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Of Shadows and Ash

Page 5

by Dana Marie Bell

  Ash was a patient man. He knew he’d get to eat the whole meal when it was ready. “Done.”

  She eyed him like he was the devil offering her a bargain rate on the deal of the century. “I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?”

  Ash smiled, then stole another tea-flavored kiss.

  Chapter Four


  Selena jumped. What the hell was that?

  She threw the covers off and crawled out of bed, her glance at the clock making her wince.

  Three-twelve in the morning.

  This shit had to stop.

  She perched her glasses on her nose and opened the bedroom door, only to find Ash standing there, his sword in his hand and fire in his eyes. He wore nothing but a pair of sleep pants, his bare chest impressing the hell out of her. The man had truly extraordinary pectorals. And his biceps?

  Yum. She’d felt those muscles under her hands, but seeing them up close and personal made her mouth water.

  He, on the other hand, looked ready to slay something. “Did you hear that too?”

  “A bang, like something hit the floor?”

  Ash nodded. “Stay here. I’ll check it out.”

  The hell with that. This was her home, her castle. She’d worked her fucking ass off to make this a safe haven for herself. No way was she going to sit back and allow Ash to play knight to her damsel in distress. She followed him, sticking close, because two people battling against an intruder were better than one.

  Ash growled, but didn’t bother arguing.

  Good. If nothing else, he’d learned she wouldn’t be relegated to the sidelines. “See anything?”

  “No. Can’t hear anything, either.” Ash stepped into the living room and hit the light switch. “Anything look out of place?”

  She glanced around, frowning when she noticed one of her pictures was on the floor. It was a framed copy of the “Charge of the Goddess,” one of her favorite poems. She picked it up, checking for cracks in the glass or frame. Finding none, she hung the picture back up.

  “Is it me, or is it cold in here?” Ash shivered, rubbing his arms. His nipples were pebbled, the dark aureole puckering.

  Oh, yum.


  “Hmm?” Selena blinked, her gaze reluctantly leaving Ash’s bare chest.

  The amused heat in his expression made her blush. “My eyes are up here.” He pointed toward his face, smiling when she blushed. “Anything else look like it’s been knocked over?”

  She bit her lip, walking around the living room. “No, everything else seems—”


  Selena jumped as the picture crashed to the floor again. “Ash?”

  He picked up the picture, carefully turning it in his hands. “Nothing’s broken.” He looked toward the wall. “The nail is still in.” Ash pulled on the nail, frowning when it didn’t move. “And you’ve got it in a stud. The picture shouldn’t have fallen.”

  “Put it back.” She watched him hang the picture, adjusting it until it was hung securely on the nail.

  “That should do it.” Ash stepped back, staring the picture like it might jump off the wall at any moment. “Can you sense anything?”

  Selena closed her eyes, calling on her powers. She prayed that this time, they would work properly.

  “Fuck.” She felt a tug on her arm, Ash’s voice filled with fear. “Stop, Selena.”

  She opened her eyes to find Ash staring at her with a horrified expression. “What?”

  “The symbol on your forehead was black.”

  Selena gasped. Normally, when she used her powers her eyes would film over as she gazed into the spirit world. Under each eye, three dots would glow with blue light. A rainbow-colored tree of life, crowned with the mark of the triple Goddess, normally arched across her forehead and down the bridge of her nose. The Goddess’s mark, a full moon bracketed by two mirrored half-moons, would be so bright she’d been told it hurt to look at.

  It was the mark all witch doctor’s bore, unchanging, showing they were chosen to be different from other witches. Their task was to heal the spiritual wounds of others, to see the unseen and speak to the unheard. If her mark had gone dark, then something was seriously wrong. “That’s not good.”

  “Don’t try and use your powers. Not until we get a better handle on what’s going on.” Ash took her into his arms, hugging her tightly. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”


  “Fuck!” Selena pushed away from Ash. Or she tried to, anyway. The dryad wasn’t letting her go. “Go away!”

  His expression hurt, Ash pulled away.

  “Not you, Captain Planet. Whatever keeps knocking over my picture.”

  “So you agree with Parker that you might have brought something back with you?”

  That was an understatement. “It’s not coming from outside, obviously. You and Amara checked for that, and I trust you.” Selena sighed and curled up against Ash again. “And if my markings have gone dark?”

  “Then it’s probably spiritual, and tied to you.” Ash tightened his grip on her. “Shit. We need Gideon’s help.”

  She nodded reluctantly. “I agree.” She hated asking for help, but she had no other choice. “What the hell do I do?”

  “Be patient. I’ll get Gideon here as fast as I can. In the meantime, you aren’t alone.” The determination in his voice soothed her despite herself. “If I’m not here, Mina will be.”

  “Mina needs to stay in the Throne until Iva is fully healed.”

  Ash shook his head. “Greer will do Iva more good than Mina will. He’s a singer, remember? He can heal her given enough time.”

  Selena pulled far enough back to look into his face. “He might be able to help me, then.”

  The arrested expression on Ash’s face was priceless. “He did help Mina with her problem. He was able to heal her during that battle for her mind.”

  Kate’s attack on Mina had taken quite a toll on the Queen of the Forest, but with Greer’s help she’d been able to overcome the curse Kate tried to place on her. “That’s why I think we need to talk to him as well.”

  Ash nodded. “All right. I’ll call Gideon in the morning, and we’ll bring Greer in if Gideon says he can’t help.”

  “Or we have them work together.” Selena looked around the room, shivering as the cold seeped through her pajamas. “Maybe have Brian come and take a look.” A physical medium, Brian could both speak to and touch ghosts. “If this is a poltergeist or a ghost, he’d have the best chance of finding out what it wants.”

  “Good idea. He’ll probably bring Greg along. With his background he might have a lot of insight to offer.”

  Greg was Parker’s best friend, and a ghost. He’d been a witch while alive, following the white path. He’d married Brian, Parker’s Renfield, in a beautiful ceremony not too long ago. The pair was blissfully happy, living together in Parker’s old home after Parker moved into Amara’s house. Parker had offered to give Brian the Kiss, granting the pair a longer life together.

  Brian had not yet accepted the offer, but he hadn’t turned it down either. Selena believed that Brian wanted a few more years enjoying the sun before he accepted and became Parker’s childe.

  Ash let her go and picked up the picture, propping it against the wall. “If it falls over again, leave it.”

  Selena nodded. The picture was far less likely to break if...



  “Yeah?” He yawned into his fist.

  Selena pointed at the altar, her hand shaking like a leaf. “Look.”

  Ash glanced over and cursed. “How the hell did that happen? We were right here.”

  Selena walked slowly toward the altar, ignoring the way Ash tried to pull her back. “They fucked with my altar.”


  She rounded on Ash, pointing once more toward her altar. “They fucked with my altar.” Her refuge—her place of serenity—had been violated.

The blessed salt she kept on the altar had been spilled, the grains partially on the floor, partially on the cloth. The candles had been knocked over, snapped in half, the candle holders still moving slightly as if they’d just been hit. The bowl she kept for water had been upended, resting haphazardly against the base of her goddess statue.

  That statue had been knocked over, the arm broken off.

  The statue of the god lay on the floor, the head off, the base cracked.

  Worst of all, her athame—her magical knife, the one that was never to be used for violence—was embedded in the altar almost to the hilt.

  Selena snarled. She shot her hand out, a blast of magic hitting the altar. The wood cracked under the dark beam, the altar cloth turning to ash. Her athame quivered and fell to the floor as the altar broke in half.

  “Selena!” Ash grabbed her arm, interrupting the rage swirling through her. “What the hell?”

  Shocked, Selena dropped her arm. Her altar was gone, destroyed by her own hand. She’d taken years to get it just right and in a moment of rage it was gone. “Oh shit.”

  “Look at me.”

  Selena obeyed, her gaze drawn to Ash. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “I don’t know, but we’re going to figure this out. I swear it.” Ash dropped a kiss on her mouth, a soft, sweet brush of lips against lips. “You aren’t alone, sweetheart.”

  Selena nodded. “I know. I’m just used to doing things my way.”

  He scowled at her. “Get over it.”

  She gaped at him. “No.”


  “No.” She tried to pull out of his arms, but he wouldn’t let her. “Ash.”

  Her warning tone didn’t seem to have any effect on him. He just held her tighter. “Fight me, Selena. Go right ahead. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She opened her mouth to argue when a growl sounded right behind her. She stilled, terrified to turn around. “What’s there?”

  Ash stared over her shoulder, his expression grim. “Nothing. Not a damn thing.”

  “Don’t lie to me.” She could take hearing that something was there. She could fight something.

  “I’m not. I can’t see anything there.”

  She gripped his biceps with trembling hands. “Fuckity fuck fuck.”

  A barely there smile crossed his lips. “Don’t tempt me.”

  She blew her bangs out of her eyes. “What time should we call Gideon?” Because she was getting severely freaked out.

  “Seven a.m. sound good?”

  She nodded. “Back to bed.” With all the lights on.

  “All right.” Ash kissed her forehead. “I could go back to sleep.”

  She was glad one of them could. Selena had the feeling she’d be sitting under the covers, waiting for that low, menacing growl again. “Okay.”

  Ash led her to her bedroom, walking in as if he belonged there. He held up the sheet and gestured toward the bed. “Crawl in.”

  Selena didn’t argue. All she wanted was to be left alone in her brightly lit bedroom while she quietly freaked the fuck out.

  Ash got into bed on the other side, covering himself with the sheet. “Try and sleep, Selena. I’m here if anything happens.”

  As much as she didn’t want to admit it, having him there in the room with her did make her feel safer. She wasn’t alone if something went bump in the night.

  “This is ridiculous. I feel like we’re in some cheesy horror movie, waiting for the creature to come in and chomp on our soft and squishy bits.”

  Ash crossed his legs. “I’d rather not have my bits chomped on, thank you.”

  Selena surprised herself by giggling.

  “You want to leave? I won’t blame you one little bit.” Ash took hold of her hand, his gaze glued to her face, studying her intently. “We can head to the Throne where Mina, Greer and I can keep an eye on you. If this is attached to the house, we might be able to fix it without putting you in more danger.”

  “And if it’s me that’s the problem, I’d be bringing it right into the Throne.” Selena sighed. “If things get worse, or if Gideon tells me it’s the house, I’ll go to a hotel.”

  Ash’s hand tightened on her. “Bullshit. You’ll come to my home, where my family and I can keep you safe. I’m not letting you go, Selena.”

  That sounded far more ominous than he intended. Or at least she hoped so. “What if I don’t want to be held?”

  He rolled over until he had her under him. Selena surprised herself by not fighting him. Why was she being such a weenie? She shouldn’t be so frightened by what was happening in her home, but the relief and sense of safety when he held her couldn’t be denied. “You are mine and you know it. Deny it all you wish, but in the end we both will get what we need.”

  She blinked. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He smiled, that knowing grin that made her want to smack him stupid. “You’ll see.”

  She glared up at him. “In your dreams.”

  “I’m not the one who’s running, Selena.” He grabbed hold of her wrists, preventing her from shoving him off. “I’m going to cut you some slack because of what you’re going through, but don’t think for one second that you can get rid of me that easily.” He kissed the tip of her nose, laughing when she snarled. “You’re so cute when you’re angry.”

  She blew out a breath, trying to get a handle on her conflicting emotions. On the one hand she wanted to grab hold of him and never let go.

  On the other, she wanted to grab hold of his nipple and twist until he got off her.

  His eyes narrowed, his hands tightening on her wrists. “Don’t even think about it.”

  She sighed and relaxed under him. “If we hear a voice that says get out, we’re gone, right?”

  “Right.” Ash eased his grip, but didn’t let her go. “We might leave before then. I’m not thrilled with the thought of staying here.”

  Neither was she, but this was her home, damn it. “I’ve worked so hard to have my own space, Ash. I need that, more than you know. It’s the only place I can go and be alone.”

  “I understand. You’re protecting your territory. But sometimes the tree is just rotten through and through and needs to come down.”

  “You think the house is cursed.” That would be a much better scenario than something being wrong with Selena.

  “I got the sense that the creatures of the land were running from this place, not you.” He shrugged. “I could be wrong, but I doubt it.”

  “Then we see what Gideon says in the morning and work from there.” The relief she felt was stunning. If it wasn’t her, if it was the house, maybe her powers would settle down if she left. It was something to think about once she’d gotten some sleep.

  “It’s a plan.” Ash stole one last kiss before rolling off of her. “Get some rest. I think we’re going to have a long day tomorrow.”

  Selena nodded, resisting the urge to curl up against him.

  That didn’t stop Ash from reaching over and pulling her close, however. Selena allowed herself to be maneuvered until her head rested on his chest, his arm under her. “Go to sleep, Selena.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Remember that. Repeat it often.”

  She gave into the urge to twist his nipple, laughing when he howled.

  * * *

  Ash took a deep breath and tried to hold in his rage. His mate was curled up in a ball next to him, the covers pulled to the tip of her nose. She shivered like it was below freezing, when in fact the room was a little on the warm side.


  They’d left a message for Gideon to contact them, but he hadn’t called back yet. The rest of the day had gone—

  Scritch scritch.



  Of course, that wasn’t the case tonight, and poor Selena jumped at every tiny noise the house made.

  Scritch bang.

  The faint sound of footsteps outside the bedroom door mocked him. He knew for a fact that h
e and Selena were alone in the house. He’d gotten up twice to check, and each time the sounds stopped. He’d crawl back into bed, be halfway asleep, and they’d start up all over again.

  It had been going on for... He glanced at the clock and groaned quietly. It was 3:00 a.m., so for three hours the unnatural noises had kept him awake.

  Selena had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow at ten-thirty, shocking him. His little witch was truly exhausted, and now he knew why. God damn noises all night long, making her fear the one place that should have been safe.

  Someone was going to pay, and pay dearly, for making his mate suffer.

  Selena whimpered in her sleep at one particularly loud bang. If this was what his mate had been dealing with for weeks, no wonder she looked like death warmed over. She probably only slept because he was there, and she was utterly exhausted. No matter how much she tried to hide it, she was terrified of what was happening around her. It was affecting every aspect of her life.

  Hell, she’d let him sleep in her bed. She’d been uncertain about kissing him, and here he was, under her covers in nothing but sleep pants. He’d be a hell of a lot happier about it if she were peacefully snoring beside him, but her awareness of the goings-on in the house was disturbing what could have been Ash’s domestic bliss.

  Faint whispering reached his ears, too soft to hear the actual words being said.


  Ash wanted to find whatever was causing his mate’s fear and rip it into itty bitty pieces, then present those pieces to his mate so she’d never fear again.

  Greer wasn’t going to be able to visit Selena for a few more days. Other obligations kept him from Selena’s side. Ash wasn’t happy about that, but Gideon had assured Mina—who’d finally gotten hold of him—that he was still working on helping the other dryads who’d been in the clutches of the Van Helsings as well as his own people. Some of them were having trouble joining with their trees. It put their lives at risk, and Greer was working hard with Gideon to do everything he could to remedy the situation. With his help those dryads were slowly regaining their strength, but it was sapping Greer’s own.

  If the dryads couldn’t join with their trees, they would die slow, painful deaths, their spirits forever lost to the forest. Gideon felt that it had something to do with why the witches had such a hard time rejoining to the earth. They were being rejected for some reason, and none of them could quite figure out why. While the problem of the witches had, for the most part, been solved, other elementals were having similar problems. Those who had been taken were finding that they had trouble connecting to their elements, and Greer seemed to be one of the few people who could actually help them.


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