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Page 68

by Blake_Harte_Quinn_Ryan_Rylon



  He entered her, slowly, oh, so slowly. He filled her, and her core contracted around him.

  “Oh, God, Lily, you’re so tight.” His neck strained, and she kissed him at the base of his throat.

  “Let yourself go. You won’t hurt me. I trust you.”

  He gave a harsh chuckle. “You have no idea how much I want to, but this first time will be slow. Let’s just get to know one another.”

  When he was fully inside of her, she moaned. “We’re about as close as we can get.”

  He kissed her again then pulled out before rocking back in. Her hips met each thrust until she came again, her body shuddering under his. He rolled until she was sitting on top of him, his cock buried deep within her.

  “Shade, I don’t think I can come again.”

  “You can, and you will, my Lily. Ride me.”

  She placed her hands on his chest while he gripped her hips, and she rode. He lifted up so he went deeper than they had when she was beneath him, his cock reaching that fabled place she hadn’t known existed. Her body felt hyper-sensitive. Every time the tip of his cock hit that spot, tendrils of pleasure wrapped around her, and sped her heart.

  “Lily, I’m gonna…open your eyes for me.”

  She looked down at his fractured blue eyes and came, her body rolling in heat and energy, his cock twitching as he came deep within her inside the condom. The room glowed in an eerie light. She looked down at her body…

  Wait. Was she glowing?

  What the hell?

  She fell on top of Shade’s chest and panted. What was going on? Her body ached with spent need and sleep pulled at her.

  She tried to fight it, she needed to know what it was. Why did she glow? Why couldn’t she stay awake? Shade rubbed her back and she fell into the abyss, pleased beyond all recognition.

  She was his, if only for the moment.

  Chapter 11

  Ambrose clenched his fists as he walked the long golden hallway toward Striker’s chambers. He didn’t want to be here, but he didn’t have a choice. He had lived long enough to know that choices never existed when it came to the council, something he deeply hated.

  However, the events that were unfolding did not make sense to him, nor his brother-in-arms, Shade. How had the humans obtained such a large quantity of Shade’s dust? Anything over a few specks in one place was unheard of, even for Shade. It was just too coincidental for him that the council happened to find out. Not to mention the file they had on Lily. The angels only had files on humans that may be a threat to the angelic existence. Why had the council found Lily dangerous before this incident? He didn’t like it one bit. He had to do an investigation of his own to see what he could do to protect his friend, for Shade was the only thing in his life he had anymore and he could not lose him. The business of this mysterious blue dust made no sense.

  How had the council caught word of its presence? Why was one particular member so enraptured with it? Striker was a weasel of an angel and not worth the air he flew in, but he was Ambrose’s superior.

  Not by power, but by choice. Ambrose had turned down the very seat the brown-winged angel sat upon, a fact that rubbed Striker the wrong way. Well, he supposed that was an upside to this.

  He walked into the greeting room and bit back a snarl. The room stank of opulence. It was ornate and gaudy. How on earth could anyone live like this? It seemed to encroach into his space and suffocate him as he ventured farther into the room.

  The doors opened, and the gold-robed angel walked through it. Ambrose held back the urge to roll his eyes.

  Come on, get with the times and buy a pair of jeans.

  Even an angel as old as he tried new things and had given up the idea of robes and the Greek system.

  “Hello, Ambrose. Can I offer you a refreshing beverage?”


  Striker stood and waited for Ambrose to say more. That wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.

  “Well, then. Tell me, Ambrose, why are you here?” He asked as he sat on a throne-like chair in the middle of the room.


  “I want to discuss the origins of the dust.”

  Striker scowled. “You know whom it came from. It is your friend’s.”

  “Obviously, but how did the human obtain it?”

  Striker threw up his hands. “How am I to know? It is Shade’s fault.”

  This wasn’t going anywhere.

  “How did the council come upon the knowledge it had fallen into the humans’ hands?”

  Striker smiled. “Does it matter? Your protégé lost it. It’s his job to clean it up. It would be unwise to question the judgment of the council.”

  Ambrose inwardly scoffed. Shade had done all the work to find out everything he could about Lily, to understand who she was and to do his best not to hurt her. Yet, it was looking like he might have to. Ambrose wanted to know why and how this had happened.

  He didn't trust Striker.

  Striker glared. “You better leave now to go help Shade, or it might be too late.”

  An uneasy feeling went through Ambrose.

  “This is not the end of our conversation, Striker.”

  “I’m afraid it is. Leave.”

  Ambrose glared but did as he was told. He would be of no help to Shade if he had to deal with the council. What was going on? Something wasn’t right, but Ambrose would find what it was, soon.

  * * * *

  Shade lay beneath Lily, her warm body draped over him in sleep, his cock still half-hard deep inside her. He looked down at her and brushed the bangs from her face.

  God, she was beautiful. He knew that she was attractive, but when she’d lain beneath him, urging him to take her…he’d almost lost it.

  Speaking of almost losing it…his wings had almost burst from his back during sex. That had never happened before, not even with Cora. He had thrust into her, and his body had wanted to rejoice and fly. He’d had to flip them so she rode him so his wings would stay put, though the sight of her riding his cock would keep him hard for days.

  What had happened when they came? He was pretty sure she’d glowed as she fell on his chest. That wasn’t normal. He hadn’t slept with a human in many years, but he was pretty sure that, when one of his kind slept with a human, the human didn’t turn into a fucking light bulb.

  He snuggled closer to her, their bodies entwined in the most intimate of ways. He closed his eyes, contented and slept.

  Lily’s body twitched, and Shade woke and slid his cock out of her. Before he could shift, her entire body convulsed, her spine arching. The morning sun broke through the room. He could see her body shaking.

  “Lily! What’s wrong?”

  She opened her eyes, and she stared off in the distance with a glassy gaze.


  Her body rocked in his arms, and she screamed.

  His heart broke as she screamed in pain, tears leaking from her eyes.

  “Oh, God, baby.”

  A convulsion hit her so bad she almost fell off the bed. He maneuvered them until he lay on top of her, holding her down.

  “Shh, please stop. I don’t know what’s going on, so I can’t fix it. Lily, wake up, baby.” She shuddered below him, her screams lowering to whimpers.

  He lifted slightly off her as her movements subsided to dull tremors. A gold dust covered her entire body, as if it were a part of her skin. Her eyes fluttered then her body went limp beneath him.


  He brushed a thumb against her cheek, the gold dust coming off like his own angel dust, but her skin remained a golden hue.

  Shade lifted completely off her and almost fell on his ass.

  Holy. Shit.

  The dust didn’t rub off—it was her skin. Her body radiated a warm energy of earth and home…as if the ‘real’ Lily had been released. She was a brownie, a fairy tale creature that lived in children’s books, not real life.

An honest-to-God brownie. How had that happened?

  Everything started the click. The storm, her odd energy, the fact that he’d felt drawn to her even though it was against his assignment.

  Something had happened to change her from human to a brownie.

  The storm. Dammit. He and Ambrose had known something was wrong and lightning had struck somewhere. Whatever had happened, it had affected Lily.

  The ramification of what this meant to her, her life, her world, and lastly, how it would affect him, made his mind roll. He stood and paced throughout the room.

  What was he going to do? How was he going to explain what was going on with her when his whole purpose of being here was to keep all of this shit secret? He was falling in love with this woman, he couldn’t just let her fend for herself. She was his—if only for the moment. He’d help her. He had to help her deal with what was to come. This was going to change everything she’d ever known. Her entire genetic makeup had been forever altered, or at least the dormant supernatural DNA had been triggered to react.

  Oh, and he’d just had the best sex of his life.

  Lily stirred, and Shade went to her. “Lily.”

  Her eyes fluttered open. “Shade? What happened?” Her voice was hoarse, strained. She rubbed her hand across her face and froze. “Oh, my God.”

  “Lily, it’ll be okay.” He grabbed her other hand and sat next to her.

  “What do you mean? What’s going on with me? I’m gold! Oh, God. I’m a mutant!” She wiggled from his hold, her breasts bouncing against his arm.

  This is not the time to get a hard-on, Shade.

  “I know you’re gold, but it’ll be fine.”

  “Fine? Fine! Is that all you can say? What the hell is wrong with me?” Her body pulsated with energy, and he held her closer.

  “Lily, there is nothing wrong with you. You’re a brownie.”

  Oh, good; just blurt it out because that will solve things.

  “A brownie? What ’s a brownie?” She bit her lip as her eyes fluttered, her mind working over time. She shook her head. “No, I don’t care. Those don’t exist. I’m sick. You’re crazy, Shade.”

  She pulled from his arms and walked naked around the room. He forced himself not to stare at her curves. This wasn’t the time.

  “Lily, I’m not crazy. Neither are you. You’re a brownie. That’s why your skin is gold.”

  “Just how do you know that, Shade?” She might sound mad, but the quiver in her voice told Shade that she was scared out of her mind.

  He stood up and walked toward her. When she didn’t back away, he held her close.

  “I’ve known about the supernatural for a while.” He didn’t want to tell her just how long he’d known and what he was just yet. She had enough to deal with. Honestly, he was scared to death about her reaction.

  “What…how…I mean…” Her wide eyes looked ready to storm over and her chest heaved. “And you never told me about the supernaturals? Did you…did you know I was a brownie?”

  “No, baby, I didn’t know. How was I supposed to bring the other stuff up in conversation?”

  “Am I going to die?”

  “No, Lily. This isn’t a disease.” Well, at least he hoped not.

  “How am I supposed to go out in public?” She buried her face in his chest, and he held her closer.

  “I’ll help you. You can learn to control your powers.”

  “I don’t even know what a brownie is, Shade. Is this a dream?” She closed her eyes and pinched herself. “Damn.”

  “No, not a dream.” He kissed her brow, rubbed the place where she’d pinched herself, and rocked her as they stood naked in her room. This wasn’t exactly how he’d imagined their post-coital bliss.

  “Oh, God. The storm.”

  “What do you mean?” He had his guesses as to what had happened to her, but he needed to hear it from her.

  She gulped. “It was supposed to be a secret, but considering I’m standing here, naked in your arms and gold, I think I can tell you. The storm a few days ago…was it only a few days ago?” She shook her head, and he kissed her temple. “Lightning struck Dante’s Circle and shocked me, my six girlfriends, and Dante. We all were fine except for a few bumps and bruises.”

  Dear God. He held her close, not wanting to let go. She could have been killed.

  “Oh, no! My friends!”

  “We’ll figure this out. Come on.”

  He went to her drawers and pulled out a perfectly folded T-shirt and a pair of jeans. He found a matching pair of panties next to its bra and then helped her get dressed. Even though he tried his best to be clinical about it, he still ached when her nipples pebbled as he put on her bra. The goldfish hue to her skin just made her look more beautiful, and accentuated her green eyes. He groaned with desire, but continued to dress her. When she was ready, he pulled on his jeans and led her to her living room. He couldn’t think when they were standing next to the bed where they had made love.

  He put the kettle on and found some tea bags in her alphabetized kitchen. When things calmed down, he would have to ask her what else she needed done so he didn’t mess up her system in the future.

  Wait. Future? He shook his head. This wasn’t the time to think about that.

  “What does this all mean, Shade?” She had sat on the couch and wrapped her arms around her legs, her posture much like the time when he had first spoken to her in the park.

  “I don’t know yet. No matter what, I’ll protect you.”

  “Protect me?” Her eyes widened, and she paled beneath the gold.

  Dammit. He didn’t mean to scare her any more than she already was. However, if she was truly a human turned brownie—or an awakened brownie, that sounded better—she might be in danger. Not to mention the fact that the angelic council, if not all the councils, wanted her silenced. Something this big didn’t get swept under the rug.

  “I only mean to do everything to make sure you’re all right,” he lied.

  She looked into his eyes, and he felt like an ass. “Okay. Shade, this happened after…you know…” She blushed, and he wanted to kiss her again. “Did you do this to me?”

  His heart fell to his stomach. “No. I mean, at least I don’t think so.” For all he knew, it could be his fault.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that this hasn’t happened before. At least, not to me.”


  “I’ve slept with both supernaturals and humans, but none of them have turned into a new form after sex.”

  “I really don’t want to hear about you with other women right now.”

  Shade grimaced. “Sorry. Let’s just calm down, okay?”

  “Calm down? Look at all this dust! How am I supposed to stay clean, keep things clean? It’ll get everywhere!” Her chest heaved, and she got off the couch and started straightening the already straight furniture.

  He took her hand and pulled her to his naked chest. “Lily, stop. We’ll find a way to fix this. I promise.”

  She shook her head, and he took her lips. She melted into him, and he licked her tongue, loving her strawberry taste. He pulled back and pushed her hair from her face. “Shh, my Lily. We can make you look human. Just think about what you look like normally. Close your eyes. Shh. You can do it.”

  Lily closed her eyes and let out a whimper then steeled herself. Good girl. He didn’t think he could deal with tears right now. Shade leaned forward and kissed her temples, her brows, and then her soft lips. Slowly, she turned back to her human form.

  She opened her eyes, looked down, and they both exhaled. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, my Lily.” He really needed to stop saying that. As much as he wanted her to be his Lily, he couldn’t even think about that.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “I need to go.”

  “Go?” She pulled back, her eyes wide.

  He leaned forward and kissed her nose. “I need to talk to someone who may know more about
this, but don’t worry. I will be back.”

  “Can I tell my friends? They may be affected, as well.”

  Shaded sighed. This was getting more and more complicated, but he didn’t see another option. “Yes, but you all must keep this secret. Please. You have to promise me.”

  She kissed his chin. “I promise. It will just be the eight of us and you.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He kissed her again, hard.

  When he pulled back, she looked dazed, but he had to leave her before he made love to her again, he had more important things to do; at least that’s what he told himself. As he walked out, he looked over his shoulder one more time. She looked fragile, but strong. No matter what happened, she would be all right. She had to be. Shade didn’t want to think of another outcome. The green-eyed beauty had already settled into his heart, and he didn’t want to let her go.

  Chapter 12

  Later that day, Lily put her face under the spray as she fought to control her emotions. Her pale skin hadn’t returned to that gold color, and she could almost think everything was a dream.

  She didn’t think it was.

  She was a brownie.

  Whatever that was.

  She could have done a search on the Internet, but she was afraid of the answers. What if what she found out said she’d turn into a monster that killed people? Why hadn’t she asked Shade exactly what she was? Oh, yeah, she was too busy freaking out over the fact that she was gold. That wasn’t like her normally. She usually could step back and look at things analytically, but she couldn’t seem to do it then.

  What was she going to do?

  The water ran down her body, and she finished cleaning before turning it off and wrapping herself in a plush towel she loved. The mirror had steamed up, and she tugged a hand towel across it to clear it away. She’d have to clean it fully later since she’d just gotten towel particles all over it, and it would frustrate her…but what did it matter anymore?

  Wow. Talk about an about-face.

  Her reflection stared back at her, and she almost didn’t recognize herself. Her eyes were bright, and her cheeks flushed. Was it because of the shower? Her new…powers? Or Shade?


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