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Body Heat

Page 47

by Mia Ford

  “Sure, I haven don’t that cattle for a long spell, but I’ll give it a try. Of course I’ll have to check with Mrs. Roberts and see if there are any emergencies brewing at the office first,” Olivia says as she sits down to eat.

  “Can, I help?” I ask, because if she goes out all day as much as I love granddad I’ll rather spend my time with her. Seeing as we’re getting to know each other and I want to tell her about Dede. I just want to get it all of my chest. The truth, for once in my life. Whenever we’re alone, I just want to take her. At least out there while we’re working we can talk when we have a break and then she’ll know the demons that really turned me to drink. The real reason that I lost my way.

  Olivia’s lost in her thoughts, “Autumn’s a good cutting horse and maybe if she’s out there working again then she won’t feel so down.”

  “Sure of course,” Neil says beaming his ear to ear smile. “If that’s alright for Isaac to go with you too?”

  I smile as there’s no one I would go driving cattle with than Olivia, the beautiful red head that doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.

  “Think you’re up to it, Cowgirl?” I tease her.

  Olivia raises her eyebrows. “When’s the last time you were in the saddle all day, Isaac?”

  “Point taken. My butt has been glued to the office chair for a while and when I tried riding last week after an hour, I was getting tired.”

  Granddad says, “Well there’s only one way to find out!”

  “Granddad you’re right. Saddle me up and I’ll be there all day with you.”

  She winks, “You’ve got a deal!”


  After breakfast as we walk to the barn to saddle the horses, I can’t help but say, “I wish we were sleeping in the same bed. I don’t like you being in the guest cottage.”

  “Sex friend.”

  “Me, how can you even say that? Yesterday you were the one that wanted me in the shower.”

  “Yes, I was an innocent cowgirl before you came along and branded me,” Olivia’s battering her eyelashes as if to say that she’s innocent.

  “Really, you really think that?”

  We’re both smiling at each other, playing and teasing, it’s kind of funny that she thinks that I’m the one that’s been after her. When I’ve wanted to stay as far away from her as possible.

  Olivia raises her chin, “Yes, I was respectable before I met you.”

  Suddenly, we are both laughing so hard that tears are running down our cheeks.

  “I can see getting any work done today with you around is going to be hard,” I say wiping my eyes as we enter the barn.

  “Yeah, well you better hold up your end of the drive. I have my doubts you can cowboy up for this one.”

  I shake my head. “Cowgirl, you just haven’t seen me and Buckskin working cows. You just hold your hat while you watch, or we will blow it away,” I joke. Then I get a serious. “Be careful, Olivia. With a herd as big as the one we’re moving today anything can happen.”

  “Yeah, same goes to you,” she says as she splits off and heads for Autumn’s stall while I go to greet Buckskin.

  Minutes later we ride out to join Granddad’s hired hand who seems almost his age. However, I quickly find that Dan and his horse Smokey still have the moves. Of course, he has old Shep nipping at the cows heels helping out. We’ll be driving the cattle down a gravel road with fences on each side, I realize that Dan can probably move the cattle without our help. Maybe it would be a little difficult, but I’m sure that he could do it alone.

  Damn is granddad manipulating me again?

  Yet, this time I don’t mind. Sure, the work’s dusty, and I’m not used to being in the saddle all day. But, Olivia’s riding at the tail end of the herd with me and I hate to admit that as we get started, I’m enjoying myself.

  The herd kicks up such a thick cloud of dust that it’s hard to see their feet in front of our faces. I know this is granddad’s way of getting back at me for not wanting to stay on the ranch and let men better qualified than me run the company. I just regret that Olivia must endure the dust too. But her being here beside me helps me accept riding drag like a new cowboy.

  Although Olivia’s Autumn isn’t a cutting horse up to Buckskin’s standards, she’s pretty good. Olivia looks sexy with her boobs bouncing up and down as she rides back and forth hitting her lariat against her saddle. Several times I get a fucking hard on just watching her.

  Finally, Dan closes to gate to the South pasture.

  “You haven’t lost it yet, Mr. Isaac. You’re a little bit rusty, but you and the horse of yours still got the moves.”

  Praise coming from a man that has won more than one calf roping contest made me smile all the way back to the barn.

  “I guess we’re finished, right, Dan?” I say smiling at the old, wrinkle-faced cowboy.

  Dan shakes his head.

  “There’s more?” I ask thinking that I misjudged the situation. I thought that was it, more likely I hoped that was the end of it.

  Dan glances at Olivia. “You want to tell him?”

  I look at Olivia. “Tell me what?”

  “Whenever we put cattle in a new pasture, we’ve got to ride the fence to make sure the barbwire isn’t broken.”

  “I guess I forgot about that,” I reply. I glance at the fence that runs across the flat land until it’s lost in the distance horizon. “It’s a huge pasture,” I add with a sigh.

  “Roger, that,” Dan says as he tips his hat and rides off to the right, following the fence line.

  “That leaves us the left side,” Olivia says.

  I know she’s hiding a smile taking pleasure out my discomfort. Still, I can’t get upset at her. At least she’s here rather than I’m just being stuck out here with Dan.

  “Time to cowboy up,” Olivia says as she rides off following the fence line.

  “I’ll cowboy you up for sure when we get back to the barn!” I say as I ride after her.

  “Yeah, promises, promises! That’s all city slickers are good for.”

  “When we get home, I’m going to make you sorry for calling me a city slicker,” I say as I catch up with her.

  We ride side by side for what feels like an hour but is probably a forth that long when Olivia pulls Autumn to a full stop.


  She nods her head toward the fence row. “It’s a good thing we have the rule about riding the line after changing a herd to a new pasture. There’s a break in the wire just ahead.”

  “Damn, you have good eyes.”

  “Come on let’s fix it.”

  “Uh . . . I forgot to bring the wire stretcher. I didn’t know we were going to be riding the fence line.”

  “Don’t worry; it’ll be okay,” Olivia says reaching back and pulling a pair of fence stretchers out of Autumn’s saddle bag. She waves them at me.

  “Yeah, you are a barrel of laughs,” I say shaking my head.

  “A cowboy is always prepared . . .”

  “Don’t start with me, Olivia, or I’ll rub your pretty little nose in a cow patty. And then we can call you Cow Patty, the cowgirl,” I say and start laughing so hard I almost fall out of the saddle.

  “God, I wish you would fall off your horse so I can get a shot of it with my cell phone. It would look good on a Facebook page . . . CEO trying to cowboy.”

  “What say we call a truce and fix the fence.”

  I ignore her as she tries to bribe me about posting it on Facebook. Not that I care, it’s not as if I go on there that much.

  “Yeah, spoken like a wise CEO,” Olivia says as she climbs off Autumn.

  As I put on my gloves, I glance up at the sun that is threatening to suck all the moisture out of my body. “Suddenly, I remember why I moved to Houston,” I’m wiping my forehead with the back of my arm.

  The sun’s pouring down on my face and burning me. I should have put sun lotion on before I came out here, because I burn easily.

  “Why because you�
�re not a good cowboy?”

  She raises and eyebrow and I know that she’s really pushing me to the limit.

  “No, because…”

  I can’t even think of a comeback. She’s got me there, I’ll make her pay for it much later, when I spend the night with her in the cottage or maybe before that, when we get back to the barn.

  Chapter 12


  I smile to myself when we finally meet up with Dan. Isaac’s trying to put on a good show, but I know his butt must be hurting something awful. Not once has he complained.

  “How did it go? Find any breaks in the fence?” Dan asks as he approaches Isaac.

  “Yeah, two. We fixed them. And you?”

  “None,” Dan says as he rides past us. “Time to head back to the ranch,” he calls over his shoulder.

  Isaac looks over at me. “Do you think he knew the breaks in the fence were on the left side?”

  I manage only to smile instead of laughing. “Have you ever known a cowboy to do work when he can get someone else to do it?”

  “Damn him. I bet he stopped in the shade of a cottonwood tree and took a nap.”

  I didn’t respond. It was what I would have done when I wanted to make a new hand work a little extra.

  “That’s all right, I’ll get him back,” Isaac says as he kicks Buckskin in the sides and rides after Dan. “What goes around comes around, Dan,” he calls out.

  Dan lifts his hand to show he’s heard and I can see a crafty smile on his face.

  “Hey,” Isaac says as I catch up with him. “Have I told you yet today that you’re sexy?”

  “No, you’ve been too busy,” I laugh as I think about the way that Dan conned us both to do his job. I suspected it at first, but I didn’t mind doing it because it meant spending more time with Isaac.

  “Well, too busy to tell you, but always thinking it. The thought flashes through my mind every time I see those tits bouncing up and down as we chase a stray.”

  “I’ll wear a bra next time,” I say and stick my tongue out at Isaac.

  “Fuck! No bra. You don’t know what you’re doing to me right now.”

  “And no panties either? Shit, I want to take you to the barn right now!”

  Dan turns around, glances at Isaac, and shakes his head. “Too much sun.”

  That’s when we both stop talking; we’ve got company. I smile feeling embarrassed that I said those things and Dan must have heard us. I can’t remember having so much fun doing ranch chores. It makes a big difference having Isaac here on the ranch. I know that without him I’ll be doing this alone. Even Dan keeps his distance from me most of the time. Probably worried that everyone would think that I have a thing for older men.

  “I think I’ll soak in a warm bath tonight,” Isaac says when we get in sight of the ranch. “Not a shower and not alone.”

  I’m thinking the same thing but with him in the shower with me, but I don’t bother to tell him my version. He seems horny enough without my fanning the fire.

  “Is that an open invitation?”

  Isaac laughs, “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  “See you on the flip side,” I say as I split off and lead Autumn to her stall because now I don’t want to wait. I only want to see.

  “Not if I see you first,” he calls out.

  I can’t take my mind off Isaac as I feed and water Autumn. I keep remembering the hot sex we had in his apartment the first night. And then the steamy double dipping the next morning, especially when I followed him into the shower.

  God, I’m wet between the legs thinking of him.

  I was just finishing up brushing out Autumn’s tail when Isaac suddenly appeared in the door

  ”I hope you didn’t short change Buckskin,” I say glancing up at him leaning against the frame of the door, half in and half out.

  “I didn’t, and I don’t want to short-change you either,” he says as he walks into Autumn’s stall, smiling. I can see the bulge in the crotch of his jean is bigger than it should be. He grabs my shoulder and turns me around to face him. I start to say something witty, but he leans forward and covers my mouth with his. Our tongue meet with electrifying results.

  We both begin stripping as we continue to kiss. The sight of his huge semi-hard cock really start my wetness starts growing in between my legs. I flinch when Autumn turns her head and looks at me with her big brown eyes as though I’m doing something I shouldn’t be doing and she likes it.

  “Don’t mind Autumn, she understands mother nature,” Isaac says seeing me staring back at her.

  “What if your Neil comes out to check on us?” I say glancing nervously from Autumn to the door of the stall.

  “No, he’s probably sitting in front of the television watching In the Heat of the Night like every other senior in the state of Texas is doing about now,” Isaac says, knowing that Neil would never be caught dead looking at afternoon television shows.

  I shake my head and roll my eyes, that is until his lips touch my left nipple. I moan as he sucks on it like a newborn baby.

  “Bite it gently like you did in your apartment,” I tell Isaac in a breathy voice as he kicks my motor into high gear.

  Isaac clamps his teeth onto my nipple

  I scream so loud I fear Neil might rush out to investigate. I’m at that point of no return. Come hell or high water; I want Isaac to finish what he started.

  As Isaac sucks and nibbles, I feel him reaching down between my legs to slide his fingers into my moist pussy. I am no longer a virgin, but I am still virgin tight. I go wild the moment his finger finds my clit. He pinches it, and I cry out again as I start hunching his fingers like a bitch in heat. But I’m so deep in lust that I don’t feel any shame. I’m leaking. His finger is getting slippery with each stroke.

  Isaac knows this too as he suddenly kneels in front of me. I glance down in time to see him press his face against my crotch. A loud gasp escapes my lips as he pushed his warm tongue into my pussy. I almost faint when his tongue touches my clit so powerful are the little electric shocks that radiate pleasure, no longer pain.


  I’m so out of my mind I don’t know what I am doing. He starts sucking on me, and I’m almost overpowered with ecstasy. I grab Isaac’s head and hold it in place as I hunch my pussy against his face. I don’t know how he can possibly keep his tongue inside me with my hips gyrating. He keeps tonguing me. I’m so overwhelmed with pleasure that I’m ready to push him away.

  He kisses me, and all I can think about is him fucking me. When he breaks our embrace, I think this is it. Instead he puts his hands on my shoulder and forces me down to my knees.

  Seeing his huge throbbing cock, I stretch my mouth around the head, sucking it, but Isaac pulls me away. He wants me to take in more of his cock. I glance up into his eyes as I swallow more of his cock. He wants me to take it all, and I’m going to do it. He gave me pleasure, and now it’s my turn to give it back. I force myself to keep swallowing inch after inch. I suddenly can’t breathe, yet I don’t stop. Only when I feel his pubic hairs against my lips do I pull my head back.


  He moves his cock away and guides it towards my pussy. He has me so hot that I feel as if I’m going to melt away in a pool of pleasure.

  The moment the head of his cock finds the lips of my pussy, he spears his massive erection into me. I gasp as it plunges to the depths of my pleasure hole. Then, as he fucks me with brutal strokes, I call his name repeatedly, like a broken record.

  It doesn’t take long for me to come, as Isaac continues to pump his fat cock. I suddenly don’t know night from the day as I feel his come exploding inside me. I feel totally connected to Isaac as he kisses me before pulling out his now come-dripping cock. The one that I love to hold, suck and have deep inside of me.

  “That was worth waiting for,” Isaac growls as we lie naked in the hay.

  I turn to kiss him and purr, “You’re more than I could ever dream off in a man and more.

  He says nothing as he turns me to hold him. I wrap my arms around him, and I can feel his heart beat quicken. As if I said something wrong, I couldn’t have done, because he’s been after me all morning. Seducing me with his words. He can’t deny how he feels about me. Not after all this, not after right now.

  Chapter 13


  Later on, I go into the house to clean up, and Olivia goes to the cottage, I could have stayed in the barn forever. But then I knew that if I did, with her in my arms, I would tell her the truth about Dede, and there were a time and place for everything and after I spent all morning talking about taking her in the barn. That just wasn’t the place to do it.

  “Where are you going, Isaac? Olivia asks as I walk into the kitchen.

  “To the barn to polish my saddle.”

  “Wow, you are quite the cowboy now, keeping your leather polished as if you were going to ride in a rodeo.”

  “Good, idea,” I say as I grab Olivia around the waist and plant a kiss on her neck.

  “Don’t! Neil might walk in,” Olivia says pulling free.

  “He’ll be happy that we’re getting on so well.”

  “Maybe,” she hesitates for a minute. “But there’s a time and place for everything and when I’m getting cookies ready to go in the oven is not one of those times.”

  “Which are you, Dale Evens or Autumn Crooker?”

  “Neither. I’m Olivia! One of a kind,” she laughs, “But I don’t want him to think that I’m with you for you not what.”

  I love the way that she’s so innocent and the idea of granddad seeing her as anything but innocent is something that I just need to accept.

  “Besides where is he? I haven’t seen him since this morning. I hope that he’s okay?”

  Olivia frowned. “It’s hard to tell. I don’t see much difference in him that last few months then when I first arrived. The thing is…I keep thinking his doctors might have overlooked something.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Because he hasn’t even told me what’s wrong with him. “Olivia maybe he’s told you what’s wrong with him. He tried but I shut him up, I couldn’t bear hearing about his illness. It was selfish of me, and I need to seek to help him. Especially if he only has a few weeks to live.”


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