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Rodeo Rancher: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 6

by Lauren Wood

“Not all of us Cece. You can’t hate us all because of one idiot.”

  “No, I know that, but I don’t think I will be jumping off anything soon. I can’t deal with the idea of it all. I really thought Cliff was different.”

  It was hard to hold my tongue. I was glad that she was able to talk to me about it, comfortable enough to do so, but there was a bigger part of me that wanted to shake her because she was just that wrong. How could she think this way?

  “Sometimes you got to have a little faith Cece. It will all work out the way it is supposed to. You two weren’t meant to be together. He wasn’t good enough for you.”

  She scoffed like I had said something funny. It wasn’t funny to think about it all.

  “You are too sweet Dante.”

  I moved closer and took the dish out of her hand and started to dry it. “I am not sweet at all Cece, you know that. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. You are way better than him and you deserve to be happy, deliriously happy.”

  The closeness was bothering her and I could tell it was when she moved back a little bit.

  “Maybe I am not supposed to be happy. I keep thinking I have found ‘the one’ but it ends up just being another toad. I have been careful when I pick, but it doesn’t seem to matter.”

  “You are just looking in the wrong direction Cece. I have known for a while that something is between us. Why don’t we see where it goes? You and me.”

  “You and me?”

  I nodded my head and pulled her closer to me before she could get something else in her hand to fiddle with. It seemed like she just wanted to stop talking about it, but I was in it and wanted to know what it all meant. I wanted her to tell me that she felt the same way, so at least I wouldn’t feel like it was all for nothing. I hadn’t waited all of this time, turned down several women because of something that was never going to happen. I don’t know if I could face it.

  I moved my finger underneath her chin and kissed her on her lips. It was the first time that I had ever done it and there was a feeling that went through me. She felt so good leaned up against me, every soft inch pressed up against my hard chest. Nothing I could say would ever be able to change that. It just cemented the fact to myself that I had to have her.

  I deepened the kiss, adding a little tongue and pulling her even closer. I was rock hard and I wanted her to feel how much I wanted her. I felt like she needed to know that if nothing else. There was an answering moan that drove me a little crazy and before long I had lifted her up, setting her down on the edge of the counter. I wanted her more than ever and it felt like it was finally in my grasp. All I had to do was convince her and I would finally have what I needed. Once she was in my arms and I was inside of her, there was going to be no going back for her. I was already there and I convinced myself that she would be too if I could just open her eyes a little bit.

  But I moved too fast, my hands on her chests and I felt her pull back a little bit. I was breathing hard when I pulled away, but I wasn’t ready to give in. I didn’t want the moment to end and tried to kiss her again, this time not as demanding as before.

  “We can’t Dante. I can’t go from one bad mistake to the next.”

  “I am not a mistake, this isn’t a mistake. It feels too right to be a mistake. I know that you feel it too.”

  She slid off of the counter and high-tailed it upstairs to her room. I wanted to follow her, but there was another side of me that was convinced I was just going to have to wait her out. I was going to have to find patience that I never knew I had.


  “I don’t want to feel this way anymore Dante. I want to feel good again. You said you would make me feel good.”

  I didn’t know what to say to her, but I knew that she was upset, maybe even a little tipsy. She had just showed up at my door and it was about 3 in the morning. As she got closer I could tell that she had at least had one drink, but I had a feeling that it was even more than that just by the way she was looking around. I hadn’t seen Cece at the hand house in a while and certainly not in this state of being. Even her clothes were in disarray. Her shirt was unbuttoned to show off a little cleavage and her hair was loose around her, making its own messy ebony halo.

  Before I could answer her, Cece was moving forward, pressing her lips against mine. She was moving me back, her need was palpable and I was at a loss of what to do, but what she asked. How in the world could I tell this woman no?

  I was stunned and didn’t know what to do. The more I thought about her lips on mine, the more everything in the back of my head, the part of me that told me that it was wrong was gone. Her taste was altered with some wine, but her mind was clear as she pushed me back into the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Chapter 10


  “Are you sure about this Cece? I don’t want you to do something that you are going to regret tomorrow.”

  “I don’t think I will regret this. I want you to do to me, what you did to that woman at the rodeo.”

  “What woman?”

  “That blonde in the stables. You made her scream so loud. I want that. I want you to pound into me like you did her. I need to feel something Dante and I feel safe enough with you. I know you won’t hurt me.”

  “You saw me?”

  I nodded and told him that I had seen it all. The way he had drove into her over and over again was something that I knew I would never be able to forget. He had such strength in him and the blonde had gotten so much pleasure out of it. It was more than I was able to handle and when the thoughts came back to my mind, I shivered. No, I don’t think I was going to regret this at all.

  “Are you trying to talk me out of this Dante? You have been trying to get into my pants since I hired you. Now you don’t want to bang the boss?”

  His eyes flared and that was all of the answer that I needed. He wanted me, I could tell that he did and now all I needed was for him to show me the way. I started to pull off my shirt. It was unbuttoned enough that it came right off and I tossed it on the ground. He had a look of lust as he stood there. Dante didn’t take a move towards me, so I took it as he wanted a little show. I wasn’t able to do much. I was actually shaking where I stood, but it made me move a little slower and he took that as me being frisky.

  “God, you are beautiful Cece. I knew that you would be perfect.”

  His words made me nervous because I didn’t want to hear it. I wasn’t perfect, far from it, but I liked that he was attracted to me. After all of this time telling him no, it felt damn good to finally be able to tell him yes. It was the answer that I wanted to give him all along.

  I was standing in a pair of sheer pink panties and bra and it took everything in me not to cover myself up. I wasn’t used to all of the attention and even though he liked what he saw, I was still nervous. Even the two wine coolers I had before I came up here didn’t seem to be doing the trick. I was terrified, but it wasn’t from something bad happening. I was terrified that I was going to want it too much. Dante was still a player and I didn’t want to get hurt.

  But none of that mattered as he moved towards me. I could tell what he wanted and I could tell that I was going to get exactly what I asked for.

  “If this is really what you want, I will give you everything that you need Cece. I have wanted to do this since the moment that I met you. God, you don’t know how much I have wanted you.”

  I didn’t have to hear his words. I already wanted him, but he kept going like I needed to know or rather he had to tell me. I took my bra and panties off and moved back onto the bed. I don’t know why I was so nervous, it wasn’t like I hadn’t ever done it before, but I hadn’t been with someone as big as he was. I hadn’t ever been with anyone that could pound and fuck like he did, or at least I had never experienced it. I just knew that whatever it was that he had been doing to that girl, I wanted him to do to me. If there was any way that I could feel the way she did, I was sure that I would forget all about Cliff. I just needed to feel goo
d for one night.

  Looking back to Dante, he was getting undressed quickly, not stopping until his body was bare and I could see all of him. My eyes were drawn to the hardness in between his legs and it made me nervous. He was larger than even he appeared before and I was nervous about how he was going to fit. Maybe I wasn’t ready for him, even though I was soaking wet and trembling with the idea of it.

  What I hadn’t noticed was that I had backed up a little bit from him as he walked towards me. He just had so much lust and need in his eyes, it was hard to ignore. I couldn’t take my gaze from the swinging meat in between his legs and the idea that it was going to be inside of me soon. I had asked for it a certain way as well, a way that I now didn’t know if I would be able to handle. I didn’t quite know what I was getting myself into yet.

  “Where are you going Cece?”

  I made a whimpering sound as he pulled me to the edge of the bed by my ankle. He did it so quickly that I wasn’t prepared for it and I made a bit of a squealing sound that made him smile. “I love how loud you are Cece. I am going to make you scream tonight and keep everyone up.”

  I felt my face getting red as he moved over me. He kissed me on my lips and then moved down, licking on my nipples and sucking on the tips, using his teeth just a little bit to send a jolt through my system. It worked perfectly and I was lost in the moment.

  I didn’t realize that he was moving down my body, until I felt his hot breath in between my legs and they snapped shut. Dante moved off of the bed, gong to his knees as the edge of it and pulling me closer to his hungry mouth.

  Now his hot mouth was all over me and his hands gripped underneath my thighs and gave me no choice but to take what was given to me. Dante didn’t just lick like his life depended on it, but he also sucked my clit until I was screaming and filling his mouth with my juices. There was no way that I could have stopped it, the feeling just too intense. Everything about him was just too much.

  My thighs tightened and tried their best to close. I needed a break, a breather because my body was still tight minutes later. I needed just a moment of relief and I was finally given that as he moved back and let me close my legs.

  Before I could say anything or get my breath back, he was turning me over and making me go to my knees at the edge of the bed. As his arm pushed my upper back down, pressing my face into the mattress, I became even more nervous than before. I could feel my ass moving up into the air.

  “Is this how you want it?”

  I had said before that I wanted it the way I had seen him do it, but the truth was, at the end of the day, I was really only worried about being able to handle it. Like everything else about him, the size of Dante was intimidating. I felt him start to press against the wetness I had created for him and the groan alone was enough to make me need more, no matter how hard it was going to be to control myself.

  Shaking my head that it was, I felt him surge forward and my eyes almost instantly clenched shut. Every inch of me was being pressed and stretched as he pushed deep so quickly. I was filled to the brim in seconds and my hands grabbed up some of the sheets around me and I couldn’t help the whimper that came out of me. It was muffled by the bed, but it was loud enough to still be heard. I don’t know why, but it embarrassed me to hear myself sounding so hysterical. I couldn’t help how I felt, no matter how hard I tried. There was no letting him inside of me in such a way and not being overwhelmed.

  “You feel so good Cece, just like I knew you would.”

  I tried to answer, but as he pulled out, my insides gripped his length and I felt emptiness with every inch that left me. He was surely supposed to always be inside of me, like I was the sheath for his massive member. I thought it fit rather well, considering I had wondered the whole time if it was going to even be possible or not. Now I was starting to think that anything was possible.

  “So damn tight.”

  I couldn’t answer him and I don’t think he was even talking to me, but more talking to himself. He felt so good that passed a light whisper that went over my pounding heart in my ears. I couldn’t hear anything much more than that. I was screaming as I came, unable to take the tension and I moved forward, trying to get a moment of rest.

  Dante just followed me and moved on top of me as I lay on my stomach. It just gave him better access and now he was able to move faster. I cursed and cried out as wave after wave of pleasure moved over me. I had never came so much in my life and I didn’t even want to think about who could hear me. Even muffled by the mattress, I was sure that there was going to be some looks tomorrow when I went in for breakfast.

  But I couldn’t think of that, not when he was unrelenting, pounding into me over and over again. It was all just too much and finally I clenched him as hard as I could, trying to get him to blast off inside of me before I lost myself all together. I had never felt so many emotions and feelings all at once. I really thought I may explode if he didn’t come soon.

  Finally I felt heat that was overpowering taking up what little space was left and I was pressing against his stomach, trying to move him. He shook and jutted inside of me a couple more times before I was left to lie there, completely satiated to the point that I couldn’t move.

  As he pulled out of me, I made a sound of relief, but I still couldn’t move. I felt his body lie down next to me, pulling me into an embrace that left me half-sprawled across his chest. It was more than I had imagined and I looked around the small room. It was just like him, a little messy and all man.

  “Was that what you were looking for Cece?”

  I grinned up at him and then hid my face. It was hard to face that smile of his and the knowing eyes that saw everything. It was hard to look at him the same now, knowing he was a damn stud. Fuck, that was hot and every inch of my body hummed with shared pleasure. I don’t think I was ever going to get out of this moment. I don’t think I wanted to.

  “It was all I was looking for and more. It was just what I needed Dante.”

  Chapter 11


  Cece fell asleep in my arms and I fought sleep for over an hour, just so I could feel her against me and hear the softness of her breath as she breathed in and out rhythmically. I didn’t know still how we had gotten here, but it was exactly what I had wanted to happen. This woman was all I had thought about for a while and all of the need and want was not lost on the buildup. I wanted her just as badly as before.

  I fell asleep with her tightly wound around me and I never wanted to let go. It was all just too surreal. I didn’t want to sleep because I was afraid I would wake up and she would be gone. When I couldn’t fight it anymore, those fears came true when I woke up alone. I wanted her to be next to me, so badly, but that was not at all what happened. What happened was I woke up in an empty bedroom, slightly cold because Cece wasn’t beside me.

  There was no note and no sign of Cecelia anywhere. I wanted to get up and go find her, but I decided that was one of the last things that I should do. I had a feeling she was going to take time to process it, not matter how badly I had to be inside of her once more. She had her own worries to have and none of them included answering them to me. She was my boss after all, even if I had her screaming my name but a few hours ago.

  I got dressed and took a long shower. I almost didn’t want to wash off the remnants of our shared passion, but it was better than doing nothing. I could go into work in the state I was in, so I felt a little better and put together when I emerged a few minutes later. I passed Barb in the hallway, totally forgetting about her for a time. Now she was looking at me in a certain way and I just waved her off. There was no way that I was going through the same thing again.

  “Long night, huh?”

  I didn’t answer her. I didn’t really want anything to do with her and I was still curious why Cece didn’t fire her straight away. She had known that Cliff was with Cece, never mind the fact that we were kind of seeing each other as well, at least in the bedroom.

  “Are we not going to tal
k anymore Dante? I miss our late-night discussions.”

  We never said more than ten words to each other at the same time. There were no discussions, just lust and need that hadn’t even really been directed at her. It was always a way for me to work through things that bothered me. I didn’t know what I was doing with her in the first place.

  “I don’t Barb. Let’s just keep our distance. I am not as forgiving as Cece is. If I was the boss, I would have fired you when I found out.”

  She blanched a little and I could tell that she wasn’t expecting that sort of response from me. I was done playing nice, especially when the woman hurt Cecelia. I was less likely to be okay with that now. I don’t know how it had gotten here, but I felt protective of Cece, even from Barb. She wasn’t malicious, just a little too loose with everyone. I certainly wasn’t going back down that route with her.

  “When did you become so wrapped up around her finger?”

  I shrugged. I know that it was supposed to bother me, but it didn’t. I wasn’t whipped or a little puppy that was in love, I was a man that found the woman I wanted to be with and I wasn’t going to ever do anything to mess that up. I just can’t.

  “I am not Barb, but you are bad news and I actually care about the people here. You go on your way, she saved your job and I will go on my way.”

  She moved closer and I took a step back with the towel wrapped around my waist. I felt like she was a plague that I had to stay away from, for my own good. “Why are you being like this Dante? I miss you.”

  It hadn’t been a day and I didn’t miss her. I moved past her, bypassing her touch and went into my room. I hoped not to have too many more run-ins with her. She was always around and at one time I thought it would be good. How convenient I thought, but now I questioned that line of thinking all together. I didn’t want her to be close and maybe I had to work on getting new people in, so some of the ones here now could go.


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