Hotter Horizons

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Hotter Horizons Page 11

by JC Szot

  “What does that mean?” Levi asked, his voice raw.

  Dr. Scala explained that Alec’s CT scan revealed no bleeding in his brain, but he’d suffered a traumatic blow. One of his eyes had been affected resulting in a dilated pupil, and Alec had been vomiting since his arrival in the ambulance.

  “He’s heavily sedated. He was very restless after the CT scan, which is normal. There seems to be some amnesia, because he kept trying to ask the nurse what had happened.”

  “Oh God,” Levi whimpered through jagged breaths.

  Dr. Scala continued. “He needs to stay here for a few days. We need to evaluate whether there is any damage involving his fine motor skills, his speech, and the movement of his limbs and such, along with his cognitive thought process. Do you have any questions?” he asked.

  “How long, how many days will it take?”

  “It all depends how long we have to medicate him. We can’t evaluate his condition until he’s completely off the medication,” Dr. Scala explained. “He’s a lucky man. Have you spoken to the police?” He stood, burying his hands into the pockets of his lab coat.

  Levi and Fern rose to their feet.

  “Yes, we’ve given them a full report,” Fern said hastily, nodding.

  “Okay then. We’ll be in touch.” With that Dr. Scala exited the waiting room.

  Fern went to use the bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she faced the mirror. Her hair was askew, looking windblown, her eyes red and swollen. The fluorescent lighting burned them as she glared at herself. Once again, any joy she’d ever felt, Johnny had sucked out. Her veins were drained dry. It was one thing for her to be affected, but she would not allow any further pain to come into Levi and Alec’s life. They were too good and didn’t deserve her dysfunctional baggage. Though the damage was already done, why would they want her now? All she’d given them was pain and chaos.

  When she returned to the waiting room, Levi was sleeping, sprawled across three chairs. His hands rested on his chest, his breathing deep. Fern picked up her purse and headed toward the elevator.


  Levi’s eyes ached as they fluttered open, meeting the harsh glare of lighting above. He turned, righting his spine. Distant sounds of a chiming call bell and ringing telephone reached the waiting room. The aftermath of dispensed adrenalin burned though his bones as he slowly sat up. His body was sore, beaten down.

  He scoured the room. Fern was gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Fern directed her footsteps toward the exit. The automatic doors slid open. Dewy, early morning air bathed over her face. As she sat down on the outside bench, a darkened figure sharpened in the darkness. Footsteps echoed on asphalt.

  “Fern,” Jada yelled, her voice gasping. Jada’s arm flailed as she sprinted across the parking lot. She leapt onto the sidewalk.

  “How is he?” she asked between panting breaths. Jada’s watery eyes nailed her right where she sat. “Fern!” Jada’s face creased in frustration.

  “He’s got a stage three concussion and is heavily medicated. There might be damage,” Fern said, her tone laced with anger.

  She wanted to march right down to the police station, take Johnny by the throat, and strangle him. Helplessness had turned into rage. All that Johnny was had lunged off of him and onto her, attacking all three of them and spreading like a terminal cancer.

  Jada sat down next to her.

  “It was a bad idea, asking you all to come out here,” she said, collapsing back into the bench.

  Fern stood, her fingers curled into fists. “I should’ve known better. After all the crap I’ve dealt with, I shouldn’t have taken the chance,” she said forcefully. Fern raked her hands through her hair, pacing up and down the sidewalk.

  Jada stood and moved toward her. She spun Fern around by the way of her shoulders.

  “Blame-shifting isn’t going to help Alec.” Jada shook her with every vocalized syllable, her brown eyes lit. “I’m going down to the police station to fill out the report.” Her hands fell away. “I wanted to stop here and check on things and see if there were any details you might have missed or wanted me to add,” Jada said softly.

  “No.” Fern released a pent-up breath. “Levi did throw the first punch. He knows it was wrong, but with Johnny, those things can’t be helped. Do tell the cops why I left in the first place.”

  “Oh, I plan to. I left the key under the mat, but I know you’ll be staying here,” Jada smiled. Jada leaned into her, her lips warm on Fern’s cheek. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Thanks.” Fern smiled weakly. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  The light of a new day lit the sky with hues of gray. Faint rays of honey-colored light pushed their way through. Fern dug in her purse and pulled out her cell phone, searching for the number of the Easton Cab Company.

  Was leaving the only answer? Fleeing hadn’t worked before. All it did was bring more painful drama, commotion that’d filtrated into Levi and Alec’s life. Despite Jada’s well-intended advice, placing blame on her was accurate. Fern had opened the door to all that’d transpired.

  Fern’s head lightened, acknowledging the nervousness of being alone and on the run again. Did this make her a coward? Leaving the two men she’d grown to love and trust. Shouldn’t she stand by her men? Every time they looked at her, what would they see? For her, she’d always be a reminder of unnecessary anguish. How could they value her now? They knew what she was now, and where she’d come from.

  Fern sat on the bench, the wood slats dampening her jeans. The yellow cab pulled in, circling around in front of the hospital’s main entrance. She stood, clutching her purse, waiting as the cab came to a slow, rolling stop.


  Levi took the stairs. He careened down the five flights, his head swimming. If she thought this was over, she was sadly mistaken. What had happened was unfortunate, but living without her now was not an option, and Levi knew Alec would feel the same way.

  He and Alec were bound by love, two minds and hearts that’d been in sync for a long time. One thing Levi would guarantee was that Fern remained with them. Levi would not tell Alec any different when his boy woke up.

  The nurse had come in soon after he’d woken up. Alec had opened his eyes briefly, asking for Fern before dozing back into his sedated slumber. A vacant waiting room was something Levi refused to look at. The two solid bookends of his life were falling off the shelf.

  Levi was well aware of the self-inflicted blame that was rotting Fern from the inside out. He already owned it. If he wallowed in it and Fern ran, then that thug was winning, and that wasn’t going to happen.

  His arms locked as he plowed through the exit door. Levi bolted through the vacant lobby, glancing at several empty chairs sitting in the shadowed corners.

  He ran outside, his body cooled with the fresh air of another day. As Fern opened the door of the cab, he called out to her. His harsh voice carried, filling the air around them.

  “Frances Carone … if you get into that fucking cab, I’ll hunt you down until the four horsemen of the Apocalypse trample this earth.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The sound of Levi’s voice clawed through the thick air like a caged cat. A gust of air blew into her, his body now right behind hers. He pressed up against her. His breaths puffed into her hair.

  “I’ll compensate you for your trouble. There’s been a change in plans. We’re not in need of your services,” Levi said coolly to the cab driver. The man nodded, turning off the meter.

  Levi’s hand reached around her, handing several bills to the driver.

  “Thank you for your trouble,” Levi said, slamming the door.

  The cab pulled away from the curb. Levi tipped her chin, forcing her gaze to meet a pair of eyes Fern was trying to avoid.

  Avoidance! The story of my life.

  Fern gnawed on the inside of her cheek. Briny blood flavored the rotten taste in her mouth.

  “I ruined everything. I hurt all tha
t you love.” Her tone was hoarse. Levi grabbed her arm, steering her back to the bench and sat her down, his actions rather forceful.

  This conduct didn’t faze her. That’s what Levi was. He possessed an intensity that crossed all boundaries, but had lured her in, wanting to share that passion with her along with all his candidness. He’d chosen her, yet Fern had found some of the softness she often felt was buried deep inside of him. Had she given him license to allow it to emerge? Could she even give herself that much credit?

  “No, Frances,” Levi said, his jaw lined with irritation. “Johnny has hurt all that I love, and that includes you.” His tone lowered to a tormented hush.

  Fern’s body stilled. Levi took her hand. His fingers stroked over hers. His mouth touched her cheek, his lips a loose pucker. His course whiskers grated against her skin. He pulled back, guiding her eyes to his once more. His powerful stare stilled all that was around them.

  “Yes, I love you,” he whispered. “And Alec … I believe our man has spoken for himself. He woke up briefly—”

  “He did? How is he? What did the nurses say?” Fern’s words rushed at him on a breath fueled with relief. Dr. Scala had made it sound as if he’d be sleeping for days. Levi silenced her, placing his fingers over her lips.

  “He wasn’t awake for long, but asked for us as soon as his eyes opened.” Levi grinned, his eyes softening. His eyes pooled with a liquid Fern wanted to drink. His smile warmed all the cold corners of her soul. “If you leave us now … then Johnny’s pain becomes ours, and I won’t let that happen,” he said thickly. “Right now the love I feel for you is endless. You, my dear Frances,” Levi paused, taking a breath, “are our forever.”

  “Oh God,” Fern whimpered. Her chest went tight. Her head exploded with all the reality and intensity only Levi could provide. No one had ever made such a declaration.

  “I need you now. I need you to help me, help Alec. We need to bring our man home, Frances,” Levi told her. He pulled her to her feet, wrapping his body around hers. His strong arms enclosed around her, cloaking her with warmth.

  Levi had a rare sustenance. It was vital nourishment that’d been missing from her life and could only gain potency alongside Alec. These were two men Fern didn’t want to live without.


  Six weeks later

  “Lift your leg,” Alec said, his tone raspy with need. His hand reached around in front of her, slipping beneath her knee, spreading her open. His smile expanded over the skin of her shoulder.

  Air moved into parts of her body that’d been closed.

  “That’s it. Mm, tonight’s gonna be hot, so hot,” he said breathlessly. His head nestled in between her thighs. Fern lay on her side, Alec jutting up behind her. Alec lifted her leg a bit more, her tendons stretching.

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay to do this,” Fern said. She searched for Alec’s gaze over her shoulder. Alec began licking her neck, speaking between panting breaths.

  “I can’t wait any longer. Plus I asked Dr. Scala if I could resume all normal activities, and he said I could,” Alec told her with emphasis. A guttural groan vibrated into her flesh. “I’ve been fondling you and only kissing you for weeks … I can’t stand it. No man can sleep in the same bed with you all this time and not act,” he said through dry laughter.

  “He’s ripe, babe, and so are you. Fuck, you smell so good,” Levi said impatiently. He touched her with the tip of his tongue, his focus on her clitoris. Fern knew his technique. He always placed the flat of his tongue on her clit, applying a light pressure. His assault was a slow and clever composition that flowed into long, evenly pressured strokes before expanding his exploration by bathing the walls of her pussy. When he jammed the tip of his tongue up inside her, Fern cried out.

  “Oh, please…” she gasped, arching into his expert mouth. Levi grabbed her hips, pressing his mouth on her, his tongue darting in and out of her opening again and again.

  Air rushed at her body when he pulled away, replacing his tongue with his finger.

  “So wet, so amazing. Oh Frances,” he breathed. “Alec, make love to our girl … please.”

  “She needs more time,” Alec said, his voice husky. “I’m going to get you ready.” He peppered her shoulder with airy kisses.

  Alec’s finger eased down the seam of her ass. He tenderly stroked her, spreading her natural arousal right where he needed. His finger probed gently, pressing on that tight bud of muscle that was adapting, but still unaccustomed to the nature of their activities.

  “Ah.” Fern bucked back, feeling Alec’s cock jab at her spine.

  “I’ve got you. Have I ever steered you wrong?” He lightly sucked on the back of her neck.

  Fern shook her head, her voice lost. Sensations raced through her, filling her core with a heat that opened her on both sides. Alec’s finger penetrated her further before he added another. He touched her insides, scissoring his fingers, urging her to unlock her body for both of them.

  “That’s perfect,” Alec said, his chest fluttering behind her. “You’ve gotten the hang of it.”

  Levi abruptly sat up and moved to the bottom of the bed. Fern’s eyes flashed open, surprised by the hurried movement.

  Alec was leaning over her now, rolling her on top of him. The room tipped. Darkness shifted as she was positioned on top of Alec, his cock at the seam of her thigh. Fern reclined on his chest, eating him with her hands as she touched every rib. She flicked his nipple with her tongue. Her hips were being pulled back. Fern gripped Alec’s arms. Firm biceps flexed beneath her palms.

  Hot breaths wafted across her buttocks as she was spread open from the rear. Alec’s eyes gleamed. He thrust his hips. His request rode on a gasping breath.

  “Take me inside, Fern, please.” He pulled her into him. He held his cock, in search of her inner depths.

  Fern tried to focus. She’d lost some skills over the recent weeks, forgetting how to manage this juggling act. As Levi’s tongue prodded inside her from behind, her entire body shuddered.

  “Jesus,” she hissed. Alec laughed, cupping her cheek as he slid inside her pussy. His arms tightened around her, sealing them together.

  “Yes. Oh God, fuck!” Alec’s brow creased, his body taut with the thrill. Fern began to undulate over him, taking in his expressions. Alec’s mouth opened, his neck stretching back. She brushed strands of hair off his brow as his cock burrowed in further, making that spot ring with pleasure.

  “Oh.” Fern dragged in more air. Levi was invading her from behind, filling her with a fire that radiated throughout her body. Her skin flamed, and then cooled with a shivering tingle as she accommodated him. Her insides were filled, stuffed with their bodies, their erections hard with a desire that sometimes frightened her, but never waned.

  Levi’s body caged over hers from above, his cock fully inside. His dark voice filled with vulnerable admission as it tunneled into her ear from behind.

  “I love you, Frances, we love you. It’s so utterly complete now.” He sighed as his body moved in and out of hers. Alec’s fingers dug into her hips, his body grinding again, excited over his other lover’s words.

  The desire was strong, an acute love that grew with each passing day. Their bodies stretched together, their flesh moist now with sweat. Blood surged through her, setting her up for a sweet release that swelled inside, yearning for those sweet contractions that her men always provided.

  The rough scratch of whiskers scraped across her back. A whimpering moan tore from Levi’s throat. Everything was different, magnified, the picture clear. The intensity was crippling, melting all that was around them.

  “Yeah, baby.” Levi’s heated voice fell around them. Alec’s warm voice directed her attention down to his glazed-over blue eyes.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “I’m gonna come. You feel so good. You’re so beautiful.” He smiled, cupping her breasts as his body contorted. His breath grew rapid, his eyes fluttering closed.

  Levi’s long, growling g
roans sounded behind her. Fern rocked over Alec’s cock, riding her clit over his sleek length. The heat pooled, overflowing. Her eyes clamped shut, relishing the decadent contractions that had her levitating off the bed.

  Fern breathed in their inebriating scents of soap, spice, and unique perspiration. She gasped, wanting to inhale all their air deeply into her lungs and hold it there.

  Four hands petted her as she writhed at the pleasure their bodies gave her. Alec pulled her into him, taking her mouth. His tongue thirsted for her, cleansing the walls of her mouth. His hand wandered between her legs, circling over her clitoris with a sweet rhythm, provoking her orgasm into release, gripping her as she seized up.


  “We have to decide where we’re going on vacation,” Levi said. He leaned on one elbow. Fern stretched between them and yawned. Her afterglow sedated her like a tranquilizer. She struggled to stay awake for the pillow talk Levi often initiated.

  “We need to plan two trips.” She yawned. She felt her mouth curve into a sleepy grin.

  Levi’s brow shot up.

  “We do?”

  “Lady’s in charge now, big fella,” Alec said, laughing. “You know what they say … woman of the house.”

  Fern swatted him.

  “Yes, we do,” Fern said, ruffling Levi’s hair playfully. “Being on vacation with you two won’t be all lazy days on the beach, relaxing with a book. I’m going to need a week at the spa and a masseuse after we get back.” She reached for both of them, squeezing their cocks in her hand.

  “Hey!” Levi’s brows pulled together.

  “She’s got a point.” Alec shot him a knowing look.

  “This trip has a meaning,” Levi said, his tone insisting.

  “Okay.” Fern rotated her hand through the air. “What’s the meaning behind the trip?”

  “It symbolizes the horizon for which we’re about to embark, our new life together,” Levi said. His eyes moved between them, looking for confirmation. Silence reigned through the room. “No good?” His expression was troubled.


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