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Luna Junction 2 Forbidden Mate (W)

Page 6

by Sage Domini

  I frowned. “About the arrows…isn’t there something more effective, like maybe guns?”

  “No,” he said quickly. “Silver tipped arrows. It’s what hunters use.”

  “But I’m not hunting,” I pointed out. “I’m sitting here at the kitchen table. Unless…will something be hunting me?”

  A long pause. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Good night, Artemis.”

  I felt uneasy when the call ended. If my father knew about me and Gideon, I felt sure he would have raced back here, no matter what else was going on. And he certainly wasn’t aware of Michael Casteel’s explicit threat. Whatever was happening, it didn’t have anything to do with the Casteel brothers.

  The afternoon light was gradually softening into evening. I stared out the kitchen window for a long time, my eyes inadvertently trained to the small crest which separated Max’s property from the Casteels’. A pair of rabbits skittered into the woods but other than that there was no sign of any other living creature.

  By the time darkness began to fall I was growing tired of wearing nothing but a towel. With a cluck of regret as I fingered my damp clothing, I realized I would have been much better off hanging them outside to dry in the sunlight.

  As I passed the kitchen window again, I saw that the moon was swiftly rising in the sky. It wasn’t full, but nearly so, casting an eerie silver light over everything in view. I sighed and began washing the few dishes I’d used during the day. Before I finished, I recalled Max’s warning to keep some arrows nearby. That meant a visit to the shed.

  As I opened the front door, my body registered the warning before my eyes did. Then door was already open and standing there, a mere twenty feet away, was an enormous golden wolf. He looked at me plainly. I couldn’t breathe. I’d seen him in this form before, although only at a distance. And then when he’d partially shifted at the Landons, he had not allowed the full wolf to take over.

  Gideon didn’t move. His changed eyes stared at me. He wanted me to see him, really see him. The towel around my middle began to slip off and automatically my hand went to secure it. Then I stopped. Slowly I removed my hands and the towel fell way. I wanted Gideon to see me too.

  In the space of a heartbeat he rose as a man. Gideon’s desire for me was very evident as he reached me in a few quick strides. We barely had time to touch before my legs wrapped around him in a fury of want. He slammed the door behind us and we crashed against its closed interior. Our tongues collided furiously and our hands explored one other with urgent pleas. I was open, ready for him completely.

  “Wait,” he whispered, and carried me into my bedroom.

  Gideon laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. He let out a strangled cry as the eager tip of his manhood grazed my moist center. I reached for him, almost crazy to guide him inside of me, but he was holding back, wanting something else first.

  He held my arms down and looked me in the eyes. “I need to hear you say it, Artemis.”

  I could hardly breathe, dizzy with the promise of his rock hard passion. “What?” I moaned.

  “That this is what you want. That you understand what it means.”

  I spoke with soulful honesty. “I want you, Gideon. Always.”

  He didn’t need any more coaxing. Gideon filled my waiting core, plunging deep without apology. He was larger than anything in my experience and I groaned and arched up to take him inside as completely as possible. A distant part of my mind crowed with joy that for all this time, this was what I’d been missing. I spread my legs was wide as possible and a thousand blissful nerve endings shuddered with impossible ecstasy. Gideon thrust mercilessly again and again on an unrepentant mission for satisfaction. My body was wracked by waves of pounding delight and it was when I finally screamed my climax and dug my nails into his broad back that he released himself. His shudder tore through us both and I felt the spurt of his hot seed coating my depths.

  When he finally withdrew I whimpered lightly, sorry to feel his retreat. His damp head collapsed on my breasts as he panted. “Shit,” he said. “Holy shit.”

  I cradled his head, kissing his brow. He rose up on his elbows and looked at me almost shyly. “Is it always like that?”

  “No,” I said truthfully.

  He ran a finger lightly across my left nipple. “Better than my dreams,” he whispered.

  I cupped his face in my hands. “Mine too.” Our next kiss was as sweet as our first one had been, so long ago. Finally he broke away and nestled his head between my breasts, content to rest quietly until he was ready again. It didn’t take long.

  After a few hours I lost count of how many times we coupled in a heady succession of orgasmic thunder. Gideon seemed intent on remedying a lifetime of self-denial in one night and he was keen to experiment. Although he was very intent on his own pleasure, he always held off until he felt me clench and moan to another conclusion. However, following a decisive pounding from behind over the kitchen table, I was becoming rather sore.

  “Gideon,” I panted. “Can we take a little break?”

  He was instantly sheepish. “Hell, I guess I’ve been a little demanding.”

  I smiled wryly. “Just a little bit. Oh, believe me, I don’t mind.” I ran a hand over his chest and looked up into his eyes, speaking seriously. “I’ve never felt anything like what you’ve made me feel tonight.” I kissed him long and deep. And then again felt his desire hardening, pushing into the soft flesh of my belly.

  He stepped back. “Can’t help it,” he said bashfully.

  I took his hand. “Let’s go outside.”

  He was surprised. “Like this?” We were both naked and sticky with a mix of sweat and sexual essence.

  “Like this,” I said firmly and pulled him along.

  The night offered cool relief compared to the stifling confines of the small house. There was a patch of thick grass over where my mother used to keep her herb garden and it was there I kneeled down. Gideon moved to follow me to the ground but I firmly stopped him, wanting to enjoy the full sight of him in the moonlight. He moaned when I closed my mouth around the hard extension of his seemingly endless lust. I licked the sides, my tongue lingering on the tip, teasing lightly until he gripped my by the hair and pushed himself more deeply inside my mouth. He was so large I couldn’t accept his entire length, but let him slide in and out as he pleased. Once I cast my eyes upward and saw his head was thrown back in mute ecstasy. I teased, nibbling lightly, until he began to come once again. Then I fit him fully into my mouth and swallowed everything he gave.

  “Acie,” he moaned, sinking beside me on the grass.

  I sat back, relishing the sensual feel of the grass on my backside. Gideon gently touched my lips, then reached lower, gently fingering that deep slit which still dripped with all the seed spent that night. “I love you,” he said, his voice husky and filled with emotion.

  I pushed his fingers more deeply inside. “I love you too.”

  We slept intertwined in my small bed. The closer morning came, the more anxious I was. I had no doubts about being with Gideon. I meant it completely when I accepted his offer of forever. But there was more to consider. First, we needed to tell my father. Then, we could worry about the rest of the world. Or more specifically, the world inside Luna Junction. I remembered Michael Casteel’s cruel touch and I shivered. Gideon’s arms tightened around me.

  Chapter Eight

  Luckily Gideon had left his clothes just on the other side of the clearing before he shifted into his wolf shape. Lucky because nothing of Max’s would have fit him and I had no intention of letting him return home to confront Michael for the time being.

  “Abe will want to help us,” he assured me. Abe Casteel was Gideon’s other older brother but he was away, and not expected back for at least a few days.

  My clothes had finally dried so I put on the same jeans and t-shirt I’d worn when I arrived in town. As an afterthought, I folded my other clothes carefully and tucked them inside my backpack. I didn’t know if I’d b
e welcome in Max’s house any longer.

  I waited on the front step for a long time before glimpsing my father’s battered orange truck. Gideon had wanted to sit by my side but I forced him to wait out back. “Any sign of trouble…” I warned.

  He winked at me. “I could outrun them if I had to.”

  The truck was rolling along at a leisurely pace before Max suddenly slammed on the accelerator, bringing the vehicle screeching to a halt a few feet from where I waited. He had sensed Gideon’s presence.

  I stood up and waved. “Dad!”

  Max Jaeger spilled out the cab, his face tense. “Artemis, come here!”

  “No! Listen to me, it’s all right.”

  My father looked at me and seemed to read something in my face. His eyes widened. Meanwhile, Eddie D’arcangelo had also emerged. With bow and arrow clenched firmly in hand.

  I stood directly in front of him. “Put that down, Eddie.”

  “Where is he?” my father asked quietly.

  I crossed my arms. “First disarm your lackey over there.”

  “Eddie,” my father said, not taking his eyes off me.

  Eddie glanced at my father. “You sure, Max?”

  Max nodded. “I need to talk to my daughter.”

  Eddie cursed and shot me an angry look. “Reckless children,” he said, shaking his head. But he lowered his weapon and retreated to his own house a few hundred yards away.

  My father and I stared at one another until we heard the distant slam of Eddie’s door. “Now,” he said. “Where is he?”

  “Mr. Jaeger.” Gideon had already moved from around back. He stood by my side and laced a protective arm around my shoulder.

  Max shook his head sadly. “Kids,” he said. “What have you done?”

  I glared at him. “I’ll give you one guess, Dad. And look again. We’re hardly kids.”

  My father’s eyes were haunted. “Artemis, I promised you a talk.”

  “All right,” I swallowed. “So talk. Daddy, you’ve known Gideon since he learned how to walk. Whatever it is, you can say it in front of Gideon. He’s my, um…”

  “Mate,” Gideon finished, holding me more firmly.

  Max was thoughtful. “What does the sheriff say?”

  Gideon cleared his throat. “He’ll have nothing to say that I’m willing to hear. Mr. Jaeger, we’d like to have your blessing.”

  “Blessing?” Max roared. “A huntress mated to a werewolf? It’s like a poorly written sitcom.”

  My voice was icy. “We’d like to have it. But we’ll get by just fine without it.”

  “Is that so?” Max sighed. “Artemis, there’s more danger looming that you realize. And it has nothing to do with your um, your ‘mate’ or his damn brother or any of the clueless souls in Luna Junction. I know what’s out there.” He nodded to Gideon. “And you have some inkling too, don’t you son?”

  Gideon glanced down uneasily. “I don’t see what that has to do with us.”

  “Everything,” Max said softly. The look he gave me was almost pitying. “You understand I cannot have a werewolf living under my roof.”

  I exhaled thickly. “I thought as much.” I turned and stepped just inside the front door to retrieve my backpack. “I’m ready,” I said to Gideon.

  “Here,” Max tossed Gideon the keys to his truck and then spread his hands wide. “It’s all I’ve got to give you.”

  I kissed his rough cheek. “I’m sorry Daddy.”

  His voice shook with emotion as he held me by the shoulders. “No, Artemis. Never be sorry for love.”

  Max watched us as we climbed into the truck, Gideon on the driver’s side. His expression was dark. “I have one piece of advice. Don’t leave Luna Junction. And kids, I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  As Gideon drove away, I stared out the window, watching the rural landscape pass by. Gideon let me sit in silence. Finally I asked, “Do you think that was a threat or a promise?”

  Gideon frowned at the narrow two lane road. “I’m not sure.”

  “Gideon, what did he mean? What danger does he think you know about?”

  Gideon glanced at me, his face darkening. “The bitten.”

  “The bitten? You mean those who are sort of werewolf converts?”

  “You could call them that. They’re not like us, Acie.”

  “Yeah, Max told me. Loose cannons, right?”

  He nodded. “That’s putting it mildly. I had some trouble. In Los Angeles. Ran into a pack of them at a party. They disappeared and Michael had to drive out to smooth things over with the law.”

  “And that’s why you came back,” I finished.

  He shook his head. “No. Well, that was just the catalyst. I’d never been on my own. It’s tough for everyone I guess, but carrying the secret burden of who I really am meant being unable to have even one true friend. I was on guard, always.” He looked at me earnestly, wanting me to understand. “It was exhausting.”

  I leaned over and wearily let my head rest against his strong shoulder. He kissed my hair and squeezed my knee. “I know where we can go, for now. Just until we figure things out.” He pulled the truck over suddenly and held my face in his strong hands. “But no matter what, Acie, I’m not letting you go again. Ever.” He kissed me hard and then returned to the driver’s seat. His mouth was set in a grim line as he piloted the car back to the road.

  When we drove up to the Landon house, Tatum was sprawled out front in a vintage lounge chair with her feet dangling into a bucket of water. Before she could even sit up, Cade and Matthew bolted tensely out of the house. Their faces relaxed when they saw it was only us. Then Gideon took my hand and Matthew’s eyebrows shot skyward as his mouth gaped open. Tatum gasped and spilled her bucket of water.

  Only Cade looked unsurprised. He beckoned to us. “Come on, then.”

  We followed the Landon men into the house. Tatum hung back and squeezed my hand. “Nice!” she hissed, winking at Gideon’s backside.

  In spite of myself I giggled. Matthew turned to look at me sternly. He coughed and spoke quietly to his father. “I’ll need to tell Claire.”

  “It’s all right Matt.” Claire walked down the hall, holding a sleepy Peyton. She gave us a probing look and handed the squirming baby to Matthew. Then she reached up and hugged her brother tightly.

  Gideon hugged her back and she touched his face affectionately before turning her attention to me. “You’re my brother’s mate,” she said. “That makes us sisters.” And she planted a kiss on my cheek before seizing me in a surprisingly strong embrace.

  Cade cleared his throat. “And what do the hunters say?”

  “Well, my father wasn’t pleased, but wasn’t exactly irate either.” I paused. “He did tell us not to leave Luna Junction.”

  Cade Landon glanced at Matthew and arched an eyebrow. “Did he say why?”

  I shook my head.

  “And Michael?” Claire asked quietly.

  “Not yet,” said Gideon.

  “I’ll deal with the sheriff,” said Cade. He grinned at me. “Welcome to the family, Artemis Casteel.”

  Tatum squealed and grabbed my hands, dancing me around in a circle. I peeked over at Gideon. He looked relieved that at least there were a few people who weren’t completely put out by our news. Artemis Casteel. I let my new name roll around in my head for a moment, feeling a fierce surge of love. Gideon stumbled back with surprise when I leapt into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him deeply. For a moment I forgot there was anyone else in the room until I heard Tatum’s awed whisper of, “Wow!” Reluctantly I climbed down from my beloved, though I welcomed the feel of his arms around me.

  Cade looked at us thoughtfully. “I suppose you’ll be needing a place to stay.”

  “Just temporarily,” assured Gideon.

  “You’ll be safer here anyway,” said Claire. She turned to her father-in-law. “Guest room okay?”

  Cade grinned and ran a hand along his chin. “They can have the guest room if they
like. Or, the barn is pretty comfortable if they prefer more ah…privacy.”

  “Barn,” Gideon and I said together, to the sound of unanimous laughter. He gave my hip a little squeeze and I leaned backwards, purposefully straining to stimulate his arousal. He responded by pressing himself firmly against me.

  Cade cleared his throat sternly as if he knew what we were up to. “Very well. Full moon tomorrow. Also happens to be midsummer.”

  “Midsummer?” I asked. “You mean the solstice?”

  Cade winked at me and pulled Tatum close. “Seasons are in the blood of us wolves.”

  Benji and Zane suddenly burst through the front door. Zane gave a loud whoop when he saw me in Gideon’s arms. Benji stared at us. “So it’s true,” he said.

  “Is there talk already?” Cade asked.

  Zane shrugged. “You know how it is here. Strange news travels fast.” He punched Gideon lightly on the arm. “Congrats, buddy. Ben and I should take you down for stealing our lifelong crush but I’m feeling gracious today.”

  “Lucky me,” said Gideon in a wry tone.

  Although I was grateful for the happy company of the Landon family, I hungered to be alone with Gideon again. Cade put him to work alongside his sons, packaging up boxes of those cooking spices he shipped across the country. Claire and Tatum fussed over me incessantly, which was nice though a bit suffocating. When Claire briefly left the front porch to put the baby down for a nap, Tatum plopped down beside me and grabbed my arm.

  “So, can you believe it? Their stamina, I mean? Oh, don’t look so shocked. Girls can talk. Anyway, Gideon was really your first love, huh? So freaking romantic!” At that she burst into tears. I was alarmed but she waved me off. “Hormones, sweetie. It’s nothing.” She smiled and slyly reached over to touch my belly. “Won’t be too long before you join the club I bet. Boy looks like he can produce.”

  I looked across the yard to see Gideon carrying a towering load of boxes as easily as if they were filled with tissues. My heart began to pound as I remembered the feel of his hard naked body. He seemed to sense me watching and turned his head. His sly grin told me he was having similar immodest thoughts.


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