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Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Page 12

by Krista Lakes

  "That won't be a problem. He and my father have business meetings all day tomorrow. It can be just the two of us." I was an ant again under his magnifying glass.

  "I'll still have to clear it with him. Thank you again for the offer," I said hastily, standing up and stepping away before he could say any more. The last thing in the world I wanted to do was see him tomorrow. If I had my way, I would have set him down hard, told him in no uncertain terms that I wasn't interested, but I needed to be tactful for Owen's sake. His contract negotiations hinged on the sheik's favor, and thus, the sheik's son's favor as well.

  Owen's brows tightened for a moment as I walked over to him, but he quickly relaxed his face before the sheik could see it. He put his hand on my back, his touch feather light but sending a bolt of security through me. I was safe with Owen. I could see Roger still lounging at the table, a frightening grin on his face. He knew I had fled because of him, and he liked it.

  "Thank you for the wonderful dinner. I will make the adjustments you suggested and get back to you in the morning." Owen gave the sheik a perfect businessman smile. I liked the one he gave me better, but I knew the effect that smile could have on people.

  The sheik barely batted an eyelash as he reminded Owen of a key point he wanted changed. No wonder the man was worth a fortune if he could evade Owen's charms. The two of them shook hands one final time, and Owen guided me out toward a waiting car. The night air was cooler than I had expected, but the shiver that went through me wasn't from the breeze. It was from Roger's eyes following me out the door.

  Chapter 18

  "I'll be back in time for us to go get something for dinner tonight. Are you sure you'll be all right staying in the hotel today? I can get someone to show you around the city or something." Owen frowned slightly as I adjusted his tie. I made sure it laid straight and then smoothed the fabric across his shoulders. I loved these simple moments. They may never make a scrapbook, but that will stay in my mind forever as perfect.

  "I'll be fine. I think I'm still a little jet-lagged, so staying in sounds nice today. Maybe I'll go down to the spa or something later," I said, smiling up at him. His blue eyes still held a pout, so I added, "Besides, Dean will be here with me today if I change my mind."

  Owen glanced over to the kitchen where Dean sat reading a newspaper. He sighed and looked down at me. "You're sure you don't want to do anything today?"

  "Yes! Now get going, or you'll be late!" I said, pushing him toward the door. The worry vanished from his eyes as he picked up his briefcase and reached for the doorknob.

  "I love you, Kaylee," said Owen, catching my eyes with his. I could feel a happy warmth surge across the connection, filling me with an inner light.

  "I love you, Owen. Now, get to work!" I gave him a light peck on the cheek and he grinned before disappearing out the door. The door clicked shut, and I leaned my back against it. I closed my eyes and counted the hours until he would be home, finding them far too many. I hoped that Rashid wouldn't follow through on his threat to come by. I didn't say anything about it to Owen. I didn't want him to worry. Besides, it was probably just an empty threat anyway.

  When I opened my eyes again, Dean was standing in front of me.

  "Why don't you want to go anywhere today?" he asked softly, his light blue eyes intense as he read the worry on my face. I sighed.

  "Rashid, the sheik's son. He makes me uncomfortable, and last night, he said we were going to do something tomorrow. If I stay in the hotel, then I'm hoping he won't bother me."

  Dean nodded. "You know I won't let him do anything, right?"

  I smiled. Dean, while tall and in amazing shape, appeared lanky and unimposing. I'm sure he could hold his own in a fight, but he didn't look that scary to me. I wondered how he had gotten the job of guarding billionaires, but I always figured he just had other talents that made him a good bodyguard. I knew he was smart, and if he was good at preventing a bad situation, then that was always better than being scary enough to stop one.

  "Thanks, Dean. I know I shouldn't let him get to me, but just something about him set my teeth on edge." I shivered at the memory of him looking at me.

  "I've learned to trust those gut instincts. I'll make sure he doesn't bother you today."

  "Dean, what about tomorrow though? He's the sheik's son. If things keep going as well as they have between Owen and the sheik, I'm going to have to see him again. There is already another dinner scheduled for tomorrow night." I leaned back against the door again, my shoulders slumping.

  "Has he done anything to actually make you concerned?" Dean's eyes narrowed as he contemplated my options.

  "No. Just implied. I have no real reason to be afraid of him. He just makes me nervous is all. If I can avoid him, I want to."

  Dean nodded, then gave me a warm smile. "Well, don't you worry about him. He's probably just a weird kid who never learned to be polite because he has so much money he never had to. Let Owen know, though. Owen won't stop scheduling things that involve Rashid if you don't tell him. He'll understand."

  I fiddled with the groove in the tile of the entryway, pushing the hem of my yoga pants into it with my toes. "I'll tell him. I just don't want him to be upset or do something that will endanger his contract. It's pretty obvious the sheik thinks his little boy is the best thing since sliced bread and will take any affront to Rashid as an affront to him. I don't want to ruin the contract because some punk makes me nervous."

  Dean put his hands on my shoulders, and said in a low voice, "Owen knows how to handle situations like the one with Rashid and his father. You have to trust Owen to do the right thing."

  I nodded. "I'll tell him when he gets home. I just feel like I'm overreacting, and I don't want to mess things up."

  Dean gave me a squeeze before letting go of my shoulders. His quiet confidence and the way he approached a problem reminded me a lot of my dad. I could see why Emma trusted him as much as she did.

  "So, what are you going to do today?" Dean asked, taking a step back into the main room. I glanced about, and my eyes settled on the kitchen. I loved cooking, and I hadn't had time to cook anything more than a frozen pizza for weeks. I had been itching to try out some new recipes after all the good food I had been eating.

  "You like pancakes?"

  Dean nodded and rubbed his stomach. "Can't you tell?"

  "Then get ready for the best pancakes you've ever had. I'm cooking today."


  "You have the list?"

  Dean gave me a look that very clearly said Of course I have the list. Stop asking.

  I went through the recipes one more time, making sure I had everything. I only wanted Dean to go out shopping for me once. He said he was happy to go do it, that he even knew of a market close by, but I still felt bad. I didn't want to leave the hotel, so I was just going to stay in the room. Dean was all right with that, because I couldn't possibly get into trouble. Besides, if anything did happen, hotel security was on speed dial.

  "Remember, fresh cilantro if they have it," I reminded him one last time as he slid on a baseball cap.

  "I'll remember. I be back in thirty minutes," Dean said, closing the door behind him. The lock clicked loudly in the quiet room.

  I stood staring at the door for a moment, wondering what I should do until he got back. While playing checkers with Dean all day, we had started talking about food. When our favorite homemade meals had come up, I had told him about my mom's secret recipe for "Cheeseburger Pie. Dean suggested I cook it for Owen, along with some chocolate chip cookies. It wasn't exactly scallops with black truffles, but I thought Owen would enjoy it and it gave me something to do. The hotel-stocked kitchen had most of the main ingredients, but I needed some fresh things that I couldn't substitute. For a small slice of my infamous Cheeseburger Pie, Dean had agreed to get them.

  I went to the kitchen, pulling out the various pots and pans I would need for cooking and prepping what I could without my fresh ingredients. I found myself humming as I put wat
er on to boil for the potatoes and set out the cutting boards to prep the salad. I was looking for a second mixing bowl when I heard a noise in the other room. Dean was faster than I thought.

  I peeked around the corner to the living room, and my blood ran cold. Rashid was on the couch, sitting there like he owned the place. I nearly threw the wooden spoon in my hand at his head, but decided that probably wouldn't be the best reaction. A fair reaction, but not the best.

  "How did you get in here, Rashid?" I hoped my annoyance was apparent. I didn't want him here, and I wasn't going to be polite after he broke into my room. I could be diplomatic, but that didn't mean I had to be nice.

  He gave me a chastising look. "It's Roger." Then shrugged his shoulders as if getting into a locked hotel room were nothing. "I believe the expression is 'I know a guy.' I get whatever I want, and I wanted to come see you."

  I swallowed hard, glancing at the clock. Dean wouldn't be back for another fifteen minutes at the earliest. I hoped there wasn't traffic or that he didn't take his time looking for fresh cilantro. Roger stretched out on the couch, then patted the seat next to him. I stayed standing.

  "What do you want to do today, Kaylee?" He looked me up and down, undressing me with his eyes. I fought the urge to cover myself with my hands. He couldn't see through my shirt and yoga pants, no matter how much he wanted to.

  "I want you to leave."

  "Aw, Kaylee. I can't do that. I came all this way just to see you. Don't be a bad hostess," he said as he stood. I was suddenly very aware of just how much taller he was than I.

  "Please leave." I tried to say it forcefully, but it just came out as a whisper. I didn't want to mess anything up for Owen's contract with Roger's father, but I desperately wanted him to go away. He just smirked at me, knowing exactly the position I was in. He knew I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the contract and he was counting on it. He took a step closer to me.

  "You don't want that, baby. You know you want me." His voice was smooth like oil, sliding over my skin and making me feel dirty. I bumped into the wall behind me, not even aware that I had been stepping back. He gave me a smug smile, knowing I had backed myself into a corner.

  I spied the phone on a small table. With my left hand, I reached for the phone's receiver, but my right hand never got to the numbered buttons. As fast as a snake, he grabbed my hand. The receiver fell out of my hand, and I looked up at him with fear in my eyes. I struggled, but his hands were bigger and stronger than mine, and held me easily. I tried to bring my knee up into his groin or at least to drag my foot down his shin- anything to cause him pain- but he was pressed so close to me I couldn't move. I was powerless to stop him, no matter how much I fought and squirmed.

  His cologne filled my nostrils. It was strong, like he had bathed in the bottle instead of a shower, and sickeningly sweet. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to be anywhere but here, with anyone but him.

  "Please, don't," I whispered, struggling against him. He just laughed, the sound striking fear deep into my bones. Where was Dean?

  "Just relax, Kaylee. You'll enjoy this so much more if you just relax," he said softly, his breath giving me unpleasant chills. The calmness and surety in the way he moved told me this wasn't the first time he had done this.

  "Get away from her." A commanding voice boomed from across the room. I felt my knees go weak with relief as the door slammed behind Dean. Roger turned his head to glance at him, but didn't let me go.

  "This isn't your problem, man. Beat it." Roger turned back, leering at me. He wasn't afraid of Dean.

  Before I could move, Roger was ripped off of me like an old band-aid and thrown to the ground. He lay on his back, a dazed expression on his face as Dean stood over him like a tiger about to pounce.

  With a shake of his head, Roger rolled to his side, then up to his feet. Dean moved around to stand between me and Roger, gliding along the floor like a big cat. I rubbed my wrists, trying to keep my panic under control.

  "Get out." Dean's voice was like ice.

  "She wanted it, man," Roger said, trying to appeal to Dean. "Just wait until my father hears about this." Dean's face only hardened. Roger swallowed and started backing up toward the exit. He stopped and gave me a wink and an evil smile. "I own this city. There isn't anywhere you can go to escape me, so I'll see you later, Kaylee."

  I shuddered, then looked back at Dean. When I first met Dean, I didn't understand how he was a bodyguard to the billionaires. He was tall and in shape, but he just wasn't physically imposing. Now, watching as he strode toward Rashid, his eyes gleaming violence, I understood. I would willingly take on ten muscle-men bodybuilders before I even thought about messing with Dean.

  In one fluid motion, Dean had Roger pressed against the wall, his hands wrapped in the front of Roger's shirt. Roger started spluttering, the whites of his eyes growing bigger until he looked like a scared rabbit. Dean held him there, then leaned in and whispered something. I couldn't hear it, but somehow Roger's eyes grew even bigger. His hand started scratching at the wall, desperately looking for the door handle to make his escape.

  Dean let him go, pushing off of him like he didn't want the stench of Roger on his hands. Roger scrambled for the door, running like a beaten dog with his tail between his legs. The door slammed shut behind him as he scampered down the hallway.

  "Are you okay?" Dean asked, turning to me. He grabbed my wrists and looked them over, checking for any sign of damage. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

  "He was gonna... he was gonna.." I couldn't get the words out. They were too horrific. Dean wrapped me up in his arms, protecting me from the world. He touched my hair softly and made a soft soothing shush noise as I broke down in tears.

  I sank to the floor, and Dean followed me, still holding me. I cried into his shoulder, letting the terror and frustration work itself out. He just kept quietly comforting me, keeping me safe until I was ready to talk. Finally, the tears wouldn't come anymore and my ragged sobs slowed to where I could speak.

  "Are you okay?" Dean asked again, concern showing in every word. I nodded.

  "How did he get in here, Dean? I didn't let him in. I was in the kitchen, and then he was just there."

  "I don't know, but I'll find out. I'm sure he just bribed someone or stole a key from housekeeping. I'm so sorry, Kaylee. This never should have happened."

  I looked up at him, not wanting him to feel guilty for this. This was Roger's fault and no one else's. "There is no way you could have known he was going to do this. I should have been safe here."

  Dean sighed and pulled me closer. I liked how secure he made me feel, like the way I did when my dad would keep me safe from monsters. "I still feel bad. It's my job to keep you safe."

  "You did. You saved me."

  Dean gave me another squeeze, my body still shaking from fear and adrenaline. I felt like I would never stop shaking.

  "How did you get here in time? I thought you were still going to be gone for a while," I asked glancing at the clock. My water in the kitchen was boiling. I should turn it off before all the water evaporated.

  "There was a sandstorm coming, so I hurried back. I'm afraid I didn't get your cilantro."

  I felt a smile crack my face. The cilantro didn't seem so important anymore.

  My phone chirped across the room, a text coming in from Owen. Dean and I both looked at it, knowing that we were going to have to tell him. Neither of us moved. If I didn't tell him, maybe I could convince myself it didn't happen. If Owen didn't know, then it was all just a bad dream.

  My phone chirped again and Dean released me, standing up and retrieving my phone. I clicked on the message, not quite brave enough yet to call him.

  We've been invited to go deep sea fishing on Rashid's yacht. If things kept going this way, Roger and his father would be permanent fixtures in our lives.

  My phone slipped from my fingers and clattered to the floor. I didn't even bother picking it up. In my head I could see exactly what was going to happen. The sheik
was going to ask Owen for a last minute business meeting, and I would be on the boat alone with Roger. He would come at me again, and this time, there would be no Dean or Owen to save me. I started to cry again at the memory of him touching me, the smell of his cologne, the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  Dean's arms were around me again in an instant as I crumpled back to the floor. "I can't do this..." I whispered, my lungs too compressed to get much more than a wheeze out. A cold panic sunk into my bones, every muscle in my body trying to "fight and flight" at the same time. Outside, the sandstorm hit, the wind howling with anger at being denied entrance.

  "He's going to be everywhere, Dean. He will never leave me alone. Especially not after today." The fact was like an ice cube in my mind, always bobbing to the top and making everything cold. "He really does own the city, Dean. He and his father have connections to everything. I can't stay here; I'm not safe here anymore. I just want to go home."

  Dean pulled out his phone, hitting a speed dial number and waiting patiently until a voice answered on the other end. It was Owen. Just hearing his voice on the other end of the phone sent elation and fear through me.

  "Sir, there's been an incident." Dean was the perfect professional.

  "What happened? Is Kaylee alright?" The phone wasn't on speaker, but I could still hear his voice clearly. I wished so much that I could bury myself into Owen's chest, let his arms wrap around me, and let this bad memory drift away. I wished I could have made the past thirty minutes different. I felt horrible that this incident would probably sour his relationship with the sheik. I wished I had another option, one that wouldn't have the possibility of destroying what he was working so hard on. I knew I shouldn't be the one feeling guilty, but I couldn't help it. Yet another wave of anger washed through me that Roger would completely and utterly betray my trust and personal space.


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