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Of Shadows and Ash

Page 19

by Dana Marie Bell

  “But I just—”

  He pointed the screwdriver at her and glared. “Evil.” He knelt, checking the TV mount and grunting. “Teasing me that way.”

  “I’m not a tease.” Selena put her hand on her hip and waggled her eyebrows when he turned his head and looked at her. “I put out.”

  He huffed out a laugh and began to turn back. “You’d better—”

  Those were the last words he said.

  The TV, somehow coming loose from its mount, fell on his head. The edge clipped him on the temple and Ash fell under it, unconscious from the blow.

  “Ash!” Selena ran to her fallen mate and checked to make sure he wasn’t bleeding. “Son of a bitch.” This wasn’t an accident. It was freezing in front of the TV. The entity had done this, and because of her teasing, Ash must not have noticed the creeping chill.

  She screamed as the plug came out of the wall in a shower of sparks. It slithered across the floor like a snake, trying to wrap itself around Ash’s neck.

  “You can’t have him. Not today, not any day.” Selena called on her powers, ready to defend her mate. She held up her hand as her vision filmed over, creating a barrier between Ash’s skin and the cord. With her other hand she tugged him free of the fallen TV, dragging him slowly back until the cord could no longer reach him without the entire television moving.

  “Ash?” She lowered the shield, checking his forehead. Damn it, he had a lump forming, and he still hadn’t regained consciousness. The location where it had clipped him could be dangerous, and moving him might not have done him any favors. “Oh, Ash.” She glared at the room in general. “Leave him the fuck alone. He’s off limits, you hear me, you bastard?”

  The ominous laughter that answered did nothing but piss her off. It had clawed the hell out of her and her friend and now it had hurt her mate. This needed to end before anyone else suffered on her behalf.

  “You’re going down.” Selena stood and straddled Ash’s prone body. Her hands fisted at her sides, she prepared to do battle to keep the entity away from Ash.

  A dark figure formed next to her end table, its red eyes glowing brightly. A picture flew off the wall and slammed into her, startling her but doing little damage. “That the best you can do, motherfucker?”

  This time, a lamp crashed into her, but she was ready for it. She deflected it easily with her magic, sending it darting toward the hallway that led into her bedroom. The ceramic base shattered as it landed, shards scattering up and down the hallway.

  “I am tired of your shit.” Selena lifted her hand and blasted her energy toward the demon, sending it flying against the wall. “Get out of my house, asshole.”

  The entity dissipated, leaving Selena to wonder why it had gone so easily. It had fed off of Brian earlier, but perhaps its battle with Greg had drained it more than she thought.

  She knelt next to Ash, carefully examining his wound. The lump hadn’t gotten any bigger during her brief combat. “Ash, can you wake up for me?”

  A deep, rumbling groan was her answer.

  “Come on, big guy. Open those pretty green eyes for me.” She brushed his hair off his forehead, the strands soft under her fingertips. “Show me you’re okay, Ash.”

  Nothing, just a deep sigh.

  “Shit.” She rested her palm carefully on the lump and tried to heal him, but her powers refused to answer her call. It was like trying to suck a semi-truck through a straw.

  Selena gritted her teeth and pushed harder, but nothing happened. While she’d been able to blast the enemy with ease, trying to heal her mate seemed an insurmountable task. What did it say about the level of corruption she was under if violence came so easily, but healing did not?

  “Hey,” Ash groaned, his eyes blinking and unfocused. “What happened?”

  “You got hit in the head by a TV.” Selena took her hand off of Ash’s forehead and smiled down at him, relieved to see his eyes were clear. She checked his pupils, sighing when both were the same size. “Any nausea or headache?”

  “No nausea, but my head hurts like hell.” He sat up, taking hold of her arm when he noticed the fallen TV, the picture and the smashed lamp. “What did I miss?” His tone was clear, no slurred speech, and his gaze had sharpened.

  She blinked. “Really good porn.”

  He shot her a look full of disbelief as he got to his feet. “I can see that.” He brushed himself off and gave her a hand. He ran a finger across her forehead with a worried frown. “Your markings are still dark.”

  “I tried to heal you but it didn’t work.”

  He lifted his hand and stared at the television. “Is it broken?”

  Selena allowed her power to disperse. Her vision returned to normal, no longer filmed over with the view of the other side. “Let’s find out.”

  They lifted the TV enough to know the screen had a fine crack running all the way from the corner that had clipped Ash to the opposite side. “Damn it. No bedroom porn.”

  She could tell he was trying to ease things once more. “It could be worse. He could have broken my PS4.”

  Ash huffed a short laugh. “C’mon. Let’s grab Gideon’s stuff and get out of here.”

  “I’m right behind you.” It had been one hell of a day, and all she wanted to do was sleep. “Let’s go home.”

  The way he took her hand and squeezed it, drawing her protectively close as they left the house, meant more to her than all the televisions and lamps in the world.

  * * *

  “Here we are.” Ash put Selena down, ignoring the way she grumbled under her breath. She didn’t like Ash being her main mode of transportation, but until her powers were back under control, he was it. He’d gladly ride her broom once her powers could be trusted, but until then it was dryad power.

  “Thanks.” She was still grumpy as she staggered away from him. “God and goddess, it’s like riding in the pouch of Captain Kangaroo.”

  “Are you all right?” Ash was worried. She looked greener than his hair.

  “I think I’m gonna throw up.” She shuddered, her hand going to her stomach.

  “It’s not that bad.”

  Ash winced when Selena burped. “Wait until I get my broom back. I’ll take you for a spin, you bastard.”

  “Come on. Let’s get you in the Throne. Maybe Greer can give you something for the nausea.” He hadn’t meant to make his mate sick. They’d travelled this way before, but this was the first time she’d felt queasy. Could the demon blood be doing it?

  “Ash?” She sounded confused, and worst of all, afraid.

  “What is it?” He turned to look at her, ready to do battle with whatever had frightened her. Instead, he saw her standing on the edge of the Throne. Branches had grown up in front of her, blocking her entry. “What the hell?”

  “It won’t let me in.” The fear on her face was intolerable. “I’m tainted, and it won’t let me enter.”

  “Wait there. Don’t move or the branches will attack.” Only Mina could call them off, and she was still at the hospital with Brian. “I’ll be right back with Greer.” If he could get Greer to do something about her affliction the Throne should let her back in. If not, he was going to have to find somewhere else to spend the night. Maybe Dragos would let them stay in the mansion with Eddy and Trajan.

  He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Greer, who’d remained at the hospital with Mina. One of them guarded her at all times, and since Ash was with Selena, Greer had been on guard duty twenty-four seven. While they trusted Dragos to protect their queen, it was still their honor, and their duty, to keep her safe.

  “What’s up?” Greer’s tone was cheerful.

  “Got good news?” Ash kept his gaze on Selena, protecting his mate. He’d use the power of the Throne to keep anything from harming her, if he couldn’t dismiss the protections surrounding it.

  “Brian’s awake and aware. He’s not feeling too hot, but he understands what happened and what his options are.” Greer sounded upbeat for the first time in da

  “Good. Listen, I need you to come back to the Throne for a bit.”

  “I have to stay with Mina. You know that.”

  Ash sighed. “The Throne is denying Selena entry.”

  Silence, before Greer began to softly curse. “I’m on my way. Keep her away from the defenses, and keep her calm. I have to let Amara know she’s on guard duty.”

  “Selena’s also feeling sick to her stomach. I got hurt at her house and she tried to use her powers to heal me, and now she’s nauseous. We got confirmation that she’s infected with demon blood, and I’m worried that could be the cause.”

  The surprise on Selena’s face told him she hadn’t made that particular connection.

  “Damn. Okay, sit tight. I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

  Greer’s fast was pretty damn impressive. He must have been far more worried about Selena’s nausea than Ash if he was going to run. “Thanks, Greer.”

  “You’d do the same for my mate.”

  “Yes, I would.” He hung up. “Greer is coming.”

  Selena backed up two steps as the branches swayed. “I don’t think they want him near me.”

  Ash frowned and sank his senses into the Throne.

  It didn’t view Selena as the threat. It viewed what was inside her as the enemy. It would not allow Selena to enter the Throne until the violator was removed from her. It would regret the death of the witch doctor, but it would do what was necessary to keep the great oak safe.

  He released the Throne. There was nothing to do now but hope and pray the exorcism fixed what ailed Selena.

  Within ten minutes Greer appeared, running with supernatural speed across the branches of the trees. He hopped down, landing next to Selena with a grin. “Hey, pretty lady.”

  Selena laughed. “Hello, handsome. Come here often?”

  Ash cleared his throat, annoyed. She hadn’t called him handsome yet.

  “Oh, please.” Greer batted his lashes at him and flicked his hair back. “You know you’re pretty.”

  Ash couldn’t help but smile. Greer joking and laughing was like sunshine after a long rain. It was good to see it. “Can you take a look at my mate, asshole?”

  Greer shot an innocent look at Selena. “I don’t know. You want me to examine your asshole, Selena?”

  Ash crossed his arms over his chest. Sometimes the sunshine was a little too bright. “Greer.”

  Selena waved her hand. “Sure.”

  What? Ash stared at Selena in shock. She could not be serious.

  Greer stepped into the Throne and looked him up and down. He glanced over his shoulder at Selena. “Your asshole looks fine to me.”

  Damn it. Greer was a fast bastard. He easily dodged the blow Ash tried to land on his head. “Greer!”

  Laughter from the treetops was his only answer.

  “Come on down, Greer. I’ll save you from the big bad dryad.” Selena grinned at him.

  Greer fell to the ground behind Selena. “Let’s see what we’ve got, doc.” Before Ash could step a foot out of the Throne, Greer had his hands on Selena’s head. He hummed a tune under his breath and the Throne responded, the resonance of their powers granting Greer the ability to heal almost anything.


  The singer hadn’t been able to heal Mina’s wounds, because the demon inside her kept inflicting them over and over again. Every time Greer came close to healing the psychic damage, the demon would simply re-inflict it, forcing Greer to not only deal with the new damage but to heal the old, newly opened wounds as well. It had exhausted all of them and almost cost Mina her life.

  Her bond with Dragos, incomplete though it had been, had given her the strength to...

  Wait. Had it been incomplete? Dragos had claimed Mina in the vampire way, but Mina had not finished claiming him in the dryad way. If Selena took him in, made him hers with the witch claiming ritual, would he be able to give her his strength? “Greer?”

  “Yes?” Greer’s tone was subdued, the hum of his power still in his voice.

  “What would happen if Selena claims me? Would I be able to help heal her the way Dragos did Mina?” Because until she was once more able to enter the Throne, Ash couldn’t claim her. He would have to be partially bound to his tree, making them three instead of two.

  But nothing said Selena couldn’t claim him.

  Greer’s eyes popped open. “Gods, you’re a smart bastard.” He grinned and removed his hands from Selena’s head. “Let’s get this party started.”

  “Hold on there, guys.” Selena held up her hands with a shocked expression. “I am not marrying Ash because I’ve got a demon infestation.”

  “No, you’re marrying Ash because he’s your soul mate. The demon thing is just pushing up your timetable.” Greer swung Selena into his arms, making her shriek in surprise. “Welcome to the family, sis!”

  “Fuck.” Selena sagged in Greer’s arms. “This isn’t how things should go.”

  Ash stepped out of the Throne, the thought that his mate might be disappointed driving him to her side. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but this really is the best solution. I can’t fight for you on this plane, but if we bond I can lend you my strength so you can do what you do best.”

  “Kick its ass on the spiritual plane.” Selena rolled her eyes, but he could tell she was already thinking over the implications of something he considered the inevitable. “Just so you know, I’m not happy about this.”

  “Duly noted.” She didn’t have to make it sound like she was about to face a firing squad.

  “I wanted better for both of us, not just me.” She was staring straight at him when she said it.

  “We’ll have the rest of our lives for better, Selena. Hell, if you want, we can have a handfasting ceremony once all of this is over, with the whole town in attendance.” Ash would give her whatever she wished if it would wipe that disappointed look off her face. “But in the meantime, we need to do what’s necessary so we can plan that handfasting, all right?”

  She nodded slowly. “All right, Ash.”

  He felt so relieved he was dizzy. “Good. What do we need to do to perform the ritual?”

  She bit her lip, her gaze absent as she responded to his question. “We need someone who can cast a sacred circle, someone to perform the rite of handfasting, clothing appropriate for the occasion, wreaths of leaves or flowers, anointing oil, ritual tools...” She sighed. “We need Gideon.”

  “So this won’t happen tonight.” Ash flinched when she glared at him. “What?”

  “All right. We contact Gideon, tell him we need to perform the handfasting.” Selena began to pace. “I’ll deal with the outfits. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it up right the first time.” She looked him up and down. “Jeans and T-shirts are not approved.”

  He crossed his arms again, secretly pleased that she seemed to be getting into the idea of the handfasting. “What do I get to do?”

  “Show up and look pretty.” She grinned cockily at him.

  He shook his head. “I want some say in this, little witch.”

  “You’ll ask your tree for its blessing and gather some of its leaves to wind in both your crowns.” Greer grinned at the shocked expression on Selena’s face. “You think I don’t know how a witch claims his or her mate? My mother was a witch.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Selena frowned. “Who was she?”

  “No one you’d remember. She died when I was little, and my father died with her.” Greer’s smile turned wistful. “But her finest gift to me was the ability to become a singer, to heal the wounds of the wood with my voice and my power. I’ll forever be grateful to her for that.”

  “I didn’t know your mom was one of us.” Selena stared at Ash, her lips twisting. “What about you?”

  “Both my parents were dryads. My dad was Ash before me, and my mother was the dryad to a Douglas fir. Greer’s the only real oddity, with parents who weren’t both dryads.”

  “So you’ll be Ash’s best m
an?” Selena’s sly glance at Ash was so familiar he ached. She’d shot him that look before she’d been kidnapped, and he hoped to be on the receiving end of it far into the future.

  Before he could answer, Greer’s grin returned to normal. “Who else will force—I mean, sing the groom down the aisle?”

  Ash was horrified. “Help. Me.”

  “Nope.” Selena took Greer’s arm and the pair sauntered off. “Now, about the cake...”

  Ash watched his mate and Greer bend their heads together, whispering fiercely. Every now and then Selena would break out into the cutest, most evil giggle he’d ever heard. And Greer, his best friend, was encouraging every evil whisper, every naughty backward peek. He followed behind the pair, keeping them safe, wondering all the while where Greer was leading them.

  He had no doubt Greer had a plan to keep Selena safe. His brother was a goof-ball, but he was smarter than anyone gave him credit for. He’d see to it their handfasting was untainted by the presence of the demon even if he came to harm while doing it.

  Ash hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Despite why they were doing it, he wanted this to be a joyous occasion. The witch doctor was taking a mate, and it should be a festive event for the entire town.

  “The guest list should include the shifters,” Greer muttered loud enough for Ash to hear.

  “Guest list? What happened to this being a quickie ceremony?”

  The pair paused and, turning as one, glared at him.

  “Forget I asked.” Ash would leave it in their hands. Apparently Greer was his new wedding planner. “Where are we going to hold this extravaganza?”

  “Dragos’s mansion.”

  Wow. An answer in two-part harmony. “What will Dragos think of this?”

  “He’ll love it,” Greer said.

  “Or else,” Selena threatened. That evil grin was back on her face. His mate was enjoying this far too much.

  “I’ll let you deal with that, then.” Ash shook his head. “When are we doing this?”

  Selena glanced at Greer. “The first full moon.”

  That was in a week. “That doesn’t leave us much time.” Ash pulled out his phone. “I’d better make sure we can stay at the mansion. I’m not taking you back to the house, not with what happened today.”


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