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Of Shadows and Ash

Page 14

by Dana Marie Bell

  He heard Selena gasp as Mina’s throne slid silently back, revealing a dark, winding staircase. “Whoa. I’d sensed magic in the Throne, but I didn’t realize it was caused by that.”

  “There’s more magic in the Throne than just our home’s entrance. The protections surrounding it were made by both dryad and witch magic, with a touch of elemental and a whiff of shifter. It took representatives of all the different kinds of races to create the Throne the way it is now. Dragos, who met the original queen and named Maggie’s Grove after her, doesn’t know everything about the Throne.”

  “Mina will change that. If he doesn’t know now, he will eventually.”

  “As it should be. You’ll learn all there is to know as well, over time.” Hell, sometimes Ash felt as if the Throne held secrets from all of them. It had a life, a spirit, all its own, and guarded itself well. It loved them, nurtured them, mourned with them and rejoiced when they did. It had fought and protected the ruling dryads from before the time of Queen Margaret, and it would continue to do so long after Ash was dust and bone. He’d felt the wounds inflicted by Terri when she’d tried to pervert its magic, but he’d also felt the power within it when it had responded to the attack of the dragons. Just as the Throne served them, they served it.

  Ash led the way below the earth, shutting the entryway behind him. As they walked down the winding staircase, he explained their home as it had once been explained to him by his father, Ned. As they walked, witch lights blinked into existence, guiding their way down the stairs. “The witches knew the ruling dryads couldn’t leave the Throne to live among the other supernaturals. We can’t live in the town because our powers are more tightly tied to the Throne and our trees than other dryads. As the protectors of the forest, we have to remain here, near the seat of our power and the great oak. It is our duty to see to it that the queen, and the Throne, are kept safe at all times.”

  The witch-light gave a soft glow to gray-brown stone. The small balls of pale yellowish-white would die out behind them as they descended. Ash continued down the steps, keeping hold of Selena’s hands to steady her. She was still wobbly from the grasp of the shadow man, and the staircase was long. “Once upon a time, before the time of Queen Margaret, a dryad queen made a deal with the coven of witches who lived in the area. She asked them for help in making a home that wouldn’t damage the Throne itself, or disturb the soil, one where the four rulers could live in peace and rest without disturbance. Our trees need deep roots, but we needed a place to lay our heads that wasn’t exposed to the elements. Of course, they didn’t want anyone outside the witches and the dryads aware of what was going on, so the town was told that they were consecrating the Throne when in reality they were placing the protections around it that exist to this day. They built our home while they were at it.”

  “And the solution was an underground lair?” Selena stared around her at the smooth, crystal encrusted walls. “Clever. Very clever.” Her admiration as she studied the stone was clear.

  “They thought so.” And Ash couldn’t disagree. Short of uprooting the trees above, their home was practically invulnerable to attack, a fact that pleased him greatly. “At one point this was the Palace of Oak, the seat of the queen. She would hear the needs of her people and act on them, but over time those changed. The dryad rulers decided they had to be more a part of the town and our surroundings, so the palace was converted into four homes.”

  “How do you hide this from the elementals? They would feel this.”

  “Some of them know, but none of them have revealed the secret. Rock, the head forest ranger, makes sure of it. And I’m positive that Greer has told Mollie.”

  “I don’t think he has. He wouldn’t reveal something like that to her until she was ready for him to mate her.”

  Selena might be right, but Mollie had been in and out of the Throne on multiple occasions. She probably knew something was here other than the trees and the magical protections. Cool though it was, the witch light would call to the fire within her.

  “Oh, Ash. This is...” Selena took a deep breath as the staircase ended in a huge circular room. Etched into the polished granite floor was a tree of life, done in green enamel. “Oh, wow.”

  He nodded. This room still had the power to awe him. “This was the original throne room, where Oak, Ash, Birch and Yew would hold court. When it was decided to turn the palace into private residences, the Oak Queen of the time chose to keep this as sort of our foyer. Over time, it was decided to hide its presence from other dryads, and the Throne above became our court. The witches and rulers built the four thrones, but only the throne of oak grants access to the court.”

  Four doors, each with a tree plaque attached, led the way to their individual homes. Ash led Selena to the door with the ash tree on it.

  “Why is Mina’s door open?”

  “If her door is open, we’re welcome to enter to discuss whatever we need of her. If her door is closed, she wants her privacy. Her door has been open more often lately, especially now that Iva is back.”

  “Does Noah know about this place?” Selena watched as he opened his door.

  “Yes. Mina brought him down here the day after Iva came home. She didn’t take him into Iva’s place, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Noah’s been in there.” Not even Mina could bring someone into their home without Ash being aware of it, but Noah was Iva’s mate. He had no objection to the shifter being given access. “I’m going to have to make sure you learn the key pattern to enter. I don’t want you locked out if I’m not here.”

  “I’d appreciate that. Tents are not my thing.” She winked as she stepped past him into his home. “Wow, again.” She stared at him with approval. “Me likey.”

  He grinned. “Welcome home.”

  The witch-lights had lit it up, giving the living room a warm glow. “Each ruler has taken their space and added their own touches. Mina’s apartment was the original entryway, with her kitchen being the waiting room. My home was once the ballroom and the library, Iva’s was guest quarters and Greer’s was the kitchen and dining room. The rest is used for storage and the occasional guest from that original coven.”

  “That coven didn’t stay in Maggie’s Grove?”

  “No. They’re a travelling coven, sworn to heal and protect those in need. Last I heard they were helping some town in the mid-west deal with tornado damage. If they come through I’ll make sure to introduce you, but they tend to stay away from town when they’re here. They don’t like questions, and protocol would demand that they at least present themselves to Gideon.”

  She nodded. “Good point.” She shook her head, her expression awed. “It’s amazing.”

  He smiled, watching as she slowly examined his living space.

  The living room had the same polished stone walls all the other homes in the Throne had, but Ash had done his best to make the mica within them sparkle and shine. His comfy leather couch had nail head details and scrolled arms, the pillows on it comfortable to lie against on those days when he was tired and just wanted to rest in front of his fireplace. The armchairs on either side were in tan, brown and white plaid, but could be easily replaced by Selena’s favorite chair and ottoman.

  The wooden furniture was also expendable as far as he was concerned. While nice, he actually preferred Selena’s lived-in looking side tables and coffee table.

  “No recliner, I see.” She grinned as she peeked into the kitchen. “Oh, Ash.” She shot him a heated glance. “This keeps getting better and better.”

  His brows rose as he followed her into the kitchen. “Cherry cabinets get you hot?”

  She laughed. “Nope, but that coffee maker does.” She actually cooed at the damn thing, petting it like a puppy. “Who’s a good girl? Who’s going to help mommy wake up in the morning? You are. Yes, you are.”

  He shook his head, amused. “So you only love me for my K-cups, hmm?”

  She peeked in his fridge and squealed in delight. “Caramel macchiato creamer.” She pul
led it out and hugged it. “Oh, baby. How I missed you.”

  Ash took the coffee creamer out of her hands and put it back in the fridge, ignoring her whimper of distress. “Want to see the rest of the place?”

  “Fine.” She sighed, but he could tell her curiosity was getting the better of her. Already she was moving toward the hallway that lead to the bedrooms. She peeked in the first one, shooting him an odd glance. “It’s a kid’s room.”

  “My room, actually.”

  She looked back in, her nosiness peeking out once more before she turned to him with a smirk. “Tell me you put heavy metal tapes in the Teddy Ruxpin.”

  “Nope. Better. Talking Heads and Devo.”

  “I bet it made ‘Whip It’ a much more interesting song.” She closed the door and headed to the next bedroom. “Your office?”

  “And yours, when you’re ready.” He could picture a partner’s desk in there.

  “It could work.” She closed that door, her cheeks turning red as she opened the final door. “Your bedroom.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He put his arms around her waist as she studied the platform bed and the cherry wood furniture.

  “Would you hate it if I asked to bring my bedroom furniture?” Her tone was hesitant.

  “Nope. I’d like to keep my sofa, but that’s negotiable.”

  She relaxed against him. “Honestly, I like your sofa.”

  “And I like your red and white chair and ottoman, and your coffee table and end tables.” He kissed the top of her head. “We’ll mesh our lives just fine.”

  “I’m beginning to believe that.” She closed the bedroom door. “All right. Anything else you want to show me?”

  He raised his brows.

  “Other than your bodacious bod, perv.”

  He grinned, pleased. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  She rolled her eyes, but he could tell she was amused.

  He took hold of her hand and led her once more out of his apartment. “I think it’s time you officially met my tree, don’t you?”

  “Uh. I have a vague idea what happens when you introduce a partner to your tree.” She tugged on his hand, but he refused to let go. “Are you certain it’s safe?”

  “Yup.” Mostly. But if she sensed he had doubts the bonding might not occur. His tree shivered, responding to his emotions. He wanted that bond so desperately he was willing to risk almost anything to achieve it. “You’re virtually as strong as Dragos, and it didn’t knock him out when he bonded with the great oak. My tree isn’t as powerful as Mina’s, so I think you’ll be fine.”

  “I’m more worried about tainting your tree.” She bit her lip. “This is a bad idea.”

  “With the strength of my ash added to your own, you can beat back the demon that’s been plaguing you.” He tugged her up the stairs, trying to ease her fears.


  “I am the guardian, the one who protects.” He stopped on the step above her, taking hold of her and pulling her close. “My ash gives me strength, and in turn I use that to defend my loved ones. It goes against everything I am not to do the same for you, and my ash agrees.”

  His tree quivered, ready to test his mate bond. It yearned for the connection to Selena as much as he did, and respected her more for her instincts. Her worry for the Throne, and his tree, did nothing but insure that his tree would accept her no matter what her issues might be.

  “Come. He’s waiting for you.” He grasped her hand once more and led her to the Throne, closing the doorway behind them.

  Selena blew out a breath. “All right. If you’re sure it won’t hurt you.”

  He took her into his arms and kissed her, uncaring who might see. Noah was wrapped around Iva’s yew, as he was most of the time. Mina was on one of Oak’s roots, quietly reading while she waited patiently for Dragos to wake from his day sleep. And Greer was in the branches of his tree, possibly napping.

  Ash didn’t give a damn. Selena wanted to protect him. The mate bond was already sliding into place, whether she liked to admit it or not.

  “It’s time.” Mina’s voice cut through the growing passion between Ash and Selena like a splash of water. “Place her hand on your tree, Ashton.”

  “Yes, my queen.” But Ash only had eyes for Selena. She allowed him to take her to his tree and put her hand on the bark. “Say hello to Selena, old friend.”

  Selena gasped, her eyes going bone white, her markings flaring in the brilliant colors he was used to, rather than the dull black he’d been seeing recently. His tree tested her powers, her resolve, asking the questions needed to determine if Selena was, indeed, the proper mate for his dryad.

  For all Ash was the protector of the forest, his tree was his personal protector, mentor and father figure. It was his refuge, his anchor in the world—the one being who accepted him warts and all. If his tree had tried to deny his mating to Selena he would have been crushed, torn in two between the woman he knew was born for him and the tree that had given him both life and purpose.

  But his tree accepted Selena, showering her with leaves. He could sense its joy that Ash had found her, convinced her to come here, where they could watch over her properly.

  He’d had no doubts that his ash would accept her, only doubts that her affliction might interfere. Instead, her markings were normal, bright and shining with purity as his ash cradled her close to its soul.

  Selena’s hand slowly lifted away from the bark, her eyes returning to normal and her skin losing its witchy glow. “Whoa.” She swayed, the power of their joining obvious in her pale face and shaking hands. “That was potent.” She glanced over her shoulder at Ash, who stood ready to catch her if she fell. “He’s almost as stubborn as you.”

  He laughed. “What did you expect?”

  She studied him for a moment before laughing. “I have no idea.”

  Already he could sense the tenuous threads that would tie his life to hers. He would have to claim her the dryad way, linked to his tree physically, chained by both his dryad nature and his desire to cement the bond that would tie his soul to his mate’s.

  But not yet.

  They’d taken the first step in claiming each other. His tree had accepted her, and the rest was inevitable.

  Now, he needed to get her to bed, make love to her so she’d know, body and soul, that she was his.

  “How does a witch claim her mate?” Greer’s tone was absent, but the wicked expression on his brother’s face before he looked up at the sky once more told Ash that Greer was up for some mischief.

  Greer would have to find his amusement elsewhere. Selena began to blush furiously, but refused to answer the other dryad. “Man, I’m beat. I think I should go to bed.”

  Now that was an amusement Ash would be willing to pursue. “What an excellent idea.” He put his arm around Selena’s waist and led her to Mina’s throne. “Good night, Mina, Greer. Good night, Noah.”

  The alpha barely twitched. Greer laughed.

  But Mina stood and hugged them. “Congratulations, both of you.”

  “Thank you.” Ash hugged her back.

  “Um. Thanks.” Selena pulled away. “I’m still worried that my problems will invade the Throne.”

  “Something we’ll all help you deal with if that time comes.” The determination in Mina’s gaze was almost as strong as the resolve in his heart. “You’re family, and we take care of our own.”

  “Damn straight,” Greer echoed. “Now, go make my brother’s eyes cross.”

  “Greer, damn it.” Ash growled at his brother, but to his shock, Selena merely laughed.

  “Yes, sir.”

  And, to his astonishment, it was Selena who led him down the stairs, her cheeks still hot but her gaze burning him with her need.

  Chapter Nine

  Who knew touching wood would get her so hot? She wanted Ash with an intensity she’d never felt before, a need that couldn’t be denied any longer.

  His tree had taken her in, accepted her as Ash had, become one with her
in a way only Ash would understand. It had lent her its strength, battling back the illness that plagued her until each of them could take the pure measure of the other. She’d placed her palm on Ash’s tree and found herself in a place that was both familiar and alien. Both old and young, the ash had shown her the pull of the forest, the strength and weakness of life and death, a cycle that all witches were familiar with. They’d instantly understood one another, both of them intent on what was best for Ash, and for the Throne.

  She’d liked what she’d found in Ash’s tree. There was a nobility, a serenity and a courage that attracted her. They were all things she’d thought she’d find in Dragos.

  Instead, they resided in a green-haired man who’d swept her off her feet and taken her off to his den, and she couldn’t be happier.

  Oh, she had no doubt that at some point she’d question this decision to take Ash to bed. She’d wonder if she’d made the right choice, accepting him into her body so quickly. But her body and her mind were not warring now, each wanting to have the essence of her mate within her.

  Ash slammed the door shut behind them. Before Selena could question him, she found herself pressed up against the smooth wood. His warmth seeped into her, his hard length pressing against the top of her ass.

  “You.” Ash kissed the side of her neck with desperation. “You still have no idea what you do to me.”

  She blinked, startled. “What do I do?”

  He laughed, the husky sound shivering through her. “You accepted my tree without flinching, took it into you so smoothly I was actually fucking jealous.”

  She looked at him over her shoulder. “What can I say? I like stroking a hard length of wood.”

  Ash’s hands cupped her ass. “Do you now?” He thrust against her, the sound of their jeans rubbing together almost more than she could bear.

  She whimpered when he found the spot, the one that made her knees go weak.

  He groaned as she melted against him, sagging into his grasp. She tilted her head, giving him better access. Only his hands on her ass and his big body pressing her into the door kept her on her feet. “The way you move—” He hissed as she thrust back against him, “—you move under me like this and I’m not going to make it to the bed. I’ll take you right here.”


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