Body Heat
Page 77
I’m smiling as I get into the shower and I don’t want to take too long. I’m supposed to be working later tonight, and I need to be on my best behavior especially after the way I spoke to Janice. She’s probably ready to replace me. Yesterday it was my birthday, and I had a feeling that she wanted to make me miserable. I was on a high, and I planned to stay that way for the rest of the day. Nothing was going to bring me down, even one of her pep talks. Usually, I listen and tell myself that she's the voice of reason. She has experience, and I just wasn’t in the mood. I’ll buy her a bottle of Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon, her favorite wine, and hope that she forgives me. I’m a hard worker; she can’t deny that. One little bump in the road, shouldn’t mean that she’s going to sack me. Well, I hope not.
I jump out of the shower because I'm spending a bit too much time in there while getting lost in my thoughts. The water was sending me back to sleep and making me feel nostalgic. I grab one of the towels on the rack and try to dry every part of me as quickly as possible. I know that it’s impossible with my hair. Luckily I have a band in my purse, so I’ll just wrap it into a lose bun. That’s what I do on most days.
As I head to the bedroom, there’s still no Eric. I want to call out, but then I feel shy about doing that. Damn!
Last night was so comfortable being around him, and now I feel shy. It’s crazy because there isn’t any part of my body that he hasn’t touched, licked or even tasted. I shake my head as I put the towel on the towel rack in the bathroom and then put on my clothes and grabbing my purse I head out of the door.
I decide to head down the stairs and see if maybe he’s in the kitchen or something when I hear a noise. It sounds like a bottle breaking, and I immediately rush to the sound, but I’m not the other one as I bump into a small Latino lady by the door. She turns her head as she has a faint smile on her face. I do the same and see Eric on the floor in front of his picture. He’s just thrown a bottle at it.
“Señor Turner!”
The lady blurts out by my side.
What’s going on?
She shouts out, “I get it cleaned. Don’t worry Señor Turner. I do it.”
But I don’t think that he cares. As he gets up and just walks past me as I stand as if I’m frozen in time. Then he starts heading up the stairs. I want to walk back out of the door because I expected us to have an awkward moment together. Not like this, I didn’t think that he would get mad, but it can’t be about me. It must be about something else.
“My name is Rosetta. I’m Señor Turner’s housekeeper. If you like, I’ll make you breakfast?”
I nod my head, feeling bad for her. I wonder if he does this type of thing all the time. I watch as Rosetta comes back with a vacuum cleaner in one hand and a dustpan and brush in another.
She smiles at me, “He gets like this sometimes. When he gets sad. Don’t worry he come down soon. I make you something, and by the time you eat, he’ll be fine.”
Wow, just like that?
Is this why he’s been away from the spotlight, he’s been sad? I think that she wants to say depressed or maybe something deeper than that, but I can’t think right now. As I want to leave. I never thought that I would come to the star’s house the one that I’ve idolized for so long and wanted to leave. I nod to her, and she points in the opposite direction I want to tell her I know where it is. But I find myself speechless about the chain of events, “Go wait there. I come in the kitchen. I just clean this up.”
I watch as her chubby fingers start to get to use. Without hesitation, she starts vacuuming, and I follow her direction and head to the kitchen. Not to wait for her, but simply to call Harper and tell her that I’ll be home soon.
“Hey, it’s me, Valentina.”
She laughs, “I know who it is. What’s up? I thought that maybe you were getting down and dirty with Eric Turner.”
She’s still laughing, so I wait for her to stop. She sounds as if she’s heading home. I can hear her on the bus and maybe this isn’t the best time to have this type of conversation. I rented the room next to hers and ever since then we’ve been best friends. She’s my only friend in the city; she even managed to get me a job at The White Bar. Most of the girls working at the bar are budding actresses and think that you’re some competition if they believe that they’re helping you out in any way possible.
“So you going to tell me where you’re at? Or you are going to keep quiet on the other side of the cell?”
I nod my head, but then don’t say a word as Rosetta comes into the kitchen. She sees me on the phone and whispers, “Just call me when you finish. I make you something.”
Again, I nod my head and smile at her. She leaves the kitchen, and I get on and say exactly what’s on my mind.
“I’m at his house.”
I sigh, “Eric Turner. I came back in a taxi with him to his house.’
“Tony said that you left with him, but I thought that he was just acting like a prick. I didn’t think that you would do something like that. Not you!”
I laugh as I think about her being the one person that’s always telling me just to chill and get a life. And now I’m telling her that I’ve done a lot more than that, no wonder she’s surprised.
“Well, I’m full of surprises.”
I’m trying to sound casual, but I’m not good at that.
“What’s up? You wouldn’t call me when you’re there unless something’s up.”
“He just threw a bottle at the wall and just went to his room. It was weird, we had…” I clear my throat as I think about Rosetta hanging around and probably hearing parts of the conversation.
“It’s as if last night he didn’t mean.…”
“I’m going to stop you right there. He wanted to get laid. He got to lay the guy that you’ve been fantasizing about your whole life. Don’t think that this is anything else. If he wanted you there, then he would be making you breakfast. I know what you’re doing, thinking that this is something real. It isn’t. Get out and then come back here and tell me all about it you dirty girl!”
“No, it’s not like that.”
“Valentina I’ve seen the photos that you keep of him. It’s clear that you’re a fan. But he’s a star that’s had more than his fair share of a rough patch. I bet he looked smoking hot last night? Even if he didn’t, he’s still Eric Turner. Just hurry up and come and tell me about it.”
I know that she’s right, but then I decided just to tell her my other issue.
“I don’t have any money to get home.”
“What’s wrong with you?”
She blurts out, and I start to sob, “I have no idea. I thought that he would pay for the drinks and then we may get back to his place, but he gave the driver like seventy bucks. I don’t have that kind of money to get home. Besides, there’s no taxi rank around her.”
“I bet.” She takes a deep breath and says, “You got carried away being star struck by the one guy that you’ve got photos off. Valentina get out of there and just come home. I’m getting off the bus now. I’ll pay for the cab back home, don’t sweat it. Hearing the juicy details will be payback enough because I want to hear every last dirty detail..”
I sigh, “Sure, I’m just going to get something to eat and then I’ll be on my way. It’s okay. I’ll be there soon don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried I just need some sleep and you need to get over the fact that you’re with a star. Because you’re not. He’s a fading star that you had a major crush on, and you need to get rid off. Keep the night in your mind, but don’t think of it as anything more than one night.”
“I know, soon I’ll be on my way.”
“Valentina, you better be, because I need to sleep. I’ve got a shift in about six hours, and once I hit the sack, I’m out like a light.”
“I know, I usually hear you snoring from next door. Night get some sleep.”
“What? I thought that
you were coming home?”
“I am. Soon. Just get some rest. It’s okay. I don’t need the money after all. It’s all good.”
I look up and see Eric. Not the man that came to the bar, but a completely different one. A man dressed in a red polo shirt with jeans and most of all he’s showered and nothing like the man who just threw a bottle at the wall.
Chapter Nine
“I was hoping that you would still be here.”
I nod my head, “Yes, I was just talking to my friend.”
“About leaving right?” I drop some bills on her purse which is lying on the table. She’s a struggling actress and the only way for her is for me to give her a lift and hat’s not an option seeing as I don’t have a car.
I head over to the stove, “How do you like your eggs?”
She nods as if she’s in a fucking trance.
“Well done.”
It’s as if she’s speechless and then she moves towards me. No longer do I feel angry or even upset about all that’s taken place today. I can’t fucking go on like this anymore. Not if I need to make a change, maybe knowing that she’s downstairs ready to heal my wounds made me feel like getting changed. Not just physically, but mentally too.
“Good, because I don’t know how to do anything else.”
I smile at her, but I’m not used to doing that. Being nice and planting a smile on my face. Something that I’ve rarely done.
“Where’s Rosetta?” Valentina asks as she comes to sit closer to me on the stool by the workspace. The place that I used to sit when I had nothing better to do but watch Rosetta cook something up for me. She even showed me how to make a couple of things in the kitchen. The time that she had to spend time with her sick mom and I refused to have anyone else in the house while she was gone.
My short smile turns into a frown as I think about her bringing up Rosetta, the one who left my house a few minutes ago in tears.
“She had to leave!”
I lie as I turn to the fridge and put my non-culinary skills to a test. I’ve spent as much time in here lately as I did in her bar yesterday. But, it doesn’t mean that I can’t fry an egg, put some bacon and sausage on the grill. I can do basic things even if I’m not on the big screen.
“Do you need me to do something?”
I stare at her for a minute, as if I’m seeing her for the first time. I’m not slightly tipsy, and she’s not naked. I laugh at the irony of us not being able to keep our hands off each other only a few hours ago to sitting down at a table and having a conversation. It’s not that I don’t want her, but right now I’m just not in the mood but to do anything but eat.
“No, just keep me company if you don’t mind?”
I wink at her, and she smiles back, “But I need to be heading back soon. I’ve got to go to work.”
I nod, “Sure, I even went upstairs to get you some money for a taxi home.”
She shakes her head, “I can’t accept that.”
I sigh, “You have no choice. I’m not taking no for an answer. Besides I can’t take you home.”
“Oh, is your car in the workshop?”
I’m thinking of a story to tell her, anything to save face when she points, “I think that the eggs are burning. “
I take the pan off the stove and then put on the extractor. Something that I should have done before I started cooking. The breakfast that seemed so simple ends up in the trash as Valentina smiles and says, “Maybe it’s better if I just go.”
“Can you cook?”
She nods, “A lot better than you can.”
Well, that’s not fucking hard. I move out of the way after putting the burned bacon in the trash and command, “You cook, and I’ll lay the table.”
“I think that’s the best thing to do.”
God, what is it about her that makes me want her to stay. She has to go to work, and I need to get a drink, later on, I’m hoping that Florence is going to call. But it’s a Saturday, the likelihood of that happening is next to none. No, I need to face the fact that this is it. I’m not getting that role. It doesn’t matter if it’s happening, I just know that it’s not happening for me.
“Fuck that tasted so good!”
Valentina laughs, “It’s just eggs, breakfast and a bit of bacon.”
I nod, “But compared to what I was making earlier it’s fucking perfect.”
She shrugs, “It wasn’t hard to do. Anyway, I need to get going my room mate’s waiting for me.”
“I thought that you said that you lived alone?”
She points a finger at me as if surprised that I was paying attention to her talking in between eating. I was hungry and just thought that she loved to talk. She was drinking like a fish, and I knew that was due to all the screaming she was doing all over the house.
Last night there were no boundaries, we were lovers, friends and everything mixed up together. Now we're sitting down at the table and having a conversation. It should feel natural, and I wonder if I’m getting old because I don’t want her to go. It seems nuts thinking about her that way, but I want to ask her to spend the weekend. I have that nagging feeling inside my head telling me that I can’t cross that boundary. Not now. I need cash, and I need to focus on getting a job. Valentina’s a distraction that I can’t afford to have in my life right now.
“Yes, she’s not exactly my roommate. It’s a big house, and it’s all divided into rooms. Rental prices are getting expensive, and so this was my best option. It means that I get to paid cheap rent, not that there's such a thing in LA. Anyway, not compared to the small town that I lived in. I could rent a house like this back there for the amount I’m paying for my room. Well, not quite. Anyway, I’ve only been here..”
“A year. I know you said and I heard you when you said it.”
She turns around and avoids eye contact with me. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything to her, but she’s said it so many times I wonder if there’s a reason behind it. I thought that it was to see if I was listening, but now I think that she did it for another reason.
“Why do you keep saying that?”
She shakes her head, and I think what the fuck? I’m not supposed to be feeding and entertaining her. I must be getting old or desperate for company? Either way, she’s got to go now. I pick out my phone and start logging on to the app, the one I use once in a while when I want a taxi, and I book her one immediately. I would use my card to pay for it, but then they took my card. Fuck they could have frozen my accounts too. I feel as if everything’s coming to a dramatic end and I’m entertaining as if there’s no tomorrow.
“It’s just that I had my first audition yesterday and I know that to someone like you, it sounds silly. You’ve been for millions.”
She takes a deep breath as she plays with her plate. Anything to distract herself from my stare. She stands up and says, “Anyway, it was a big deal to me, and I need you to know that you made it special.”
I’m about to say something, but then I keep my mouth shut because I have a feeling that she hasn’t finished saying what’s on her mind.
“You brought me here.”
Fucked you like crazy.
“Made me feel special like I was part of this world.”
She takes both our plates and then heads to the kitchen. It’s as if she’s lived here and then she pauses as she puts them in the dishwasher.
“Everyone’s been telling me that I shouldn’t have high expectations about anything in the city. There are so many actresses who went to the right drama school, colleges and they’re all out of work.”
I’m starting to get angry because for a second I thought that she was having a dig at me. But as she puts the plates in the dishwasher and says, “Well, I just wanted to say that knowing that I have a small chance of hope is enough to put a smile on my face.”
Then without warning my phone rings and the bell goes at the same time.
She stops and looks at me, “Are you expecting an
I nod my head, “Your taxi’s here. I thought that you needed to get going and I thought that I’ll help you along.”
She sighs, “Sure, I need to get going.”
I feel like a jerk for doing it while she was talking, but she did say that she had to go. Maybe I need to learn how to kick a girl out of my house without making them feel like shit. She grabs her purse and runs out off the door. I want to stop her and tell her bye, or maybe kiss and say that I’ll see her again.
Shit, only a guy would do that. Someone that she deserves to be with as I press the button to open the gates. She doesn’t turn back. It’s best for her, but most of all it’s even better for me.
Chapter Ten
I’m sitting in the taxi only a couple of blocks from my room. The one that I have to sleep in tomorrow after I finish my shift today. I can’t believe that he did that to me. I feel so damn cheap. When he asked if I was hungry and offered me something to eat. Silly me thought that he was talking about maybe getting to know each other better. I didn’t think for one minute that he was desperate to get me out of the house.
“Here we are. Eighty dollars and twenty-five cents!”
The driver says as he turns to face me. I look in my purse at the notes that he left on top of my purse. I can’t believe that he only gave me fifty bucks, which means that I’m really out of pocket. He paid seventy, but then again maybe he didn’t have any money. I did out the bills out of my purse and then reluctantly give it to the driver as if I’ve given him a kidney or something.
I can’t believe that things are going from bad to worse in the space of a short time.
That’s when I see Harper crossing the street, and I jump out of the taxi and then tell the driver to keep the seventy-five cents change. He doesn’t even say anything as I slam the door shut.