Of Shadows and Ash

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Of Shadows and Ash Page 20

by Dana Marie Bell

  “How’s your head?” Selena dropped Greer’s arm and made her way back to him.

  “Fine.” He took her hand and helped her over a fallen log. “I wasn’t that hurt, little witch.”

  “You know I hate that nickname.”

  “I’d believe you if you didn’t blush like that every time I call you my little witch.” Ash watched, pleased, as that little bit of color in her cheeks intensified.

  “I’m not blushing.” Her chin rose, her stubborn expression amusing the hell out of him. “I’m flushed from walking through the woods on a hot summer day.”

  He smiled. “I’d love it if you wore green.”

  She didn’t look at him, not once. “I can do that.”

  “What color should I be in?” She’d given him what he wanted. He could give something in return.

  “White, but we need to add some colors to it somehow.” She waved toward his head. “I mean, besides your hair.”

  “I could wear a prism.”

  Her jaw dropped. “That would be perfect.”

  “In a pendant, or an earring?” He’d get his ear pierced if it got him that kind of reaction.

  She eyed him before replying. “Let me think about it, but I’m leaning toward the earring.”

  He’d thought she might. He’d go into town tomorrow and have it done, so he’d be able to wear an earring for their handfasting.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? This is the rest of your life we’re talking about, not a date to the diner.” Selena stopped them with a hand on his chest and a serious expression. “We can find another way to strengthen me without the ceremony.”

  He was a little hurt that she questioned how he felt about it. “I want you, Selena, and I want you forever. You’re my mate, my soul, the reason I breathe. If this thing takes you from me, I won’t survive, bond or no.” He kissed the back of her hand.

  “Oh.” She was breathless, stunned, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright. She cleared her throat. “You’re good.”

  He smiled, hoping she’d see the affection he held her in, the love that was slowly growing between them. “You’re my mate, Selena. Nothing will make me happier than if you make me yours.” Because she’d need to be whole for him to perform the dryad claiming or truly risk tainting his tree. He would be opening himself and his ash to her on the most profound, deepest levels possible.

  Due to her nature she’d be linked to the Throne in ways not even Dragos could understand. Her connection to the spirit world and her powers as a witch would form a bond different from any other supernatural person he could have mated. Not even another witch would form the kind of bond Selena Giannone would, because the witch doctor was different from all other witches.

  His mate was special, and so would their binding be.

  “Oh, what about wildflowers instead of the more traditional roses?” Greer took hold of Selena’s other hand, winking at Ash over her head.

  He was doing this to keep her calm, not to bug Ash. By forcing her to make these decisions and keeping her occupied with the handfasting, Greer made sure she didn’t think too hard on how their bonding would affect Ash.

  Ash winked back and mentioned Selena’s least favorite flowers. “I’m fond of carnations.”

  Selena shuddered.

  “Dyed carnations.”

  “Oh, gods, I’m nauseous again.” Selena grimaced, but her gaze was amused.

  “Just don’t hurl on my shoes.” Greer held out his foot and admired the boot. “They’re new.”

  “Sure thing, princess,” Ash deadpanned. “Would you like a horse and carriage to take you to my handfasting?”

  “Can I? A pretty pink one, with ribbons in the horse’s mane?” Greer batted his lashes at Selena and sighed. “It’s so purty.”

  “You two are insane.” Ash shook his head.

  “But we’ll be fabulously insane, darling. Absolutely fabulous and insane.” Greer swished and pranced through the forest, making Selena giggle like a child.

  That alone was worth every minute of Greer’s craziness.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Popcorn?” Selena held out the bowl, ready to settle down to a night of relative normality. Gods knew she could use it.

  A night out of her haunted house, a safe place to sleep and her friends surrounding her?

  Life couldn’t get better.

  Ash put the bowl between them and tugged her down beside him. “This is nice.”

  He sounded so relaxed that she found herself glad to be in Dragos’s mansion. It was worth it to see the tension in his shoulders easing and the lines around his eyes and mouth disappearing. He looked like the Ash she’d first met, who’d stood in front of the mayor and city council of Maggie’s Grove and introduced himself as one of the ruling dryads.

  “What are we watching?” Eddy was practically bouncing in his seat, his mate watching indulgently.

  “Sharknado.” Mina was eyeing Eddy sideways, obviously waiting for his reaction.

  Eddy didn’t disappoint. “Oh, hell no. There’s bad horror movies, and then there’s bad horror movies. Can’t we watch Evil Dead 2, or maybe Plan 9 from Outer Space? Something that’s bad-good rather than bad-bad?”

  “How about Underworld? I haven’t seen that in ages.” Greer had his feet up on the coffee table, throwing popcorn into the air and catching it with his mouth.

  “And ruin the tradition of bad-good horror?” Selena shivered. “I’m not sure we’re allowed to do that.”

  “I think we can break with tradition for one night.” Mina snuggled next to Dragos, looking content to be there. “We could do Fright Night.”

  Dragos glared at her. “I think not.”

  Parker shrugged. “I don’t mind.” He shot Dragos an evil grin, and quoted the movie. “‘You have to have faith for that to work.’”

  Dragos grunted in disgust. “What about The Mummy?”

  “The original or the Brendan Fraser one?” Mina appeared intrigued. “Because I have to say... Mmm, Brendan.”

  Dragos scowled. “I’ve changed my mind. Plan 9 sounds good.”

  Selena raised her hand. “I have an idea. What about a change of pace? We could watch a romantic comedy instead.”

  The only sound in the room was the air flow from the vents as the central air cooled the room.

  Selena bit her lip and tried not to laugh. “Or not.”

  Eddy snapped his fingers. “I know!” He shot up off of Trajan’s lap and darted toward the television. “You guys are gonna love this.”

  Selena and Ash exchanged worried looks as Eddy cackled.

  “This one is a classic. And it’s got Jeff Goldblum in it.” He picked up the remote, then frowned. “Wait. We need to call the guys in for this. They could use a good laugh.” He ran from the room, calling for the boys who were living in the mansion with them.

  “Eddy’s taking good care of his new friends.” Trajan smiled, looking proud of his young mate. “They’ve settled in nicely. They’re becoming less afraid of the town.”

  Dragos also smiled proudly. “I thought it would take longer for them to settle in, but Eddy is a natural. He senses their fears and soothes them before they realize they’re afraid.”

  Eddy was a psychometrist. He could sense emotions off of objects and people just by touching them. If the emotions were strong enough, he could sense them just by being in the room with the person or object. He was the one who’d convinced the young men who’d been sent into Maggie’s Grove to spy on them to stay instead of returning to the Van Helsings. The young men felt safe in his company, and Eddy was rapidly becoming their leader, taking them from frightened of their own shadows to soon-to-be productive members of their society.

  The boys followed Eddy into the room like a pack of puppies, tumbling over each other, giving each other good-natured shoves and laughing like hyenas. The boys nodded genially toward Dragos as Eddy got them settled on the floor with their own bowl of popcorn, taking care of them as he had since they first arrive
d and earning grateful looks from the boys.

  “All right.” Eddy rubbed his hands together. “This is one of those bad-good movies, not really horror, but I think you’ll like it.”

  Selena focused on the screen as it came to life. She started to laugh as the opening came up on the screen. “Oh my goddess, I think I’ve seen this before.”

  Eddy grinned. “You can’t go wrong with Jeff Goldblum, Peter Falk, and Cyndi Lauper.”

  Mina laughed. “I think I’ve seen this, too, on crappy movie night on cable TV. I loved it.”

  Ash sat forward, obviously intrigued. “All right, you have my attention.”

  Vibes began to play, and Selena cheered as Jeff Goldblum showed up on the screen. “I love that guy.”

  Ash glared at her.

  “His talent, Captain Kangaroo, not his bod.” Selena settled down to enjoy the campy film about two psychics and a con man looking for treasure in South America. It was fun, goofy, and just what she needed. She understood why Eddy would love this film too. Cyndi Lauper played Sylvia, a trance-medium with a spirit guide named Louise, and Jeff Goldblum played Nick, a psychometrist like Eddy. Unlike Eddy, Nick sensed the past of objects rather than the emotions attached to them, but his gift was close enough that Eddy probably felt a kinship for Jeff Goldblum’s character.

  The movie was nowhere near frightening, and wouldn’t do at all for the town’s monthly Monster Movie Night, but it was just what the witch doctor ordered. Hell, even Sylvia’s spirit guide, Louise, didn’t set off any negative vibes, the spirit being far too friendly to remind her of her own troubles.

  The boys, who’d grumbled when the movie started, seemed to enjoy its silliness for what it was. And at the end, when Harry, Peter Falk’s character, was revealed to be Sylvia’s new spirit guide, they cheered along with the adults in the room.

  Selena grinned from where she’d cuddled up against Ash. His arm had wrapped around her before Jeff Goldblum had entered the screen, and he hadn’t moved it since. The occasional kiss on top of her head hadn’t gone unnoticed, nor had the soft chuckles as Ash enjoyed the movie along with everyone else. He was smiling and relaxed by the end, his eyes sparkling with enjoyment. “God, I needed that.”

  She nodded. “Me too.”

  “Want to do a double-feature?” Eddy glanced at his mate, who was still laughing over the thought of Harry the con man as a spirit guide.

  “Sounds good, Eddy-love.” Trajan cupped Eddy’s cheek. “Pick another one.”

  “You sure?” Eddy looked around at the rest of the group. “Someone else could pick this time.”

  “You did a great job, Eddy.” Selena waved her hand encouragingly. “Go. Pick. Make me laugh.”

  Eddy didn’t need any further encouragement. He hopped off Trajan’s lap and began a quiet, intense discussion with his friends over what movie to put on next.

  When the movie started, Selena stared in amused horror. “Oh. My. God. Is that...Elvis?”

  Ash started to laugh so hard he almost started crying.

  Dragos was laughing too. “Only you would pick Bubba Ho-Tep, Eddy.”

  Eddy grinned. “Bruce Campbell, baby.” He eep’d as Trajan tickled him. “You’re cuter, I swear!”

  “I’d better be cuter than an Elvis impersonator.” Trajan pulled his mate close with an hmph.

  Eddy shook his head, his eyes wide, when Trajan’s attention seemed to be on the screen.

  Of course, Trajan was aware of his mate’s antics and began tickling him again, forcing one of the boys to pause the movie while Trajan tortured his mate.

  Soon enough the movie was over, everyone relaxed after laughing at Bruce Campbell’s final line. Selena wiped her eyes. Her stomach hurt from laughing all night. “That was hysterical.”

  Eddy waggled his brows. “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

  He shouldn’t have looked so surprised when everyone threw popcorn at him.

  Selena yawned. It had been a long day, and she was exhausted. The vampires might be able to go all night, but Selena needed her nine hours. “Ready for bed, Mr. Ward?”

  The pleasure on his face had her thinking about what she’d just said. She hadn’t thought twice about the fact that he’d be in her room, her bed, that night. “Well?”

  “More than.” He stood, pulling her up off the sofa. “Good night, everyone, and thanks.”

  “No problem.” Dragos held out his hand. “You two are welcome for as long as needed.”

  Mina nodded. “Dragos and I will be in the Throne, taking care of Iva and Greer, so don’t worry about that.” The command in her tone surprised Selena until she noticed who Mina was staring at.

  Ash bowed. “Yes, my queen.” There was nothing but respectful obedience in his voice.

  Selena hooked her thumb at him, staring at Mina in astonishment. “Can you teach me how to do that?”

  Mina winked. “It’s a gift.”

  Ash grabbed hold of Selena’s hand and began dragging her from the room. Selena giggled and waved good-night to everyone.

  Once they were in the hallway and away from prying eyes, Ash swung her around and into his arms. Selena gasped at the sudden movement, but when his mouth took hers she couldn’t help but respond. The kiss was drugging, sweet, the taste of him filling her. A combination of popcorn and man, it was both salty and sweet like all the best treats were. Even better, she could sense the joy in the kiss, the happiness Ash felt at being surrounded by family and friends.

  She was proven right when he pulled back with a happy sigh. “Tonight was good, wasn’t it?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Selena wrapped her arms around his waist and tried to ignore the way her glasses had fogged up. “We both needed this.”

  “I’m just glad no one suggested Ghostbusters.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “We can’t exactly say that we ain’t afraid of no ghost.”

  He chuckled softly and kissed the tip of her nose. “Shh. Let’s not jinx it.”

  “You’re right.”

  For a second he looked shocked. “Say that again?” He tilted his head with a smirk and cupped a hand to his ear. “I didn’t quite hear it.”

  She smacked him on the arm. “Oh, look. I knocked on wood again.”

  “That’s a little lower and to your left.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” She rested her head against his chest. “Very funny, Mr. Ward.”

  “What? You don’t want to play with my joystick?” He was laughing silently, his chest moving under her cheek.

  “Sure! Let me just rip that sucker off. We can play fetch.”

  He grimaced, his legs moving restlessly against her. “I was thinking more along the lines of hide the sausage, you evil woman.”

  She gasped and put her hand to her neck, intoning in her best Scarlett O’Hara voice, “Sir! How dare you. Not before the wedding. I am a decent woman.” She glared up at him and dropped the accent. “You can stop laughing now.”

  “No, no. You’ve got it all wrong.” But he didn’t stop laughing.

  “Oh, do I?”

  “That accent was the worst Delta Burke imitation I’ve ever heard.”

  She scowled at him. “It was supposed to be Scarlett O’Hara.”

  He dropped his head on her shoulder, the laughter shaking him so hard she thought he might fall over. “That’s worse.”

  “Everybody’s a critic.” Selena held him until the laughter died down. “I’m so glad I amuse you.”

  “Would it help if I said it was Designing Women Delta? Back when she was hot?”

  “That whole black haired blue-eyed southern gal thing do it for you?”

  He blinked down at her, his expression going from amused to wary. “Nope.”

  “Good answer.”

  He shook his head and turned them, heading for the stairs. “You know you do it for me, baby.”

  She shuddered. There was no fucking way in hell he was going to call her baby for the rest of their lives. “Never mind. I like little witch. Little witch is good.” />
  “I thought you’d eventually see things my way.”

  Selena yawned so wide her jaw cracked. “Ow.”

  “Maybe we should play with my stick tomorrow.” Ash grinned and hugged her tight, curiously holding both her arms against his body. Perhaps he was afraid she’d take a swing at him once more.

  He was a smart man that way.

  She yawned again. She was far more tired than she’d thought. The release of tension, the knowledge that she was somewhere safe and that the entity wasn’t there, hadn’t followed her to Dragos’s mansion? It was heady. Selena just wanted to cuddle up to Ash and sleep for a week.

  Ash picked her up, shushing her when she started to protest. “Let me take care of you, little witch.”

  He was far better at that than he gave himself credit for. She pointed down the hallway with another yawn, content to let him do all the work. “Bed, Jeeves.”

  He shook his head as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Ash started down the hall toward the guest bedroom Dragos had shown them to earlier in the evening, his stride easy. He carried her as if she weighed less than a fallen leaf. “What’s with Forrest, Jeeves, Woody? My name is Ash, you know.”

  She looked up at him blearily. “It is? Huh. Let me make a note in my little black book.”

  He juggled her a bit as he reached for the handle. “No more little black books for either of us, remember? You’re taken.”

  He settled her on the bed, but she refused to let go. “Yes, I am.”

  Even she could hear the wonder in her voice.

  * * *

  Ash shivered, coughing into his fist. His throat was so sore he couldn’t swallow, and his head hurt so bad shifting it on the pillow made it pound. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if he tried to stand up. He was so dizzy and tired the only thing he wanted to do was sleep, but he ached so badly he couldn’t find a comfortable position. Worse, turning over and over again left him disoriented.

  The sheets were too hot, but taking them off left him chilled. His eyes felt full of grit, and his stomach hurt so badly he was surprised he wasn’t crying out.


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