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The Frenchman's Woman

Page 21

by Lee Taylor

  He guided her hand, wrapped it around his shaft and began moving it up and down, pulling the foreskin down to reveal the swollen weeping head.

  “God, Bai, are you sure we want to do this? I think it is getting even bigger,” she said with a worried frown.

  “Let’s take that chance, mon amour,” he said with a soft groan of pleasure. “Plus, you know how you get wet, Elena? That is so that I can enter you more easily. And look, see here? When you rub me up and down like you’re doing now, in addition to driving me out of my fucking mind, I get wet too.”

  He took some of the cum from the end of his cock and rubbed it on her lips. He leaned down and licked it off her lips and sucked her tongue.

  “Doesn’t that taste good? Soon I hope you will want to suck on me the way I suck on you and taste me, all of me.”

  “I never knew there was so much to learn in this sex business, so many parts, so many places or that it would feel so good,” she mused distractedly.

  He smiled and as if to remind her, he moved back to her breasts, licking and suckling them until she was writhing under him. He put two fingers up inside of her and began thrusting them in and out of her pussy.

  Elena gasped, but then a low passionate moan escaped her lips and she pressed against his fingers. When she started moving with him he inserted another finger and then gently, insistently, ran all three digits around the opening, stretching it, rimming it. All the while, whispering to her how good it was going to feel to be inside of her beautiful chatte. With his other hand he slipped his finger and thumb around her clit and rubbed the tender sensitive nub until her juices ran down the inside of her thighs.

  Elena shuddered and cried out, pressing up against his fingers and thumb. She couldn’t believe how much she loved it when he touched her there. God, she didn’t even know that place was there, but Bai did. It made her crazy when he touched it, rubbed it and didn’t stop even when she begged him to—or not.

  He reached for the bed pillows that he had tossed to the floor earlier. “Here, ma jolie petite fille, lift up your hips so that I can put these under you.”

  She did as he said and could immediately see the advantage at least for him. But when he knelt up between her legs and nuzzled the flared end of his cock up against her entrance, she shuddered and saw the wisdom of the position for them both.

  She was afraid of what was going to happen, what it would feel like when he came inside of her, how much it would hurt. She was frightened but intrigued by his cock. It was big, huge. She had no idea how he could get it inside of her, but realized with a start that every nerve ending, every secret place in her body was begging him to try.

  He ran his fingers around the opening to her sex, stretched it, and pushed his aroused cockhead up against her entrance, inching in. It was hard, throbbing, big – too big.

  “I…I’m afraid, Bai.” Her voice shook.

  When she pulled back and clenched down, he kept the end of his cock just inside her entrance, moving ever so gently, cautiously in and out.

  “Non, non, belle femme dulce, sweet woman. Don’t tense. Let go, petite amie. You love it when I touch you here, yes?”

  He felt again for her aching nub and kept up a merciless drumbeat on her clit with his finger and thumb. His expert touch assured her, gave her confidence he knew what he was doing. And then she knew, she wanted him. All of him.

  She trembled and whispered, “Oh, God, yes! Oh, God, yes, Bai.”

  “Ah, oui, cherie. When I am deep inside of you every part of you will feel like this. You will be screaming, begging for more.”

  For good measure, he sucked and nipped the hard peak of one and then the other of her breasts. She cried out and her body quivered, a mass of sensations as a flood of moisture filled her pussy.

  “Ah, cherie, do you feel how wet you are? Even wetter than before? Your body is ready for me, petite fille.”

  He groaned, unable to hold back any longer. “Christ, Elena, I want you so goddamn bad. Do you want me, Elena? Do you want me inside of you? High up inside of you?”

  “God, yes! Don’t stop, Bai. I can feel it coming, my excitement coming again.” She was breathing hard, beginning to pant, clinging to him. He moved up higher stifling a groan at how tight she was. Her little cunt was like a vise, a tight passage he needed to navigate slowly, with caution -- if he could.

  “Take a deep breath, cherie, and when I tell you, blow it out hard. Oui, mon amour?”

  She took a deep breath and held it and then let go when he said, “Now, Elena, now.”

  With a hard thrust, he broke through the membrane that he needed to penetrate -- if he was going to roar like a lion.

  She cried out at the sharp pain and he murmured, holding her close, “That’s it, fillette. Never again will it hurt like that. Feel me now, feel me.”

  She was stunned by how big he was, how impossibly big. Breaking through was nothing compared to what he was doing to her now. He thrust in several inches slowly then drew out and just when she felt relief, he thrust in again a little deeper, filling her, unbelievably full. Before she knew what was happening, she started to move with him, to want the pain of the deeper penetration that became pleasure when he pulled back. In and out, but each time deeper, harder. The sensations were intense, like he was dragging his cock across her clit only from the inside. It was as though a magnet of heat held her in its grip. She knew she was moaning, she couldn’t stop. But the more he thrust the more her moans became deep passionate groans.

  Bai heard her sounds change and felt her beginning to move with him, crying out his name, begging him not to stop. Responding to her frantic cries, he thrust harder, deeper. He wanted all of her now. He had to get in her, all of him in her, but he wasn’t sure he could or that he should. Again and again, he reminded himself to go slow, easy, she was untried, a virgin. Christ, he needed to remember how innocent she was.

  He groaned a deep hard groan and said, “Oh, God, Elena, you are tight. Christ, bebe, I have never felt anything like this—you are so goddamn fucking tight!”

  Then something shifted inside of him. A part of him much more primal, more primitive than his usual carefully cloaked emotions broke free. A driving force he never felt before propelled him forward. He knelt up higher and pushed her knees wider apart, farther back—high and wide. He had to get access; he needed more room if he was going to be able to thrust higher, all the way in. He put her feet up on his shoulders and with a hard groan, pulled her hips flush to him and drove in with all his might.

  Any thought he had of holding back, going slow, was long gone, lost in the clenching magnet of her virgin cunt. His breath was deep and ragged. He was moaning, groaning. And then he was there, all the way up inside her unbelievably tight channel, the hilt of him ramming up against the entrance of her cunt, his balls banging against her delicious ass.

  His hard groans turned to deep animal grunts. He was mindless, never having felt anything like this before. He never let go like this, gave himself to the pure animal passion buried inside. And the goddamn fucking magic of it was that she was meeting him thrust for thrust. Miraculously, he heard her screams, heard her crying out his name, then felt the waves of her orgasm crashing over them both.

  His balls drew up hard and tight. He knew he could no longer hold back. He knelt up even higher and with one, two, and then three hard driving strokes, he threw his head back and exploded inside of her, the wild keening roar of an animal filling the room.

  It was two o’clock in the morning, and while he knew they didn’t necessarily hear her across the entire villa, and they weren’t in a jungle, he was confident if the lions had heard him, they would know he was one of their own.


  For what felt like a lifetime, he lay next to her, reveling in the aftershocks of their combined orgasms. She was alternately crying and laughing and only when he loosened her fingers from his back did he realize that she had broken his skin with her fierce hold.

  He kissed her face, he
r neck, her ears, and the well between her breasts telling her again and again how beautiful she was and how she made him feel. When he could stand, he went in his bathroom and washed off his sweaty body. He came back to her with a wet, warm towel and sponged her off starting with her face, neck, her breasts. He spread her legs and wiped off the blood and their love juices. He separated her labia and gently rubbed inside her folds while she moaned with pain, but mostly pleasure.

  Many minutes later, he asked. “Cherie, ma petite amour. Can you stand?” At her murmured response, he whispered, “We French have thought of everything, mon amour. I have a bidet in my bathroom. Let me carry you in there. I know if you let the water splash over you it will help you feel better tomorrow. Oui, mon amour?”

  She nodded and he carried her into the bathroom. As though she was a small child, he knelt beside her showing her how to straddle the bidet and let the water run over her tender folds.

  “Elena, pee if you can.” He laughed, “That is the primary use of this toilet. If you pee that will help you heal faster. Can you do that, cherie? Bon. Vous êtes ma fille bonne, oui?”

  She almost fell asleep against his shoulder when he carried her back to his bed and laid her down. He crawled in beside her and wrapped her beautiful body in his arms, murmuring loving words until he heard the soft sounds of her sleeping. Within minutes, he fell into an exhausted sleep holding her in his arms.


  Chapter 27

  The next morning, Bai woke early and held her, careful not to wake her. He pulled back the bedcovers and marveled at her body, the swell of her breasts, her soft nipples, and the curve of her ass. His prick swelled with desire. He longed to be inside of her, thrusting, grunting like he did last night. The memory filled him with lust and then with shame. He couldn’t believe what he had done to this lovely young vulnerable woman. A woman who had never been breached. He had not taken her gently, tenderly aware of her virgin state. No, he had possessed her like an animal, thrusting deep and hard and high in her stunningly tight untried channel. Goddamn, how could he ever make her understand his lack of control when he didn’t? He prided himself on his ability to contain his emotions. Like the cold Frenchman before he killed, when he fucked, he was always master of his basic needs, aloof – even with the most wanton whores.

  He didn’t understand how he lost his infamous restraint with Elena – of all women. Somehow he would make her understand, apologize, promise he would never do that again. But even as he made the resolution, he knew if he had five minutes left on this earth he would want to be where he was last night, spilling his seed deep inside Elena’s glorious glove tight cunt -- roaring like a lion.


  The Chinese healer lowered her eyes to hide her amusement.

  “Yes, Mr. Bai, I have herbs that will greatly reduce the discomfort from a night of rigorous coitus. Did you say that the woman was a virgin, untried?”

  He ignored the Chinese healer’s attempt to mask her amusement. He responded curtly, “Yes.”

  “In that case, I assume there was bleeding? If so, we will want to prevent infection.”

  He nodded impatiently. “Naturellement. We, I mean, she used the bidet and also passed urine.”

  “Excellent, that will help. If the young woman is amenable, a suppository in her vagina is the best treatment for the pain and also to prevent infection. I embed the herbs in a coating that melts so there will be some drainage. I will explain that to her when I help her with the insertion. I presume you will want me to tend to her.”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. I will take care of her. No one touches her but me.”

  “I see,” she said raising her eyebrows in surprise. She added in a cautious voice,

  “In that case, I will give you several. She…you…should use them for the next two days.”

  “Thank you, Madam Chan, for your help. One last question. How long must we wait before we engage in le coït rigoureuse?”

  “A day or two at the most. Desire is the best medicine, as well as the most reliable predictor of the necessary amount of recovery time.”

  On his way back to his chambers, Bai stopped in the kitchen. He instructed Francine to bring coffee and hot chocolate along with croissants and fresh fruit to his chambers in an hour.

  She looked at him in surprise, but always the obedient servant, lowered her eyes and nodded.

  “Qui, monsieur, will there be anything else?

  “No, mademoiselle, that will be all.” His tone was curt, dismissive.


  When he returned to his chambers, Bai expected Elena to be sleeping. Instead, she greeted him at the door naked, except for one of his shirts. It hit her mid-thigh and revealed a glimpse of her tempting ass when she turned. Her hair was a mass of curls and her eyes were shining. She grabbed him by the hand, dragging him over to the sofa.

  “Bai, come here. You are not going to believe this. Come, sit down. Watch!”

  She unbuttoned the top buttons on her shirt and pushed the fabric aside to reveal the beautiful mounds of flesh with their pointed upturned nipples. To his surprise, she began rubbing the soft pink tips of both breasts, closing her eyes and moaning softly as the tender nubs hardened in her fingers. He gasped at the erotic sight and his prick leapt in response.

  “I see. You have become most adept, cherie, at stimulating yourself, and me as well.”

  “No, you don’t see! That’s not the best part.” Her eyes dancing with excitement, she grabbed his hand and pressed it between her legs. “Feel here. I’m wet! Now, if one of your rules is that I need to make myself wet for you, I will be able to do it—just like that!” She snapped her fingers, with an excited giggle then added more seriously when she saw his quizzical gaze, “Lei told me…she said… that it is a gift to a man to have a responsive woman and that getting wet is one of the ways a man can tell….” She frowned, “Don’t you see? Don’t you understand? I…I want you to think…to know…that even though I am new at this, I am a responsive woman.”

  He shook his head and pulled her close to him. He put his finger over her lips to silence her, then with a soft moan put her wet fingers in his mouth and sucked on them.

  A wry grin tugged at his mouth. Shaking his head in agreement, he said, “I will remember this special trick of yours and add it to the other evidence you have given me that you are a responsive woman. Such as the fact you came passionately three times the first time you made love and that I could have sucked on your pussy for hours and not captured all your juices. Or, how you moaned and groaned and made the most amazing sounds that drove me out of my fucking mind, in addition to making my prick as hard as a post. Just thinking about last night I’m already hard again – although the fact you are sitting with your bare -- most responsive ass -- in my lap may have something to do with it.”

  She looked up at him, her face flushed, her eyes glowing with pleasure. “Did I really do all that last night, Bai?”

  “Yes, Elena, you did, and so much more. I will never forget last night Elena – not as long as I live.” He took a breath and continued, “But, Elena, I am concerned that I hurt you. Are you sore, here, cherie?” he said, his hand touching the soft fiery red hairs on her sex.

  She blushed and said, “It does hurt a little, but I will be fine. Remember, you said so.”

  “Ah, so I did. But just in case, cherie, I went to see one of the Chinese healers here at the compound. She gave me these suppositories that will help you heal and prevent an infection.”

  “Do they go inside of me?” she asked in dismay.

  He grinned, “Oui, you don’t swallow them, cherie. But I will put it in for you.”

  She blushed brighter. “Does this always happen after you have sex? All your most private parts become open, available?”

  He smiled disingenuously. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “First you make me stand naked in front of you. Then you look at me up close. Now you are going to put medicine up inside of me? My goodn
ess, Bai, it seems …intimate.”

  “If you prefer, I will have Madam Chan come and take care of you.”

  “You mean that eighty year old woman with the bad breath and gnarled fingers you sent to massage my back after the waterfall?”

  “One and the same,” he said with a grin. “Your choice, who do you want to get ‘intimate’ with you, Madam Chan or me?”

  “Hmm, I think your fingers are less gnarled. Will it hurt?” she asked, a tiny frown creasing her brow.

  “I don’t know. You will let me know, oui? Spread your legs, cherie,” he said as he inserted the medicine. “That’s a good girl. Come, sit back on my lap while it melts. Then we will run you under the bidet again.”

  He spread a towel on his lap and pulled her down on it. She put her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her tight to him and put his hands under her shirt to stroke her back, occasionally slipping his hands down over her bare bottom. “Elena, I owe you an apology for last night.”

  “For what? When you played your rules game?”

  “No, I thought that was rather masterful. Why, did it upset you?”

  “No, I was nervous, a little scared, but I thought it was exciting once I knew you weren’t laughing at me.”

  “Mon Dieu, Elena. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I would be more likely to cry at your beauty than to laugh. Although sometimes you do make me laugh, but because you are witty, clever and -- inexperienced. Your lack of knowledge catches me off guard. I find it amusing but not in a way that diminishes you. I find it refreshing.”

  She frowned, a slight questioning look. “Then why are you apologizing?”

  “I…I should not have done what I did when I came inside of you. It is my fault you are hurting. I was much too rough. To be truthful, Elena, I lost control. I did not intend to do that. I have never done that before with anyone. It is unconscionable that I did it with you, when you had never been breached. I apologize.”


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