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Of Shadows and Ash

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by Dana Marie Bell

  Of Shadows and Ash

  By Dana Marie Bell

  Book three of Maggie’s Grove

  Overprotective dryad Ashton Ward is pissed off. His mate Selena has been tortured by humans who hunt supernaturals, and she’s flat-out refusing to let him near her as she heals. Her magic is so compromised that just being near her puts him in danger, but he’s sure he can help ease her pain if she’ll just let him.

  To keep Ash safe, witch doctor Selena Giannone wants to handle the fallout from her nightmare alone. But she might be dealing with more than the agonizing loss of her powers—something’s haunting her house so badly the land itself is afraid. A demon so powerful nothing in Maggie’s Grove can tame it alone.

  Terrified, exhausted and out of options, Selena turns to Ash for help. The enemy needs two things to feed: Selena’s powers, yes, but also it needs her fear. And if there’s a magic that can save her, it lies with Ash—with his touch, and with their bond.

  84,000 words

  Dear Reader,

  Happy October! I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I love October. Not only is it the month in which my daughter was born (ten years ago!!) but I love the weather, the scents and the activities of October. Everything about the month combines to something fun and transporting for me. Of course, I’m sure not everyone feels the same about this fall month, but I’m happy to say we have a great collection of fiction releases to help aid all of you with fun escapes.

  In the spirit of the somewhat paranormal mood of the month, I’ll start with paranormal and fantasy genres. R.L. Naquin returns with an installment in her quirky, fun, romantic urban fantasy Monster Haven series. With Aegises dying all over the world, the only safe place for Zoey is the protection of home—but hiding doesn’t come naturally for Zoey, and she’ll have to act fast to prevent a zombie apocalypse in Demons in My Driveway. And in Dana Marie Bell’s paranormal romance Of Shadows and Ash, when evil attacks from the shadows, dryad Ashton Ward will be the only one who can save his beloved witch doctor from eternal darkness.

  Matt Sheehan brings back the ever-lovable Helmut and his sidekick in urban fantasy Helmut Goes Abroad. Another round of magic, fistfights and one-liners with the best, most handsome, and of course humble detective Helmut Haase and his apothetic sidekick Shamus O’Sheagan.

  Futurisic romance In the Void by Sheryl Nantus gives us romance set in space—and a brothel spaceship. Answering a distress call can spell the end of the Bonnie Belle and everyone aboard...

  A dragonshifter intent on executing a high-stakes art heist is forced to juggle a wedding, a family and a pesky attraction to her target’s head of security in paranormal romance ’Til Dragons Do Us Part by Lorenda Christensen. April Taylor’s alternate history fantasy Taste of Treason, the second in her Tudor Enigma series, also releases this month. Master Elemancer Luke Ballard has grown his magical powers since his last encounter with the dark sorcerers who will stop at nothing to destroy the English throne. But is he skilled enough to both protect his own and prevent tragedy from reaching the royal family?

  Moving on to contemporary romance releases in October, the last man that handywoman Georgia Lennox expects to break through her tough-as-nails, ugly-duckling exterior is John Montgomery the Third, the millionaire philanthropist she’s worked for in Because I Can by Tamara Morgan.

  In military contemporary romance His Road Home by Anna Richland, a false engagement story gives injured Special Forces Sergeant Rey Cruz a surprise gift: love. Pitch Imperfect by Elise Alden is a contemporary romance in which the last thing celebrity singer Anjuli Carver wanted was to be dependent on her ex-fiancé to restore her dilapidated manor. Will he rebuild her crumbling walls or demolish her defenses with his sexy pursuit?

  Male/male romance Stand By You by A.M. Arthur is the story of a broken soul who finds solace and safety in the company of a gentle janitor—as well as an unexpected chance at real love.

  Last this month, we’re pleased to welcome co-authors Eileen Griffin and Nikka Michaels with In the Raw, part one of a male/male romance duology about culinary students Ethan Martin and James Lassiter. When they find themselves competing for the same scholarship they also discover they’re competing for something more important—love. Look for part two, In the Fire, next month, in November 2014.

  Coming in November 2014: Carina Press and I both celebrate an anniversary. And we have books from a number of powerhouse authors including Josh Lanyon, Shannon Stacey, Lauren Dane and so many more!

  Here’s wishing you a wonderful month of books you love, remember and recommend.

  Happy reading!

  ~Angela James

  Editorial Director, Carina Press


  To Dusty, who chased all my shadows away.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  About the Author


  Chapter One

  “I swear to the Goddess, if you don’t back off right this second I will rip your spleen out through your asshole.”

  Ash winced, but didn’t back down. “You’re still healing.”

  If Selena had to listen to that grim tone of voice for even one more second she really was going to maim him. The stubborn dryad just couldn’t seem to get it through his solid wood skull that Selena was capable of taking care of herself. “Why don’t you go hug a tree?”

  He pointed back toward her house. “Go home, little witch.”

  “Fuck you, Woody.” She tried to step around him, only to have him block her way. “Ashton.”

  “Selena.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Either you go back on your feet or I carry you, but you’re going.”

  “They need me.” Selena couldn’t seem to get Ash to understand. “I’m the witch doctor. I have to be there.”

  For just a second his stubborn features softened. If there was one thing they both agreed on, it was that the people of Maggie’s Grove were their main concern. Ash was the guardian of the forest, and Selena was the one who dealt with magical ailments. Which made it all the more ironic that it was a magical ailment she was suffering from. “You’re still recovering from the effects of your kidnapping.”

  Selena shuddered. The Van Helsings had taken her from her home, breaking in and overwhelming her before she could do a damn thing. They’d forced a drug down her throat that knocked her ass out, and when she came to she was in Ash’s arms, being carried out of a hell she could barely comprehend. They’d cut off her hair, done some sort of painful, flesh-cutting experiments on her, and pumped her full of gunk that left her sickly and weak. She’d barely been able to speak, couldn’t walk for days and her vision had been blurry. She’d never puked so much in her life, and the stuff that came out had given her nightmares. It was this black, swirly tar-like substance that tasted like rotten ass and smelled worse.

  Gideon, the coven leader, had tried, but he hadn’t been unable to identify it. Both of them were certain it was the source of her magical issues, but until they could figure it out they were at an impasse. So while she was continuing to recover physically, her magic was still as fucked up as the day Ash carried her out of the Van Helsing compound three months ago. Every spell she attempted either fizzled, or went mostly the way she’d planned. For instance, she’d tried to cast an identification spell on the black gunk that she’d puked up.

  She’d wound up identifying every black object in a five mile radius except for the black gunk.

  No one knew the full extent of the evil the Van Helsings had done, not only to her but other members of the community. Which was why she was heading out. She needed to see and be seen, to show the people that their witch doctor was alive and relatively well. She might not be able to cast spells at the moment, but she could sure as hell walk into town and talk. She was Italian, after all. Talking was one of the things she did best. “I can handle it.”

  Ashton held out his hand with a sweet smile that didn’t fool her for one second. “Come on, little witch. We can discuss this back home, on your comfy couch.”

  She narrowed her eyes, well aware of what he was up to. She’d had enough of his sexy ass ordering her around. It was time she put her foot down and made him go home. “No.”

  “Selena.” He took a step toward her, scowling when she backed up. “Don’t make me force you.”

  As if he could. “You touch me and I’m calling Mina.”

  For just a second, he looked wounded to the core. But then that stubborn, overprotective asshole simply picked her up and began striding with superhuman speed back toward her house. “I warned you.”

  “So did I.” Selena pulled out her cell phone and called the Queen of the Forest. “Mina, order Ash home.”

  “Selena?” Mina sounded stunned. “What’s happening?”

  “He won’t let me leave my own house. I’m well enough to take care of myself, thank you, and he doesn’t live here.” She grunted as he tossed her onto her overstuffed couch. “And I’m tired of him invading my personal space.”

  If looks could kill she’d be pushing up daisies. “Don’t you dare.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “Get him outta here before I turn him into a turnip.”

  Mina choked on a laugh. “Put him on the phone.”

  Selena held out the phone, smiling triumphantly as Ash took it from her.

  “Hello, my queen.” Ash winced at whatever Mina said to him. “Yes, but—” He didn’t get to finish the sentence. Apparently Mina was giving him an earful, because he barely got a word in edgewise. All Selena heard was a crapload of but, no, yes and maybe. Eventually Ash sighed and surrendered. “Yes, my queen. I’m on my way.” He handed Selena the phone back with a defeated look. “I hope you’re happy.”

  She grinned, ignoring the odd, fluttering fear that started to seep into her. She was a big girl. She was going to be just fine on her own. “Yes, I am.”

  He shook his head, his tone cold. “I am under orders to not return to your home unless you call me.”

  She blinked in shock. That was more than she’d expected Mina to do, but it would buy Selena some time. She knew eventually Ash would find a way to disobey that order. The attraction they felt for one another was far too volatile for him to stay away indefinitely.

  But Selena would take the time Mina had given her and run with it. She needed to get her ass back on track before she could bring the dryad into her life on a permanent basis. She wanted her lingering feelings for Dragos to be put to bed, her magic back under control and the Van Helsings who’d fucked with her buried under a rock. And it didn’t have to be in that order.

  But if she tried to explain that to him he’d dig his heels in and defy Mina, causing tension and a possible rift between two of the most powerful dryads in Maggie’s Grove. If that happened, it could spill over onto the wolf pack, the owl shifters, even the dragons who’d taken up residence in town since Prince Vasile Ibanescu had moved his clutch to be closer to his brother Dragos.

  And not only would the shifters be affected, but the witches, who relied on the forest for their ties to the earth, would find themselves dealing with the backlash. The elementals would be unbalanced as well. All around, it would be a cluster fuck of major proportions.

  So while Ash had to go, Selena had to make sure he didn’t fight Mina over it. She squared her shoulders and looked him right in the eye. “This is what I wanted, Ash. Mina is just making sure you obey my wishes.”

  The expression on his face went cold and hard. “So be it.” He stormed to the front door and flung it open. Before he stepped through, he shot her a look so full of anger she couldn’t stop herself from flinching. “This is far from over, little witch. I’ll go, and I’ll stay away, at least for now. But if I hear even a sliver of a rumor that something’s wrong, all bets are off.”

  Before she could respond he slammed out of her house. She jumped as the door into her bedroom also slammed shut—probably from the wind his leaving had caused.

  Damn it. She felt bad now for throwing him out, but she knew deep down she was in the right. Ash needed to give her time and space to sort her shit out, and if he couldn’t give it to her willingly, she’d force the issue.

  She just hoped she hadn’t irreparably damaged their relationship, because whether she liked it or not, the man belonged to her. Her magic, even in its fucked-up state, responded to him in a way it had never done before, marking him as hers as surely as if she’d stamped her name across his forehead.

  * * *

  “Why?” Ash stormed into the Throne, glaring at Mina with all the pain and frustration he was feeling. “Why interfere with my mating?”

  Mina held up her hand. “Shh. You’ll wake Dragos.”

  Ash paused, taking a deep breath. The last thing he wanted to do was wake the dragon/vampire hybrid and get his head literally bitten off. If Dragos felt that Ash was a threat to Mina his Beast would awaken, and all hell would break loose.

  Once Ash had himself under control he sighed. “Why?”

  “Because you’re pushing too hard.” Mina put her hand on his shoulder, offering him comfort, but her tone was as no-nonsense as could be. His friend was offering him support, but his queen was giving him the unvarnished truth. It was a dichotomy he’d gotten used to over the years of living with her. “She needs space now that she’s healing up.”

  “I don’t get it. Why does she need space from me?” Ash threw up his hands.

  “Power.” When he shot her an annoyed look, she smacked him upside the head. “Hers, you dork. She needs to take back her power, and the only way for someone like Selena to do that is to prove, if only to herself, that she can stand on her own two feet.”

  “So carrying her everywhere was a no-no?” Ash ducked as Mina swung at him again. “Seriously, can’t she find her power next to me?” If it was Ash he’d want Selena there by his side, lending him her strength.

  Mina shrugged. “I can’t read her mind, Ash. I just know what she’s been telling me.”

  “Oh?” Selena had been talking to Mina about him behind his back? This was worse than he’d thought. It was bad enough that Selena had kicked him out, but she was complaining about him to his queen?

  “Get over yourself, Ash. This isn’t about you, it’s about her.” Mina linked her arm through his and began walking toward his ash tree. Why his parents had given him the name Ashton when he was an ash dryad was beyond him. It was like naming your dog Doggie. The other young dryads had teased him about it until Ash learned to stand up for himself. He’d worked hard, training with the trees and the plants and the animals, becoming swift and deadly and fierce. When the time came and he’d taken his father’s place, he’d become the Guardian—the one who protected the forest and everyone within it. Greer’s place was to heal, Mina’s to rule, and Iva’s to nurture.

  Ash’s place was to protect, and he embraced that with everything in him.

  It was an honor he embraced with everything in him, which was why leaving Selena’s side was double-edged agony. On the one hand, his mate was alone, battling her infirmities by herself and vulnerable without her mojo.

  On the other hand, just breathing in the fresh, blessed air of his home made everything seem brighter. His ash tree’s branches swayed, their bond ensuring each felt the other’s joy at being so close to one another again.

  Only for Selena would Ash l
eave his tree for as long as he had. He’d left the forest vulnerable in his absence, leaving his friends to pick up the slack for him.

  He would gladly do the same for them, and had when Mina had been severely injured in an attack on the Throne that had left her almost broken. She’d nearly died pinned to her own tree, but Dragos had saved her life.

  If Selena called, if she needed him, he would go and damn the consequences. But...

  His tree agreed. If it came down to it, he would find a way to fulfill his duties and protect his little witch.

  “Fine. I’m not happy about it, but I’ll obey. For now, anyway.”

  Mina laughed. “That’s all I expected.” She leaned close and whispered for his ears only. “If you have reason for real concern, you have my permission to go back to her.”

  All right! He turned, ready to head back to town and bust down his mate’s door.

  “Hold it, Mr. Ward.” She grabbed the back of his shirt, halting him in his tracks. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  He whimpered. “Mina.”

  She laughed as his shoulders slumped. “Let her be by herself for a few days and see how it goes. It’s possible she’ll call you back before you have a chance to miss her.”

  He shot her a disbelieving look. “This is Selena we’re talking about.”

  “Huh. Good point.” Mina patted his arm consolingly. “Um, you have time to get your house ready for when you bring her here.”

  “Not. Helping.” He shook his head and gently disengaged from her. “I’m going to say hello to my tree, then grab Greer and do a perimeter walk.”

  “We haven’t heard a peep from the Van Helsings in a while. The owls, bats, vamps and dragons have been helping with patrols, and the wolves, stags and bears are keeping watch on the ground. Rock and Mollie have gotten the elementals to keep their senses open as well.”

  “Who’s got the town?” While Ash technically didn’t have to keep an eye there, the inhabitants of both the town and the forest were making more of an effort to work together. They’d battled two enemies side by side successfully, and now they were gearing up for when the Van Helsings struck again. They wouldn’t be caught off guard as they were last time. They wouldn’t allow any of their people to be taken.


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