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Of Shadows and Ash

Page 16

by Dana Marie Bell

  He’d discuss it with Selena first. With luck, she’d like the idea, and knowing she’d have Trajan, Eddy, Noah and the others around her during working hours would ease his mind while he patrolled the forest for Van Helsings and other problems.

  “Hallo, everyone!” Parker sauntered in, his hands in his pockets, a cocky grin on his face. “Miss me?”

  “Hello, Parker.” Dragos’s tone was so dry Ash almost laughed. The jaunty English vampire had the habit of annoying the mayor with his incessant cheer, but they were good friends despite their very different personalities. “Where’s your lovely sotiei?”

  “Right here, Dragos.” Amara walked in behind Parker, waving hello to everyone. “And we brought friends.”

  “Friends?” Ash’s mouth dropped open as Ian “Rock” Rockford, Mollie Ferguson, Zander Vasilakis and Frisco McCoy strolled in behind her.

  Rock shook hands with Dragos and Mina first. “We’re here to help any way we can, mayor. Selena’s been good to us, so whatever you need, let us know.” Rock had one of the deepest voices Ash had ever heard. He put Barry White to shame. He was also one of the strongest earth elementals in Maggie’s Grove and had assisted in both the fight to save Mina from Terri’s torture and against the dragon clutch that had attacked them three months ago.

  “What Rock said.” Zander was as easy and breezy in nature as his air elemental status implied, but when push came to shove he was a fierce warrior and a fast friend. He too had taken part in the dragon battle. His bright green eyes and golden hair were a direct contrast to both Ian’s dark, hulking looks and the pale blond man with the pale green eyes.

  “Frisco. I haven’t seen you around lately.” Dragos shook hands with the water elemental, his expression pleased.

  “I’ve been dealing with some family issues.” Frisco shot a look at Rock out of the corner of his eye. “Let’s just say that some things never change.”

  For a moment Rock looked hurt, but he quickly masked it. “Mollie told us what’s been going on.”

  “And Rock rallied the troops.” Zander planted himself on the white sofa, smiling at Mina and Amara. “I, for one, am always willing to aid a damsel in distress.”

  Dragos snarled, pulling Mina close.

  Zander merely laughed.

  “Seriously, Z, you’re going to wind up a crunchy dragon treat one of these days.” Mollie might be scolding Zander, but Ash could see her gaze darting toward Greer.

  Zander crossed his ankles and put his arms on the back of the sofa, utterly relaxed. “Nah. I’m too pretty to fry.”

  Mollie rolled her eyes. “Sure you are.”

  Greer wasn’t smiling. “It’s good to see you, Mollie.”

  “You too, Greer.” Her tone was subdued. “Are you feeling all right? You look pale.”

  Greer didn’t answer. He walked away, heading into the kitchen and out the back door.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Mollie turned toward Ash and Mina, her expression demanding answers. “Is it Selena’s problem?”

  “Yeah, is Greer afraid of spooks?” Zander waved his hands in the air like an idiot. “Woooooo...”

  “Shut it, Z.” Rock stared at Zander until the man stopped. Rock could be damn intimidating when he wanted to be. Rumor had it he’d taken on a Rakshasa by himself and won, a feat most were not up to. Rakshasas were powerful warriors, expert magicians and illusionists and true shape-changers. They could assume various physical forms and, using illusions, could appear to even smell like the person they were imitating, often well enough to fool even the best wolf shifters. Worse, due to some long-ago curse, a few of them had a craving for human flesh, making the entire species unwelcome among even the most tolerant supernatural communities. Maggie’s Grove had two Rakshasa families living among them, families that had proven themselves over decades.

  “Sure thing, Rock.” Zander settled down with a disgruntled look. “I was just trying to lighten things up.” He stood and headed for the kitchen. “I’ll go talk to him.”

  “Z’s a good guy, but he can forget not everyone thinks he’s a laugh riot.” Mollie shook her head. “Seriously, how is Greer?”

  “Why do you care?” Ash turned his back on her, ignoring the startled sound she made. “I should go wake up Selena.”

  “Ash, you need to let go of any negative emotions you might have right now. They could seriously impact what we’re attempting here.” Gideon held up his hand. “I know the first task is to make sure of what we’re dealing with. Depending on what type of demon it is, it could take those emotions and turn them against you.”

  “It could haunt you instead of me, is what he means.”

  Ash saw Selena standing in the hallway that led to the bedrooms, her gaze sleepy, her feet bare. She wore one of her T-shirts, this one with the Ghostbusters symbol on it, and a pair of yoga pants.

  He couldn’t help but smile. She must have dragged a brush through her hair and immediately left the bedroom, because that’s what she’d fallen asleep in. It told him more than words could that she considered everyone in her home family.

  No wonder none of them knocked. They already knew they were welcome.

  “Are we ready to get this party started?” Selena sauntered toward him, yawning. “I want this over as soon as possible.” She wrapped her hands around his neck. “I have a man to claim.”

  Ash bent and kissed her softly, unwilling to take her lips the way he desired, not with a house full of people. “Yes, you do.”

  She waggled her brows. “C’mon, then. We have some ghosts to bust.”

  “Where’s Brian? I thought he’d be here.” Mollie seemed to have gotten over his dismissal. Her tone was almost normal.

  “He will be. He needed to take care of something for Greg.” Parker held up his hands. “I don’t know what, though.”

  “Because you put your hands over your ears and started singing Katy Perry tunes at the top of your lungs until we begged for mercy.” Amara laughed up at her mate.

  Parker sniffed. “None of you can appreciate my musical genius.”

  “That’s one word for it.” Amara shoved Parker toward the chair and ottoman. “Let’s get this place ready to go, Elvis.”

  “That had better be Costello and not Presley.” Parker allowed Amara to maneuver him until he was helping her move furniture, still bickering good-naturedly over British versus American rock.

  They worked, chatting and laughing as they set up the round folding table Dragos had managed to dig up from somewhere. It was a little on the used side, with a dented top, possibly from a rental place. Ash didn’t care. All he wanted was to be finished with this once and for all, something that wouldn’t happen until they knew exactly what they were dealing with and could come up with a plan of attack. Hopefully the séance would help answer at least some of their questions.

  While Mollie, Frisco and Rock set up the electronics and replaced batteries, Ash helped spread the dark blue tablecloth Gideon had brought with him. Silver symbols were embroidered into the cloth. In the center was a huge pentacle, a five pointed star in a circle, symbolizing protection, magic and the five elements—earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Another circle surrounded that one with various runes between the two.

  An unlit black candle was placed in the center of the pentacle. Gideon placed matches by the top point of the pentacle and took a deep breath. “Take your seats, everyone. We’re ready.”

  “I’ll go get Greer and Zander.” Selena took off for the kitchen, not fooling him for a moment. She was nervous as hell, but didn’t want anyone to see it.

  If he was honest, so was he. This could go perfectly, or it could go horribly wrong.

  “All right. You know where to sit, people.” Gideon began to point. “Zander at the north-east point, Frisco at the north-west point. Rock, you’re south-west, and Mollie, you’re south-east.”

  “And I’m at the head.” Selena started to sit, but Gideon stopped her.

  “Not this time. I’m the lead on this one, s
o I sit there.” Gideon took his place. “Everyone else can sit wherever they wish. Ash, make sure you sit next to Selena.”

  Selena looked around at everyone in the room. “I think all the mated pairs should sit together.” She took the seat on Gideon’s left, gesturing for Ash to sit between her and Zander. Amara and Parker sat between Zander and Mollie. Greer, finally coming into the room, sat on Mollie’s left. Brian, greeting everyone with a soft apology for his tardiness, took the seat next to Greer, with Dragos and Mina sitting between Frisco and Gideon.

  The circle was complete. Gideon nodded a quiet hello to Brian. “Brian, please dim the lights?”

  Brian stood and did as asked before returning to his seat.

  Gideon lit the candle. “Join hands, everyone.”

  Ash took hold of Selena’s hand, then joined his other with Zander.

  “All right. Let’s begin.” Gideon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “We seek the entity that has been haunting Selena Giannone. Come forth, entity, and communicate with us.”

  Chapter Ten

  Selena grasped Ash’s hand tightly in her own as she echoed the words Gideon spoke.

  Not surprisingly, Brian also spoke. As a physical medium, Brian was familiar with séances, but was also in the most danger. Ghosts and entities could touch him and harm him much easier than anyone else in the room, if they were so inclined. In fact, she was surprised Greg had allowed his husband to be here at all. The ghost, who’d been a witch when he was alive, was very protective of his husband. He understood the dangers of being not only a medium, but a rare physical medium.

  Brian was also a Renfield, the day guardian of a vampire, their personal assistant and sometimes their feeder. It was considered a noble profession in Maggie’s Grove, a service provided by the town to assist the vampires and keep them from needing outside blood sources. Brian and Parker had hit it off immediately, and when it was revealed that Brian was a physical medium and respected Parker’s bond with Greg, that had been all she wrote. Brian had worked his way into Parker’s family, become one of his best friends.

  With his access to Parker and his power as a physical medium, Brian would be a tasty snack for any demon, let alone a shadow man. The protections inherent in the séance should protect him from any real harm, but Selena was glad Gideon hadn’t asked Brian to take the lead. Gideon would be the one to face the brunt of any attacks rather than the vulnerable Brian.

  Gideon spoke again. “We seek the entity that has been haunting Selena Giannone. Come forth, entity, and communicate with us.”

  Nothing happened. They waited for a few moments before repeating the request at Gideon’s nod. “We seek the entity that has been haunting Selena Giannone. Come forth, entity, and communicate with us!”

  Selena sensed something, a faint tickling at the back of her mind. “Do you feel that?”

  Brian shook his head. “Nothing so fa—” His eyes glazed over as his body went stiff.

  “Brian?” Parker’s concern had him half-way out of his seat.

  “Sit back down!” Gideon’s barked order had Parker growling at him. “Break the circle and you can damage Brian.”

  Parker reluctantly sat, muttering, “Greg is going to kill me.”

  Gideon took command again, looking directly at Brian. “Who are you, spirit? What is it you want?”

  Brian’s expression changed, becoming frightened. “Mama?” Brian’s voice was that of a small child. “Where are you, Mama?”

  Amara’s horrified expression was echoed around the table. “What in the world?”

  Gideon scowled. “Who are you?”

  Brian shivered. “Mama?”

  Selena winced as the tickling sensation increased. “Who are you?”

  The fear eased somewhat on Brian’s face. “Are you my mama?”

  “No, I’m not. I can help you get to your mama, though.”

  Brian’s face fell. “Is she in the light? The bad man told me not to go there.”

  She exchanged a fleeting look with Gideon, trying to ignore the growing itchiness on her forehead. The urge to scratch her forehead was becoming unbearable. “What man?” Selena asked. The child hadn’t responded to Gideon. Perhaps it would continue talking to her.

  “The man with the burning eyes.”

  Beside her, Ash jumped.

  “Do you know who the man with the burning eyes is?” Gideon glanced toward Ash with a startled expression.

  When Selena turned to look at her mate, on the table in front of him his silver sword.

  If the man with the burning eyes had harmed the child, Ash was ready to do battle.

  “It’s bad to talk about him.” Brian appeared terrified. “He likes to hurt people.”

  The itching sensation started to burn. She winced and wrinkled her nose, hoping it would help, but the sensation just increased.

  Her vision began to film over as the spirit world intruded on the real one against her will, something that had never happened before. She could feel the Tree of Life symbol flaring, lighting her way in the dark land of the dead.

  What she saw clutching Brian’s shoulders made her wish she had her own silver sword to summon. The creature was tall and thin, with a pointed chin, high cheekbones and gray, slick looking skin. Dark, wet hair hung over its face and down its back in thick clumps, and its pointed teeth were yellow and stained dark. Worst of all, it had the same burning eyes as the spirit that had frightened her in her bedroom. There was no sign of a child spirit anywhere near Brian, or in the house at all. There was nothing except the dark entity using Brian to communicate with them.

  It hunched over Brian, its clawed hands gently caressing the medium’s shoulders. That kind of touch could damage a soul far more than a body. She had to get the creature to let go of Brian before it did irreparable harm. Not even a medium could withstand the extended touch of a demon. So much for the protections of a séance. The circle should have prevented what was happening to Brian, but the creature was stronger than they’d first thought. At least the circle had stopped the demon from simply taking Brian and leaving. She could see it straining to free the medium’s hands to no avail. “Get your hands off of him, demon.”

  She’d never seen such an evil expression on Brian’s face before. It was both sadistic and filled with a terrifying hunger that sent shivers down her spine. It was an exact replica of the one the “burning man” wore. “But he’s so tasty.”

  “Oh, Goddess.” Now Amara had red leaves dancing around her head. “What is that?”

  “Can you see it?” Selena blinked, unsure if the entity was visible to the rest of the people at the table or not. She hadn’t tried to make it visible, but it was possible that it had tapped into Brian’s gifts, using them to manifest.

  “No, but I can fucking hear it.” Amara snarled at Brian. “What are you?”

  “You haven’t guessed?” Brian—it—took a deep breath. “I’m the way in.”

  Gideon’s eyes went wide. “Fucking hell.”

  “Exactly.” The entity caressed Brian’s hair. “I want to thank you for such a lovely gift. It was unexpected, but I do enjoy a nice housewarming present, don’t you?” It licked the side of Brian’s face. “This is much nicer than a pie, and tastier too.”

  “He’s not yours.” Parker smiled grimly. “And we thought something like this might happen.”

  They had? Who had?

  Parker lifted his head. “Greg! Now!”

  Parker’s whole body shuddered as white mist flew from his mouth.

  “Damn it, Parker. I told you not to eat before you left.” A large black man appeared, his long, braided graying hair bound back with a tie. His expression was grim as he glared at the entity. Selena wasn’t sure if anyone else could see him. Thanks to her wonky gifts her senses got jangled when using her spirit sight. “Let my mate go.”

  “Or what?” The demon flicked a hand toward Greg, who flinched. “You think you’re strong enough to defeat me?”

  “Yup.” Greg lifted
his own hand, and white light flared around it. “Back off, bitch. He’s mine.” Greg’s light lashed out, but not at the entity. It speared into Brian, causing him to glow from within.

  “I don’t think so.” The entity clasped Brian’s shoulders with sharp claws, piercing the medium’s skin. Bright blood began to flow down Brian’s arms.

  They needed to end this quickly. Brian was bleeding far too freely. There was the real risk that the demon would kill Brian rather than release him.

  The demon began to glow with a dark red light, almost the same color as Brian’s blood. It fed off the medium’s pain, strengthening itself for the battle Greg instigated. “The medium is mine now. He took me in of his own free will.”

  “Because you tricked him, dickhead.” Greg scowled, his brow furrowing as he poured more cleansing white light into Brian. “My husband would never have accepted a demon.” Greg clenched his hand, the light pulsing as it continued to flow into Brian.

  “Are you sure of that, spirit?” The demon placed his chin on Brian’s head, and Brian’s eyes rolled back. “Can you give him what I do? The ecstasy I give him is greater than anything his mortal mind has experienced before.”

  “I have something you never will, demon.” Greg smirked.

  “And what would that be?”

  “His heart.” Greg’s power pulsed, surrounding Brian with a warm, glowing brilliance that made the demon shriek.

  “And I have his soul.” The burning man clenched his hands, driving its claws deeper into Brian’s flesh. “Checkmate.”

  Brian began to convulse as the force of the two spirits fought within him. Selena wanted to help Greg, to give him some of her power, but the way her gifts were still acting she was terrified she’d do more harm than good.

  Parker shuddered. “Greg? Do it.”

  Greg nodded and placed a hand on the vampire, frowning in concentration. His spear of light brightened, became tinged with vampire red, then brilliant green. She could sense the power Greg drew from his link to Parker, and through Parker, to Amara. It completed the circle of life and death, his witch powers once more grounded in the earth despite the fact that he was dead. Through Parker, he linked to the physical world, and the spiritual ambiguity all vampires represented.


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