Of Shadows and Ash

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Of Shadows and Ash Page 21

by Dana Marie Bell

  “Ash, are you all right?”

  He waved his hand for Selena to step back. “I’m fine,” he croaked, startled at how hoarse his voice was.

  “No, you’re not.” An icy-cold hand landed on his forehead and he winced back, unable to bear the gentle touch. “You’re burning up.”

  He coughed again, razor-sharp pain making him wince. His stomach ached with each hack. Saliva pooled in his mouth, his stomach heaving violently as he puked onto the sheets.

  “Shit. Let me get Greer.”

  He barely noticed Selena leaving the room, too busy trying to expel something that wasn’t there. The last thing he’d eaten had been the popcorn last night, and that was long since out of his stomach.

  He lay back, sweating profusely, still so hot he couldn’t bear it. He threw off the covers, hoping to cool his skin, but he was freezing again before Selena came back. He shook with chills, unable to stop the vicious trembling that wracked him.

  His stomach cramped again, and he stumbled out of bed to the bathroom. He barely made it to the toilet before—

  “Goddess, Ash.” Selena stood in the bathroom doorway, her face filled with horror.

  Ash leaned over and dry-heaved again.

  “We might need to put you in a bed next to Brian.”

  Ash groaned as his stomach heaved. “I feel like shit.”

  She grimaced as he puked again. “I can tell.”

  “If this is stomach flu it’s the worst one I’ve ever been through.” He shuddered, the cramping in his stomach intensifying. “Is Greer on his way?”

  “Yes.” She stepped into the room and sat on the edge of the tub.

  He tried to grin. “You’re braver than I am.”

  She shrugged. “If you pass out you’ll need someone to help you.”

  “Nice to know you care,” he groaned. Gods, this was both painful and embarrassing.

  She shook her head. “I really hate to say this, but you getting sick right now is way too convenient. I’m betting a certain otherworldly creature who’s been torturing me had something to do with this.”

  He tried to look up at her, but the cramping was just too bad for him to straighten up. “You think the demon is making me sick.”


  “Just wonderful.”

  She drew her hand through her hair, looking guilty as hell. “I thought it might do something like this to me, not you. I’m so—”

  “Don’t you dare.” He glared at her as best he could. “This is not your fault.”

  She sighed. “We need to perform the exorcism.”

  She nodded. “It’s not going to be pretty, Ash. If it goes the way I think it will, it’s going to be extremely painful.” She brushed his hair away from his forehead, adding softly, “It could possibly be fatal.”

  “We should perform the handfasting, then.” Ash groaned and doubled over. “Give you more power.”

  “No, Ash.” Her soft tone had firmed right up and filled with grim determination. “If it kills me I won’t take you with me.”

  “Too late.” Ash grunted. “If you die, I die.” He knew that, just like he knew his tree was an ash. It was inevitable.

  “Let’s try it my way first, all right?”

  “And if you don’t survive?” Ash glared at her. “You need my strength.”

  She smiled, a strangely serene look. “I’m a lot stronger than you give me credit for.” She shook her head. “And I’m ready to fight.”


  “No. This is my fight, and you can’t slay this dragon for me. I have to do it on my own. I’m the only one who can.”

  “Then wait until I’m well again.” That much he might get her to promise. “I want to be there when Gideon performs the exorcism.”

  “That I can do.”

  “Promise.” He dry heaved again, his head pounding, his vision growing dim as he spasmed.

  “I promise, Ash.”

  He didn’t know if she was being sincere or humoring him, but he had her promise and he’d make sure she stuck to it. “Thanks.”

  “Hang in there. Greer should be here soon.”

  “Like I have a choice.” He blinked sweat out of his eyes. “Go in the other room. I’ll be out in a moment.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He shot her a look. “You want to help wipe my ass?”

  She darted out of the room like he’d handed her a wad of toilet paper.

  Ash took care of business and washed his hands before stumbling into the bedroom. “This sucks.” He collapsed onto the bed as carefully as he could, making sure his head hit the pillow softly. The headache was getting worse, not better, but at least some of the cramping in his stomach had eased.

  “I’ve called Gideon as well. I want him here when Greer heals you, just in case.”

  “Just in case what?” All Ash wanted to do was sleep as his body fought the illness.

  “In case the demon fights Greer.”

  “So we get me well, then we do the exorcism?”

  “Yup.” She stroked his hair back from his forehead. “I’m going to kill it for you.” The determination in her tone had him looking at her in surprise. “It can fuck with me all it wants, but it doesn’t get to fuck with you.”

  He smiled. “That’s my little witch.”

  “I lied. I do like that nickname.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m only admitting that because you’ll probably forget.”

  “Not a chance.” He took hold of her hand and held tight. “No matter what happens, you’ll always be my little witch.”

  She smiled wearily. “Mmm-hmm.” Selena sat on the edge of the bed. “You want some water, or some orange juice?”

  He grunted. The thought of trying to swallow anything was repulsive. The idea he might keep it down was ludicrous.

  “I’ll take that as a no.” She stood and wandered into the bathroom. He heard the water running, and shortly she returned with a damp cloth. “Let’s see if we can bring this fever down a little.” She placed the cold, wet cloth on his forehead. “There. I’m going to get a cup of ice chips from Dragos. You try and get some rest, and I’ll bring Greer and Gideon up as soon as they arrive.”

  “’Kay.” He closed his eyes, the cold of the cloth soothing the pounding in his head.

  “I’ll bring up some medicine as well, something that will bring that temperature down.”

  His stomach turned. “Not sure I could keep anything down.”

  “Then we wait.” She settled next to him again. “You want to know what Greer and I have planned for our handfasting?”

  He opened one eye, frightened by how bleary she looked. “Sure.” He closed his eyes again and kept them closed, concentrating instead on the musical sound of his mate’s voice.

  She spoke softly of trees and flowers, fountains and dresses until a welcome voice spoke in the hallway. He’d recognize Greer’s tones anywhere, and the concern he heard had him more worried. What if Greer was affected by what was happening to Ash? Was his brother strong enough to overcome the demon?

  “Hey, Ash.”

  Ash opened his eyes. “Greer.”

  “You sound like shit.”

  His lips twitched into a twisted smile. “Thanks.”

  “Gideon is on his way. I’ve been ordered not to do anything until he arrives.” Greer settled on the other side of the bed. “How are you feeling, bro?”

  Ash groaned, then coughed convulsively. His stomach roiled at the movements, his head pounding furiously.

  Selena began to stroke his hair, dislodging the now warm cloth. “He’s got an upset stomach, vomiting, a high fever, cramps and a headache.”

  “Ouch.” Greer’s voice dropped to near a whisper. “You called in Gideon, so I’m assuming you think it’s the demon doing this.”

  “Yes, I’m afraid so. It’s just too coincidental for it not to be.” Selena’s hand stilled. “Which is why I need to talk to Gideon about moving up the exorcism.”

>   Greer whistled softly. “Ash will want to be whole so he can be there for that.”

  “That’s what he said.” Selena began to caress his hair once more. It felt really good, so Ash didn’t complain when she shifted on the bed, jostling him. “This isn’t going to be easy. It’s possible the exorcism won’t work, or the entity will flee only to return.”

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “Get Ash well, then we’ll discuss it.”

  “When did this start, do you know? I mean, he was fine last night.”

  “I woke up like this.” Ash didn’t like that they were talking over him like he wasn’t there. “For all I know, the fever started last night, but I woke up dry-heaving and cramping and feeling like crap. Oh, and my throat is sore.” He was starting to lose his voice. It was going in and out, crackling like it had when he was going through puberty.

  “Shh.” Selena put her fingers over his mouth. “This was why I was answering for you, sweetheart.”

  He blinked.


  He was pretty sure that was the first endearment she’d ever used toward him, and she chose now, when he couldn’t do anything about it.

  Evil little witch.

  He wasn’t going to draw attention to the endearment, just in case she didn’t realize she’d said it. He didn’t want her to feel self-conscious about it in any way. If she did, she’d never use it again. “Thanks,” he croaked, taking her hand off his forehead long enough to kiss the back of it.

  “You’re welcome.” She continued to stroke his hair, and he sighed with pleasure. “That feels good?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” In fact, it felt so good he was close to falling asleep.

  “You want to sleep?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He yawned, wincing as it hurt his sore throat.

  “Can he, Greer?”

  “I don’t see why not. Resting will help his body fight.” Greer patted his shoulder, and his hand felt just as icy as Selena’s did. “Sleep, buddy. Gideon, Selena and I will take care of this.”

  “You sure?” He could barely open his eyes, but he did, looking blearily up at Selena. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  Greer spoke before Selena could. “I give you my word, your mate is safe in my care.”

  That was all Ash needed to hear. He allowed sleep to pull him under, secure in the knowledge that Greer would sacrifice his own life to keep Selena from harm.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Selena watched as Ash dropped into unconsciousness, gritting her teeth in anger.

  She’d had enough of this shit.

  “Greer? Can you see if Gideon is here yet?” She hadn’t taken her eyes off of Ash since he’d crawled back into bed. His hair was soaked with perspiration, his body still shivering despite his unconscious state. The covers had begun to smell sour due to his sweat, the smell becoming stronger with each passing moment.

  “I promised I wouldn’t leave you alone, and I meant it. But I can call down to Eddy, and ask him to keep an eye out for him.”

  “Thank you.” She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

  Ash would never suffer like this again, not if she could help it.

  Seeing her strong, proud mate reduced to a quivering, whimpering ball of pain brought home to her just how much Ash had come to mean to her since she’d met him. He was always there, checking up on her, keeping her safe, making sure nothing happened to her.

  He’d come in like an avenging angel, sword swinging, carrying her out of the Van Helsing compound to safety. When she’d been sick from the poison the Van Helsings had pumped into her he’d cared for her without complaint no matter how badly she abused him.

  And she had. She knew she was a lousy patient, but every time she’d apologized for her behavior he’d simply accepted it without complaint, much like he’d accepted her anger, her tears and her fear.

  Well. Now it was her turn to care for him, to show him that it went both ways.

  “What’s happened? Why is he unconscious?”

  Selena finally looked up from her sleeping mate to answer Gideon. The coven leader stood in the bedroom door, scowling.

  Gideon had come for a fight. He’d strapped both his athame and his white handled blade, the one for actual cutting, to one side of his hip. A wand was strapped to the other side. A protection amulet was around his neck, and she could smell the sacred oil he’d used to anoint himself. He carried an old-fashioned black leather doctor’s bag, and as he came into the room she could hear the clink of glass.

  “He’s feeling exhausted after a bout of vomiting.” Selena couldn’t help it. She glanced down at Ash, noting once more how flushed he looked. “He’s running a high fever, sore throat, cramps, chills, the works.”

  “Sounds like stomach flu to me.” Gideon set his case down and settled in one of the two armchairs in the room.

  “I’m certain the demon has inflicted this on him.”

  Gideon nodded. “And I’m certain you’re right. He’s managed to talk you out of your house and has done everything in his power to protect you. He’s called in the cavalry and has figured out a way the two of you can fight the entity. Of course it’s going to try and take him out of the game. In fact, I was just wondering when it would strike.”

  “We need to perform the exorcism on me.” She was looking forward to it about as much as a root canal without anesthesia, but there was no other choice.

  Gideon nodded again. “After we heal Ash. I’m not going to have him pissed at me for taking care of it before he’s ready to fight with you.”

  “Then let’s get this party started.” Selena stood with grim determination. “What have you got in the bag?”

  “All the oils and incense I thought we might need to heal him, plus protect the space while we work.” Gideon stood. “I think we should move him downstairs, to a sofa or something where we can cast a circle.”

  “Good idea, but I can’t carry his ass anywhere.”

  “But I can.” Greer gently picked up Ash as if he weighed nothing. The dryad constantly surprised her with his strength. Everyone assumed Ash was the one with the greater physical strength, but Greer, with his happy-go-lucky smile and silly attitude was the real one you wanted to watch out for. Ash might be a lethal and elegant swordsman, but Greer could break you in half without trying all that hard. “Let’s go. Lead the way, oh mighty coven leader.”

  Gideon picked up his bag and did just that.

  Selena brought up the rear, the procession oddly solemn. Mina met them at the bottom of the stairs, looking weary to the bone. She’d become more and more nocturnal now that she’d mated Dragos, and she should have been sleeping. Instead, she became part of the procession, showing Gideon the best room to perform the ritual of healing.

  Greer lay Ash down on the black and silver sofa, gently positioning Ash on his back, his hands on his stomach. “All right. Do your stuff, Gideon. I’ll handle the rest.”

  “My stuff?” Gideon pulled out his athame and began casting a circle. He moved clockwise around the couch, casting a large enough circle to accommodate it and the four of them with room enough to move around each other.

  When the circle was cast, he called the quarters, starting from the east. “I call to the guardian of the watchtower of the East, powers of thought, grant us your wisdom.” He lit a bit of incense, placed it in its holder and put it down.

  He moved to the south. “I call to the guardian of the watchtower of the South, powers of energy, grant us the stamina to fight.” He placed a small lit candle on the floor.

  At west, he intoned, “I call to the guardian of the watchtower of the West, powers of life, grant us your healing.” He placed a vial of water down and unstopped it.

  Moving to the north and the final quarter, Gideon spoke one final time. “I call to the guardian of the watchtower of the North, powers of stability, grant us your strength.” He placed a geode on the floor, then moved to stand at Ash’s head.

  Gideon pulled anothe
r vial out of his black bag and unstopped it. The scent of rosemary, juniper and sandalwood filled the air, a masculine scent that immediately seemed to fit Ash. Gideon anointed Ash’s throat and chest with the oil, muttering under his breath a soft healing chant Selena herself had used on occasion. “There. I’ve done what I can. Selena, get into position.”

  Selena moved until she stood at Ash’s feet, prepared to fight the demon as Greer healed Ash’s body. “Ready.”

  “Ready. Greer?”

  Greer knelt beside Ash and closed his eyes.

  Selena reached out and touched Ash’s feet just as Gideon put his hands on Ash’s head.

  Greer gasped, his head thrown back, his eyes wide and unseeing. “Oh fuck, that’s strong.”

  “Fight it, Greer.” Gideon stared at Selena. “Our turn.”

  Selena summoned her gift. Her vision clouded over as it shifted to the spirit plane, and...

  “Oh fuck me.” A black cloud surrounded her mate, shimmering with sickly swirls of gray.

  “Fight it, Selena. Get it off him so Greer can heal him.” She felt Gideon’s power flood her, his strength greater than she’d imagined.

  It was odd to think of the color black as pure and strong, but that was just what Gideon’s power was like. It wasn’t the absence of something, it was the essence of everything, honed and refined until it bent to the will of its master. It was insanely beautiful, like a panther stalking the demonic influence on her mate, or a black hawk swooping silently through the sky, intent on its prey.

  No wonder he’d become the coven leader after Mel died. Why Mel had ever been the coven leader when they had a witch of Gideon’s power among them amazed her. Only the fact that he was of the black path could explain it.

  Selena had always been a white witch, refusing to use her powers to battle but instead to heal and defend. But now she was forced to break her own rule, fighting the demon that had infested her mate with its malevolence.

  Selena gathered all her strength—and the dark, seductive power of Gideon—and pushed at the black cloud. It reared as it felt her power, trying to find a way behind her defenses to harm her.

  Selena wasn’t about to give it that opening. She crafted the power into a sharp dagger of light and began cutting away at the entity.


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