Hotter Horizons

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Hotter Horizons Page 8

by JC Szot

  “Another racy nightclub, huh?” Jada asked. The tone of her question mirrored the smile in Jada’s voice.

  “Ah, no, not this time. We’re going to some swanky restaurant called Canoe,” Fern said, dropping down onto her bed. Her eyes darted to the outfit she planned to wear hanging above the closet, a black skirt paired up with a sleeveless, silk blouse the color of honey.

  “Nice. Hey, guess who has four tickets to the Chippendales?” Jada chuckled in her ear. Fern sat straight up, staring out onto the widow’s walk, the French doors open. The day’s descending heat filtered through the trees, glaring off the slatted boards.

  “The Chippendales are performing at Mohican Sun! Get the hell out!”

  “You’re coming, and you’re bringing your hot new beaux?” Jada’s breaths huffed over the line.

  “Oh my God. Wait until I tell them,” Fern laughed, feeling the heat race over her skin. Having these tickets definitely gave her an edge. This’ll be fun.

  “It’s in two weeks, so tell those handsome guys to block off their calendars,” Jada said. “You can all stay here, though I don’t think the three of you will fit in your old bed,” Jada clicked her tongue. “Fern … are you there?”

  Fern’s recent elation fell a few notches, the line silent.

  “Fern?” Jada’s voice shrilled with impatience.

  “Has Johnny been around?” Fern asked, holding her breath.

  “Nope, and who the hell cares.” Jada’s tone sharpened. “You guys are coming. This show can’t be missed. I won’t let you miss it!”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Wow,” Alec said softly, catching his breath. His jaw dropped. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” She fussed with her purse before shoving it under her arm. They were waiting for Levi to come down. His footsteps resounded from the second floor of the house. He barreled down the stairs, grabbing the banister.

  “Fuck, girl! I hope I have an appetite for food,” he told them, his features lifting. He strutted toward her in a pair of gray cargo pants, his white shirt neatly pressed. His finger traced a line over her brow, sliding down her neck. The fresh scent of his shower waved under her nose, making her nostrils twitch in memory.

  Fern swallowed, seeing the need grow in his gaze.

  “Stunning, Frances,” Levi said, his voice dipping. His eyes locked with hers, clawing their way in. Fern’s fingers clenched around the strap of her purse, her pulse throbbing in her throat. Levi’s message was heard clearly, though no words had been spoken. Fern could see the platform in front of her. It was being erected. Tonight they’d take her to the next level.

  Sleeping between their firm, warm bodies and feeling their erections but not acting on them had Fern realizing that Levi and Alec were courting her, giving her ample time to adjust while the anticipation built.

  Alec’s voice broke the intense visual draw.

  “Shall we go?” Alec noted the line of fire that glowed between them. Fern faced him.

  “I’m ready.” She smiled.

  Alec looked every bit as scrumptious in his black jeans and red button-down. Fern loved his hat, a felt, black derby that completed his appearance.

  The three headed out to the car, Levi’s hand on the small of her back.

  Canoe was a small, exclusive restaurant that Alec said was highly recommended by all the patrons he served at the Red Rooster. As they were escorted to their table, Fern couldn’t help but gawk at her surroundings.

  The low lighting reflected its elegance of glossy surfaces along with an earthy palette of colors. The wait-staff was strategically placed around the dining room, their arms draped with linen towels, ready to meet any immediate need.

  Alec directed Fern around the small, round table, guiding her into a sleek, leather-back chair. Hushed voices rose into the air. The dark, vaulted ceiling glimmered with the flickering of votive candles that sat in the center of every table.

  Large windows opened the area, edged with a rustic brick. Dim track lighting lined the ceiling beams above. Fern could see the large brick oven behind the bar that ran down the entire length of the building. She glanced out the window in an attempt to see what looked to be an immense manicured lawn. Levi spoke first.

  “As lovely as you,” he said, lifting his glass of water.

  “If you’re planning to hold an event, this is the place.” Alec handed her a menu.

  “It is beautiful, great atmosphere.”

  “We’ll have to come for lunch so we can sit out on the patio. The gardens are a must-see,” Levi said, gesturing toward the French doors that led outside.

  They studied their menus. Levi and Alec shared that almost all the dishes Canoe served were impeccably prepared.

  Fern decided on the seared sea bass. Levi and Alec both chose a land and sea sampler of steak and seafood. Their waiter took their orders and delivered their drinks with swift efficiency.

  The activity of the busy dining room filled the lull for a moment. When Levi’s hand found her thigh, Fern felt her entire body jolt to attention. His direct question broke through her reverie, bringing the reality of all that had transpired since her arrival to the forefront.

  “Do you have any concerns?” he asked. Though Levi’s tone was nonchalant, his topic of choice was anything but. Alec sipped his beer, his eyes landing on her, joining Levi’s inquiring stare. Fern reached for her drink. Various replies flitted through her mind. Levi’s hand removed the glass from her hand, setting it back on the table. Fern faced him. Levi’s brows lifted in question.

  “Go with your gut.” Levi’s eyes lowered, his stare scorching. His directness was a rough whisper. “I want the first thing that came into your mind just now.”

  “It’s difficult to choose just one,” she said. Nervous laughter spilled from her mouth.

  “Literally.” Levi’s mouth spread into a cunning grin. His laughter lightened the seriousness of all that his inquiry carried. “I know this is a new arrangement for you.”

  “I need more background, I guess. Are there any patterns or history I should know about?” Her question wavered, as she did not want to offend them with her inquiry. Alec interjected, his demeanor always sincere.

  “I’ve brought women home in the past … customers from the restaurant. We got tired of the same routine.” His vibrant blue gaze seized her. “We want someone who will become a part of us, a woman who’s loyal and loving. We want you, Fern.” He smiled, shrugging. “I don’t know what else to say. I know it’s unusual, but it’s the truth.”

  “I knew it the first day I saw you.” Levi’s eyes narrowed at his confession.

  Fern reached for her glass again, washing down the apprehension that seemed to be creeping its way back into her throat. She set her glass down, her gaze drifting between them.

  “You did?” Her voice squeaked. Her thoughts reflected back to that sunny day standing on their front porch, inquiring about the job, her future so shaky and uncertain. “Why me?” she asked, shifting in her seat.

  “Why not you?” Levi tilted his head, his face smoothing. His facial muscles then went tight. His eyes lowered in suspicion. “That jackass of a boy who claims he’s a man did some damage. I’d love to inflict a little damage on him.” Levi’s expression hardened. Alec chuckled, reaching across the table, patting Levi’s hand. It was quite evident that Levi had little patience for thugs, and that’s what Johnny was, a thug.

  “We’re not going to spoil this evening talking about Johnny,” Fern said through pursed lips. She didn’t even like using his name around Levi and Alec, afraid the mere mention of Johnny would corrode everything between them. She’d let Johnny do enough damage. “I don’t want to cause any problems. I mean, don’t people get jealous with this type of thing?” She sat back in her chair, wanting to read them both at once. Her eyes skirted around the dining room.

  The men shared a knowing smile. Alec slowly shook his head.

  “Levi and I are way past that. We’ve been together
for a while. We understand one another,” Alec said. He leaned on the table, chin in palm. His eyes sparkled. Looking into them was like gazing into a sky with no ceiling.

  “Insecurities create jealousy,” Levi said stiffly, his tone matter-of-fact. He’d just summarized her entire relationship with Johnny with three simple words.


  Fear and insecurity were two entirely different things. Alec believed that Levi was scared, but insecure he was not.

  When Fern told them about the tickets Jada had to the Chippendales show, Alec almost choked on his tiramisu.

  “Wanna go?” Fern asked, feeling giddy. The evening at Canoe was winding down. They’d had a delicious meal, but Fern knew another course was waiting for them all at home.

  She wanted the apprehension that’d been festering for weeks to go away. She appreciated that both men were taking their time, gently steering her into this rather unique situation, but Fern was ready to move forward.

  The two glasses of wine eased through her veins, helping her relax. From what both men had told her, there were no longer any reasons. They’d explained themselves, and she’d had plenty of time to digest what was happening in and around her.

  They’d been polite, if not chivalrous. It was just that anything beyond Johnny seemed too good to be true. Dysfunction had been part of her life for so long that things didn’t feel right without it.

  Alec and Levi were both great men. They’d proved that to her over and over. She couldn’t allow her past to get in the way of her future.

  “Hell yeah.” Alec grinned. “We’re going. We saw them once in Vegas, but that was a long time ago. I say we’re in need of another dose.”

  Fern laughed, seeing Levi’s burning eyes in her peripheral vision. She turned to him, boldly holding his bottomless brown eyes. The skin of his throat moved as he swallowed.

  “I’d love to go … as long as you’re not going to speculate who is to blame for our raging hard-ons,” Levi said, his tone one of amusement.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The flame of a large candle danced on the wall, flickering against the men’s faces. The ride home had been quiet. Fern stared out the windshield, willing herself to relax.

  I can do this. They want me.

  Serenity moved through her veins. With their acceptance came confidence. The realization that Fern wanted them as well acted as the calming confirmation that she needed.

  Levi turned, his eyes flashing as he yanked the tails of his shirt out of his pants. He hauntingly met her thoughts, notions that’d been floating around in her mind the last few days. Ever since their interlude in the kitchen, Fern had been ready.

  Fern had witnessed part of their intimate contact briefly before, while engaging with them that first night downstairs. She was now drawn to them with a magnetic curiosity, wanting to see more into their intimate world.

  “What would you like this evening?” Levi’s expression softened as he strolled across the carpeting. His bare chest glittered in the faint, golden light. Fern raised her hand, gliding the backs of her fingers over his beaded nipple. Levi hissed in response. “Oh Frances, what a night it’s going to be.” His tone was dark. Her core lightened, filling with a burning arousal that had her weak on her feet.

  “Kiss him,” she gasped.

  Levi’s eyes moved around her face. Alec’s shirt was off and tossed to the floor. He kicked off his shoes and began to get undressed.

  Alec’s lean, smooth flesh winked through the light as he shed more of his clothing, baring his beautiful body for them both. Long legs met his groin, his cock slender. Sandy curls lightly dusted his chest, decorating a set of defined pectorals.

  Levi undid his pants, pushing them down his legs, stepping out of them. His cock strained toward her, the tip glazed.

  Alec jutted up behind him, thrusting his body into Levi. Alec leaned over Levi’s shoulder, his mouth reaching for his lover’s. Levi spun in his arms, taking his mouth.

  Fern’s body ignited, swathed with a ferocious blaze that couldn’t be contained.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus.” Her voice was barely audible. She fell back onto the bed, the view delicious. Alec and Levi’s arms entwined, wrapping around one another, their heads tipping, steering a kiss that was persistent. Their cocks mated, pressed between the tight abdominals of the other.

  She could smell them, their rich headiness. It sank into her nose, varnishing her insides. Levi broke the urgent kiss. His eyes darted to her. His assertive words rattled through her.

  “Get naked, Frances, now!”

  Fern stood, fumbling with her blouse. The side zipper on her skirt jammed. Alec’s warm smile rolled over her like a hot waterfall. He lowered to her feet and removed her sandals, his touch gentle. Fern stared down, falling into him.

  As Alec’s hands smoothed over her limbs, her clothing was removed. As more of her body was bared, his mouth began to slowly tread over her skin, kissing her lightly.

  Levi worked the top as Alec worked the bottom. Alec rose to his feet and took Fern’s mouth in a deep, dramatic kiss. His mouth molded over hers. His tongue slipped between her lips, spreading his sweet moisture, tainted with the slight taste of bitter ale he’d consumed at dinner. Her tongue grazed against his, his mouth warm and so enticingly slick with a heat she could taste.

  Fern moaned into Alec’s mouth. The floor gave way. Her skin pimpled in the cool, summer night air. Levi, always the narrator, spoke in her ear, making every joint twitch.

  “He’s so hot, isn’t he?” Levi traced the shell of her ear with his tongue. “Tell us what you want, Fern, no holds barred,” Levi said. He’d used her nickname, his resolve slipping. “Honesty is always the best policy, and if we’re gonna do this, then we’re going to do it right.” His words sharpened as he spoke them.

  Fern pulled back, cupping Alec’s cheek. She turned. Levi’s hungry breaths hit her ravaged mouth. She boldly dominated their connected stare. The honesty Levi had asked for leapt off her tongue. She was shocked as she spoke the words, but they rose into the candlelit room.

  “I want to fuck you,” Fern said, her tone wavering. Her desire had Levi rocking back on his heels. Alec’s breathy moan filled the pause. Alec reached for Levi, tracing a mouth that had parted. A stunned silence loomed above them.

  “Yeah, babe, let our new girl take you, let her baptize you,” Alec said hoarsely, licking his lips.

  The candle’s flame danced across their faces. Levi’s eyes wavered slightly. Alec nodded knowingly. Something passed between them. Fern moved away and daringly began to fondle her breasts, looking at her men, two men who said they wanted her. She bit down hard on her lip and spoke out, putting all the tension that’d been mounting for weeks to the test.

  “You said you wanted me. Well…” Fern said. She felt her brows lift. “I say we need to get on with this program.” Levi’s eyes seared through her, obviously taken aback with her assertive stance. The light chuckle of Levi’s male laughter echoed in her ears. She would not be deterred. Enough tiptoeing.

  Alec must’ve felt the same way as he yanked on the reins.

  “Get on the bed,” Alec told Levi. Levi’s gaze skirted between them again. Alec lightly pushed him back, directing Levi up to the headboard. “Spread your legs and show our lady how gorgeous you are.” Alec grinned.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  His heart raced at a dictatorship he wasn’t accustomed to. Levi scooted back on the cool sheets. If he let any hesitation show, the weeks of courting and preparation would be spoiled.

  Her naked femininity was all lush curves, glazed over with a soft glow that had Levi eating out of her hands. Her breasts were ripe, firm, her nipples pert and ready for his mouth. He wanted to dive into all that fragrant, plentiful flesh and gorge on it.

  Sparse, dark hair lined the folds of her pussy, a pussy he wanted to taste again. A savagery glazed over her eyes, something they’d unearthed. It bloomed before him like a fragrant flower. His lover’s voice reverberated through the

  “He loves it when you suck him,” Alec said. His lips pulled into a wicked grin. “Like this.”

  Alec bent down over him. Levi’s eyes traveled down the expanse of his own body, seeing his lover’s tongue emerge from his mouth. Wet heat soared up his dick.

  “Ah,” he gasped, his eyes fluttering closed. The mattress sank with weight. Fern’s glorious body filled his eyes. Her sweet brown eyes met his as she leaned into him, her mouth covering a nipple. Warm wetness enveloped him on both ends. Two lowered heads ravaged his body. He laid a hand on each of them, coddling them, praising their attentions.

  “Oh, so good, both of you.” Levi tipped his head back, feeling Alec’s mouth cover the head of his cock, his tongue swirling over the head. Fern rose above him, her mouth inches from his. Her sultry breaths wafted against his lips. Her words rocked him to the core.

  “You’re mine now, big guy.” Her smile was warm, but full of warning. Dazzling teeth caught her lower lip. Her words were laced with irony. They took Levi back into the kitchen, the day he’d pleasured her right over the kitchen sink. He’d had her wrapped in chains, and now she was going to do the same.

  She was pulling him down deep, scorching him with her inner fire, a fire he’d been stoking for weeks. Now it was raging, devouring him. Cool air dried his cock as Alec shifted on the bed. Alec nuzzled Fern’s neck. Levi watched the two come together. Blonde and brunette strands of hair meshed as one. It was a heavenly sight, a vision Levi had had for so long.

  Levi took Fern’s soft breast in his hand and fondled the ripe flesh, her nipple hard and pebbled. He moved it in between his fingers, pinching slightly, needing to access her level of desire. Her eyes lowered, shimmering behind drooped lids. Her head fell back as he saw Alec’s fingers gently comb through the shiny folds of her pussy.

  “I’m ready … and so are you. Come get me,” Levi said gruffly. Her essence filled the air, sweet as a summer’s day after a hard rain.


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