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In For A Surprise: Michael and Sarah

Page 2

by C. M. Steele

  “Michael! Always you, Michael!” Deep in her ass he laid her head back down and pushed her forward on the bed and joined her on the mattress. Still pounding deep in her ass, he reached for her nub below and smacked it causing her to once again come hard. “Sarah, I still love you…” He said this as he spilled his come deep in her ass. Michael, emotions all over the place left his thoroughly satisfied and worn out wife on the bed as he jump in the shower. Once he got out he went down to the kitchen and began to heat up their now cold dinner.

  Ten minutes later Sarah joined him, freshly showered as well. They ate in silence, both with conflicting feelings. He hoped he did not hurt her. They had anal sex several times before but he was so angry and jealous, he felt he might have been too rough. But what the fuck was a guy supposed to do. He gave her everything, including all his secrets and she was keeping something from him. He didn’t know what it was but the fear in her eyes earlier made him afraid that it was the worst but he will find out one way or another. She knew his anger stemmed from fear of losing her and the jealous rage that she would cheat on him. But Sarah still loved her Michael. She wanted to tell him what she was keeping from him but it was not time.

  Michael claimed he had to work. In all actuality he really got nothing done. All his thoughts were scattered. Where was she? He wanted to ask her but was afraid she would lie again and he might really lose it or he may not like her answer. Either way he was going to look into her whereabouts and keep tabs on her. Nothing that he had been through in his life prepared him to feel this lost. Even when he lived on the streets and food was a luxury, did he feel so helpless? No. Some may see this as nothing and just ask her why she lied but he couldn’t, to him this was more. She was more and there was never a moment where he thought he could live without her. He never backed down from a fight and he wouldn’t now but hell if he would instigate it.

  He was in his study until well after Sarah fell asleep and was gone before she woke up in the morning. The only reason she knew he had been to bed was the way he woke her in the night to make love to her, slowly. They kissed deeply as he slowly caressed, kissed and rocked them to orgasm. After they finished she cuddled into his chest and wrapped herself in his embrace. As they fell back asleep he whispered “please do not leave me.” She heard him and squeezed him tighter and whispered “never”.

  The man he had tail his wife was the best. Ryan Elliot had been a former marine with a large security business and offered to spy on Michael’s wife, himself. The man knew what it was like to be betrayed by a woman before. He felt for his friend. What he hadn’t realized that she would be with her, Stacy Montgomery. He had forgotten that they were friends. That bitch had broken his heart last year and he was still angry. He wasn’t sure if he was more angry at her betrayal or that fact that he still missed her. He never let a woman in, until her. She broke all his barriers and he fell hard. Only to watch her wrap her arms around another man and take him into her apartment, with a look he’d seen in her eyes before.

  Michael may have a problem. He remembered meeting Michael’s wife before at the gym with Stacy. She was a hot little number that if he hadn’t wanted to fuck Stacy he would have went after her. She had long dark wavy hair, large breast, small waist and a round bottom; not to mention a sexy face to match. That bitch Stacy couldn’t be trusted how could Sarah?

  He watched them from across the street while they had lunch at the café. Thankfully he had gotten a new car or Stacy the slut would have recognized it. God knows he fucked her in the Range Rover so many times. “Uh”, he had to get his mind back on the case at hand. He already lost Stacy. He hoped Michael was spared that pain.

  So far Sarah had stayed home until meeting with Stacy. Right before the girls get up to leave here comes the jackass that was with Stacy the last time he saw her. He snapped photos of the girls hugging that bastard. He wanted to go over there and break that motherfucker’s jaw. He stole his happiness, his bowl of Stacy sunshine. They all parted ways and she went home.

  Michael was busy from sun up until sundown with the meetings be had cancelled the day prior. Between the stress of the office and the fear that he was losing Sarah, he forgot to eat. Thankfully she had cooked and was asleep when he got home. According to the text message he received earlier had known she wasn’t home at lunch time. He didn’t want to snap on her. He ate the dinner she left him without really tasting it, showered and nodded right off.

  Sarah knew he was avoiding and it hurt. She had cooked him his favorite meal hoping to show that she thought of him, but he texted her that he would be working late. Only two more days.

  Ryan and Michael met up at the bar down the street from the Vitale building the following afternoon to go over what he had found. “Everything seemed normal until this SOB fucking showed up.” He showed a picture of the girls with a guy he recognized, Daniel.

  “Were they too friendly? Is this all you captured?” Michael was praying that she was not screwing his best friend’s long lost brother because he would make sure that he’d be lost for good. Michael would make sure of it, no doubt.

  “Yeah that’s it but I think he is with Stacy, not your wife. They were very chatty but he gave Stacy a longer and tighter hug.” Ryan growl out that last bit and looked like he wanted to murder the man in the photo. He will never forget the way he felt that morning he had gone to her house to surprise her when he came back from a business trip early.

  “You know Stacy?” Michael asked as he hadn’t said Stacy’s name before and Ryan looked too angry about the relationship between brother and sister.

  “She and I met at the gym I was going to last year.” The man downed his beer.

  Michael actually chuckled, “You’re the bastard from the gym? When I came home from work one day Sarah mentioned it to me. Sarah had been comforting Stacy at our house. David her brother has it in for you.”

  “What the fuck was she crying for; when she is the one cheating with this piece of shit?” Ryan was happy to know that he was not the only one suffering from her betrayal but she had the nerve to make him the bad guy. He had a few choice words for her.

  “Elliot, this is Stacy’s half-brother Daniel Hartfield.” Those words quite literally had taken his breath away.

  “But I thought she only had one brother, David.”

  “Yeah well, so did she. Daniel is from her mother’s second marriage. They just found out about him last year.” That had been awkward for the David and Stacy. They had been abandoned by their mother only to find out she went and had another family. Some women weren’t fit to be mothers.

  Before Michael could ask more about his wife, Ryan said he had to go take care of something.

  He had a feeling it had to do with Stacy but now Michael was back at square one. He was going home early to talk to his wife and get to the bottom of this. He couldn’t just sit by and let the love of his life leave him.

  When he got home she wasn’t there again. He called her with no answer he was about to fly off the handle and start smashing shit. Thankfully he saw her pull up. He barely waited for her to walk through the door. “Where the fuck have you been? And don’t fucking lie to me Sarah.” He was livid and it showed. He pulled her towards him tightly gripping her arm with one hand while the other gripped her waist and brought him into close contact with her body “You are hurting me.” Seeing that he was gripping her arm to hard, he let go and she stepped back.

  “I was at the grocery store. Forgive me for not being home when my husband makes a surprise visit!” She was mad. She had a feeling something was bothering him to the point that he was here. He didn’t trust her and she didn’t know why. Well she knew why. She was a terrible liar but he was an ass he was going to ruin the surprise she had for him.

  “If you had been home the last three days you wouldn’t have been surprised as I have been here every day this week for lunch.”

  “Oh” She looked at him shocked and now realized that it was not only her inability to lie to him but also the
fact he knew she wasn’t home because he was there.

  “Yes Oh. I came home to check on how my sick wife was doing and thought you had gone to the ER because you weren’t here. You lied right to me as I sat in the bed that you were supposedly lying in. Who the fuck is the bastard you lied for? Don’t tell me it’s Daniel Hartfield; because Stacy’s about to not have a brother.” She wanted to wipe away the pain in his eyes as he asked her. Wait, how would he know I seen Daniel? As he said these words he got closer to her and gripped her face.

  “You had me followed?” He nodded his head proudly. It was clear he had no problem with it. “Since, when?”

  “Well obviously not soon enough because you manage to sneak around on me. What did I do wrong? Am I not home early enough for you? Tell me what this bastard does for you that I don’t.” He pulled away from her and ran his fingers through his hair which had been about the thousandth time since he realized she was lying to him. He was pacing back and forth, she reached for him to stop the moving and looked at the man she adored. The anguish in is voice and face was enough, she loved this man with everything she had and she couldn’t hurt him like this. The jig was up. She was going to give his present early because there was no way she was going to leave him in suspense a moment longer. “He isn’t a bastard,” Walking over to the table she grabbed her purse and reached in her purse and handed him a small envelope.

  Opening the envelope he read the card. “Happy Birthday to the best man in the world. I didn’t know what to get a man who has everything but I hope you like it because I can’t and won’t return it.”

  Behind the card was a grainy picture he had seen online before while researching for the future. But the heading had Baby Vitale 6 weeks 1 day.

  The full force of what she was keeping from him had hit him hard. Instead of losing his wife he was gaining a child. He was going to be a father. Tears flowed from his eyes blocking his vision. He sat down on the nearest chair. He wiped the tears and gathered his family in his arms, resting his head on her belly. “Cara, can you ever forgive me? Bellissima, I thought I was losing you and our future together. Instead I almost tossed it all away.” He pushed her slightly back from him turning to her and kissing her stomach, “I love you, piccolino mio.”

  As they stayed in this position he thought about his treatment of her these last few days; he had been rough and demanding and so angry. He needed to know they were going to be okay. “And I was so rough with you the other night. I could have hurt the baby. Can you forgive me, amore mia?”

  “I forgive you, Caro, always. You did not hurt me or the baby. I am sorry that I gave you reason to doubt me. Please never doubt our love. You are my… everything. I wanted to tell you right away but I thought it would be better as a surprise since I didn’t have a clue on what I give a man who has everything.”

  “But I thought you were on birth control.” He looked confused.

  “That was a part of the surprise, when you told me you wanted me off it. I argued to stay on it but got off of it that very day after consulting my doctor. I only wanted to surprise you if we were blessed enough to have one. I need something from you.”

  “Whatever you need my love. I love you so much.” The look in his eyes was pleading. She wanted to reaffirm their love and celebrate their joy. “Take me to bed my all, my heart and soul, my husband, the love of my life.”

  “Gladly.” He carried his precious cargo to bed and they made love until the sun came up.




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