Her cheeks flu
shed with a rosy heat, a warmth Levi would use as his guide.

  “Don’t be, please.” His own voice sounded unrecognizable, clawing its way out of a body that needed to be hydrated, and she was his holy water.

  Levi dipped his mouth to hers. Her face tilted, receiving him. His dick tried to strut inside his pants. His groin expanded with an ache that itched, knowing pleasure would soothe it if it was tended to.

  Her hands slid up his forearms, gripping his shoulders. He tried to let her be the co-pilot. The battle was on, and Levi felt himself slipping back into that sea of unexplored waters, unsure of the journey.

  That root of dominance began to sprout in his feet, racing up his body like wild vines. He gripped her hips and lifted her onto the edge of the counter. The dishes clanked in the drain-board. A faint cry sounded from her throat. Levi opened her knees, pushing her skirt up. He stepped back, needing to reel it in, afraid of frightening her.

  Fern’s mouth was open, her eyes heavy with need.

  Does she want it? Levi’s eyes sank between her legs, seeing the dainty white panties. Her knuckles whitened as her fingers clenched around the edge of the counter.

  “Fern…” Levi gasped, his stomach flipping.

  “I’m right here.” Her soft voice drifted through the quiet air, ripping Levi’s heart right out of his chest. Levi filled the space between her thighs. He reached into the drain-board, rummaging through the silverware. He pushed her skirt up again, stuffing the hem underneath the waistband. He sensed her gaze, surveying his every move. Her knees began to shake when he tugged on her panties, pulling the lacy trim away from her hip bone.

  He grabbed the small knife and cut the side open, removing them from her legs in one swift motion.

  “Oh no,” she cried, her body shifting. Levi tossed the knife in the sink. It hit the bottom with a sharp clatter.

  “Frances, please.” Levi grabbed her hair, exposing her neck. His mouth descended onto her hot flesh. Her perfumed skin filled his nose, making everything swim around him, a crazed euphoria.

  She tilted her hips and leaned back, her heels now on the edge of the counter. Levi’s fingers tightened around her neck, guiding her eyes to his. Before he could phrase his words, she spoke.

  “Do it,” she said through gritted teeth, her eyes a glowing glimmer.

  Levi bent over her, nipping at her clothed nipple.

  “Oh,” she yelped. Her arms went tight, trembling, every joint locked. Levi took hold of her knees, spreading them wider. Her arousal wafted under his nose. He dropped to the floor. The linoleum dug into his knees. He looked at her pussy, appreciating the beauty Alec had had the pleasure of viewing.

  Levi touched her clitoris, her tissues slick and swollen. He kissed her, pressing his mouth onto her. The folds of her vagina were soaked, glazed with a sugary arousal. Her hips thrust forward. She was feeding him, her dish exotic.

  Levi pressed his tongue into her slit, drinking from her. Her heels hit his back. Her breaths filled the silence. Levi lightened the pressure, licking her walls, tapping her clit. He growled into her pussy, crazed like a rabid animal.

  He was sinking, drowning in a feeling that was blacking out all of his questioning and reasoning. It’d never happened before. He’d always had control, but the woman who was perched above him, inviting him in, now had him bridled, and she was controlling the reins. It was a wondrous feeling Levi was visiting as a stranger. Would he be able to stay?


  Her body screamed. She was panting, every muscle strained and burning. His mouth pleasured her intimately. The growls and moans alerted her. Fern opened her eyes, allowing them to roll across the ceiling.

  No man has ever made me feel this way.

  Her flesh was scalding, dripping off her bones. Sweat collected above her brow. Her orgasm loomed, teasing and taunting her. She’d experienced more sensations in the last twenty-four hours than she had in months.

  Levi’s finger poked and prodded, slipping up inside her body. His tongue washed over her pussy. Her head fell back, her throat closing. She reached behind her, grabbing the handles on the faucet. His scent permeated the air, the masculine perfume of his soap and hair. Spiky strands jabbed at the sensitive tissues between her legs.

  She was riding the crest, her belly full and unable to hold anymore. Her pussy contracted. Her internal muscles went into a spasm, the release exquisite. The urge was spiraling out of control.

  With Johnny, Fern always wanted it to end quickly, but with Levi and Alec she now wanted more. They’d done nothing more than tease and pleasure her with foreplay. Why? Were they preparing her for something more intense? Did they think she was afraid? They’d gotten her to a place where she was ready to explore. Was that their mission?

  Levi’s mouth left her, her tissues cooling. His fingers clenched around her knees as he stood. His eyes darted between hers, his features startled.

  Why won’t he fuck me? Does he want Alec to do it first?

  Fern’s heart rate slowed, her breaths returning to a normal rhythm. Levi’s harsh tone broke through the heavy air.

  “I can’t say I’m sorry. I won’t,” he whispered, slowly shaking his head. “I don’t want you to be scared of me.”

  “I’m not. Not anymore,” Fern said quietly, hopping off the counter, her energy now returning and sparked. She straightened her skirt, then bent down to retrieve her tattered panties. She tipped her chin, gazing up at him. Suspicion pushed at her mind’s gate, slowly cutting through her, slicing her with fine, stinging wounds.

  Just what is going on here?

  “Are you afraid of me?” she asked, her tone rising in the quiet kitchen.

  Levi’s eyes went wide.

  A door slammed behind them. They both turned, seeing Alec’s body leaning against the threshold.

  “Hey, roomies, how’s it going?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I don’t want her to think I’m using you as some kind of sexual crutch.” Levi ripped his shirt off, his face tense. “I don’t know,” he sighed, shaking his head. Levi’s shoulders slumped. The look of defeat that Levi was conveying through his body language was something Alec had never witnessed before.

  “You have nothing to prove. You just need to learn how to read her. We both do,” Alec told him, emphasizing his point. Levi reached for him, tugging him by the waistband of his trousers.

  “I don’t think I want to do it without you,” Levi said, his eyes heavy-lidded. “She accused me of being afraid of her.”

  “Are you?” Alec asked softly, unbuttoning his lover’s shirt. Levi’s eyes flashed, his frustration resurfacing. “Come on.” Alec steered him toward the bathroom. “This is nothing a nice, steamy shower can’t cure.” He smiled.

  Alec turned on the taps and regulated the water. They undressed themselves and stepped into the stall. Alec pulled the curtain closed and pressed his lover up against the cool tiles. Levi’s eyes locked with his. Indecision mirrored in them.

  Alec’s hands slid over his skin as the water rained on their flesh. Strands of hair flattened over Levi’s weary eyes. Alec held his head, aligning Levi’s eyes with his.

  “Don’t be afraid of what it’ll mean. I thought you wanted this,” Alec said, checking the volume of his voice. He didn’t want Fern to overhear them and get confused. It was really Levi who was confused now. It was a reaction that had Alec blindsided.

  Levi sagged against the tiles. His eyes squeezed closed, his mouth pursed.

  “It’s the same in some ways and different in others.” Alec attempted to explain. “The dynamic may change, but we’ll roll with it.”

  “It’s just the others…” Levi released the pent-up air in his lungs. Alec let his hands wander over Levi’s moist, wet flesh. “When I was … you know, pleasuring her—”

  Alec verbally cut in, needing to voice his thoughts before Levi continued. “You can’t compare. The others weren’t looking for what we are, and at the time we weren’t either. What did you see in her eyes? I
mean,” Alec paused, choosing his words carefully. “You obviously weren’t overly aggressive. I don’t know what you saw, but just now I saw the eyes of a very satisfied woman,” Alec said, lightly nuzzling Levi’s neck, trying to conceal his smile.

  Levi’s skin flinched at the touch of his mouth.

  “I think she wanted me to take her. You know?” Levi gasped when Alec lowered his hands to Levi’s cock, slowly strumming him like a string instrument.

  “Then that’s what you need to do,” Alec whispered, lowering to his knees.

  “Oh, baby.” Levi’s voice echoed through the bathroom. “Just don’t let me fuck this up.” Levi’s words spewed through winded breaths.

  “You won’t. But right now, I’m gonna take you.” Alec glanced up, tracking the lines of water as they dripped down Levi’s corded body. Alec blinked as the water showered over them. He rested his hands on Levi’s thighs, feeling his muscles tremble with anticipation. Alec angled his head, taking Levi into his mouth, drawing him in deep.


  “I told you. You have two live wires there,” Jada squealed. Her friend’s vivacious laughter made Fern’s ears ring. “How’s it all going? I mean … is it like business as usual? Or is everything now different?”

  “It’s hard to say,” Fern said, her response hesitant. “They’re so different, like black and white.”

  Fern attempted to explain the mood that now permeated the household. Levi wasn’t hiding behind Alec as much as he was before. Alec had a great disposition, always friendly and upbeat, putting her comfort first.

  They kissed her casually every day, whether they were leaving the house or upon their arrival home.

  Both men had been battling a busy phase with their schedules. She’d been in their bed, but the contact had been limited. Fern tried not to read into it too much. They were easing her in. That showed that they respected her, something she’d never gotten from Johnny. If this was how they worked, she’d enjoy the prelude.

  “They’re taking me out tonight,” Fern said, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers.


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