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Page 65

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon

  “Shut up, both of you. It’s not like that.”

  “Oh, really?” Nadie raised a brow, a knowing smile on her face. “Then set us straight. How exactly was it?”

  Lily let her head fall back and she closed her eyes. What did she expect? These were her best friends, and Shade would be there any minute. She could at least warn them.

  “Fine. I met a man named Shade…”

  Both women oohed and ahhed at his name, and she threw another pretzel.

  “Act like adults!”

  “You’re the one who just threw food!” Jamie laughed.

  “Fine. I won’t say anything else.”

  Nadie’s eyes widened, and she failed at hiding her smile. “I’ll be good. I promise. Tell me more about Shade.”

  “I met him in the park. He’s just a guy who played dominos with me.”

  “He was going to take our Lily on a motorcycle ride,” Jamie added.

  “Our Lily on a motorcycle? He must be amazing,” Nadie said

  Lily let a sigh slip. “Oh, he was, no is. I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know him. He offered to take me for coffee, but then I got called into work. Now he’s coming here soon so everything worked out I guess.”

  “He’s coming here?” Nadie asked.

  “Yep, any minute now.”

  “Hence the cute clothes.” Nadie nodded.

  “Are you saying I look like crap most days?”

  “No, it’s just that you look all datey.”

  “Datey is not a word,” Jamie, their loving bookstore owner, corrected.

  Nadie rolled her eyes, very reminiscent of the kindergarten students she taught. “I know that, I was just in the mood to make one up. You do look nice, Lily.”

  “Thank you, Nadie.” She just hoped Shade thought so too. He was so handsome she felt sort of unworthy. A stupid thing to think of since she was an independent, modern woman. Still…

  Nadie scrunched her brows. “Wait, why did you have to go into work? I thought it was your day off.”

  Anger rose through her at the thought. “Yes, but Glenn called me in to work on this special project of his.”

  “What an ass,” Nadie said, and blushed. The woman never cursed.

  “Yeah, but there’s nothing I can do about it. He’s my boss, and I need the job.”

  “So, what was so special about this project?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just this odd sample that’s not showing up clearly on any of the scans I’ve run. I’m doing them again to make sure I didn’t make a mistake.”

  Jamie sat forward. “You don’t make mistakes like that, Lily. Maybe it was something else.” Her eyes brightened with anticipation.

  “This isn’t one of your mystery novels, Jamie.”

  She waved a hand around. “It could be. Shade can be your mystery man that will help you solve the case.” She sat back and sighed. “Isn’t it romantic?”

  “You really need to get your head out of your books.” Lily smiled at the thought of being side-by-side with Shade as they solved the case of the mysterious blue dust. Then when they figured out what it was, they could celebrate…

  Images of his tanned skin brushing against hers, his hands tangling in her hair as he crushed his mouth to hers, the way he would thrust into her…

  Lily choked on her soda, and Jamie stood to slap her on the back.

  “Sexy thoughts?” Nadie asked.

  “Shut up,” Lily rasped out.

  “I can’t wait to meet this Shade of yours,” Jamie said.

  “He’s not my Shade.”

  “Not yet, anyway.” Nadie smiled.

  As nice as it would be, Lily didn’t want Shade to be hers. He was just a hot guy she’d met at a park. They hadn’t even been on a real date. Tonight wouldn’t count. He was meeting her with her friends in a public place. Not quite the ideal romantic situation. She was getting ahead of herself anyway. Shade hadn’t really shown any interest. Heated glances aside, she didn’t know anything about him. Why would he want her? He could have any woman he wanted, and she was just plain, practically virginal Lily.

  Tonight would just be a meeting of minds where she could talk to him. That was it. Nothing would come of it. She probably wouldn’t even see him again.

  Yep. That’s what would happen. She probably wouldn’t ever see him again; him and his piercing blue eyes and sexy-as-hell motorcycle. Nope. Wouldn’t happen.

  A pang shot through her heart. She was human enough to admit that she wanted it to happen, but want did not equal getting, especially to a woman like her. She was just average. Average body, hair, personality. Average everything. She’d been through the whole ‘loving a man’ thing before only to find out he was a loser. She didn’t want to go through that again.

  Lily checked her cell phone for the fifth time. Ten more minutes. She could wait that long and then he’d leave soon after, most likely. If he even showed.

  That would be his choice. She’d be fine. See? She was acting like a calm, rational adult.


  God, this self-pity made her feel like crap.

  Chapter 8

  “Let me get this straight.” Ambrose’s deep voice penetrated the silence of the car. “I’m to be your wingman?” He lifted a blonde brow, and Shade held back a chuckle.

  They were on their way to Dante’s Circle to meet Lily and try to see if they could get information out of her.

  Shade tried not to smile.


  He couldn’t lie to himself. He also just wanted to see her again. The strawberry scent of her made him want to lick every inch of her to see if she tasted the same. Yes, he’d find out what he needed for the council, but he also wanted to get to know her.

  Hell. He really didn’t want to do this to her. Why did the only woman that had caught his eye in decades also have to be the one who could be his people’s downfall?

  Fate sucked ass sometimes.

  Okay, all the time.

  “Shade? If you are as lost inside your head with the girl as you are now, it’s no wonder you haven’t found out anything.”

  He shook his head and gave a quick glare to Ambrose before switching lanes. It might be true that Lily occupied his thoughts more than she should, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t good at his job. He was a warrior, meaning he protected his brethren from all forces. Even if he didn’t have to use a sword to get his way, he still had a job to do. It grated on him that his friend and mentor would think so lowly of him.

  “We’re almost there,” he growled.

  “I trust you, Shade. It’s just that I don’t trust this situation. It’s keeping me on edge. I know that you’ll find out what we need to know and retrieve everything. Our secrets are safe as long as we figure out what’s going on.”

  Shade nodded, his anger receding at his mentor’s words. He pulled up to the bar and parked. The wind blew leaves across his windshield, but it was a far cry from the weather of a few nights ago, and it wasn’t raining.

  They got out of the car and walked along the sidewalk toward the entrance. Ambrose looked around, ever the watchful warrior, as Shade steeled himself for what was to come. Keeping the supernatural secret was more important than just one woman and one angel. He needed to remember that, and to swallow any emotion that might want to say otherwise. He’d do anything he could to get the information.

  The mission had to be a success.

  They entered the bar, and Shade looked around. It seemed welcoming and not dingy, but something seemed a bit off. Something…what was that? An inexplicable energy rode on the air. A metallic taste settled on his tongue, and the hairs on his arms stood.


  “I feel it, too. Whatever happened here was recent, but isn’t here now.”

  Shade nodded. He trusted Ambrose’s statement.

  Shade inhaled, and a soft strawberry scent tickled his nose.


  He smiled even though a heavy weight settled in his stomach.

  Here it goes.

  He walked toward the back table where Lily sat with a petite blonde woman and a dark-haired woman; all three seemed to radiate with an undercurrent of an unknown energy. The energy crackled and danced along his skin like static electricity.


  Even though he thought both women were attractive, they didn’t hold a candle to his Lily.


  Just Lily. There was no his about it.

  She turned, and her bright green eyes lit up. “Shade. You made it.”

  Shade swallowed hard then gave his best playboy grin. “Of course I’m here. I said I would be. It’s good to see you.” He walked toward her and held out his hand.

  She smiled and placed her small hand in his. He could feel her pulse racing, and he was glad he wasn’t the only one feeling their connection.

  “Oh.” She bit her lip. He released her hand, and she brushed her bangs out of her face. He loved that nervous gesture.

  “This is my friend Ambrose.” He gestured to his friend, but Ambrose’s attention seemed to be on the dark-haired woman. He had a curious expression on his face.

  Shade elbowed him, and Ambrose looked up abruptly then shook his head.

  “Hello, ladies.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Lily said. “These are my friends, Jamie and Nadie. Take a seat.”

  Shade nodded at the two women and took a seat next to Lily, her tantalizing scent washing over him as he scooted closer. Ambrose took a seat next the petite blonde woman and gave his normal neutral expression.

  “So, this is Dante’s Circle.” Lily smiled and looked nervous, and Shade wanted to kiss her to make her feel better.

  So not the time. Maybe later.

  “I like it,” Shade answered honestly. It was a really nice looking place. The dark wood features seemed to grab the patrons and make them want to ask for a drink. It was as if he was at home hanging out with his friends and just wanted to feel good. Whoever owned the place must have had that in mind; or maybe they were just really lucky.

  Lily beamed, and Shade tamped down the nervous energy in his gut about lying to her. He couldn’t think about that now.

  “Tell us about yourself, Shade,” Jaime said, her deep brown eyes inquisitive.

  Ah, Lily’s champion. He liked this one already.

  The other woman, Nadie, leaned forward and gripped the sides of her glass in a nervous motion, but seemed interested in what Shade had to say. He liked her, as well. They cared for Lily.

  “I’m in town for business and met Lily in the park, but I’m sure you already know that.” Shade lifted his lip in a small smile. He wasn’t lying; he just wasn’t going to tell them exactly why he was there.

  “So, you’re leaving soon?” Nadie looked a bit sad at the prospect and shot Lily a glance.

  “I’m not sure yet, but I won’t leave for a while. I know that much.”

  Lily smiled, and Shade followed the long curve of her neck with his gaze. What would her skin taste like if he licked and nibbled right where her neck met her shoulder? Would she shudder in his arms and whisper his name?

  Shade shifted in his seat as his erection dug into his zipper, and his wings threatened to pop out of his back. He needed to focus on his assignment and not the sexy creature in front of him.

  “I’m glad you’ll be around for a bit longer,” Lily said and blushed. “I mean, you get to see the city and all.”

  Jamie coughed and took a sip of her drink.

  God, Lily was cute.

  “I’m quite boring, actually,” Shade continued. The more he talked about himself, the easier it would be for Lily to open up about her own likes and dislikes. And work. He couldn’t forget the real reason he was here. “I play dominos in the park.” Shade grinned, and Lily blushed. “I also ride my motorcycle when I can.” Or I fly. “I work, I read, and I design rock sculptures.”

  The women stared at him as if he had a second head, or he had sprouted wings. He looked over his shoulder. Nope. Still hidden.

  “What did I say?” Shade asked.

  “What do you design?” Lily asked.

  “Oh, well, I cut rock and build different waterfall sculptures for people.” Shade shrugged. He hadn’t meant to let that last piece slip, but he couldn’t seem to keep much from Lily. Not a good thing. “It’s just a hobby. I don’t get to do it as much as I like. I like working with my hands.”

  Lily’s pupils dilated, and Shade held back a groan.

  He wanted her. Now.

  “What can I get you two to drink?”

  A deep voice pulled Shade way from Lily’s green eyes, and Shade started.

  Holy. Shit.

  The tattooed man raised a brow, and Shade blinked. “Uh, anything you have on tap is good with me.”

  “Me, as well,” Ambrose added, a scowl on his face.

  “Shade, this is Dante,” Lily said, unaware of the tension. “He owns the bar and is our friend.”


  His Lily was friends with a fucking dragon?


  “Dante, this is Shade and Ambrose,” Lily continued. “When you get a minute, you can join us if you want.”

  Nadie scowled and Shade just sat there. Her friends were more than they thought, weren’t they? At least the bartender.

  What an interesting night.

  “I’ll be sure to stop by,” Dante answered. “Let me get your drinks, boys.”

  Boys? How old was this dragon if he thought Shade was a boy? What did he have to do with Lily?

  Dante squinted and glared at the two men before he stalked off to get their drinks.

  “What was that about?” Jamie asked. “He’s usually in a good mood. It must be because of what happened to the bar.” She quickly shut her mouth and widened her eyes.

  “What happened?” Ambrose asked.

  Lily coughed and took a drink. “The place was damaged a bit in the storm a couple of nights ago, but everything is fine.” She stressed the last word, and Shade felt like he and Ambrose were missing something.

  “Were you all here?” Ambrose asked.

  Lily looked at him and paled a bit. “Um, yes.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay. I mean, you are okay, right?”

  “Of course. Perfectly healthy. It was just scary there for a moment.”

  Shade couldn’t help it. He placed his hand on hers on the table, turned it over, and rubbed small circles in her palm. Her pulse picked up, and her lips parted.

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  Her soft skin felt smooth against his calloused fingers. He wanted to see if she were smooth everywhere.

  “Lily, what do you do for a living?” Ambrose’s voice broke Shade from his thoughts.

  Dammit. He needed to focus. It was just so hard with the woman beside him.

  Speaking of hard…

  No. Dammit.

  What kind of warrior angel was he?

  Not a good one, apparently.

  “Oh, I’m just a lab tech,” Lily answered, her face flushing as she pulled her hand away to grip her drink.

  Shade immediately felt the loss of contact.

  “Working on anything interesting?”

  God. Subtle much?

  Lily furrowed her brows. “Actually, we just got a new sample. I’m not allowed to talk about it other than it’s taking up a lot of my time.”

  Shade’s pulse raced.

  Shit. She’d already started the analysis.

  “Can you tell what it is?”

  She shook her head. “Not yet, but I’ll find out.”

  It was as he feared. She couldn’t be allowed to know any more. He and Ambrose would have to break in and take the sample and her files before she found out any more. If she found out anything else…

  He didn’t want to think about it.

  His job as a warrior angel was not for the weak-hearted.

  He might just be weak-hearted for the green-eyed girl in front of him.

  “I’m sure
you will,” Shade finally responded, though he didn’t sound too sure.

  “Here’s your drinks.” Dante set the two beers in front of Shade and Ambrose before walking around the circular table to sit next to Nadie. She frowned and stirred her drink again.

  Whatever was going on between the two of them wasn’t his business. The thought of a dragon liking the innocent woman in front of him made Shade want to laugh, though he didn’t. One did not laugh at a dragon and walk away, not even a millennia-old angel.

  Shade took a sip of the hoppy brew and smiled. Nice. The dragon had good taste.

  “Good?” Lily asked.

  “Very. Your friend has good taste.”

  She smiled, and he gave into temptation and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. She shivered, and he smiled. So responsive.

  Dammit. His job was nearing its end in terms of her part. He’d have to break into her workplace soon, and he would never be able to see her again.

  He’d have to talk to Ambrose. His mentor would have an idea of what to do. No matter what, Shade couldn’t be done with Lily. He needed a taste of her.

  “When are you free again?” Shade asked.

  Ambrose scowled in his direction. Shade didn’t care. He needed to see this woman again. Shade hadn’t done anything for himself in so long; he needed this.

  “Um, I don’t know.” She bit her lip, and Shade wanted to taste the juicy flesh.

  “How about tomorrow?”

  “I think I can do that.”

  He could feel the gazes of the four people at their table, but Shade ignored them. Yes, it was awkward asking a woman out with an audience such as theirs, but he’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  “How does dinner sound?”


  “I can pick you up at six if you’d like.”

  “On your motorcycle?” she asked, eagerness in her tone.

  He bit back a groan at the thought of her legs wrapped around his bike and then him.

  “That can be arranged.”

  “Okay, that sounds nice.” She smiled shyly, and he smiled back.

  He took a sip of his beer, the rest of their party doing the same.

  He had a date with a pretty green-eyed woman.

  He only had to make sure they didn’t take down the entire supernatural race in the process.


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